2Wire, Inc. reserves the right to make any modification to this manual or the information contained herein at any time without notice.
The software described herein is governed by the terms of a separate user license agreement.
Updates and additions to software may require an additional charge. Subscriptions to online service providers may require a fee and
credit card information. Financial services may require prior arrangements with participating financial institutions.
2Wire, the 2Wire logo, and HomePortal are registered trademarks, and HyperG, Greenlight, FullPass, and GuestPass are trademarks
of 2Wire, Inc. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners.
The 2Wire gateway allows you to create a network with your computers and peripheral devices. Following
are just a few of the benefits derived from using the 2Wire gateway to network your home or office.
High performance integrated modem. 2Wire’s technology improves DSL
homes further away from the local exchange. It also minimizes common interference found when other
devices (such as dimmer switches or fluorescent lighting) are in contact with the DSL line.
Super-fast router. The 2Wire gateway’s router provides the fastest data transfer speeds available between
your network and the Internet. The high-performance router distributes data seamlessly to all of the
computers on your network, without a dramatic loss of performance or speed.
Professional-grade firewall. The 2Wire gateway firewall includes both standard NAT/PAT security and
Stateful Packet Inspection to defend against Denial of Service Internet attacks.
performance, especially for
Flexible networking. The 2Wire gateway includes a variety of home networking technologies in one box:
Ethernet, direct USB, and HyperG wireless
with your computers and peripherals.
. Use any or all of the following technologies to create a network
Networking Technology Overview
Ethernet. Ethernet is a local area network (LAN) technology that transmits information between computers
at speeds of 10 or 100 Mbps. 2Wire gateways have either 1 or 4 Ethernet ports for directly connecting
computers or devices. If your home or office is wired for Ethernet, you can use the Ethernet interface(s) on
the gateway to create a broadband network.
USB. The 2Wire gateway’s USB 1.1 port allows you to directly connect a computer or other network-ready
Wireless. The 2Wire gateway includes an integrated wireless access point, which allows users to roam
wirelessly throughout the home or office. 2Wire’s high-powered wireless technology virtually eliminates
wireless “coldspots” in the home. The 2Wire gateway’s high power 400mW transmitter ensures that users
benefit from increased wireless bandwidth throughout the coverage area. In addition, the 2Wire gateway
employs a special triple antenna design. The third antenna is used only for transmitting packets, thus
mitigating the power loss associated with switching the antenna use back and forth between transmit and
receive. This results in greater access point sensitivity, as antenna placement can be better optimized with
a dedicated set of receive-only antennas.
1. The 200 series gateways connect via Ethernet.
2. Some interfaces are not available on specific models.
System Tab
This chapter describes the 2Wire gateway System features.
Note: 2Wire recommends that you use Internet Explorer 5.5 (or higher) or Netscape 6 (or
Viewing Your System Summary
The System Summary page provides general information and links to your system’s most commonly used
To access the System Summary page:
•Open a Web browser and access the gateway user interface by entering
•Click the System tab to open the System Summary page.
Figure 1. System Summary Page
System Tab
System Area
Network Area
Link Area
Network at a Glance Panel
The Network at a Glance panel provides a summary of the System, Broadband Link, and Home Network
states of your gateway.
Figure 2. Network at a Glance Panel
System Area of the Network at a Glance Panel
The System area of the Network at a Glance panel displays your 2Wire gateway model name, the version of
gateway software that you are using, and the status of your gateway password.
The diamond symbol in this area indicates the gateway’s
POWER light status and corresponds to the Power
light on the front of your gateway.
The following table shows a list of possible
POWER light states and their associated meanings:
Power LightCondition
OffPower is not being supplied to the system. The power supply is not
plugged in correctly, or the power adapter has malfunctioned.
Blinking GreenThe system is performing a self test.
Solid GreenPower is on.
Blinking OrangeThe gateway is undergoing a software upgrade.
Solid RedSystem error. Contact Technical Support.
System Tab
If you have not set a system password, the Set system password link displays. If you have set a password,
the Change system password
link displays. You must enter the system password whenever you change
system settings.
