The Z86C90/C89 CCP™ (Consumer Controller Processor) introduces a new level of sophistication to single-chip architecture.
The Z86C90/C89 are ROMless members of the Z8 single-chip
microcontroller family with 236 bytes of general purpose RAM.
The only difference that exists between the Z86C89 and the
Z86C90 is that the on-chip oscillator of the Z86C89 can accept an
external RC network or other external clock source, while the
Z86C90's on-chip oscillator accepts a crystal, ceramic resonator,
LC, or external clock source drive. The CCP controllers are
housed in a 40-pin DIP, 44-pin Leaded Chip Carrier, or a 44-pin
Quad Flat Pack, and are CMOS compatible. The CCP offers the
use of external memory which enables this Z8 microcomputer to
be used where code flexibility is required. Zilog's CMOS microcomputer offers fast execution, efficient use of memory, sophisticated interrupts, input/output bit manipulation capabilities, and
easy hardware/software system expansion along with low cost
and low power consumption.
The Z86C90/C89 architecture is based on Zilog's 8-bit
microcontroller core with an Expanded Register File to allow
access to register mapped peripheral and I/O circuits. The CCP
offers a flexible I/O scheme, an efficient register and address
space structure, and a number of ancillary features that are useful
in many industrial, automotive, computer peripherals, and advanced scientific applications.
The CCP applications demand powerful I/O capabilities. The
Z86C90/C89 fulfills this with 32 pins dedicated to input and
output. These lines are grouped into four ports. Each port consists
of eight lines, and is configurable under software control to
provide timing, status signals, parallel I/O with or without handshake, and an address/data bus for interfacing external memory.
There are four basic address spaces available to support this wide
range of configurations: Program Memory, Register File, Data
Memory, and Expanded Register File. The Register File is
composed of 236 bytes of general purpose registers, four I/O port
registers, and fifteen control and status registers. The Expanded
Register File consists of two control registers.
To unburden the program from coping with the real-time problems, such as counting/timing and data communication, the
Z86C90/C89 offers two on-chip counter/timers. Included are a
large number of user selectable modes, and two on-board comparators to process analog signals with a common reference
voltage (see Functional Block Diagram).
All Signals with a preceding front slash, "/", are active Low, e.g.: B//W
(WORD is active Low); /B/W (BYTE is active Low, only).
Power connections follow conventional descriptions below:
Connection Circuit Device
Power V
Ground GND V
DC-4054-01 (10-17-91)