NEW Product
VoIP Freedom
Choose the Internet Phone Service that’s right for you!
Hardware and
services to provide
voice calls over the
Internet using
regular telephones
Choose from dozens
of VoIP Service
Includes VoIP service
with FREE Internet
calling, Voicemail,
Caller ID, and Call
Dramatically lower
your phone costs
Provides a FREE
second phone line
Works with your PC
on or off
Uses industrystandard Session
Initiation Protocol
Zoom's TelePort
feature provides
reliable emergency
calling and a life line
in the event of a
power failure
Model 5800F
The Zoom VoIP Freedom Package includes a Voice over the Internet Analog Telephone
Adapter (ATA) and Zoom's exclusive VoIP Service Chooser. Together they allow conventional phones to make and receive calls over a broadband Internet connection. Simply
plug a conventional or cordless phone into the adapter and then plug the telephone
adapter into a broadband-connected router or Internet gateway. Then just point-andclick from your Web browser to choose the right VoIP Service Provider for you. You can
easily select or change the service provider, and automatically configure your VoIP
Freedom ATA for the service you choose.
No VoIP service provider is right for everyone, and competition provides fresh new rates
and features. Some services competing for your business offer FREE VoIP calling, FREE
call conferencing, and FREE on-line call tracking. You can even get incoming phone
numbers for far-away cities. Imagine having a local number for Paris, Mexico City,
Tokyo or one of hundreds of other cities around the world. Your family, friends, and
customers can call you from remote countries by making a low-cost local phone call!
The VoIP Freedom ATA works with your PC on or off, so it's always ready to make and
receive phone calls. The ATA's Local Phone Port includes the TelePort, an intelligent
switch that allows your phone to place and receive both VoIP calls and conventional
phone calls. The TelePort also protects your family by automatically routing calls over the
conventional phone network for emergency calls using services like "911" or "112".
And in the event of a power failure, TelePort automatically routes calls from attached
telephones to your conventional phone service for reliable lifeline operation.*
The Model 5800F ATA bridges between conventional phone lines and your VoIP
service. That allows access to your VoIP service with a call from your mobile phone,
which provides low-cost international calling while you are on the move. Bridging can
also forward incoming Internet calls to your mobile phone or another conventional
phone number.
Call bridging
allows your Internet
phone calls to be
forwarded to a
conventional phone
number, and gives
remote access to
Internet calling
Analog Telephone Ports • One FXS type Loop-start interface with RJ-11
• One FXO analog interface with TelePort and RJ-11
• Up to 5 REN (Ringer Equivalence Number), rings up to 5 and often more typical telephones
• Programmable Ring Patterns
• Call progress tones supported: Initial dial tone, Secondary dial tone, Stuttered dial tone,
Message waiting dial tone, Call forward dial tone, Pre-ringback dial tone, Ring back tone,
Call waiting tone, Call holding tone, Call disconnect tone, Call conference tone,
Busy tone, Reorder tone (network busy/fast busy), Off hook warning.
• Power Fail Over
• Auto switch to PSTN for emergency calling using 911 and other programmed three digit
• VoIP to PSTN call bridging; PSTN to VoIP call bridging with ANI security
Status Indicators • Power, LAN link, VoIP ready, VoIP call in progress, PSTN port ready,
voice message waiting

Zoom Technologies, Inc.
207 South Street
Boston, MA 02111
Tel: 617 535-9383
Fax: 617 423-3923
email: sales@zoom.com
Nasdaq: ZOOM
European Sales
Zoom Technologies, Inc.
Central House
2 Kings Road
Fleet, Hants
Tel: +44 (0) 1252 582000
Fax +44 (0) 1252 617920
©2006 Zoom Technologies, Inc.,
207 South Street, Boston, MA 02111 USA
Zoom is a registered trademark of Zoom
Technologies, Inc. Windows 98, Windows
Me, Windows 2000, Windows NT4.0 and
Windows XP are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation.
All other registered trademarks and
trademarks used herein are the property of
their respective holders.
Zoom VoIP Freedom
Model 5800F
Specifications (continued)
Voice over IP (VoIP) • SIPv2 - Session Initiation Protocol (RFC 3261, 3262, 3263, 3264)
Protocols • SDP - Session Description Protocol (RFC 2327)
• RTP - Real Time Protocol (RFC 1889, 1890)
• RTCP - Real-Time Control Protocol (RFC 1889)
• X-NSE - Tone Events for SIP/RTP (RFC 2833)
• AVT - Tone Events for SIP/RTP (RFC 2833)
• Power-on Auto Registration
• Re-registration with SIP Proxy Server
• SIP over UDP
• SIP authentication (HHP Digest with MD5)
Network Protocols • IPv4 - Internet Protocol Version 4 (RFC 791)
• TCP - Transmission Control Protocol (RFC 793)
• UDP - User Datagram Protocol (RC 768)
• ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol (RFC 792)
• RARP - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RFC 903)
• ARP - Address Resolution Protocol (RFC 826)
• DNS - Domain Name Server
• DHCP Client - Dynamic Host Control Protocol (RFC 2131)
• NTP - Network Time Protocol (RFC 1305)
• SNTP - Simple Network Time Protocol (RFC 2030)
• STUN - Simple Traversal of UDP over NATs (RFC 3789)
• HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol
• TFTP - Trivial File Transfer Protocol (RFC 1350)
Voice Codecs • G.711 - Pulse Code Modulation
• iLBC (Internet Low Bitrate Codec)
• G.729
Telephony • Q.24 DTMF generation and detection
• Configurable tone frequency and on/off cadence generation
• Caller ID Generation and Detection (Type I and II)
• 3-way conference calling with local mixing
• Message waiting indicator light
• G.711 Fax Pass-through
• CLASS feature support
• G.165, G.168 compliant line echo cancellation
• Nonlinear echo cancellation
• Double talk detection
Quality of Service • Layer 2 Class-of-Service (CoS) Tagging (802.1P)
Support • Layer 2 (802.1Q VLAN)
• Layer 3 Type-of-Service (ToS) Tagging (RFC 791/1349)
• Layer 3 DIFFServ (RFC 2475) i 0fo
Security • Provisioning/Configuration/Authentication
• Password-protected, Web based administration
• ARC4 Encryption for TFTP Configuration Profiles
• Authentication (Digest using MD5)
Size • 14.6 cm X 11.2 cm X 2.8 cm (5.7 inches X 4.4 inches X 1.1inches)
Minimum • High speed Internet connection (typically a DSL or data-over cable connection)
Requirements • A router or gateway to share the broadband Internet connection
• A Touchtone telephone (conventional analog phone) or a fax machine
• CD ROM drive in a personal computer which supports a Web browser (Windows,
Macintosh, Linux or other) and is connected to the router
Warranty • Two years limited warrranty
Package contents:
• VoIP telephone adapter
• Power adapter
• Quick Start Guide
• Ethernet cable
• Phone cord
* Emergency calling and life line calling using TelePort requires PSTN (conventional) phone service.
3006 5800F
Pre-release catalog sheet, accurate as of 10/20/06