YSI 610DM User Manual

610D Display/Logger 610DM Display/Logger
Environmental Monitoring Systems
SECTION 8 WARRANTY AND SERVICE INFO ............................................................................. 30
APPENDIX A REQUIRED NOTICE .....................................................................................................35
APPENDIX B ACCESSORIES............................................................................................................... 36
1 GETTING STARTED.............................................................................................................. 3
1.1 BATTERIES AND CHARGING ...................................................................................................3
1.2 CONNECTING TO A SONDE.....................................................................................................3
1.3 POWERING UP...........................................................................................................................5
2 USING THE KEYBOARD.....................................................................................................6
3 CHOOSING WHICH READINGS TO DISPLAY ................................................................6
3.1 SETTING UP AND USING THE SITE LIST ...............................................................................7
USING THE SITE LIST FOR CAPTURE, LOG AND ADD FILES ......................................................9
4 LOGGING ..............................................................................................................................9
4.1 SETTING UP A SONDE FOR UNATTENDED LOGGING......................................................12
5 FILES.................................................................................................................................... 12
5.1 UPLOADING LOGGED FILES................................................................................................ 12
5.2 TRANSFERING FILES TO A COMPUTER.............................................................................. 13
6 SAMPLING..........................................................................................................................14
6.1 STASH MEMORY......................................................................................................................14
6.2 CAPTURE AND ADD MEMORY..............................................................................................15
6.3 MARK FEATURE......................................................................................................................16
7 YSI 610 MENU .................................................................................................................... 19
7.1 RUN........................................................................................................................................... 21
7.2 SETUP YSI 610.......................................................................................................................... 23
7.3 COMMUNICATIONS................................................................................................................23
7.4 CALIBRATION Mode................................................................................................................25
7.5 SETUP PARAMETERS and SETUP SENSORS.........................................................................26
7.6 DEPLOY MODE................................................................................................................. ....... 26
7.7 LOGGING MODE (YSI 610 DM only)......................................................................................27
7.8 FILE SYSTEM (610 DM only)...................................................................................................28
8 TECHNICAL INFORMATION...........................................................................................29
8.1 SOFTWARE UPDATES.............................................................................................................29
8.2 LOADING NEW SOFTWARE....................................................................................................29
The YSI Display and Logger series instruments are powerful, hand held microcomputers that allow the user to display sonde readings, configure sondes, store and recall data, upload data from sondes and transfer data to computers for analysis and plotting.
An internal NiMH battery pack powers the YSI 610. This supply is sufficient to run a YSI 610 connected to a sonde for 6-8 hours. If the sonde is being powered separately, the YSI 610’s batteries can last much longer. The sondes can be powered by their internal batteries (6920, 6600 and 600XLM only), or by using a power supply such as the YSI
To ensure that you get maximum operational time from your hand-held display/logger, the user should follow the procedures below:
1) Place your display/logger on charge for approximately 24 hours.
2) After 24 hours, take the display/logger off the charge and switch it on. Leave the
display/logger on until the battery is fully discharged.
3) Repeat steps one and two at least two more times. This ensures that the battery is
charged to its maximum capacity.
4) Do not charge the batteries for more than 48 hours.
If the above steps are not followed, it may result in limited operational time of your display/logger and limited lifetime of your terminal’s battery pack. When the YSI 610’s batteries get low, the YSI 610 beeps. This provides approximately a one-hour warning before the YSI 610 will turn itself off. A wall-mount power supply is supplied with the YSI 610 to recharge the batteries. An optional automotive cigarette lighter adapter is also available.
Since YSI 6-Series sondes do not have displays or controls, users must communicate to them with a PC or terminal and emulation device. Figure 1 is a diagram of the YSI 610 connected to any 6-Series sonde.
YSI Incorporated Displays and Loggers 3
Figure 1
Environm ental Monitoring
610 Handheld Display
TMP 20.54 CND 0.687 DO% 97.5 DOc 38.0 pH 8.32 NO3 2.35
SpC 0.750 SAL 1.42 DO 8.56 DEP 10.12 ORP 90.2 TRB 2.3
68 20
The 6-Series Sonde.