Note: For additional information, refer to “Setting a System Password” on page 7.
Click the Privacy policy
link to review the 2Wire privacy policy.
Broadband Link Area of the Network at a Glance Panel
The Broadband Link area of the Network at a Glance panel displays the overall status of your gateway’s
physical connectivity.
The diamond symbol in this area indicates the overall status of the broadband link and corresponds to the
Internet light on the front of your gateway.
The following table shows a list of possible
BROADBAND LINK light states and their associated meanings:
Broadband Link LightCondition
OffThe gateway has been unable to detect a DSL
DSL signal detected; the gateway is
attempting to train.
Solid GreenThe gateway is fully connected to your
broadband service(s).
Connection Speed displays the broadband speed for which DSL is configured by your ISP. Both the Incoming
(or Downstream — from your service provider to your system) and Outgoing (or Upstream — from your
system to your service provider) connection rates are shown. The actual throughput of your Internet
connection rate (such as downloading a file from a Web site) will be somewhat less, because of the
overhead required to send information over the Internet.
Accessing the Broadband Link Summary Page
The Broadband Link Summary page provides general information about the current status of your
broadband link connection and your system configuration. To access the Broadband Link Summary page,
click the
Broadband Link icon or the View summary link.
Launching the 2Wire Bandwidth Meter
The Bandwidth Meter measures the maximum data throughput obtained from 2Wire’s Web site to your
system. Because it tests the speed over the Internet, your results may vary, depending on Internet
conditions. To launch the 2Wire Bandwidth Meter, click the Test connection speed
Home Network Area of the Network at a Glance Panel
The Home Network area of the Network at a Glance panel displays your system’s
status and a list of the devices currently connected to your local network.
System Tab
The diamond symbol in this area indicates the overall status of the network and corresponds to the
Ethernet, USB, or Wireless light on the front of your gateway.
Ethernet, USB, or Wireless LightCondition
OffThe gateway is powered off or booting up.
Solid GreenDevice(s) connected via Ethernet, USB, or Wireless.
Accessing the Home Network Summary Page
The Home Network Summary page displays information about the devices installed on your network. To
access the Home Network Summary page, click the View the home network
Enabling Enhanced Services
2Wire provides a suite of enhanced services: Web Remote Access, Firewall Monitor, and Parental Controls.
If your service provider offers these enhanced services, links to set them up are available on the gateway
Home page. Following is a brief description of these services.
Web Remote Access
The Web Remote Access enhanced service allows you to access your home computer files from remote
locations using any standard Web browser. Web Remote Access authenticates and encrypts access
between the Web browser and the 2Wire gateway, enabling you to securely access and download important
files or manage other enhanced services such as Parental Controls or Firewall Monitor.
You can optionally define a unique Web Domain Name during setup (for example, http://
myname.accessmyhome.net), making it easy for users that are allowed to access the home network to
manage the gateway when away from the home.
For additional information, please refer to the Web Remote Access User Guide.
Firewall Monitor
The 2Wire Firewall Monitor enhanced service extends the professional-grade firewall capabilities of your
2Wire gateway by continuously assessing threats to your home network. Firewall Monitor allows you to:
•Automatically download updates to your firewall software to protect against new threats.
•Receive on-screen notification to alert you of network attacks.
•Review details about attacks blocked and the source of the attacks.
For additional information, please refer to the Firewall Monitor User Guide.
System Tab
Parental Controls
The 2Wire Parental Controls enhanced service offers two features that allow parents to maintain control
over what their children can access on the Internet, and how often: Content Screening and Internet Access
Content Screening allows you to protect your children from Websites with questionable content. You control
what sites or types of sites your child can and cannot access. Internet Access Control gives you power to
decide when your child can use the Internet and allows you to restrict Internet access by day of week and
time of day.
For additional information, please refer to the Parental Controls User Guide.
System Tab
Setting a System Password
Setting a system password protects your gateway settings from being modified or changed by someone who
has not been given permission to do so. After setting a system password, you will be required to enter it
whenever you attempt to access a gateway configuration page — for example, if you try to change the
gateway’s broadband connection settings or upgrade the gateway software. If a password has not been set,
a reminder notice is displayed when you attempt to access pages where settings can be changed.
