York DM 060, DM 036, DM 048, DM 072 User Manual

YORK Sunline 2000™ units are convertible single package air conditioners with a common cabinet and a common roof curb for the 3, 4, 5 and 6 ton sizes. The units were designed for light commercial and commercial applications. They can easily be installed on a roof curb, slab, roof jack or frame.
DM 036, 048, 060 & 072
3, 4, 5 & 6 NOMINAL TONS
10.0 SEER (3, 4 & 5 TONS), 9.0 EER (6 TONS)
All units include:
Powder Paint finish that meets ASTM-B-117 1000 hour salt spray standards
Permanently lubricated motors
Bottom or side air discharge configuration capability (field convertible)
Manufactured under the quality standards of ISO9001
Copper tube/aluminum fin coils
Easy access to all components
Rigging holes in base rails for lifting
Fork lift slots on three sides
Single point power connection
Complete factory package - tested, charged and wired
CSA agency listing on all units
Factory Limited Parts Warranty
One-year parts warranty
Control Board
A Five-year parts warranty on the compressor and electric heat elements.
Ten-year parts warranty on the gas-fired heat exchangers.
DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
PRODUCT NOMENCLATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
FACTORY-INSTALLED OPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
FIELD-INSTALLED ACCESSORIES . . . . . . . . . . . 13
GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Fig. #
1 UNIT CUTAWAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
ELECTRIC HEAT) FRONT VIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
FRONT VIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5 UNIT WITH ECONOMIZER RAINHOOD . . . . . . . . . . . 37
DAMPER RAINHOOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
7 UNIT DIMENSIONS (REAR VIEW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
9 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
10 FOUR AND SIX POINT LOADING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Pg. #
11 ROOF CURB DIMENSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Tbl. #
1 SOUND POWER RATING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2 CAPACITY RATINGS - (ARI 210/240) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3 GAS HEAT RATINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4 2 STAGE GAS HEAT RATINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5 DM036 COOLING CAPACITIES (3 TON) . . . . . . . . . . 16
6 DM048 COOLING CAPACITIES (4 TON) . . . . . . . . . . 17
7 DM060 COOLING CAPACITIES (5 TON) . . . . . . . . . . 18
8 DM072 COOLING CAPACITIES (6 TON) . . . . . . . . . . 19
Pg. #
DRIVE) - SIDE DUCT APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
DRIVE) - SIDE DUCT APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
DRIVE) - SIDE DUCT APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
DRIVE) - SIDE DUCT APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
15 STATIC RESISTANCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
16 ELECTRIC HEATER CFM LIMITATIONS . . . . . . . . . . 25
POWR’D CONVENIENCE OUTLET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
POWR’D CONVENIENCE OUTLET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
25 PHYSICAL DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
27 VOLTAGE LIMITATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
28 UTILITIES ENTRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
29 MINIMUM CLEARANCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
DISTRIBUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
31 CENTER OF GRAVITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
32 OPERATING WEIGHTS (LBS.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2 Unitary Products Group
' 0 1
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Unitary Products Group 3
3-6T Sunline Model Number Nomenclature
Standard Cabinet
AA None AB Phase Monitor AC Coil Guard AD Dirty Filter Switch AE Phase Monitor & Coil Guard AF Phase Monitor & Dirty Filter Switch AG Coil Guard & Dirty Filter Switch AH Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Dirty Filter Switch AJ SS Drain Pan AK SS Drain Pan & Phase Monitor AL SS Drain Pan & Coil Guard AM SS Drain Pan & Dirty Filter Switch AN SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard & Dirty Filter Switch AS Bottom Drain Connection CA CPC Controller with Dirty Filter Switch & Air Proving Switch CB CPC Controller, DFS, APS & Phase Monitor CC CPC Controller, DFS, APS & Coil Guard CD CPC Controller, DFS, APS, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard CE CPC Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Cond. Coil CF CPC Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Phase Monitor CG CPC Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Coil Guard CH CPC Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard CJ CPC Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Evap. Coil CK CPC Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Phase Monitor CL CPC Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Coil Guard CM CPC Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard CN CPC Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils CP CPC Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Phase Monitor CQ CPC Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Coil Guard CR CPC Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard CS CPC Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan CT CPC Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard CU CPC Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Cond Coils CV CPC Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap Coil CW CPC Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils CX CPC Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils JA Johnson UNT Controller with Dirty Filter Switch & Air Proving Switch JB Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS & Phase Monitor JC Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS & Coil Guard JD Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard JE Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Cond. Coil JF Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Phase Monitor JG Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Coil Guard JH Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard JJ Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Evap. Coil JK Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Phase Monitor JL Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Coil Guard JM Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard JN Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils JP Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Phase Monitor JQ Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Coil Guard
4 Unitary Products Group
Standard Cabinet
JR Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard JS Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan JT Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard JU Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Cond Coils JV Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap Coil JW Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils JX Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils HA Honeywell Excel 10 Controller with Dirty Filter Switch & Air Proving Switch HB Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS & Phase Monitor HC Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS & Coil Guard HD Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard HE Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Cond. Coil HF Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Phase Monitor HG Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Coil Guard HH Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard HJ Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Evap. Coil HK Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Phase Monitor HL Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Coil Guard HM Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard HN Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils