Not LitWi-Fi is Off. Use Web Management page to turn back on
Blue solidWPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) is active
Blue blinkingWi-Fi is active
MobiiConnect 4G Manual5
4G Status LightMeaning
RedOffline, not registered on a mobile network
Green solid Registered on 3G or 2G network
Green blinking Active data transfer on 3G or 2G network
Blue solid Registered on 4G network
Blue blinking Active data transfer on 4G network
MobiiConnect 4G Manual6
Manually running the installation software
The installation software is pre-loaded onto your USB modem. Typically, it will run automatically when you plug it in
to a computer for the first time, but you can run it manually by doing the following.
1. Plug the modem into a USB port on your computer.
2. If use Microsoft Windows and you see an AutoPlay window pop up, click Open folder to view files.
3. Otherwise, you’ll need to open My Computer (Windows) or Macintosh HD (Mac) and double click on the USB
drive that the MobiiConnect 4G is plugged into e.g. CD Drive (E:) MobiiConnect 4G
4. Double click Autorun.exe
5. Run through the on-screen instructions. The installation will create a shortcut icon on your desktop.
Logging in to the Web Management page
MobiiConnect 4G Manual7
1. Open your internet browser and go to
2. Log in with the default password admin. If you’ve changed your password from the default, use your custom
password instead.
Web Management - Status icons
You’ll see these icons in the upper right-hand corner of the Web Management page.
Status IconMeaning
No SIM, PIN locked, PUK locked or faulty SIM
SIM card is inserted
MobiiConnect 4G Manual8
No Network signal
Network signal level indicator
Internet is disconnected
Internet is connected
Wi-Fi is ON with number of connected users
Web Management Home Page
MobiiConnect 4G Manual9
The Disconnect button on the Home page will take MobiiConnect 4G offline.
Web Management - Information tab
MobiiConnect 4G Manual10
You can view the device information on this page.
Click Change to customise your Wi-Fi network name (SSID).
Information > Statistics
MobiiConnect 4G Manual11
Select Statistics from the left-hand column to view your data usage on this page.
Please note that data usage shown here is approximate. Always refer to usage records provided by your Mobile
Broadband provider. iiNet Group customers will find their usage records available in or their equivalent account management page.
Information > Data Limit Settings
MobiiConnect 4G Manual12
Select Data Limit Settings from the left-hand column to set data usage limits and reminders on your device.
Please note that data usage recorded is approximate and may not be aligned with your billing cycle. Always refer
to the usage alerts sent by your Mobile Broadband provider via SMS and/or email.
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