To set your system password:
•Open a Web browser and access the gateway user interface by entering
•Click the
System tab.
•Click the System Password
System Password page.
link in the System area of the Network at a Glance panel to open the Edit
Figure 3. Edit System Password Page
In the Settings panel, click the Enable checkbox.
2. In the Enter New Password field, enter your password.
3. In the Confirm New Password field, re-enter your password.
System Tab
4. Optional: In the Enter Your Hint field, enter a hint.
A hint is a word, phrase, or question that reminds you what the password is. There is an I forgot the
password link on the password entry page. When you click this link, it shows you your hint and allows
you to enter your password.
5. Click SAVE.
To disable password protection, deselect the
Enable checkbox and click SAVE.
To safeguard your network against unauthorized users, it is also a good practice to periodically change your
Resetting the System Password
If you forget your password and still cannot remember it
after seeing your hint, click the
I still can’t remember the password
The Reset System Password page opens.
Figure 4. Reset System Password Page
System Tab
To reset your system password:
1. Contact technical support and provide the 20-digit key listed on the Reset System Password screen. A
support representative will provide you with a temporary password.
2. In the Enter Temporary Password field, enter the temporary password provided by the technical support
representative. You must enter the temporary password within 15 minutes of speaking with technical
3. In the Enter New Password field, enter a new system password of your choosing.
4. In the Confirm New Password field, re-enter the system password.
5. In the Enter Your Hint field, enter an appropriate hint as described under “Setting a System Password”
on page 7.
6. Click Submit.
Changing Your Time Zone Settings
The 2Wire gateway sets the time automatically using time servers on the Internet. It retrieves date/time
information in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Your local time is set using the Time Zone setting you
configured when you set up your system. If your Time Zone is incorrectly set, you can change it in the Edit
Date and Time Settings page.
To change your time zone settings:
•Open a Web browser and access the gateway user interface by entering http://gateway.2wire.net.
•Click the
•Click the Date and Time Settings
System tab.
link in the System area of the Network at a Glance panel to open the
Edit Date and Time Settings page.
Figure 5. Edit Date and Time Settings Page
From the drop-down menu, select the time zone.
2. Click SAVE.
System Tab
System Tab
Viewing System Details
The System Details page provides information about your gateway, any enhanced services you may have,
and provides a link that you can use to restart your system.
To view the System Details page:
•Open a Web browser and access the gateway user interface by entering http://gateway.2wire.net.
•Click the
•Click the View details
Details page.
Figure 6. View System Details Page
The Restart the system link restarts your system. Your network connections and your broadband
connectivity will be briefly disrupted until your system restarts and broadband connectivity is
re-established with your broadband service provider.
System tab.
link in the System area of the Network at a Glance panel to open the View System
The View available upgrades and options
enhanced services. If your gateway is running the latest software or enhanced services are not available,
the following message displays.
link accesses a page that displays available software upgrades or
Broadband Link Tab
This chapter describes the 2Wire gateway Broadband Link features, and provides detailed instructions on
how to customize your broadband settings.
Viewing Your Broadband Link Summary
The Broadband Link Summary page provides general information about the current status of your
broadband link connection and your system configuration.
To access your Broadband Link Summary:
•Open a Web browser and access the gateway user interface by entering
•Click the
•Click the Summary
Figure 7. View Broadband Link Summary Page
The Connection panel shows information about your gateway’s connection to the Internet. The elements
displayed will vary, depending on your gateway model and the type of broadband service you have.
Broadband Link tab.
link under the tab to open the View Broadband Link Summary page.
Connection Status
There are two ways you can check the current status of your gateway’s broadband connection: you can use
DSL and Internet indicator lights on the front of your gateway, or, if your computer is connected to the
network, you can view the user interface.
Broadband Link Tab
Connection Speed
Connection Speed shows the incoming and outgoing data rates of your DSL connection, measured in
kilobits per second (Kbps). Incoming is the speed of data flowing from the Internet to your network;
Outgoing is the speed of data flowing from your network to the Internet.