HP Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Phase Monitor HQ Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Coil Guard HR Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard HS Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan HT Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard HU Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Cond Coils HV Honeywell Excel 10 Controller,DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap Coil HW Honeywell Excel 10 Controller,DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils HX Honeywell Excel 10 Controller,DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils NA Novar ETC-3 Controller with Dirty Filter Switch & Air Proving Switch NB Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS & Phase Monitor NC Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS & Coil Guard ND Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard NE Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Cond. Coil NF Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Phase Monitor NG Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Coil Guard NH Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard NJ Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Evap. Coil NK Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Phase Monitor NL Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Coil Guard NM Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard NN Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils NP Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Phase Monitor NQ Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Coil Guard NR Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard NS Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan NT Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard NU Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Cond Coils NV Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap Coil NW Novar ETC-3, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils NX Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils TA Technicoat Condenser Coil TB Technicoat Condenser Coil & Phase Monitor TC Technicoat Condenser Coil & Coil Guard
Unitary Products Group 5
Standard Cabinet
TD Technicoat Condenser Coil & Dirty Filter Switch TE Technicoat Condenser Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard TF Technicoat Condenser Coil, Phase Monitor, & Dirty Filter Switch TG Technicoat Condenser Coil, Coil Guard, & Dirty Filter Switch TH Technicoat Condenser Coil, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Dirty Filter Switch TJ Technicoat Evaporator Coil TK Technicoat Evaporator Coil & Phase Monitor TL Technicoat Evaporator Coil & Coil Guard TM Technicoat Evaporator Coil & Dirty Filter Switch TN Technicoat Evaporator Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard TP Technicoat Evaporator Coil, Phase Monitor, & Dirty Filter Switch TQ Technicoat Evaporator Coil, Coil Guard, & Dirty Filter Switch TR Technicoat Evaporator Coil, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Dirty Filter Switch TS Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils TT Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils & Phase Monitor TU Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils & Coil Guard TV Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils & Dirty Filter Switch TW Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard TX Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils, Phase Monitor, & Dirty Filter Switch TY Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils, Coil Guard, & Dirty Filter Switch TZ Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Dirty Filter Switch T1 Technicoat Condenser & SS Drain Pan T3 Technicoat Condenser Coil, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Dirty Filter Switch T4 Technicoat Evaporator & SS Drain Pan T6 Technicoat Evaporator Coil, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Dirty Filter Switch T7 Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils & SS Drain Pan T9 Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Dirty Filter Switch LA Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller LB Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, & Phase Monitor LC Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, & Coil Guard LD Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard LE Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, & Technicoat Cond. Coil LF Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Phase Monitor LG Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Coil Guard LH Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, Technicoat Cond. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard LJ Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, & Technicoat Evap. Coil LK Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Phase Monitor LL Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Coil Guard LM Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, Technicoat Evap. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard LN Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, & Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils LP Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Phase Monitor LQ Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Coil Guard LR Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard LS Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, SS Drain Pan LT Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard LU Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Cond Coils LV Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap Coil LW Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils LX Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils WA Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller WB Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, & Phase Monitor WC Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, & Coil Guard WD Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard WE Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, & Technicoat Cond. Coil
6 Unitary Products Group
Standard Cabinet
WF Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Phase Monitor WG Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Coil Guard WH Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Technicoat Cond. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard WJ Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, & Technicoat Evap. Coil WK Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Phase Monitor WL Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Coil Guard WM Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Technicoat Evap. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard WN Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, & Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils WP Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Phase Monitor WQ Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Coil Guard WR Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard WS Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, SS Drain Pan WT Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard WU Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Cond Coils WV Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap Coil WW Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils WX Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils
Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Cabinet
