Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 1
Let’s go
Getting started with your device.
NO. 55, Hi-tech Road South, ShenZhen, P.R.China
Postcode: 518057

Connecting Your Device
Power is on and external power
supply is working normally.
Power is off or external power
supply is working abnormally.
WLAN works normally with no data
WLAN works normally with data
WLAN works abnormally or the
WLAN function is disabled.
Follow the number to connect your device.
If you want to use the mobile network to connect to the Internet or use your home phone, you need
insert your (U)SIM card first.
If you select the different operation mode, the connection of the LAN port is different. Please refer to
the chapter “Accessing the Internet”
Your device does not support Micro/Nano or any other nonstandard SIM cards. To avoid device
damage, please do not use them.

Signal strength is very good or good.
The device is turned on but not
registered to the mobile network.
The device is connected to the LTE
network and data is being transferred.
The device is registered to the LTE
The device is connected to the 3G
network and data is being transferred.
The device is registered to the 3G
The LAN port is connected.
The LAN port is connected with data
The network cable is not connected.
The phone function needs the network support.
Configuring Your PC
Follow the following steps and figures for Windows XP to configure the Internet Protocol for
your connection.
Wireless Network Connection is used for Wi-Fi connection.
Local Area Connection is used for network cable connection.
1. Right-click My Network Places, and then select Properties.
2. Right-click the icon for Connection, and then select Properties.

3. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click Properties.
4. Select the two items indicated in the following figures, and then click OK to finish the

Accessing the Internet
Before accessing the Internet, please make sure that the following operations are finished.
Your device is connected via a network cable or Wi-Fi.
Your PC is configured.
To access the Internet:
1. Log in the 4G CPE Page.
1) Launch the Internet browser and enter in the address bar. The login
page appears.
2) Input the password and then click Login. The default password is admin.
2. View the current mode on the left top of the 4G CPE page, and then click Change.
3. Select an operation mode which you want to use and then click Apply.
NOTE: If you change the operation mode, the device will be restarted automatically.
4. Set the detail parameters for the operation mode.