ZyXEL Prestige 1100 User Manual

Prestige 1100
WAN Access Router
User's Guide
Version 2.50
Nov 1999
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
Prestige 1100
WAN Access Router
Copyright © 1999 by ZyXEL Communications Corporation. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any part or as a whole, transcribed, stored in a retrieval
system, translated into any language, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, photocopying, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
Published by ZyXEL Communications Corporation. All rights reserved.
ZyXEL does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any products, or software described herein. Neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the patents rights of others. ZyXEL further reserves the right to make changes in any products described herein without notice. This publication is subject to change without notice.
Trademarks mentioned in this publication are used for identification purposes only and may be properties of their respective owners.
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
ZyXEL Limited Warranty iii
ZyXEL Limited Warranty
ZyXEL warrants to the original end user (purchaser) that this product is free from any defects in materials or workmanship for a period of up to two (2) years from the date of purchase. During the warranty period, and upon proof of purchase, should the product have indications of failure due to faulty workmanship and/or materials, ZyXEL will, at its discretion, repair or replace the defective products or components without charge for either parts or labor, and to whatever extent it shall deem necessary to restore the product or components to proper operating condition. Any replacement will consist of a new or re-manufactured functionally equivalent product of equal value, and will be solely at the discretion of ZyXEL. This warranty shall not apply if the product is modified, misused, tampered with, damaged by an act of God, or subjected to abnormal working conditions.
Repair or replacement, as provided under this warranty, is the exclusive remedy of the purchaser. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular use or purpose. ZyXEL shall in no event be held liable for indirect or consequential damages of any kind of character to the purchaser.
To obtain the services of this warranty, contact ZyXEL's Service Center; refer to the separate Warranty Card for your Return Material Authorization number (RMA). Products must be returned Postage Prepaid. It is recommended that the unit be insured when shipped. Any returned products without proof of purchase or those with an out-dated warranty will be repaired or replaced (at the discretion of ZyXEL) and the customer will be billed for parts and labor. All repaired or replaced products will be shipped by ZyXEL to the corresponding return address, Postage Paid (USA and territories only). If the customer desires some other return destination beyond the U.S. borders, the customer shall bear the cost of the return shipment. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
iv Customer Support
Customer Support
If you have questions about your ZyXEL product or desire assistance, contact ZyXEL Communications Corporation offices worldwide, in one of the following ways:
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Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
Table of Contents v
Table of Contents
Customer Support.......................................................................................................iv
Table of Contents .........................................................................................................v
List of Figures.............................................................................................................xi
List of Tables.............................................................................................................xiii
Preface .......................................................................................................................xiv
Chapter 1: Getting to Know Your Bridge/Router................................................1-1
1.1 Quick Feature Overview of the Prestige 1100...................................................................................1-1
1.2 Detailed Features of the Prestige 1100...............................................................................................1-1
1.3 Front Panel LEDs and Back Panel Ports............................................................................................1-3
1.3.1 Front Panel LEDs .........................................................................................................................1-3
1.3.2 Prestige 1100 Back Panel............................................................................................................1-4
1.4 Applications for Prestige 1100.............................................................................................................1-4
1.4.1 Internet Access.............................................................................................................................1-4
Chapter 2: Hardware Installation & Initial Setup...............................................2-1
2.1 Unpacking your Bridge/Router............................................................................................................2-1
2.2 Additional Installation Requirements.................................................................................................2-1
2.3 Connect your WAN Bridge/Router......................................................................................................2-2
2.3.1 Prestige 1100 Connections.........................................................................................................2-2
2.4 Power On Your Prestige 1100 ..............................................................................................................2-3
2.5 Navigating the SMT Interface..............................................................................................................2-5
2.6 Changing the System Password...........................................................................................................2-7
2.7 General Setup..........................................................................................................................................2-9
2.7.1 Note on Bridging........................................................................................................................2-10
2.8 WAN Setup...........................................................................................................................................2-11
2.8.1 Prestige 1100 WAN Port Setup................................................................................................2-11
2.9 Ethernet Setup.......................................................................................................................................2-12
2.10 General Ethernet Setup..................................................................................................................2-13
2.11 Protocol Dependent Ethernet Setup.............................................................................................2-13
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
vi Table of Contents
Chapter 3: Internet Access......................................................................................3-1
3.1 Route IP Setup.......................................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 TCP/IP Parameters ................................................................................................................................3-2
3.2.1 IP Address and Subnet Mask.....................................................................................................3-2
3.2.2 RIP Setup......................................................................................................................................3-2
3.2.3 DHCP Configuration ...................................................................................................................3-3
3.3 TCP/IP and DHCP Ethernet Setup.....................................................................................................3-3
3.4 IP Multicast............................................................................................................................................3-5