BA Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels BB Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels BC Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels BD Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels BE Phase Monitor & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels BF Phase Monitor & Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels BG Coil Guard & Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels BH Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels BJ SS Drain Pan & Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels BK SS Drain Pan & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels BL SS Drain Pan & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels BM SS Drain Pan & Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels BN SS Drain Pan & Phase Monitor & Coil Guard, Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels BS Bottom Drain Connection, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DA CPC Controller with Dirty Filter Switch & Air Proving Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DB CPC Controller, DFS, APS & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DC CPC Controller, DFS, APS & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DD CPC Controller, DFS, APS, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DE CPC Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Cond. Coil, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DF CPC Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DG CPC Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DH CPC Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DJ CPC Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Evap. Coil, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DK CPC Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DL CPC Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DM CPC Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DN CPC Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DP CPC Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DQ CPC Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DR CPC Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DS CPC Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DT CPC Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DU CPC Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Cond Coils Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DV CPC Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap Coil Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels DW CPC Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels
Unitary Products Group 7
Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Cabinet
DX CPC Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils Hinged Filter Door & Toolless
Access Panels EA Johnson UNT Controller with Dirty Filter Switch & Air Proving Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels EB Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels EC Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels ED Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels EE Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Cond. Coil, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels EF Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels EG Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels EH Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels EJ Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Evap. Coil, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels EK Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels EL Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels EM Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels EN Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels EP Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels EQ Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access
Panels ER Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door &
Toolless Access Panels ES Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels ET Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels EU Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Cond Coils Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels EV Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap Coil Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels EW Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels EX Johnson UNT Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils Hinged Filter Door &
Toolless Access Panels GA Honeywell Excel 10 Controller with Dirty Filter Switch & Air Proving Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels GB Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels GC Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels GD Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels GE Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Cond. Coil, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels GF Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels GG Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels GH Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access
Panels GJ Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Evap. Coil, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels GK Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels GL Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels GM Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access
Panels GN Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels GP Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access
Panels GQ Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels GR Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Too
Access Panels GS Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan GT Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard GU Honeywell Excel 10 Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Cond Coils GV Honeywell Excel 10 Controller,DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap Coil GW Honeywell Excel 10 Controller,DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils GX Honeywell Excel 10 Controller,DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils PA Novar ETC-3 Controller with Dirty Filter Switch & Air Proving Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels PB Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels PC Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels PD Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels
8 Unitary Products Group
Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Cabinet
PE Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Cond. Coil, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels PF Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels PG Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels PH Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Cond. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels PJ Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Evap. Coil, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels PK Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels PL Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels PM Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels PN Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS & Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels PP Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels PQ Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels PR Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access
