YSI 5905 BOD, 5010 BOD Specifications

YSI 5905 and 5010 BOD Probes
To order, or for more information, contact YSI Environmental.
+1 937 767 7241 800 897 4151 (US)
www.ysi.com environmental@ysi.com
YSI Integrated Systems +1 508 748 0366 systems@ysi.com
SonTek/YSI +1 858 546 8327 inquiry@sontek.com
YSI Gulf Coast +1 225 753 2650 environmental@ysi.com
AMJ Environmental +1 727 565 2201 amj@ysi.com
YSI Hydrodata (UK) +44 1462 673 581 europe@ysi.com
YSI Middle East (Bahrain) +973 1753 6222 halsalem@ysi.com
YSI (Hong Kong) Limited +852 2891 8154 hongkong@ysi.com
YSI (China) Limited +86 532 575 3636 beijing@ysi-china.com
YSI Nanotech (Japan) +81 44 222 0009 nanotech@ysi.com
Self-Stirring BOD Probes - Classic Design for True Reliability
• Easily replaceable screw-on cap membranes
• 5010 connects directly to the 5000 and 5100 meters
• 5905 ts any grey box style YSI lab/eld DO meter; use the 5011 (part number 005011) adapter to connect a 5905 to the 5000 or 5100 instruments
• Probe body tapered to t into a standard 300 mL BOD bottle
• International versions available to t various sized BOD bottles
• No stir bar needed
YSI 5905 and YSI 5010 Probe Specifications
Part Numbers 5905 5010
mg/L % air temperature mg/L % air temperature mg/L % air temperature
059800 050102
±0.1 mg/L or ±2% of reading; whichever is greater ±0.2° C 0-20 mg/L 0-200% of reading 0 to +45° C
0.1° C
YSI India +91 989 122 0639 sham@ysi.com
YSI Australia +61 7 390 17223
ISO 9001 ISO 14001
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Y S I i n c o r p o r a t e d
Whoʼs Minding the Planet?
YSI 5010 and 5100 dissolved oxygen instrument shown with the bar code reader.