Connection Information
Connection Information shows the following basic system configuration information:
•Internet Address. The broadband IP address assigned by your service provider to your gateway so that
it can communicate on the Internet. This address is assigned to you by your Internet Service Provider
for all communication on the Internet, and can either be Static (permanently assigned and manually
entered) or Dynamic (automatically assigned and configured), depending on your subscribed service
•Hardware Address. (Also known as the MAC address, physical address or, if you are a cable customer,
the C number.) When your gateway is connected to the broadband network, an association is made
between its unique hardware address and its Internet address before it can communicate to the
Note:This field displays the hardware address only if the gateway is connected to the Internet via PPPoE.
•Key Code. The activation code that tells your gateway how to connect to your service provider. The key
code is used during the installation process to customize the setup screens and settings for your
broadband provider.
Finding Your Hardware Address
If required to find your Hardware (MAC) address, refer to the following table and follow the instructions for
your operating system.
Windows OSMacintosh 8.x & 9.xMacintosh OS X
1. Click the Start menu.
2. Click Run.
3. Enter “cmd” in the
entry field.
4. Click OK.
5. At the C:\> prompt,
enter “ipconfig/all”.
6. Locate the Physical
address (for example,
7. To close the window,
1. Click the Apple icon.
2. Select Control Panels.
3. Select TCP/IP.
4. From the Configure
pulldown menu, select
Built-in Ethernet.
5. From the File menu,
Get Info. Your MAC
address appears as
either the Hardware
Address or the Ethernet
1. Click the Apple icon.
2. Select System
3. Click the Network icon.
4. Click the TCP/IP tab.
5. From the Configure
pulldown menu, select
Built-in Ethernet. Your
MAC address appears in
the lower-left corner as
the Ethernet Address.
enter “exit” at the
C:\> prompt.
Broadband Link Tab
Connection Details
The View connection details link accesses the Broadband Link Details page, which displays technical
information about your broadband connection. Technical support representatives use this information to
help troubleshoot problems with your broadband connection.
Figure 8. View Broadband Link Details Page
The following table shows the information that may be displayed on the Broadband Link Details page.
Note: The information displayed depends on the type of broadband service you have and your
gateway model.
Broadband Link Tab
DSL Connection
DSL Line (Wire Pair)The DSL signal can be transmitted on Line 1 (inner pair) or
Line 2 (outer pair). During installation, the gateway
automatically detects on which line the DSL signal is being
ProtocolDisplays which DSL protocol is being used to communicate
between your system and your service provider.
Downstream RateThe speed at which data comes over your broadband
connection from the Internet to your network, measured in
kilobits per second (kbps).
Upstream RateThe speed at which data goes over your broadband
connection from your network to the Internet, measured in
kilobits per second (kbps).
ChannelThe setting in this field is determined by your ISP’s DSLAM
Current Noise MarginIndicates how much the noise on the DSL line can increase
before it begins to affect the DSL signal. As the noise on the
DSL line increases, the margin will approach zero. If the noise
exceeds the current noise margin, the DSL signal will be lost.
The level is measured in decibels (dBs).
Current AttenuationRepresents the decrease in signal strength between
origination of the DSL (Central Office) and your gateway.
Customers who live close to their Central Office usually will
have less signal loss and a low current attenuation. The level
is measured in decibels (dBs).
Current Output PowerThe current DSL transmit power of your gateway. The level is
measured in decibels (dBs).
DSLAM Vendor InformationA DSLAM is the piece of equipment located in the Central
Office (CO) that provides the DSL signal to your DSL line. The
Vendor Information identifies information about the
configuration of this equipment.
PVC InfoDisplays the pair of numbers that uniquely identifies the ATM
virtual circuit between the system and the provider of your
DSL service.
Internet Connection Details
Connection TypeIdentifies the method by which the gateway connects to the
Internet Service Provider (ISP): PPPoE, PPPoA, or Direct.
Broadband Link Tab
UsernameThe name used to connect with your Internet Service Provider
(ISP). Your username was either assigned to you or configured
by you during the install process. The correct username is
required to successfully connect to the Internet.