Panels PS Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan PT Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard PU Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Cond Coils PV Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap Coil PW Novar ETC-3, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils PX Novar ETC-3 Controller, DFS, APS, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils UA Technicoat Condenser Coil, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UB Technicoat Condenser Coil & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UC Technicoat Condenser Coil & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UD Technicoat Condenser Coil & Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UE Technicoat Condenser Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UF Technicoat Condenser Coil, Phase Monitor, & Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UG Technicoat Condenser Coil, Coil Guard, & Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UH Technicoat Condenser Coil, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UJ Technicoat Evaporator Coil, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UK Technicoat Evaporator Coil & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UL Technicoat Evaporator Coil & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UM Technicoat Evaporator Coil & Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UN Technicoat Evaporator Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UP Technicoat Evaporator Coil, Phase Monitor, & Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UQ Technicoat Evaporator Coil, Coil Guard, & Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UR Technicoat Evaporator Coil, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels US Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UT Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UU Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UV Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils & Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UW Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UX Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils, Phase Monitor, & Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UY Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils, Coil Guard, & Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels UZ Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels U1 Technicoat Condenser & SS Drain Pan, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels U3 Technicoat Condenser Coil, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Acce U4 Technicoat Evaporator & SS Drain Pan, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels U6 Technicoat Evaporator Coil, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels U7 Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils & SS Drain Pan, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels U9 Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Dirty Filter Switch, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless
Access Panels QA Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller with Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels QB Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels QC Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels QD Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels QE Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, & Technicoat Cond. Coil, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels QF Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels
ss Panels
Unitary Products Group 9
Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Cabinet
QG Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels QH Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, Technicoat Cond. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access QJ Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, & Technicoat Evap. Coil, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels QK Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels QL Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels QM Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, Technicoat Evap. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access QN Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, & Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels QP Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Pan QQ Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels QR Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolles QS Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, SS Drain Pan Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels QT Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels QU Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Cond Coils Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels QV Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap Coil Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels QW Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels QX Simplicity Intelli-Comfort Controller, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils Hinged Filter Door &
Toolless Access Panels XA Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels XB Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels XC Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels XD Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels XE Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, & Technicoat Cond. Coil, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels XF Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels XG Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Technicoat Cond. Coil, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels XH Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Technicoat Cond. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access XJ Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, & Technicoat Evap. Coil, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels XK Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels XL Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Technicoat Evap. Coil, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels XM Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Technicoat Evap. Coil, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access XN Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, & Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels XP Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Phase Monitor, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Pan XQ Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels XR Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, Technicoat Evap. & Cond Coils, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard, Hinged Filter Door & Toolles XS Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, SS Drain Pan Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels XT Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, & Coil Guard Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels XU Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Cond Coils Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels XV Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap Coil Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels XW Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, SS Drain Pan, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils Hinged Filter Door & Toolless Access Panels XX Intelli-Comfort w/Mod Link Controller, SS Drain Pan, Phase Monitor, Coil Guard, & Technicoat Evap and Cond Coils Hinged Filter Door &
Toolless Access Panels
10 Unitary Products Group
All models are available with a wide variety of factory­mounted options such as stainless steel heat exchangers, electric heaters, phase monitor, convenience outlet, dirty filter switch, disconnect switch, smoke detectors, and coil guard to make them suitable for almost every application.
All units are self-contained and assembled on full perimeter base rails with forklift holes on three sides and holes for over­head rigging. Every unit is completely piped, wired, charged and tested at the factory to simplify the field installation and to provide years of dependable operation.
All models (including those with an economizer) are suitable for either bottom or horizontal duct connections. For bottom duct, remove the sheet metal panels from the supply and return air openings through the base of the unit. For horizontal duct, remove the supply and return air panels on the rear of the unit.
All models are available with these “factory mounted” outdoor air damper options:
Single enthalpy economizer
Motorized outdoor air damper
Supply air blowers are equipped with either a direct drive or a belt drive that can be adjusted to meet the exact require­ments of the job.
All compressors are equipped with internal pressure relief. Every refrigerant circuit includes a liquid line filter-drier, a high pressure switch and a suction line with a freezestat and low pressure/loss of charge switch to protect all system compo­nents.
• standardized a number of features previously available only as options or by utilizing additional controls.