There are two slide plugs on the back of the YSI 610. One plug is for power and the other is for communications to a sonde or computer. They are not interchangeable. In a laboratory situation, you will often use the AC adapter plug to power and charge your YSI 610. Because this plug is not intended to be watertight, replace it with the blanking plug when taking the YSI 610 into the field. An optional slide plug adapter for connecting your YSI 610 to an external battery is also available.
Figure 2
Bottom View
Press in at with one
thumb while pushing out at with the other
Install modules by aligning contacts and gently
pushi ng
in until they snap into place.
Two slide plug cable adapters are available for the communications plug. One is for communication with a PC and terminates in a 9 pin miniature sub-D connector (DB-9). When communicating with a PC, be sure to use a null modem cable. The other adapter is for use with a sonde and terminates in an 8 pin, military style connector (MS-8). Plug the MS-8 end of the cable into the sonde cable and the other end into the YSI 610.
YSI Incorporated Displays and Loggers 4
Figure 3
Power Jack Module
MS-8 Pigtail
Environmental Monitoring
DB-9 Pigtail
AC Adaptor for 120 VAC
Null Modem Cable
After the YSI 610 is shipped, the batteries may need a few minutes of charging before the unit can be turned on. Normally, whenever the AC adapter is plugged in, the YSI 610 turns itself on. To turn the YSI 610 off when the AC adapter is plugged in, press the Power button, wait for the power up display to appear and then press the Power button again. Do not allow the YSI 610 to charge more than 48 hours continuously.
With a sonde plugged in, the YSI 610 powers up into the Run mode and displays readings.
TMP 20.54 CND 0.687 DO% 97.5 DOc 38.0 pH 8.32 NO3 2.35
The message, “No Sonde in Use” may appear occasionally while the YSI 610 is trying to establish communication to a sonde. If the message does not go away after 60 seconds check the cables, power and baud rate selection on both the YSI 610 and the sonde to make sure that they are working properly, and that the baud rates agree (See Section 2, Sondes of the YSI 6-Series Operations Manual for information about the proper baud rate).
SpC 0.750 SAL 1.42 DO 8.56 DEP 10.12 ORP 90.2 TRB 2.3
YSI Incorporated Displays and Loggers 5
To select different menu options, use the arrow keys to highlight the name of the menu that you want to open, and press the Enter key. To return to the previous menu, press the Esc key.
Information can be entered into the YSI 610 when you see a blinking cursor within a highlighted item. If you wish to change the highlighted information, type in the new information, and press Enter. You can enter information in upper or lower case.
Durations and intervals, which appear on logging and deployment menus, are entered in a special way. Values may be entered in units of seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h) or days (d). You must type a number followed by a letter (press Shift after typing the numeric portion). Thus 15 seconds is entered as "15s", and 36 hours is entered as "36h".
The upper right corner of the screen indicates the keyboard shift status by showing "shft" or "caps". If you wish to type a number instead of a letter, press the shift key and “shft” will disappear. When the “shft” appears in the upper right corner of the screen, letters can be typed. The YSI 610 automatically changes the shift status when it expects numeric/text input. The “caps” appears in the upper right corner when you hit the caps key to type capitalized letters (useful for naming files).
When the menu is too large to fit on the screen, arrow symbols appear in the upper or lower corners. To see the part of the menu that is not shown, use the Arrow keys, and the screen will scroll as necessary.
The Setup Sensors and Setup Parameters menus of the YSI 610 allow you to display or change the active sensors and parameters that are in the sonde. Both menus are listed in the Main menu and have similar formats. To select or deselect an item in these menus, highlight it and press Enter. You will rarely use the Setup Sensors menu, except when you are first setting up your sonde after purchase, and only occasionally use the Setup Parameters menu.
The Setup Sensors menu in the YSI 610 can not detect the presence or absence of a particular sensor in the sonde. So regardless of which sensors are installed in your sonde, all possible sensors are listed in the YSI 610 Setup Sensors menu. If you activate a sensor that isn’t really connected, you will see false readings for that sensor, because the YSI 610 and the sonde will believe whatever you enter.