3.5 Internet Access Configuration.............................................................................................................3-6
3.6 Single User Account.............................................................................................................................3-8
3.6.1 Advantages of SUA.....................................................................................................................3-9
3.6.2 Single User Account Configuration..........................................................................................3-9
3.6.3 Ethernet SUA..............................................................................................................................3-10
3.7 LANs & WANs....................................................................................................................................3-11
3.7.1 LANs, WANs and the Prestige................................................................................................3-11
Chapter 4: Remote Node Configuration for LAN to LAN...................................4-1
4.1 Leased Line Remote Node Profile......................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Outgoing Authentication Protocol......................................................................................................4-3
4.3 Editing PPP Options.............................................................................................................................4-3
Chapter 5: Remote Node TCP/IP Configuration..................................................5-1
5.1 LAN-to-LAN Application....................................................................................................................5-1
5.2 Remote Node Setup...............................................................................................................................5-2
5.3 Static Route Setup.................................................................................................................................5-6
Chapter 6: IPX Configuration.................................................................................6-1
6.1 IPX Network Environment..................................................................................................................6-1
6.1.1 Network and Node Number.......................................................................................................6-1
6.1.2 Frame Types .................................................................................................................................6-1
6.1.3 External Network Number..........................................................................................................6-2
6.1.4 Internal Network Number...........................................................................................................6-2
6.2 Prestige 1100 in an IPX Environment................................................................................................6-2
6.2.1 Prestige 1100 on LAN with Server...........................................................................................6-3
6.2.2 Prestige 1100 on LAN without Server.....................................................................................6-3
6.3 IPX Ethernet Setup................................................................................................................................6-4
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
Table of Contents vii
6.4 LAN-to-LAN Application with Novell IPX......................................................................................6-5
6.4.1 IPX Remote Node Setup.............................................................................................................6-6
6.4.2 IPX Static Route Setup................................................................................................................6-8
Chapter 7: Bridging Setup......................................................................................7-1
7.1 Bridging in General................................................................................................................................7-1
7.2 Bridge Ethernet Setup...........................................................................................................................7-1
7.2.1 Remote Node Bridging Setup.....................................................................................................7-2
7.2.2 Bridge Static Route Setup...........................................................................................................7-4
Chapter 8: Filter Configuration.............................................................................8-1
8.1 About Filtering........................................................................................................................................8-1
8.2 The Filter Structure of the Prestige.....................................................................................................8-1
8.3 Configuring a Filter Set.........................................................................................................................8-3
8.3.1 Filter Rules Summary Menu ......................................................................................................8-4
8.4 Configuring a Filter Rule ......................................................................................................................8-6
8.4.1 Filter Types and SUA...................................................................................................................8-6
8.4.2 TCP/IP Filter Rule........................................................................................................................8-7
8.4.3 Novell IPX Filter Rule...............................................................................................................8-11
8.4.4 Device Filter Rule .......................................................................................................................8-13
8.5 Applying a Filter...................................................................................................................................8-15
8.5.1 Ethernet traffic.............................................................................................................................8-15
8.5.2 Remote Node Filters ..................................................................................................................8-16
Chapter 9: SNMP Configuration...........................................................................9-1
9.1 About SNMP...........................................................................................................................................9-1
9.2 SNMP Configuration .............................................................................................................................9-1
Chapter 10: System Security.................................................................................10-1
10.1 Changing the System Password....................................................................................................10-1
Chapter 11: Telnet Configuration and Capabilities............................................11-1
11.1 About Telnet Configuration...........................................................................................................11-1
11.2 Telnet Under SUA...........................................................................................................................11-2
11.3 Telnet Capabilities...........................................................................................................................11-2
11.3.1 Single Administrator.............................................................................................................11-2
11.3.2 System Timeout.....................................................................................................................11-2
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
viii Table of Contents
Chapter 12: System Maintenance.........................................................................12-1
12.1 System Status..................................................................................................................................12-2
12.2 System Information........................................................................................................................12-4
12.2.1 Console Port Speed...............................................................................................................12-5
