YOKOGAWA PH450G, FLXA202, FLXA21, PH8SM3, PH8EFP User Manual

User ’s Manual
Chemical Cleaning pH Measuring System
IM 12B07W01-04EN
IM 12B07W01-04EN
1st Edition

u Introduction

n Chemical Cleaning pH Measuring System
Thank you for purchasing Chemical Cleaning pH Measuring System.
To have the system deliver its full capabilities, read this instruction manual thoroughly before you use it. For safety reasons or to avoid possible damage to your equipment, strictly adhere to every cautionary note that appears in this manual.
Chemical Cleaning pH Measuring System features automatic chemical cleaning of the pH sensor without removing pH sensor, while maintaining its performance in pH measurement.
System Conguration of Chemical Cleaning pH Measuring System is as below;
Chemical Cleaning pH Measuring System
pH/ORP Converter 2-wire Analyzer
Chemical Cleaning unit PH8SM3-E PH8SM3-G or PH8SM3-F
pH analyzer PH450G FLXA202 or FLXA21
Distributor PH201G pH sensor
Holder PH8HS3
(Note) You can select WTB10 Terminal Box, if necessary.
PH8EFP--TT2 (Note)
This document describes mainly PH8SM3 unit of the system and PH8HS3 Holder. For further information on other products, please read corresponding manual attached to each product.
The related documents to each product:
General Specications
Product Model Document Name Document number
PH8SM3, PH8HS3, PH201G Chemical Cleaning pH measuring System GS 12B7A1-E PH450G PH450G pH and Redox (ORP ) Converter GS 12B07C05-01E FLXA202 FLXA202 2-Wire Analyzer GS 12A01A03-01EN FLXA21 FLXA21 2-Wire Analyzer GS 12A01A02-01E PH8EFP, WTB10 pH and ORP Sensors GS 12B07B02-E
* the “E” or “EN” in the document number is a language code.
User’s Manual
Product Model Document Name Document number
PH8SM3, PH8HS3 Chemical Cleaning pH measuring System PH450G PH450G pH and ORP Converter IM 12B07C05-01E FLXA202, FLXA21 FLXA202/FLXA21 2-Wire Analyzer IM 12A01A02-01E PH201G PH201G Distributor IM 19B01E04-02E PH8EFP, PH8EFP, KCI Filling type pH sensor IM 12B7J1-01E WTB10 WTB10-PH□ Terminal Box IM 19D01B01-01E
* the “E” in the document number is the language code.
n Notes on Handling User’s Manuals
IM 12B07W01-04EN(this document)
• Please hand over the user’s manuals to your end users so that they can keep the user’s
manuals on hand for convenient reference.
• Please read the information thoroughly before using the product.
• The purpose of these user’s manuals is not to warrant that the product is well suited to any
particular purpose but rather to describe the functional details of the product.
Media No. IM 12B07W01-04EN 1st Edition : Nov. 2016 (YK) All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2016, Yokogawa Electric Corporation
• No part of the user’s manuals may be transferred or reproduced without prior written
consent from YOKOGAWA.
• YOKOGAWA reserves the right to make improvements in the user’s manuals and product at
any time, without notice or obligation.
• If you have any questions, or you nd mistakes or omissions in the user’s manuals, please
contact our sales representative or your local distributor.
n Drawing Conventions
Some drawings may be partially emphasized, simplied, or omitted, for the convenience of
Some screen images depicted in the user’s manual may have different display positions or
character types (e.g., the upper / lower case). Also note that some of the images contained in this
user’s manual are display examples.
n Inspection on delivery
Each component of Chemical Cleaning pH Measuring Systems comes in a separate package. However, PH450G pH/ORP Converters (or FLXA202/FLXA21 2-Wire Analyzer ) are delivered with factory-installed in PH8SM3 Chemical Cleaning pH Measuring Unit ,
After the delivery, open the package carefully and inspect for damages caused during transport. Should there be any damage or breakage on the product, please contact YOKOGAWA immediately and keep all the packing materials, containers and boxes that came with the product.
After the unpacking, make sure the delivered products include all of the component equipment you ordered.
After completing the unpacking, make sure that the delivered component covers all of the
required specications. When conrming the specications, refer to the model and sufx codes
indicated on the nameplate on the instrument. The models are indicated on the name plates. Check also those of accessories. For further information on PH8SM3 or PH8HS3, please read subsection 1.2 of this document.
l Unpacking and handling
When unpacking, place the instrument on a level surface in the position in which the instrument will actually be installed, (Do not allow the package to undergo any intense mechanical shock by turning it over on its side.) Avoid applying any excess force to the pipes and cables. Otherwise, a defective pipe and / or cable connection may result
PH8SM3 Chemical Cleaning pH Measuring Unit weighs approximately 50 kg. It is recommended that the product be unpacked as near your installation location as possible.
IM 12B07W01-04EN 1st Edition : Nov.11, 2016-00

