3B Scientific Liquid Levels User Manual

Communicating Tubes U58020
Instruction sheet
01/10 ALF
1. Safety instructions
The Communicating Tubes apparatus is made of glass. There is a risk of breakage and therefore of injury!
Handle the glass vessel carefully
Avoid an exertion of mechanical loads on the
Be careful when using coloured water not to
let it splash on your clothes, for example.
2. Description
The apparatus Communicating Tubes is used for demonstrating levels of liquid in linked tubes.
It consists of four differently shaped glass tubes that are open at the tops and are connected to­gether, the whole apparatus being mounted on a base.
3. Technical data
Height: 195 mm approx.
4. Operation
It is practical to use coloured water during the experiments. Recommended colouring dye:
Indigo Solution U8410620
Slowly fill the large glass cylinder to a level of
about 2/3 with water. During this, observe the water levels in the four tubes.
As a demonstration, tilt the apparatus toward
either side and check the water level again in each case.
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