12.3 Log and Trace..................................................................................................................................12-5
12.3.1 Viewing Error Log ................................................................................................................12-5
12.3.2 Syslog And Accounting.......................................................................................................12-6
12.4 Diagnostic........................................................................................................................................12-7
12.5 Filename conventions....................................................................................................................12-8
12.6 Back up Configuration...................................................................................................................12-9
12.6.1 Backup using the Console Port...........................................................................................12-9
12.6.2 Back up using FTP..............................................................................................................12-10
12.6.3 Back up using TFTP...........................................................................................................12-10
12.7 Restore Configuration..................................................................................................................12-11
12.7.1 Restore using the Console Port.........................................................................................12-11
12.7.2 Restore using FTP...............................................................................................................12-11
12.7.3 Restore using TFTP............................................................................................................12-12
12.8 Upload Firmware..........................................................................................................................12-12
12.8.1 Dual Firmware Block Structure ........................................................................................12-13
12.8.2 Upload Router Firmware via the Console Port..............................................................12-13
12.8.3 Upload Router Firmware using FTP................................................................................12-14
12.8.4 Upload Router Firmware using TFTP.............................................................................12-15
12.9 Upload Router Configuration File .............................................................................................12-15
12.9.1 Upload Router Configuration File using the Console Port..........................................12-15
12.9.2 Upload Router Configuration File using FTP................................................................12-16
12.9.3 Upload Router Configuration File using TFTP.............................................................12-17
12.9.4 Boot Module Commands...................................................................................................12-18
12.10 Command Interpreter Mode.......................................................................................................12-19
Chapter 13: IP Policy Routing...............................................................................13-1
13.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................13-1
13.1.1 Benefits...................................................................................................................................13-1
13.1.2 Routing Policy.......................................................................................................................13-1
13.1.3 IP Policy Routing Setup......................................................................................................13-2
13.2 Applying an IP Policy....................................................................................................................13-6
13.2.1 Ethernet IP Policies ..............................................................................................................13-6
13.2.2 Remote Node IP Routing Policies .....................................................................................13-6
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
Table of Contents ix
Chapter 14: Troubleshooting................................................................................14-1
14.1 Problems Starting Up the Prestige 1100......................................................................................14-1
14.2 Problems With the WAN Port .......................................................................................................14-2
14.3 Problems with the LAN Interface.................................................................................................14-2
14.4 Problems Connecting to a Remote Node or ISP........................................................................14-2
Acronyms and Abbreviations ....................................................................................A
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
List of Figures xi
List of Figures
Figure 1-1 Remote Configuration.....................................................................................................................1-2
Figure 1-2 Prestige 1100 Front Panel..............................................................................................................1-3
Figure 1-3 Back Panel........................................................................................................................................1-4
Figure 1-4 Internet Access Application ...........................................................................................................1-5
Figure 1-5 LAN-to-LAN Application................................................................................................................1-6
Figure 2-1 P1100 Connections..........................................................................................................................2-2
Figure 2-2 Power-On Display...........................................................................................................................2-3
Figure 2-3 Login Screen.....................................................................................................................................2-4
Figure 2-4 SMT Main Menu..............................................................................................................................2-6
Figure 2-5 Menu 23 - System Security.............................................................................................................2-7
Figure 2-6 Menu 23.1 - System Security - Change Password......................................................................2-8
Figure 2-7 Menu 1 - General Setup..................................................................................................................2-9
Figure 2-8 Menu 2 - WAN Port Setup............................................................................................................2-11
Figure 2-9 Menu 3 - Ethernet Setup - Select LAN........................................................................................2-12
Figure 2-10 Menu 3 – Ethernet Setup............................................................................................................2-12
Figure 2-11 Menu 3.1 - General Ethernet Setup..........................................................................................2-13
Figure 3-1 Menu 1 - General Setup..................................................................................................................3-1
Figure 3-2 Menu 3.2 - TCP/IP and DHCP Ethernet Setup..........................................................................3-4
Figure 3-3 Menu 4 - Internet Access Setup.....................................................................................................3-6
Figure 3-4 Single User Account Topology......................................................................................................3-8
Figure 3-5 Menu 4 - Internet Access Setup for Single User Account ......................................................... 3-9
Figure 3-6 Ethernet SUA Example.................................................................................................................3-10
Figure 3-7 LAN & WAN IPs.............................................................................................................................3-11