Low Ambient - An integrated low-ambient control
Anti-Short Cycle Protection - To aid compressor
Fan Delays - Fan on and fan off delays are fully pro-
Safety Monitoring - The control board monitors the
™ Controls -
allows all units to operate in the cooling mode down to 0ºF outdoor ambient without additional assis­tance. Optionally, the control board can be pro­grammed to lockout the compressors when the outdoor air temperature is low or when free cooling is available.
life, an anti-short cycle delay is incorporated into the standard controls. Compressor reliability is further ensured by programmable minimum run times. For testing, the anti short cycle delay can be temporarily overridden with the push of a button.
grammable and are independent of one another. All units are programmed with default values based upon their configuration of cooling and heat.
high and low-pressure switches, the freezestats, the gas valve, if applicable, and the temperature limit
control boards have
switch on gas heat units. The unit control board will alarm on ignition failures, compressor lockouts and repeated limit switch trips.
Nuisance Trip Protection- To prevent nuisance trouble calls, the control board uses a “three strikes, you’re out” philosophy. The high and low-pressure switches and the freezestats must trip three times within two hours before the unit control board will lock out the compressor.
On Board Diagnostics - Each alarm will energize a trouble light on the thermostat, if so equipped, and flash an alarm code on the control board LED. Each high and low-pressure switch alarm as well as each freezestat alarm has its own flash code. The control board saves the five most recent alarms in memory, and these alarms can be reviewed at any time. Alarms and programmed values are retained through the loss of power.
All units have long lasting powder paint cabinets with 1000 hour salt spray test approval under ASTM-B117 procedures.
All models are CSA listed.
Warranty - All models include a one-year limited parts warranty on the complete unit. Compressors and electric heater elements carry a five-year warranty. Gas heat exchangers carry a 10-year parts warranty.
Gas Heat Operation heat have minimum annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) of 80%. All three phase models with gas heat have minimum steady state efficiency of 80%. Each sec­tion includes a durable heat exchanger with aluminized steel or optional stainless steel tubes, a redundant gas valve, spark ignition, power venting, an ignition module for 100% shut-off and all of the safety controls required to meet the latest ANSI standards.
The gas supply piping can be routed into the heating compartment through a hole in the base pan of the unit or through a knockout in the piping panel on the front of
the unit.
Electric Heat Operation - All electric heat models are wired for a single power source and include a bank of nickel chromium elements mounted at the discharge of the supply air blower to provide a high velocity and uni­form distribution of air across the heating elements. Every element is fully protected against excessive tem­perature by thermal limit switches.
The power supply wiring can be routed into the control box through a threaded pipe connection (field supplied) in the base pan of the unit or through a knockout in the wiring panel on the side of the unit.
BAS Controls - York’s Sunline™ series units offer factory mounted BAS controls such as Simplicity™ INTELLI­Comfort™, Novar, Honeywell, Johnson, and CPC.
- All single phase models with gas
Unitary Products Group 11
SINGLE INPUT ELECTRONIC ENTHALPY ECONO­MIZERS - Includes a slide-in / plug-in damper assembly
with fully modulating spring-return motor actuator capa­ble of introducing up to 100% outdoor air with nominal 1% leakage type dampers.
The enthalpy system contains one sensor that monitors the outdoor air and determines when the air is cool enough and dry enough to provide free cooling.
The rainhood is painted to match the basic unit and must be field-assembled before installing.
MOTORIZED OUTDOOR AIR INTAKE DAMPER - Includes a slide-in / plug-in damper assembly with a 2­position, spring return motor actuator which opens to a pre-set position whenever the supply air blower is oper­ating and will drive fully closed when the blower unit shuts down.
The rain hood is painted to match the basic unit and must be field assembled before installing.
PHENOLIC COATED EVAPORATOR AND CON- DENSER COILS - Special coating process that utilizes
Technicoat 10-1 immersion of the complete coil for maximum protection.
ELECTRIC HEATERS - Wired for single point power supply. These nickel chromium heater elements are pro­vided with limit and automatic reset capability to prevent operation at excessive temperatures.