YSI Incorporated Displays and Loggers 6
You access the Run mode by selecting Run from the YSI 610 Main menu, or by powering up the YSI 610 with a sonde already connected. In the Run mode, the YSI 610 constantly requests live data from the sonde and displays it on the screen. To go to the YSI 610 Main menu from the Run mode, press the Esc key.
A feature of the YSI 610-DM (but not the YSI 610-D) allows you to place a list of “site names” into memory to eliminate having to type them in during fieldwork. While using the YSI 610-DM in the Run mode, you may press the “C” key (capture), “A” key (add) or “M” key (marked) to view the Site List. Choose a site name from the list, or type in a new name and confirm creating a new file if necessary. Press Enter, and the data will be added or captured to this file. Each of these features are discussed in further detail in this section.
There are two approaches to setting up and using the Site List feature. One allows you to designate a descriptive file name and then add or capture data to this file at various times. For example, you may decide to sample at “bridge1” each day for 14 days and capture readings for several minutes each time. When you review or upload this file it will contain 2 weeks of data, time and date stamped. This data is specific to “bridge1” site and all of the data are in one file. If you want to collect data at another site (e.g., “bridge2”), you need to open a second file.
The second approach allows you to collect all readings for a particular field trip into one file. For example, you may decide to sample at “bridge1”, then “bridge2”, then to “uplake”, and so on. When setting up this file (automatically named “marked” by the YSI 610-DM), you list a descriptive name in the “file” prompt to describe the site, then assign a number in the “site” prompt that corresponds to this site. This mark number is important because it is the key identifier when you view the readings at a later time. Again, the advantage of “marked” file is that you can store readings from many sites in one file and be able to identify the sites later. This may be your approach of choice on a one day trip to multiple sites.
The Site List is accessed through the Setup YSI 610 menu. If the site list is empty, “make NEW entry” appears and prompts you to type in a new file name.
When using the Mark feature, there is only one file name, “marked”. All readings that are stored using the “m” prompt during Run mode are stored to the file name “marked”.
IMPORTANT: You can only set up “marked” file by pressing the “m” key in the Run mode. You can not type in the word “marked” to create this file. Once you have
YSI Incorporated Displays and Loggers 7
collected readings under the pre-assigned site names, you may rename “marked” file to a file name of your choice using submenu FILES.
In this mode, you can set up a site list using a Mark Name and a Mark Number. In the Site List use the File item to hold the Mark Name, and the Site item to hold the Mark Number. Use any combination of alpha/numeric characters (we recommend using 8 characters max for compatibility with DOS based systems) for the Mark Name, but for the Mark Number you must enter numeric values (-99999 to 999999). You will likely use positive numbers beginning with 1, then 2 and so on.
From the YSI 610’s Main menu, select
Setup YSI 610 and then select Setup Site List. If no sites have been entered,
the “make NEW entry” screen appears. To modify an existing list, press Enter, then choose from the pop-up menu. To enter a new site, choose Insert. Using the example shown, type in “spillway” and press Enter to add to the list.
Date: 5/20/96 Time: 10:24:36
Dump 610 Setup
Delete All Files
Setup Site List
headwtrs bridge1 bridge2 uplake midlake spillway
Create a list of sites
you go to the field.
To correctly format this site for Mark status, highlight “Site” and enter a numeric value to complete this entry. Using this example the number “6” is used to identify the site “spillway”.
While in the Run mode, press the “m” key. Select the site name by highlighting it to begin the process of collecting readings.
headwtrs bridge1 bridge2 uplake midlake
Move Move Insert
Revise Delete
Enter a file name.
Make NEW Entry
File:spillway Site:
Remember that when you review data from the “marked” file, lines of data from the site “spillway” will be labeled as “sample 6”. Each of the sites have corresponding numbers. When you set up the sites, we recommend that you write down the list for later reference to correlate names with numbers.