Figure 3-8 Ethernet as WAN port....................................................................................................................3-11
Figure 4-1 Menu 11.1 - Remote Node Profile for Leased Lines...................................................................4-1
Figure 4-2 Menu 11.2 - Remote Node PPP Options......................................................................................4-4
Figure 5-1 LAN-to-LAN Application with TCP/IP.........................................................................................5-1
Figure 5-2 Menu 11.3- Remote Node TCP/IP Options..................................................................................5-2
Figure 5-3 Sample IP Addresses for a TCP/IP LAN-to-LAN Connection .................................................5-3
Figure 5-4 Example of Static Routing Topology............................................................................................5-6
Figure 5-5 Menu 12 - Static Route Setup........................................................................................................5-7
Figure 5-6 Menu 12.1 - IP Static Route Setup................................................................................................5-7
Figure 5-7 Edit IP Static Route.........................................................................................................................5-7
Figure 6-1 NetWare Network Numbers............................................................................................................6-2
Figure 6-2 Prestige in an IPX Environment....................................................................................................6-3
Figure 6-3 Menu 3.3 - Novell IPX Ethernet Setup.........................................................................................6-4
Figure 6-4 LAN-to-LAN Application with Novell IPX...................................................................................6-5
Figure 6-5 Menu 11.3 - Remote Node Novell IPX Options..........................................................................6-6
Figure 6-6 Menu 12.2.1 - Edit IPX Static Route ............................................................................................6-8
Figure 7-1 Menu 3.5 - Bridge Ethernet Setup................................................................................................7-2
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
xii List of Figures
Figure 7-2 Menu 11.3 - Remote Node Bridging Options...............................................................................7-3
Figure 7-3 Menu 12.3.1 - Edit Bridge Static Route........................................................................................7-4
Figure 8-1 Filter Rule Process...........................................................................................................................8-2
Figure 8-2 Menu 21 - Filter Set Configuration...............................................................................................8-3
Figure 8-3 Menu 21.1 - Filter Rules Summary................................................................................................8-4
Figure 8-4 Protocol and Device Filter Sets.....................................................................................................8-7
Figure 8-5 Menu 21.1.1 - TCP/IP Filter Rule.................................................................................................8-8
Figure 8-6 Executing an IP Filter..................................................................................................................8-10
Figure 8-7 Menu 21.1.1 - IPX Filter Rule......................................................................................................8-11
Figure 8-8 Menu 21.1.2 - Device Filter Rule...............................................................................................8-14
Figure 8-9 Filtering Ethernet Traffic.............................................................................................................8-15
Figure 8-10 Filtering Remote Node traffic...................................................................................................8-16
Figure 9-1 Menu 22 - SNMP Configuration....................................................................................................9-1
Figure 10-1 Menu 23 - System Security........................................................................................................10-1
Figure 10-2 Menu 23.1 - System Security - Change Password.................................................................10-2
Figure 11-1 Telnet Configuration on a TCP/IP Network ............................................................................11-1
Figure 12-1 Menu 24 - System Maintenance................................................................................................12-1
Figure 12-2 Menu 24.1 - System Maintenance – Status.............................................................................12-2
Figure 12-3 System Maintenance – Information.........................................................................................12-4
Figure 12-4 Menu 24.2.2 – System Maintenance – Change Console Port Speed................................12-5
Figure 12-5 Examples of Error and Information Messages.......................................................................12-6
Figure 12-6 Menu 24.3.2 - System Maintenance - Syslog and Accounting.............................................12-6
Figure 12-7 Menu 24.4 - System Maintenance - Diagnostic.....................................................................12-7
Figure 12-8 Menu 24.5 –Backup Configuration using the Console Port.............................................12-10
Figure 12-9 Backup Configuration using FTP...........................................................................................12-10
Figure 12-10 Menu 24.6 –Restore Configuration using the Console Port..........................................12-11
Figure 12-11 Restore Configuration using FTP.........................................................................................12-12
Figure 12-12 Menu 24.7 -- System Maintenance - Upload Firmware...................................................12-13
Figure 12-13 Menu 24.7.1 –Upload ZyNOS Code using the Console Port..........................................12-14
Figure 12-14 Menu 24.7.1. – Upload Router Firmware using FTP.......................................................12-14
Figure 12-15 Menu 24.7.2 –Upload Router Configuration File.............................................................12-16
Figure 12-16 Menu 24.7.2 – Upload Router Configuration File using FTP........................................12-16
Figure 12-17 Boot module commands.........................................................................................................12-18
Figure 12-18 Command mode.......................................................................................................................12-19
Figure 13-1 IP Routing Policy Setup.............................................................................................................13-2
Figure 13-2 Menu 25 - IP Routing Policy Summary...................................................................................13-3
Figure 13-3 IP Routing Policy........................................................................................................................13-4
Figure 13-4 Menu 3.1.1 - General Ethernet Setup......................................................................................13-6
Figure 13-5 Menu 11.3 - Remote Node Network Layer Options...............................................................13-7
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
List of Tables xiii
List of Tables
Table 1-1 LED Functions ................................................................................................................................... 1-3
Table 2-1 Main Menu Commands.....................................................................................................................2-5
Table 2-2 Main Menu Summary........................................................................................................................2-6
Table 2-3 General Setup Menu Fields............................................................................................................2-10