FILTER OPTIONS - Standard units are shipped with 1” throw-away filters installed. 2” pleated filters are offered as a factory installed option.
CONVENIENCE OUTLET - This 110 volt outlet can be “powered” by the unit with a stepdown transformer or the unit may be ordered with a “non-powered” convenience outlet that can be wired in the field.
DISCONNECT SWITCH - For gas heat units and cooling units with electric heat, a HACR breaker sized to the unit is provided. For cooling only units, a switch sized to the largest electric heat available for the particular unit is provided. Factory installed option only.
BAS - Building Automation System Controls
York ® Simplicity™ INTELLI-Comfort™ control is factory installed. It includes a supply air sensor, a return air sen­sor, and an outside air sensor. There are provisions for a field installed dirty filter indicator switch, an air-proving
processes. Coating is applied by total
™ INTELLI-Comfort™ CONTROL - The
12 Unitary Products Group
switch, an Outside Air Humidity sensor, a Return Air Humidity sensor, an Inside IAQ sensor, and an Outside Air IAQ sensor. Construction mode operation, 365-day real time clock with 7 day programming plus holiday scheduling is built-in. Two different modes of demand ventilation are achieved through the INTELLI-Com­fort™using CO2 sensors. It uses an inside CO2 sensor to perform Demand Ventilation. It can also use an Out­side CO2 sensor to perform Differential Demand Ventila­tion. It uses a Patented Comfort Ventilation algorithm to provide comfortable ventilation air temperature. The pat­ented economizer-loading algorithm will protect the equipment when harsh operating conditions exist. Humidity in the occupied space or return duct can be monitored and controlled via humidity sensors and the on-board connection for hot gas re-heat system. It uses the INTELLI-Start™ algorithm to maximize energy sav­ings by recovering the building from the Unoccupied Set­points to the Occupied Setpoints just in time for the Occupied Time Period to begin. The Simplicity™ INTELLI-Comfort™ balances space temperature, venti­lation air temperature, CO2 and humidity for ultimate comfort.
TROL - The York® Simplicity™ INTELLI-Comfort™ with Mod Link control is factory installed. It includes all the features of the INTELLI-Comfort™ control with an addi­tional control to translate communications from MOD­BUS to the BACnet MSTP protocol.
Novar® BAS CONTROL - The Novar® ETC-3 building automation system controller is factory installed. Includes supply air sensor, return air sensor, dirty filter indicator switch, and air proving switch.
JOHNSON CONTROLS BAS CONTROL - The Johnson Control YK-UNT-1126 building automation system con­troller is factory installed. Includes supply air sensor, return air sensor, dirty filter indicator switch, and air prov­ing switch.
™ INTELLI-Comfort™ with MOD LINK CON-
STAINLESS STEEL HEAT EXCHANGER - For applica- tions in corrosive environments, this option provides a full stainless steel heat exchanger assembly.
STAINLESS STEEL DRAIN PAN - An optional rust- proof stainless steel drain pan is available to provide years of trouble-free operation in corrosive environ­ments.
BOTTOM DRAIN CONNECTION - An optional bottom drain connection is available for inside the curb connec­tions for applications in cold environments to reduce freezing drain lines.
PHASE MONITORS - Designed to prevent unit damage. The phase monitor will shut the unit down in an out-of­phase condition.
DIRTY FILTER SWITCH - This kit includes a differential pressure switch that energizes the fault light on the unit thermostat, indicating that there is an abnormally high pressure drop across the filters. Factory installed option or field installed accessory.
HINGED FILTER DOOR/“TOOLLESS” BLOWER AND ACCESS PANELS (not hinged) - This option allows for easy access and maintenance.
NOTE:Knobs are shipped inside the unit to prevent ship-
ping damage. These must be field installed for tool-less operation.
SINGLE INPUT ELECTRONIC ENTHALPY ECONO­MIZERS - Includes a slide-in / plug-in damper assembly
with fully modulating spring-return motor actuator capa­ble of introducing up to 100% outdoor air with nominal 1% leakage type dampers.
