AV2000 HomePlug AV2 Powerline
Quick Start Guide
Connect directly to a wall outlet for better
Connect one PLA to a device for Internet access and other(s)
to your home devices requiring Internet over Powerline.
2-port Gigabit Pass-Thru Ethernet Adapter
See the User's Guide at www.zyxel.com for more information.
EU Importer: ZyXEL Communication A/S, Gladsaxevej 378, 2. th. 2860 Søborg, Denmark. http://www.zyxel.dk
US Importer: ZyXEL Communications, Inc∣1130 North Miller Street Anaheim, CA 92806-2001∣http://www.us.zyxel.com
The HomePlug light indicates how good your Powerline connection is.
POWER light
HomePlug light
Green: More than 80 Mbps - Best
Orange: 20 to 80 Mbps - Good
Red: 0 to 20 Mbps - see Troubleshooting
Copyright © 2015 ZyXEL Communications Corp. All Rights Reserved

:ZyXEL Communications Corporation
Secure the Powerline connection. The PLAs must have an Ethernet connection to use the RESET/ENCRYPT button.
(2 seconds)
Connect the PLAs to power outlets on the same power
circuit throughout your home.
(2 seconds)
If a power or Ethernet light does not come on, please check the
cable connections and make sure the PLA is turned on.
If the PLA is connected to an Ethernet switch or router, make
sure that the switch or router is working correctly.
If the HomePlug light does not turn on, it means you do not
have a Powerline connection. Make sure that the PLAs are on
the same power circuit. Test by connecting PLAs into nearby
outlets. Make sure that you do not have a power meter
between them.
To minimize interferance, move PLAs away from large electri-
cal devices such as refrigerators or air-conditioners and devic-
es which produce radio waves such as electrical insect-killers.
When securing the Powerline network, make sure not to press
the RESET/ENCRYPT or ENCRYPT buttons on both PLAs for
more than 3 seconds. If the process fails, press the said
buttons on both PLAs for 5 to 8 seconds to disconnect, then try
Ai sensi della Direttiva 2012/19/UE del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 4 luglio 2012, sui
rifiuti di apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche (RAEE)
Il simbolo del cassonetto barrato riportato sull’apparecchiatura o sulla sua confezione indica che il
prodotto alla fine della propria vita utile deve essere raccolto separatamente dagli altri rifiuti.
La raccolta differenziata della presente apparecchiatura giunta a fine vita è organizzata e gestita dal
produttore. L’utente che vorrà disfarsi della presente apparecchiatura dovrà quindi contattare il
produttore e seguire il sistema che questo ha adottato per consentire la raccolta separata
dell’apparecchiatura giunta a fine vita.
L’adeguata raccolta differenziata per l’avvio successivo dell’apparecchiatura dismessa al riciclaggio,
al trattamento e allo smaltimento ambientalmente compatibile contribuisce ad evitare possibili effetti
negativi sull’ambiente e sulla salute e favorisce il reimpiego e/o riciclo dei materiali di cui è composta
Lo smaltimento abusivo del prodotto da parte del detentore comporta l’applicazione delle sanzioni
amministrative previste dalla normativa vigente.”
• 請勿將此產品接近水、火焰或放置在高溫的環境。
• 避免設備接觸
• 任何液體 - 切勿讓設備接觸水、雨水、高濕度、污水腐蝕性的液體或其他水份。
• 灰塵及污物 - 切勿接觸灰塵、污物、沙土、食物或其他不合適的材料。
• 切勿重摔或撞擊設備,並勿使用不正確的電源變壓器。
• 請勿隨意更換產品內的電池。
• 如果更換不正確之電池型式,會有爆炸的風險,請依製造商說明書處理使用過之電池。
• 請將廢電池丟棄在適當的電器或電子設備回收處。
• 請勿將設備解體。
• 請勿阻礙設備的散熱孔,空氣對流不足將會造成設備損害。
• 請插在正確的電壓供給插座(如:北美/台灣電壓110V AC,歐洲是230V AC)。
• 假若電源變壓器或電源變壓器的纜線損壞,請從插座拔除,若您還繼續插電使用,會有觸電死亡的風
• 請勿試圖修理電源變壓器或電源變壓器的纜線,若有毀損,請直接聯絡您購買的店家,購買一個新的
• 請勿將此設備安裝於室外,此設備僅適合放置於室內。
• 請勿隨一般垃圾丟棄。
We herewith declare that this declaration is issued under our sole responsibility:
complies with essential requirements of the following EU harmonization legislation and
in conformity with the following presumption of conformity:
Essential requirements Presumption of conformity
Directive 2006/95/EC
(LV D)
Directive 2004/108/EC
Directive 2011/65/EU
Directive 2009/125/EC
ZyXEL Communications Corporation
Declaration of Conformity
AV2000 HomePlug AV2 Powerline 2-port Gigabit Pass-Thru Ethernet Adapter
1.No. 2, Gongye E. 9th Road, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.
2.No. 6, Innovation Road II, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu, Taiwa n, R.O.C.
3.Generatorvej 8D, 2860 Søborg, Denmark
Gladsaxevej 378, 2. th. 2860 Søborg, Denmark
EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010+A12:2011+A2:2013
EN 55022 : 2010+ AC : 2011
EN 61000-3-2:2006+A1:2009+A2: 2009
EN 55024:2010
EN 50412-2-1:2005
EN 50581:2012
EN 50564:2011
Date of issue
to reconnect again.
See the User's Guide for more troubleshooting.
Copyright © 2015 ZyXEL Communications Corp. All Rights Reserved