Table 2-4 WAN Setup Menu Fields.................................................................................................................2-11
Table 3-1 DHCP Ethernet Setup Menu Fields................................................................................................3-4
Table 3-2 TCP/IP Ethernet Setup Menu Fields..............................................................................................3-5
Table 3-3 Internet Account Information...........................................................................................................3-6
Table 3-4 Internet Access Setup Menu Fields.................................................................................................3-7
Table 3-5 Single User Account Menu Fields.................................................................................................3-10
Table 4-1 Remote Node Profile Menu Fields for Leased Lines....................................................................4-2
Table 4-2 Remote Node PPP Options Menu Fields.......................................................................................4-4
Table 5-1 TCP/IP related fields in Remote Node Profile..............................................................................5-3
Table 5-2 Remote Node TCP/IP Configuration..............................................................................................5-4
Table 5-3 Edit IP Static Route Menu Fields....................................................................................................5-8
Table 6-1 Novell IPX Ethernet Setup Fields...................................................................................................6-4
Table 6-2 Remote Node Novell IPX Options...................................................................................................6-7
Table 6-3 Edit IPX Static Route Menu Fields.................................................................................................6-9
Table 7-1 Remote Node Bridge Options..........................................................................................................7-3
Table 7-2 Bridge Static Route Menu Fields....................................................................................................7-4
Table 8-1 Abbreviations Used in the Filter Rules Summary Menu.............................................................8-4
Table 8-2 Abbreviations Used If Filter Type Is IP..........................................................................................8-5
Table 8-3 Abbreviations Used If Filter Type Is IPX.......................................................................................8-6
Table 8-4 Abbreviations Used If Filter Type Is Dev.......................................................................................8-6
Table 8-5 TCP/IP Filter Rule Menu Fields.....................................................................................................8-8
Table 8-6 IPX Filter Rule Menu Fields..........................................................................................................8-12
Table 8-7 Device Filter Rule Menu Fields....................................................................................................8-14
Table 9-1 SNMP Configuration Menu Fields.................................................................................................9-2
Table 12-1 System Maintenance - Status Menu Fields................................................................................12-3
Table 12-2 Fields in System Maintenance.....................................................................................................12-4
Table 12-3 System Maintenance Menu Syslog Parameters........................................................................12-7
Table 12-4 System Maintenance Menu Diagnostic......................................................................................12-8
Table 12-5 Filename Conventions..................................................................................................................12-9
Table 13-1 IP Routing Policy Summary.........................................................................................................13-4
Table 13-2 IP Routing Policy...........................................................................................................................13-5
Table 14-1 Troubleshooting the Start-Up of your Prestige 1100...............................................................14-1
Table 14-2 Troubleshooting a WAN Port Connection .................................................................................14-2
Table 14-3 Troubleshooting the LAN Interface.............................................................................................14-2
Table 14-4 Troubleshooting a Connection to a Remote Node or ISP.......................................................14-2
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
xiv Preface
About Your Bridge/Router
The Prestige 1100 is a high-performance bridge/router that offers a complete solution for your WAN applications such as Internet access and multi-protocol LAN-to-LAN connections for SMB (Small & Medium Size Businesses). It integrates the routing and bridging functions in a single package and is easy to install and to configure since you do not need to set any switches.
In addition, the Prestige 1100 supports synchronous mode on its WAN port, allowing it to connect to T1/E1 or FT1/FE1 (Fractional T1/E1) leased lines via CSU/DSUs (Channel Service Unit/Data Service Units).
About This User's Guide
This user's guide covers all operations of the Prestige 1100 and shows you how to get the best out of the multiple advanced features of your Prestige router. It is designed to help you configure the Prestige correctly for various applications.
Related Documentation
Ø Supporting Disk
More detailed information about the Prestige and examples of its use can be found in our Supporting Disk. This disk contains a Prestige Bulletin (a release note highlighting new features), a FAQ, a Configuration Guide, Support Tools for extra configuration, CI Commands Reference, Cable Pin
assignments and Reference Documentation (Training Material and Support Accessories).
Ø Packing List Card
You should have a Packing List Card that lists all items that should have come with your Prestige.
Syntax Conventions
“Enter” means for you to type one or more characters and press the carriage return. “Select” or
“Choose” means for you to select one from the predefined choices.
The SMT menu titles and labels are in Bold Times font. The choices of a menu item are enclosed
in square brackets [xxx]. A single keystroke is in Arial font and enclosed in square brackets, for instance, [ENTER] means the Enter, or carriage return, key; [ESC] means the Escape key.
For brevity’s sake, we will use “e.g.” as a shorthand for “for instance”, and “i.e.” as a shorthand
for “that is” or “in other words” throughout this manual.
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
Getting to know your Prestige 1-1
Chapter 1:
Getting to Know Your Bridge/Router
The Prestige 1100 is a high-performance bridge/router that offers a complete solution for your WAN applications such as Internet access and multi-protocol LAN-to-LAN connections for SMB (Small & Medium Size Businesses). It integrates the routing and bridging functions in a single package and is easy to install and to configure since you do not need to set any switches.
In addition, the Prestige 1100 supports synchronous mode on its WAN port, allowing it to connect to T1/E1 or FT1/FE1 (Fractional T1/E1) leased lines via CSU/DSUs (Channel Service Unit/Data Service Units).
1.1 Quick Feature Overview of the Prestige 1100
§ One WAN port with various interface support: RS-449/V.35/X.21/EIA 530/RS-232
§ Two auto-sensing 10/100M Ethernet interfaces
§ PPP for WAN connection
§ IP/IPX and transparent bridging
§ IP Multicast
§ IP Policy Routing to support traffic management
§ Network Address Translation for private IP address support
§ Remote Management
§ SNMP manageable
§ IP packet filtering, including network level and device level filtering
§ 100V~240V internal power supply and rack size for MIS environment
1.2 Detailed Features of the Prestige 1100
The following are the key features of the P1100.
One WAN port for various WAN Solutions
Your Prestige 1100 provides one WAN port with a 68-pin D type connector. It supports several interfaces (RS-449/V.35/X.21/EIA 530/RS-232) to connect to various WAN devices for up to E1 speed (2.048Mbps).
