Zoom 5615 Quick Install Guide

Zoom 5615 Quick Install Guide

Quick Start

ADSL Bridge Modem

This Quick Start contains instructions for connecting this modem to one Windows computer. Macintosh and Linux users, as well as those who plan to use a router with the modem, should refer to the User’s Guide on the CD.

Package Contents

Your package contains the items shown below:

ADSL Modem


Power Cube







Ethernet Cable


Phone Cord




The CD contains the installation software, documentation, advanced features information, a glossary of technical terms, the warranty, and detailed Customer Support information.

If anything is missing or damaged, please contact Zoom Customer Support or whoever sold you the modem.

In addition, the package may include:

Phone-jack adapter to adapt the phone cord to a particular phone jack (certain countries only)

ADSL line filter(s) (certain units only)

Before You Begin

Before you begin installing the ADSL Bridge modem using this Quick Start, you must have the following available to you:

ADSL service enabled on your telephone line. To do this, you need to sign up with an ADSL service provider. Once this service is enabled, you should have an ADSL-enabled telephone wall jack to plug the modem into. (Your service provider may refer to “ADSL service” as “DSL service.”)

A Windows 98/Me/2000/XP computer that you want to connect to the Internet. This computer must have an Ethernet port. If it does not, you can purchase a Network Interface Card (NIC) to add one.


This document provides instructions for configuring Windows computers only. If you have a Macintosh or a Linux computer, or if you would like to use the modem with a router, please refer to the User’s Guide on the CD.

In the unlikely event that you plan to use a static IP address with the modem, you must have the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, and DNS values provided by your Internet service provider. Only those who have made arrangements with their Internet service provider for a static IP address need this information.


ADSL Bridge Modem Quick Start

Installation Instructions

Installing the ADSL Bridge modem involves three steps:

Installing the Software, Installing the Hardware, and Testing Your Internet Connection.

Step 1: Installing the Software

You MUST install the software BEFORE installing the hardware.

1 Turn on your Windows computer.

2 Insert the supplied CD into the CD-ROM drive of your computer. The CD should start automatically and the Language Selection screen should appear. (If the CD does not start automatically, on the desktop, click the Start button, click Run, and then type D:\setup.exe, where D is the letter of your CD-ROM drive.)

3 Select your language. The Main Menu screen opens.

4 Click Installation Wizard to start the software installation, then click Next when prompted.


5 When the installation is complete, click Finish, then click


6 Close any applications that may be open, then remove the CD from the CD-ROM drive.

7 Shut down the computer.

Congratulations! You have installed the software. Now, continue with the next section, Installing the Hardware.

Step 2: Installing the Hardware

1 Shut down your computer (if it is not shut down already).

2 Plug one end of the supplied phone cord into the modem’s ADSL port and the other into the ADSL wall jack.



Connect the modem to the computer’s Ethernet port. Plug one end of the Ethernet cable into the modem’s ETHERNET port and plug the other end into your computer’s Ethernet port.

The connection is made to the back panel of the modem.

Plug the included power cube into a power strip or wall outlet and then into the modem’s power (PWR) jack.


Only use the power cube shipped with the modem. Other power cubes may damage your hardware.


ADSL Bridge Modem Quick Start

5 Turn the modem on by pushing the ON/OFF button.

The PWR light on the front panel of the modem should become steady on, and the LINK light should blink once. If the PWR light does not turn on, make sure there is power at the wall outlet or power strip where you plugged in the power cube and that you have pushed the modem’s ON/OFF button to turn it on.

6 Turn the computer on.

7 [Optional] If you want to plug in a phone through the modem, you can do so by plugging it into the PHONE port. (A filter is not required.)

8 We HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you install a filter on EVERY phone and fax that is sharing the ADSL phone line. Phone filters block the ADSL frequencies so that someone making a normal phone call will not hear modem noise on the line. They also keep phone conversations from interfering with ADSL performance.

The PHONE port of the modem has a built-in filter, so there is no need for a filter if you plug a phone into the PHONE port.

You may have received ADSL phone filters with your modem. If you did not, or if you need more filters, they are available at most retail stores that carry consumer electronics.

Plug each phone or fax cord into the filter’s PHONE end and plug the filter’s LINE end into the wall jack.

Congratulations! You have installed the hardware. Now, continue with the next section, Testing Your Internet Connection.


Step 3: Testing Your Internet


Once the software is installed and the hardware is connected, you are ready to browse the Web!

However, if either of the following situations applies to you, there is an additional task you must complete before your ADSL Bridge modem can access the Internet.

You have a static IP address: If you arranged with your Internet service provider for a static IP address, you must specify that IP address in your computer’s TCP/IP settings and configure the modem to match your provider’s VPI and VCI settings. You will not be able to access the Internet until you do so. See Using Static IP Addressing on page 7.

You have PPPoE client software: If your Internet service provider gave you setup software, install it now. Your service provider should have provided the necessary instructions to do this.

To test your Internet connection

1 Turn on your computer.

2 Open your Web browser (for example, Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator) and try to connect to a familiar Web address.

¾If you connect successfully, your installation is complete and you are ready to browse the Web!

¾If you are unable to access the Web, wait a few minutes and try again. Your modem may need more time to establish a connection with your Internet service provider. If you are still unable to connect after a few minutes, refer to Troubleshooting Tips on page 14.


ADSL Bridge Modem Quick Start

Using Static IP Addressing

Your ADSL Bridge modem works with Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), which is also known as “dynamic IP addressing.” This is because most Internet service providers use DHCP.

However, in the unlikely event that you plan to use a static IP address with your modem, you must specify that IP address in your computer’s TCP/IP settings and configure the modem to match your provider’s VPI and VCI settings.

There is typically an extra charge for a static IP address, and you usually have to make a special request of your Internet service provider to get one.


If you do not know what static IP addressing is or why you would use it, you most likely do not need to change your computer’s TCP/IP settings or configure the modem. Only advanced users who specifically want to use static IP addressing and/or those users whose IP provider specifically instructed them to use static IP addressing should perform the steps below.

To configure your ADSL Bridge modem to use a static IP address

1 Before you can access the modem’s interface, you must first change your computer’s TCP/IP settings to match the values show in the table below.

For this value…



IP address


Any value between and For example, type

Subnet mask

Default gateway


If do not know how to access your computer’s TCP/IP settings, see Specifying TCP/IP Settings on page 10.


2 Log into the Zoom Configuration Manager.

aOn your desktop, double-click the Zoom icon.

This icon should have been placed there automatically when you installed the software earlier. (If the Zoom icon is not there: Open your Web browser and, in its address bar, type, then press the Enter key on your keyboard.)


You do not need to have an Internet connection established to be able to access the Zoom Configuration Manager.

bWhen prompted, type the following user name and password in the appropriate boxes, then click OK. You must enter them using lowercase letters.

User Name: admin Password: zoomadsl

If you are not prompted for a user name and password, do the following in this order: Recheck all connections; restart the modem and computer; and reset the modem by inserting a paper clip into the Reset pinhole in the center of the modem’s back panel and holding it for five seconds.

The user name and password you enter here do not serve the same purpose as any name and password that your Internet service provider may have given you.


ADSL Bridge Modem Quick Start

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