Internet AddressA number that is assigned to a computer so that it can
communicate on a network and on the Internet. This address
is assigned to you by your Internet Service Provider for all
communication on the Internet, and can be either Static
(permanently assigned and manually entered) or Dynamic
(automatically assigned and configured).
The typical configuration is for your ISP to automatically
assign and configure an Internet address (Dynamic) when your
system connects to the Internet.
Businesses or power users may use a static address enabling
them to run advanced services such as Internet servers and
video conferencing. Static addresses typically cost more
because they must be leased from the ISP.
If you receive your Internet address settings automatically, the
subnet mask has been set for you. If you manually set your
Internet address (Static IP), this is the information that was
provided to you by your ISP and entered by you during gateway
Subnet MaskPart of the Internet address settings and used in conjunction
with your Internet address. If you receive your Internet
address settings automatically, the subnet mask has been
set for you. If you manually set your Internet address (Static
IP), this is the information that was provided to you by your ISP
and entered by you during gateway installation.
Default GatewayPart of the Internet address settings. The default gateway is a
device your 2Wire gateway communicates with directly to give
you access to the Internet.
If you receive your Internet address settings automatically, the
subnet mask has been set for you. If you manually set your
Internet address (Static IP), this is the information that was
provided to you by your ISP and entered by you during the
system installation.
Broadband Link Tab
Primary Domain Name ServerPart of the Internet address settings. A domain name is a
meaningful, easy-to-remember “handle” for an Internet
address. The DNS allows Internet users to specify a name
(domain name) to reach a Web page (for example,
www.domainname.com) instead of its Internet address (for
example, When you enter the name of a
Web location (URL), the DNS looks up the name and resolves
it to the Web page’s Internet address.
If you receive your Internet address settings automatically, the
subnet mask has been set for you. If you manually set your
Internet address (static IP), this is the information that was
provided to you by your ISP and entered by you during gateway
Secondary Domain Name
Used as a backup if the Primary server fails to respond.
If you receive your Internet address settings automatically, the
subnet mask has been set for you. If you manually set your
Internet address (Static IP), this is the information that was
provided to you by your ISP and entered by you during the
system installation. This parameter may not be necessary and
may be left blank.
DomainThe name that associates your gateway with your ISP on the
broadband link. This parameter may not be necessary and
may be left blank.
If you receive your Internet address settings automatically, the
subnet mask has been set for you. If you manually set your
Internet address (Static IP), this is the information that was
provided to you by your ISP and entered by you during gateway
Maximum Transmission Unit
Shows the maximum size allowed on packets that are sent to
and from your network to your ISP.
Gateway PingThe 2Wire gateway periodically checks the connection
between itself and your ISP’s Default Gateway. This field
informs you that the check has been performed and whether
or not it was successful.
DNS CommunicationThe gateway periodically checks the connection between itself
and your ISP’s domain name server(s) to make sure DNS is
available. This field informs you that the check has been
performed and whether or not it was successful.
Configuration Server PostThe gateway periodically checks the connection between itself
and the 2Wire Component Management System. This field
informs you that the check has been performed and whether
or not it was successful.
Broadband Link Tab
Monitor Internet Connection
The Monitor Internet connection link launches the Speed Meter. The Speed Meter measures the actual rate
at which data is coming into (Incoming Kbps) and going out of (Outgoing Kbps) your system. It measures
real-time data throughput in Kilobits per second and displays in one-second intervals.
The Speed Meter monitors the actual data rates while connecting to a Web site. This data rate can differ
from the reported speed of your broadband connection due to many factors, including traffic to the Web site
or the speed of the Web servers at the site you are visiting.
Note: To use the Speed Meter, your browser must support Java 2.
Test Connection Speed
The Test connection speed link launches the 2Wire Bandwidth Meter. The Bandwidth Meter measures the
maximum download speed from 2Wire’s Web site to your system in Kilobits per second (Kbps).