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
1-2 Getting to know your Prestige
Two 10/100 Ethernet LANs
One 10/100M Ethernet interface is designed for high performance LAN environment. The other 10/100M Ethernet interface can be reserved for connecting to a Web/FTP server for public Internet access.
Most Complete NAT Support
ZyXEL NAT technology supports not only private IP for Internet access sharing and security protection, but also popular Internet multimedia applications such as Microsoft NetMeeting and CuSeeMe.
Multiple Protocol Support
§ TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) network layer protocol.
§ Novell IPX (Internetwork Packet eXchange) protocol.
§ Transparently bridging for network layer protocols that the Prestige 1100 does not route.
§ PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) link layer protocol.
§ SUA™ (Single User Account) for NAT (Network Address Translation).
Remote Configuration
The P1100 may be remotely configured via the console port as well as the WAN port. A modem can be attached directly to the console port (DTE) for easy, alternative, remote configuration. See Page 2-2 for more information on P1100 connections.
Figure 1-1 Remote Configuration
Full Network Management
Your Prestige 1100 supports SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) in addition to menu­driven network management via the console port or a telnet connection. With remote management, built-in diagnostic tools and syslog support, users can manage the P1100 with no extra effort.
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
Getting to know your Prestige 1-3
DHCP Support
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) allows you to dynamically and automatically assign IP address to hosts on your network.
Data Compression
Your Prestige incorporates Stac data compression to speed up data transfer. Stac is the de facto standard of data compression over PPP links.
1.3 Front Panel LEDs and Back Panel Ports
Figure 1-2 Prestige 1100 Front Panel
1.3.1 Front Panel LEDs
The LED lights on the front panel indicate the operational status of your Prestige. Table 1-1 (next) describes the LED functions:
Table 1-1 LED Functions
PWR The PWR (power) LED is on when power is applied to the Prestige.
SYS A steady on SYS (system) LED indicates the Prestige is on and functioning properly while an off SYS
LED indicates the system is not ready or a malfunction. The system is rebooting when the SYS LED is blinking.
LAN-1_10M A steady green light indicates a 10Mbps Ethernet connection. The LED blinks when data is being sent
or received.
LAN-1_100M A steady orange light indicates a 100Mbps Ethernet Connection. The LED blinks when data is being
sent or received.
LAN-2_10M A steady green light indicates a 10Mbps Ethernet connection. The LED blinks when data is being sent
or received.
LAN-2_100M A steady orange light indicates a 100Mbps Ethernet Connection. The LED blinks when data is being
sent or received.
WAN The WAN LED is on when the Prestige is connected successfully to a WAN device. The LED blinks
when data is sent or received. The LED is off when the link is down.
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
1-4 Getting to know your Prestige
1.3.2 Prestige 1100 Back Panel
Figure 1-3 Back Panel
The diagram above shows the rear panel of your Prestige 1100. Refer to this diagram when making connections.
•: POWER INPUT = Power cord receptacle and switch ‚: LAN1 = RJ-45 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port ƒ: LAN2 = RJ-45 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port „: CONSOLE = DB-9 Console port …: WAN = 68-pin D-type connector
1.4 Applications for Prestige 1100
The following sections show you the possible applications that you can use your Prestige for.
1.4.1 Internet Access
The Prestige 1100 is the ideal high-speed Internet access solution. Your Prestige 1100 supports the TCP/IP protocol that the Internet uses exclusively. A typical Internet access application is shown below:
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
Getting to know your Prestige 1-5
Corporate LAN
Leased Line
Figure 1-4 Internet Access Application
Internet Single User Account
For a business environment, your Prestige offers the Single User Account (SUA) feature that allows multiple users on the LAN (Local Area Network) to access the Internet concurrently for the cost of a single user. The SUA address mapping can also be used for other LAN to LAN connections.
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
1-6 Getting to know your Prestige
Multi-protocol/Multilink LAN-to-LAN Connection
You can use the Prestige to connect two geographically dispersed networks over the WAN connection. The Prestige supports TCP/IP and Novell IPX routing, as well as transparent bridging for other network layer protocols. A typical LAN-to-LAN application for your Prestige is shown below:
Corporate LAN
Branch Office
Leased Lines (T1/E1)
Figure 1-5 LAN-to-LAN Application
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
Hardware Installation & Initial Setup 2-1
Chapter 2:
Hardware Installation & Initial Setup
2.1 Unpacking your Bridge/Router
This chapter explains how to connect to the hardware and to perform the initial setup. Before installing be sure that all components listed with the enclosed packing slip are included.
2.2 Additional Installation Requirements
In addition to the contents of your package, there are other hardware and software requirements you need before you can install and use your Prestige. These requirements include:
l A computer with Ethernet 10Base-T or 100Base-TX NIC (Network Interface Card ). l A computer equipped with communications software configured to the following parameters:
Ø VT100 terminal emulation. Ø 9600 Baud. Ø No parity, 8 Data bits, 1 Stop bit.