Make NEW Entry
File:spillway Site:
Enter a mark number that corresponds to the name.
Make NEW Entry
File:spillway Site:6
YSI Incorporated Displays and Loggers 8
The Site List is accessed through the Setup YSI 610 menu.
From the YSI 610 Main menu select
Setup YSI 610, and then select Setup Site List. If no sites have been entered, “make
NEW entry” appears. To modify an existing list, select an existing name, press Enter and choose from the pop-up menu. To enter a new site, choose Insert. Type in “spillway” and press Enter to add to the
Date: 5/20/96 Time: 10:24:36
Dump 610 Setup
Delete All Files
Setup Site List
Create a list of filenames
you go to the field.
headwtrs bridge1 bridge2 uplake midlake spillway
By typing information after “Site:”, you may further describe your site. This will not appear in the file name list. The information typed under “Site” only appears in the header information during review of files using the YSI 610 or YSI software. No entry is required under “Site” for Add, Capture and Log functions. A numeric value is required if the Mark function is used.
headwtrs bridge1 bridge2 uplake midlake
Move Move Insert
Revise Delete
Enter a mark name.
Make NEW Entry
File:spillway Site:
The Site List can be kept in any order. It is suggested that you arrange it in the order that you visit your sites. Making an entry on the Site List does not create a file, it only stores a file name for future use. The file name will not appear in the Site List until data is stored in the file.
There are different kinds of files for each of the three types of storage: Add, Capture and Log. The file type is fixed after the first set of readings is stored to the file. If you decide to use more than one type of storage, then you might want to make that clear in the file name itself by adding “c”, “a”, or “l” as a suffix to the file name.
Logging refers to the collection of a set of readings at regular intervals. There are two different applications of the YSI 610 related to logging.
YSI Incorporated Displays and Loggers 9
Some 6-Series sondes (6920, 6600 and 600XLM) have on-board memory and power. These sondes can log readings to sonde memory for days or weeks at a time. You may use the YSI 610-D or YSI 610-DM to setup one of these sondes for deployment, disconnect the sonde and allow it to log readings on its own. Then use the YSI 610 to upload files from the sonde.
The second application uses YSI 610-DM memory to store readings from any of the 6­Series sondes. Since the readings are being logged to YSI 610-DM memory, sonde memory and on-board power are not required. During logging, the YSI 610 can not do anything else. While the YSI 610 can readily withstand short exposure to rain, it can not be left out in the weather for extended periods of time. For these reasons, the YSI 610 is best suited for short term logging applications.
The YSI 610-DM can log sample data directly to its internal memory from any 6-Series sonde. Logging produces a file in the standard YSI file format, capable of being uploaded to a PC and processed by EcoWatch for Windows.
NOTE: If you log files to the 610DM, only the parameters that are active in the Report Menu will be available to the PC software. For example, if only DO mg/L is activated in Report during logging, it will not be possible to later generate DO% values. This is different from files that are logged to sonde memory where DO% would be available as a calculated parameter in EcoWatch software. It is important to be certain that all desired parameters are active in the Report Menu before beginning a 610 logging study.
When logging with the 610DM, the sensors will be turned off between logged samples, affecting the manner in which the DO calibration should be carried out. First, when setting up the sonde, the DO warm up time in the sonde’s Advanced Sensor menu is set to the same value as the DO warm up time that is used to set up the 610DM logging study. Second, After establishing the connection between the sonde and the 610DM, you must turn on Autosleep RS232 in the sonde’s Advanced Setup menu. This can be done by using Smart Terminal as described in Section 7.3, Communications . Third, proceed directly to the Calibrate menu of the 610DM after Autosleep is activated. If you activate Run mode, Autosleep will be deactivated. Follow the calibration procedures for DO as described in Section 7.4, Calibration Mode. The calibration will occur automatically after a countdown of the warm up time. Finally, proceed to the Logging menu and begin the study as described below.
To begin logging with any sonde, select the Logging menu from the YSI 610 Main menu. Four sub-menu choices are displayed.
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+ 28 hidden pages