The 2Wire Bandwidth Meter estimates your connection speed from the Internet. Because the Internet
consists of thousands of interconnections, your connection to a Web site could be affected by many
different factors. If you experience slow performance on a particular Web site, you can use the 2Wire
Bandwidth Meter to verify whether this is isolated to that particular Web site, or if it is a more general
occurrence. Because the 2Wire Bandwidth Meter measures the download speed from 2Wire’s Web site to
your computer and can be affected by many factors on the Internet, it is not an accurate measurement of
the service from your ISP.
Using Broadband Diagnostics
Diagnostics displays an itemized list of your broadband connection’s current status. Technical support
representatives use this information to help troubleshoot problems with your broadband connection.
To access the Broadband Link Diagnostics page:
•Open a Web browser and access the gateway user interface by entering
•Click the
Broadband Link tab.
Broadband Link Tab
•Click the Diagnostics link under the tab to open the Broadband Link Diagnostics page.
Figure 9. Broadband Link Diagnostics Page
To update the broadband link status, click REFESH.
To initiate a full test of your broadband link, click
TEST. The test will take several minutes, during which the
system reestablishes all broadband connections. You will not be able to access the Internet until the test is
Viewing Statistics
The View Broadband Link Statistics page shows statistics associated with the 2Wire gateway broadband
link, including cumulative DSL statistics.
To access the Broadband Link Statistics page:
•Open a Web browser and access the gateway user interface by entering
•Click the
Broadband Link tab.
Broadband Link Tab
•Click the Statistics link under the tab to open the View Broadband Link Statistics page.
Figure 10. View Broadband Link Statistics Page
The Transmit and Receive Data panel displays the following information.
•Transmit. The cumulative number of IP packets transmitted, the cumulative number of IP payload bytes
transmitted, and the number and percentage transmitted in error.
•Receive. The number of bytes and packets received, and the number and percentage received in error.
The Data Errors panel displays the following information.
Data ErrorDescription
ATM Cell Header ErrorsThe number of ATM cell header CRC errors since the 2Wire gateway
was last restarted, and the elapsed time since the last cell header
ATM Loss of Cell DelineationThe number of ATM loss of cell delineation errors since the 2Wire
gateway was last restarted, and the elapsed time since the last
loss of cell delineation error.
Broadband Link Tab
Data ErrorDescription
DSL Link RetrainsThe number of DSL retrains since the 2Wire gateway was last
restarted, and the time elapsed since the last retrain.
DSL Training ErrorsThe number of failed DSL retrains since the 2Wire gateway was
last restarted, and the elapsed time since the last failed retrain.
DSL Training TimeoutsThe number of timeouts waiting for response from ATU-C since the
2Wire gateway was last restarted, and the elapsed time since the
last initialization timeout.
DSL Loss of Framing FailuresThe number of DSL loss of framing failures since the 2Wire
gateway was last restarted, and the elapsed time since the last
line search initialization.
DSL Loss of Signal FailuresThe number of DSL loss of signal failures since the 2Wire gateway
was last restarted, and the elapsed time since the last loss of
signal failure.
DSL Loss of Power FailuresThe number of DSL loss of power indications from the ATU-C since
the 2Wire gateway was last restarted, and the elapsed time since
the last loss of power indication.
DSL Loss of Margin FailuresThe number of DSL loss-of-margin failures at current data rate
since the 2Wire gateway was last restarted, and the elapsed time
since the last loss of margin failure.
DSL Cumulative Errored
DSL Severely Errored SecondsThe number of severely errored seconds since the 2Wire gateway
DSL Corrected BlocksThe number of corrected DSL superframes that had data errors
DSL Uncorrected BlocksThe number of uncorrected DSL superframes that had data errors
ISP Connection EstablishmentThe number of times the ISP connection was established since the
The number of cumulative errored seconds since the 2Wire
gateway was last restarted, and the elapsed time since the last
was last restarted, and the elapsed time since the last severely
errored second.
detected during reception.
statistics were last reset, and the elapsed time since the last
Using Advanced Settings
The Advanced Settings page allows you to manually configure your DSL and Internet connection settings.
Typically, these settings are automatically provided by your service provider. You should adjust these
settings ONLY if you are very familiar with DSL and networking technology.
To access the Broadband Link Advanced Settings page:
•Open a Web browser and access the gateway user interface by entering
Broadband Link Tab
•Click the
Broadband Link tab.