u Safety Precautions

n Safety, Protection, and Modication of the Product
• In order to protect the system controlled by the product and the product itself and ensure safe operation, observe the safety precautions described in this user’s manual. We assume
no liability for safety if users fail to observe these instructions when operating the product.
• If this instrument is used in a manner not specied in this user’s manual, the protection
provided by this instrument may be impaired.
• If any protection or safety circuit is required for the system controlled by the product or for
the product itself, prepare it separately.
• Be sure to use the spare parts approved by Yokogawa Electric Corporation (hereafter
simply referred to as YOKOGAWA) when replacing parts or consumables.
• Modication of the product is strictly prohibited.
• The following safety symbols are used on the product as well as in this manual.
This symbol indicates that an operator must follow the instructions laid out in this manual in order to avoid the risks for the human body and health including risk of injury, electric shock, or fatalities. or the damages to instruments. The manual describes what special care the operator must take to avoid such risks.
This symbol indicates that the operator must refer to the instructions in this manual in order to prevent the instrument (hardware) or software from being damaged, or a system failure from occurring.
The following are signal words to be found only in our instruction manuals.
This symbol gives information essential for understanding the operations and functions.
This symbol indicates information that complements the present topic.
n Warning and Disclaimer
The product is provided on an “as is” basis. YOKOGAWA shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any direct or indirect loss or damage arising from using the product or any defect of the product that YOKOGAWA can not predict in advance.
n Trademark policy
FLEXA, FLXA, SENCOM are the registered trade marks and trade names of Yokogawa’s
products. All other company and product and product names mentioned in this document are trade names, trademarks or registered trademarks of their representative companies. In this document, trademarks or trade names are not indicated with TM or ® as trademark symbols.
u After-sales Warranty
n Do not modify the product.
n During the warranty period, for repair under warranty, carry or send the product
to the local sales representative or service ofce. Yokogawa will replace or
repair any damaged parts and return the product to you. Before returning a product for repair under warranty, provide us with the model name and serial number and a description of the problem. Any diagrams or data explaining the problem would also be appreciated.
• If we replace the product with a new one, we won’t provide you with a repair report.
• Yokogawa warrants the product for the period stated in the pre-purchase quotation Yokogawa shall conduct dened warranty service based on its standard. When the
customer site is located outside of the service area, a fee for dispatching the maintenance engineer will be charged to the customer.
n In the following cases, customer will be charged repair fee regardless of
warranty period.
• Failure of components which are out of scope of warranty stated in instruction manual.
• Failure caused by usage of software, hardware or auxiliary equipment, which Yokogawa
Electric did not supply.
• Failure due to improper or insufcient maintenance by user.
• Failure due to modication, misuse or outside-of-specications operation which Yokogawa
does not authorize.
• Failure due to power supply (voltage, frequency) being outside specications or abnormal.
• Failure caused by any usage out of scope of recommended usage.
• Any damage from re, earthquake, storms and oods, lightning, disturbances, riots, warfare,
radiation and other natural changes.
n Yokogawa does not warrant conformance with the specic application at the
user site. Yokogawa will not bear direct/indirect responsibility for damage due to a specic application.
n Yokogawa Electric will not bear responsibility when the user congures the
product into systems or resells the product.
n Maintenance service and supplying repair parts will be covered for ve years
after the production ends. For repair for this product, please contact the
nearest sales ofce described in this instruction manual.
IM 12B07W01-04EN 1st Edition : Nov.11, 2016-00
Chemical Cleaning pH Measuring System
IM 12B07W01-04EN 1st Edition
u Introduction ....................................................................................................i
u Safety Precautions ......................................................................................iii
1. General ...................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Standard Specications ................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Model and Sufx Codes ................................................................................... 1-4
1.3 External Dimensions ........................................................................................ 1-6
2. Installation ................................................................................................. 2-1
2.1 Installing the PH8SM3 Chemical Cleaning Unit for a Chemical Cleaning Sys-
tem ...................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.1 Where to install the unit ...................................................................... 2-1
2.1.2 Installation Facilities ........................................................................... 2-2
2.1.3 Installing Chemical Cleaning Unit ...................................................... 2-2
2.2 Installing the PH8HS3 Holder .......................................................................... 2-3
2.2.1 Where to install the holder ................................................................. 2-3
2.2.2 Installation Facilities ........................................................................... 2-3
2.2.3 Installing the PH8HS3 Holder ............................................................ 2-4
3. Piping and Wiring ..................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Piping ................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.1 Line for Connecting Air Source .......................................................... 3-2
3.1.2 Line for Actuating Cylinder to Drive Sensor Pneumatically (Upward) 3-2
3.1.3 Line for Actuating Cylinder to Drive Sensor Pneumatically (Downward) 3-2
3.1.4 Line for Forced Feeding of Chemical Solution and Air-bubbling ....... 3-2
3.1.5 Line for Pressurizing KCl Reserve Tank ............................................ 3-2
3.2 Wiring ................................................................................................................. 3-3
3.2.1 Wiring for Intelligent Two-wire pH Transmitter System ......................3-4
3.2.2 Wiring system with 2-Wire Analyzer .................................................. 3-6
4. Operation ................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Names and Functions of Components ........................................................... 4-1
4.2 How the Chemical Cleaning pH Measuring System Works ......................... 4-3
4.2.1 Operating Modes ............................................................................... 4-3
4.2.2 WASH (Cleaning) Command .............................................................4-3
4.2.3 Wash Sequence .................................................................................4-4
4.3 Startup ................................................................................................................ 4-5
4.3.1 Inspection of Piping and Wiring ......................................................... 4-5
IM 12B07W01-04EN
1st Edition : Nov. 11, 2016-00
4.3.2 Supplying Chemical Solution to Holding Tank ................................... 4-5
4.3.3 Supplying KCl Solution to Reserve Tank ........................................... 4-6
4.3.4 Adjustment of Pneumatic Pressure ................................................... 4-6
4.3.5 Setting Duration of Forced Feeding of Chemical Solution and Output of
CYLINDER FAIL Signal ..................................................................... 4-7
4.3.6 Supplying Power ................................................................................ 4-7
4.3.7 Entering Data Related to WASH Operation .......................................4-7
4.3.8 Verifying WASH Operation ................................................................ 4-8
4.3.9 Calibration with Standard Solution .................................................... 4-8
4.4 Regular Operation ............................................................................................. 4-8
4.4.1 Data Acquisition in Early Stages of Operation ................................... 4-8
4.4.2 Inspections During Regular Operation .............................................. 4-9
4.4.3 Behaviour During Power Failure/Restart ........................................... 4-9
4.4.4 Operation When Shutting Down the System ..................................... 4-9
4.4.5 Procedure When Restarting System Operation .............................. 4-10
5. Inspection and Maintenance ................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Inspection and Maintenance of Operating Unit for PH8SM3 Chemical Cleaning
System ............................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.1 Inspection of Piping (between chemical cleaning chamber and holder) 5-1
5.1.2 Inspection of Solenoid Valves ............................................................ 5-1
5.1.3 Replacement of Fuses in the Power Supply Box .............................. 5-2
5.2 Inspection and Maintenance of PH8HS3 Holder ........................................... 5-2
5.2.1 Removing Foreign Matter from Wetted Part of Sensor Holder ......... 5-2
5.2.2 Inspecting Gasket on the Bottom Plate of Cleaning Chamber .......... 5-2
5.2.3 Cleaning and Lubricating Pneumatic Cylinder for Driving the Sensor
Holder ................................................................................................. 5-3
5.2.4 Inspecting O-rings on Sensor Holder ................................................ 5-4
5.2.5 Inspecting Terminal Block for Limit Switch .........................................5-4
6. Troubleshooting ....................................................................................... 6-1
6.1 More Than 100 ml of Chemical Solution at a Time Is Being Fed to Holder 6-1
6.2 A Smaller Quantity of Chemical Solution Is Fed to Holder .......................... 6-2
6.3 CYLINDER FAIL Signal Appears .....................................................................6-2
6.4 When Liquid keeps leaking from bottom plate of Cleaning Chamber ........ 6-2
6.5 Chemical Solution Cannot Be Fed into Cleaning Chamber ......................... 6-3
Customer Maintenance Parts List (PH8SM3).................. CMPL 12B07W01-13E
Customer Maintenance Parts List (PH8HS3)....................CMPL 12B07W01-23E
Revision Record .......................................................................................................i
IM 12B07W01-04EN 1st Edition : Nov. 11, 2016-00
<1. General>