Ø Flow Control set to None.
After the Prestige is properly set up, you can make future changes to the configuration through telnet connections.
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
2-2 Hardware Installation & Initial Setup
2.3 Connect your WAN Bridge/Router
2.3.1 Prestige 1100 Connections
This section outlines how to make the connections to your Prestige 1100. Please refer to the following figure when making connections to the P1100.
Figure 2-1 P1100 Connections
Step 1. Connect WAN Devices to your Prestige 1100
Connect the port of a WAN device to the WAN port on the Prestige 1100 using an appropriate cable. Please consult the documentation of your WAN device for detailed information when making the connections.
Step 2. Connecting the Console Port
For the initial configuration of your Prestige, you need to use terminal emulator software on a workstation and connect it to the Prestige through the console port. A modem can be connected directly to the Prestige console port for remote configuration (see Figure 1-1). The PC - Prestige console port direct connection must be made via a null modem (supplied). The Prestige console port is
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
Hardware Installation & Initial Setup 2-3
a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) device, not a DCE (Data Circuit-terminating Equipment) device, so the null modem is needed to allow connection to the workstation console port, which is of course a DTE device also. Connect the 9-pin (smaller) end of the console cable to the console port of the Prestige and the 25-pin (bigger) end to the null modem. Then connect the null modem to a serial port (COM1, COM2 or other COM port) of your workstation. You can use an extension RS-232 cable if the enclosed one is too short. After the initial setup, you can modify the configuration remotely through telnet connections or via a modem connection. See the Telnet Configuration and Capabilities chapter for more information on using telnet to configure your Prestige.
Step 3. Connect your Prestige 1100 to Ethernet
Connect one end of a STP (Shielded Twisted Pair) cable to the Ethernet port of the Prestige 1100 and the other to a hub using a straight-through cable with RJ-45 connectors. If you connect the Prestige 1100 to a workstation directly without a hub, you must use a crossover cable.
Step 4. Connect the Power Cord to your Prestige 1100
Connect the power cord to the port labeled POWER INPUT on the rear panel of your Prestige 1100.
2.4 Power On Your Prestige 1100
At this point, you should have connected the console cable, the WAN device, the Ethernet cable(s), and the power cord. You can now power on your Prestige 1100 by flipping the power switch to on. (Note: “I” =ON, “O” = OFF)
Initial Screen
When you power on your Prestige 1100, the router performs several internal tests and initializes the WAN devices. After the initialization, the Prestige asks you to press [ENTER] to continue, as shown below:
Figure 2-2 Power-On Display
Step 1. Enter Password
After you press [ENTER], the Login screen appears prompting you to enter the password, as shown in the next figure.
Copyright (c) 1999 ZyXEL Communications Corp.
ethernet address: 00:a0:c5:00:50:01 ethernet address: 00:a0:c5:00:50:02
Press ENTER to continue...
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
2-4 Hardware Installation & Initial Setup
For your first login, enter the default password [1234]. As you enter the password, the screen displays an (X) for each character you type.
Figure 2-3 Login Screen
Please note that if there is no activity for longer than 5 minutes after you log in, your Prestige will automatically log you out and will display a blank screen. If you see a blank screen, press [ENTER] to bring up the password screen again.
Enter Password : XXXX
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
Hardware Installation & Initial Setup 2-5
2.5 Navigating the SMT Interface
The SMT (System Management Terminal) is the interface that you use to configure your Prestige. Several operations that you should be familiar with before you attempt to modify the configuration are
listed in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1 Main Menu Commands
Operation Press/<read> Description
Move forward to another menu
[ENTER] To move forward to a sub-menu, type in the number of the desired
sub-menu and press [ENTER].
Move backward to a previous menu
[ESC] Press the [ENTER] key to move back to the previous menu.
Move to a “hidden” menu
Press the [Space bar] to change [No] to [Yes] then press [ENTER].
Fields beginning with “Edit” lead to hidden menus and have a default setting of [No]. Press the [Space bar] to change [No] to [Yes], then press [ENTER] to go to a “hidden” menu.
Move the cursor [ENTER] or
[Up]/[Down] arrow keys
Within a menu, press [ENTER] to move to the next field. You can also use the [Up]/[Down] arrow keys to move to the previous and the next field, respectively.
Enter information Fill in, or
Press the [Space bar] to toggle
There are two types of fields that you will need to fill in. The first requires you to type in the appropriate information. The second gives you choices to choose from. In the second case, press the [Space bar] to cycle through the available choices.
Required fields
All fields with the symbol <?> must be filled in order be able to save the new configuration.
N/A fields <N/A> Some of the fields in the SMT will show a <N/A>. This symbol refers
to an option that is not available.