•Click the Advanced Settings
link under the tab to open the Broadband Link Advanced Settings page.
Figure 11. Broadband Link Advanced Settings Page
Broadband Link Tab
Modifying DSL and ATM Settings
By default, the gateway automatically detects which DSL line to use. The DSL and ATM panel allows you to
select a DSL line and manually configure your ATM settings.
1. From the DSL Line Selection drop-down menu, select Automatic, Line 1 (inner pair), or Line 2 (outer
2. In the ATM Circuit Identifier VPI and VCI fields, enter the VPI and VCI you want the gateway to use to
connect to your ISP.
3. From the ATM Encapsulation drop-down menu, select Bridged LLC, Bridged VC-Mux, Routed LLC, or
Routed VC-Mux.
4. In the ATM/PVC Search field, click the Enabled or Disabled radio button.
5. Click SAVE.
Modifying Broadband Connection Settings
The Broadband Connection panel allows you to modify your broadband connection.
1. From the Connection Type drop-down menu, select the connection type: PPPoE, PPPoA, Direct IP (DHCP
or Static), or Routed IPoA.
If you connect via PPPoE or PPPoA, proceed to step 2. If you connect via Direct IP or Routed IPoA,
proceed to step 5. Direct IP and Routed IPoA connections do not require a user name or password.
2. In the Username field, enter your user name.
3. In the Password field, enter your password.
4. In the Confirm Password field, re-enter your password.
5. In the PPP on Demand field, enter a value for the length of time you wish the PPP session to remain
If the value is set to 0, the PPP session will not time-out (it will be always-on). If the value is between 1
to 10080 minutes, the PPP session will time-out if the gateway doesn’t detect outbound traffic destined
for the Internet in the specified time.
6. Click SAVE.
Modifying the Hardware Address
By default, the gateway uses its built-in hardware address. The Hardware Address Override panel allows you
to manually override the MAC address of the broadband connection, which is sometimes required for cable
modems that perform MAC address authentication.
1. Click the Override the built-in hardware address radio button.
2. In the Hardware Address field, enter the alternative hardware address.
3. Click SAVE.
Broadband Link Tab
Enabling Hostname Override
In the DHCP Host Name field, enter the DHCP host name you want the gateway to use. This field is only
relevant if your ISP uses DHCP host name authentication.
Modifying the Broadband IP
By default, the gateway automatically obtains its Internet address. The Broadband IP panel allows you to
manually configure your Internet address settings.
1. Click the Manually configure IP address settings radio button.
2. In the IP address field, enter the IP address you want the gateway to use.
3. In the Subnet Mask field, enter the subnet mask you want the gateway to use.
4. In the Default Gateway field, enter the default gateway address you want the gateway to use.
5. Click SAVE.
Modifying the Broadband DNS
By default, the gateway automatically obtains the DNS server addresses via DHCP. The Broadband DNS
panel allows you to manually configure your DNS information.
1. Click the Manually configure your DNS information radio button.
2. In the Primary Server field, enter the IP address of the primary DNS server that the gateway is to use for
DNS name resolution.
3. In the Secondary Server field, enter the IP address of the secondary DNS server that the gateway is to
use for DNS name resolution.
4. In the Domain Name field, enter the specific domain name to be used by the gateway.
5. Click SAVE.
Note: If you choose to manually configure your system and have a problem, re-run your
installation and follow the installation instructions provided to you by your service provider.
Home Network Tab
This chapter describes the 2Wire gateway Home Network features, and provides detailed instructions on
how to customize your network settings.
Viewing Your Home Network Summary
The Home Network Summary page displays information about the devices installed on your network.
To access the Home Network Summary page:
•Open a Web browser and access the 2Wire gateway user interface by entering
•Click the
Home Network tab to open the View Network Summary page.
Figure 12. View Network Summary Page
Understanding the Local Devices Panel
The Local Devices panel shows you the name of the device, how it is connected, any special configuration
information, and provides links to other system features that you can set up for the device. A “device” on
your network is usually a computer — either a personal computer used by a household member, or a
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