The enthalpy system contains one sensor that monitors the outdoor air and determines when the air is cool enough and dry enough to provide free cooling.
CPC BAS CONTROL - The Computer Process Controls Model 810-3060 ARTC Advanced Rooftop building auto­mation system controller is factory installed. Includes supply air sensor, return air sensor, dirty filter indicator switch and air proving switch.
HONEYWELL BAS CONTROL - The Honeywell W7750C building automation system controller is factory installed. Includes air supply sensor, return air sensor, dirty filter indicator switch, and air proving switch.
SMOKE DETECTORS - (supply air & return air) The smoke detectors stop operation of the unit by interrupting power to the control board if smoke is detected within the air compartment.
COIL GUARD - Customers can purchase a coil guard kit to protect the condenser coil from damage. This is not a hail guard kit.
Unitary Products Group 13
The rainhood is painted to match the basic unit and must be field-assembled before installing.
MOTORIZED OUTDOOR AIR INTAKE DAMPER - Includes a slide-in / plug-in damper assembly with a 2­position, spring return motor actuator which opens to some pre-set position whenever the supply air blower is operating and will drive fully closed when the blower unit shuts down.
The rain hood is painted to match the basic unit and must be field assembled before installing.
ELECTRIC HEATERS wired for single point power sup- ply. These nickel chromium heater elements are pro­vided with limit and automatic reset capability to prevent operation at excessive temperatures.
ROOF CURBS - Eight and fourteen-inch high roof curbs provide a water-tight seal between the unit and the finished roof. These full perimeter curbs meet the requirements of the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) and are shipped knocked-down for field assembly.
Roof curbs are designed to fit inside the base rails of the unit and include both a wood nailing strip and duct hanger supports.
HIGH ALTITUDE NATURAL GAS - Burner orifices and pilot orifices are provided for proper furnace operation at altitudes up to 6,000 feet.
PROPANE - Burner orifices, pilot orifices and gas valve parts are provided to convert a natural gas furnace to propane.
HIGH ALTITUDE PROPANE - Burner orifices and pilot orifices are provided for proper furnace operation at alti­tudes up to 6,000 feet. This accessory supplements the basic propane conversion kit.
LOW NOX KIT- Required to reduce the emission of nitrogen oxides below 40 nanograms per joule.
POWER EXHAUST - Our single input economizer options are available with power exhaust. Whenever the outdoor air intake dampers are opened for free cooling, the exhaust fan will be energized to prevent the condi­tioned space from being over-pressurized during econo­mizer operation.
The power exhaust option can only be used on bot­tom duct configurations.
BAROMETRIC RELIEF DAMPER - This damper acces­sory can be used to relieve internal building air pressure on units with an economizer without power exhaust. This accessory includes a rain hood, a bird screen and a fully assembled damper. With bottom duct connections, the damper should be mounted over the opening in the return air panel. With horizontal ductwork, the accessory should be mounted on the return air duct.
ENTHALPY ACCESSORY CONTROL KIT - This kit contains the required components to convert a single enthalpy economizer to dual enthalpy.
BURGLAR BARS - Mount in the supply and return openings to prevent entry into the duct work.
FLUE EXHAUST EXTENSION KIT - In locations with wind or weather conditions which may interfere with proper exhausting of furnace combustion products, this kit can be installed to prevent the flue exhaust from entering nearby fresh air intakes.
SENSOR - Senses CO2 levels and automatically
overrides the economizer when levels rise above the present limits.
COIL GUARD - Customers can purchase a coil guard kit to protect the condenser coil from damage. This is not a hail guard kit.
HAIL GUARD -Hail Guard Kit is available to protect coils from damage. This is a sloped hood that fits above the outdoor coil.
GAS PIPING KIT - This kit supplies all necessary fittings and shut off valve.
14 Unitary Products Group
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