Save your configuration
[ENTER] Save your configuration by pressing [ENTER] at the message:
[Press ENTER to confirm or ESC to cancel]. Saving the data on the screen will take you, in most cases to the previous menu.
Exit the SMT Type 99, then
press [ENTER].
Type 99 at the Main Menu prompt and press [ENTER] to exit the SMT interface.
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
2-6 Hardware Installation & Initial Setup
The SMT displays the Main Menu, as shown below:
Figure 2-4 SMT Main Menu
The following table shows the Main Menu Summary,
Table 2-2 Main Menu Summary
# Menu Title Description
1 General Setup Use this menu to setup general information and enable routing or bridging
of specific protocols. 2 WAN Setup Use this menu to setup the WAN port configuration. 3 Ethernet Setup Use this menu to setup the Ethernet configuration. 4 Internet Access Setup A quick and easy way to setup Internet connection.
11 Remote Node Setup Use this menu to setup the remote node for LAN-to-LAN connection,
including Internet connection.
12 Static Routing Setup Use this menu to setup static route for different protocols. There are eight
static routes for each protocol.
15 SUA Server Setup Use this menu to specify inside servers when SUA is selected. 21 Filter Set Configuration Setup filters to be used in Menu 3 and Menu 11 to provide security, call
control, etc.
22 SNMP Configuration Use this menu to setup SNMP related parameters 23 System Security Use this menu to setup security related parameters. 24 System Maintenance Provides system status, diagnostics, firmware upload, etc.
25 IP Routing Policy Setup Setup configuration for Routing Policies.
99 Exit To exit from SMT and return to the blank screen.
Copyright (c) 1999 ZyXEL Communications Corp.
P1100 Main Menu
Getting Started
1. General Setup
2. WAN Setup
3. Ethernet Setup
4. Internet Access Setup
Advanced Applications
11. Remote Node Setup
12. Static Routing Setup
15. SUA Server Setup
Advanced Management
21. Filter Set Configuration
22. SNMP Configuration
23. System Security
24. System Maintenance
25. IP Routing Policy Setup
99. Exit
Enter Menu Selection Number:
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
Hardware Installation & Initial Setup 2-7
2.6 Changing the System Password
The first thing you should do before anything else is to change the default system password by following the steps below:
Step 1. Select option 23. System Security in the Main Menu. This will open Menu 23 - System
Security as below:
Figure 2-5 Menu 23 - System Security
Step 2. From the System Security Menu, select option 1. Change Password to bring up Menu 23.1
- System Security - Change Password.
Menu 23 - System Security
1. Change Password
Enter Menu Selection Number
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
2-8 Hardware Installation & Initial Setup
Step 3. When submenu 23.1- System Security-Change Password appears, as shown below, enter
the existing system password, i.e., [1234], then press [ENTER].
Figure 2-6 Menu 23.1 - System Security - Change Password
Step 4. Enter your new system password and press [ENTER]. Step 5. Re-type your new system password for confirmation and press [ENTER].
Menu 23.1 - System Security - Change Password
Old Password= XXXX New Password= XXXX Retype to confirm= XXXX
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
Hardware Installation & Initial Setup 2-9
2.7 General Setup
The Menu 1 - General Setup contains administrative and system-related information. Step 1. Select option 1. General Setup in the Main Menu by typing 1 at the menu selection
number prompt.
Step 2. The Menu 1 - General Setup screen appears, as shown. Fill in the required fields marked [?]
and turn on the individual protocols for your particular application, as explained in the following table.
Figure 2-7 Menu 1 - General Setup
Menu 1 - General Setup
System Name= p1100 Location= location Contact Person's Name= name
Route IP= Yes Route IPX= No Bridge= No
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Prestige 1100 Internet Access Router
2-10 Hardware Installation & Initial Setup
Table 2-3 General Setup Menu Fields
Field Description Example
System Name Choose a descriptive name for identification purposes.
This name can be up to 8 alphanumeric characters long. Spaces are not allowed, but dashes “-” and underscores "_" are accepted. This name can be retrieved remotely via SNMP and will be displayed at the prompt in the Command Mode.
Location (optional) Enter the geographic location (up to 31 characters) of
your Prestige 1100.
Contact Person's Name (optional)
Enter the name (up to 8 characters) of the person in charge of this Prestige 1100.
Protocols: Turn on or off the individual protocols for your particular
Press space-
bar to toggle
Route IP
Route IPX Bridge
Selecting [Yes] to enable IP routing. You must enable IP routing for Internet access.
Selecting [Yes] to enable IPX routing.
Selecting [Yes] to enable bridging. Packets that the Prestige 1100 does not route are transparently bridged.
[Yes/No] [Yes/No]
2.7.1 Note on Bridging
When bridging is enabled, your Prestige forwards any packet that it does not route. Without bridging, the packets that the Prestige does not route are simply discarded. Compared to routing, bridging generates far more traffic for the same network layer protocol, and uses more CPU cycles and memory.
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