1. General

Chemical Cleaning pH Measuring System is designed to automatically clean pH electrodes with a chemical solution while they remain in the system. The system is especially effective in restoring the performance of a pH electrode which has been deteriorated through repeated pH measurements of highly alkaline solutions. It is also effective in cleaning pH electrodes contaminated with calcium sulfate (CaSO
1.1 Standard Specications
Chemical Cleaning pH Measuring System are congured as the table shown below.
pH/ORP Converter 2-wire Analyzer
Chemical Cleaning unit PH8SM3-E PH8SM3-G or PH8SM3-F
pH analyzer PH450G FLXA202 or FLXA21
Distributor PH201G pH sensor
Holder PH8HS3
Note You can select WTB10 Terminal Box, if necessary.
The following are specication describing on PH8SM3 Chemical Cleaning Unit and PH8HS3
Holder. For more information on other products, please read corresponding instruction manuals attached to each product.
) scale or calcium carbonate (CaCO3) scale.
Chemical Cleaning pH Measuring System
PH8EFP--TT2 (Note)
n PH8SM3 Chemical Cleaning Unit
Cleaning Method:
Automatic chemical cleaning by air bubbling
Interval Time:
0.1 to 36.0 hours (To be set in the pH converter)
Wash Time:
0.1 to 10 min (factory setting: 4 min)(To be set in the pH converter)
Relaxation Time:
0.1 to 10 min. (factory setting: 0.5 min.)(To be set in the pH converter)
Bubbling (SV1: On) Time:
0 to 10 min. (factory setting: Approx. 2 min.)
Cylinder Failure Time:
0 to 1 min. (factory setting: Approx. 0.5 min.)
Freestanding rack for indoor installation.(For the uv protection,when you install the unit
outdoors, specify tank cover and select Fluoropolymer (PTFE) tube, or specify hood if necessary.
Main Components:
Chemical solution tank, control box, air-pressure regulator, and power supply unit (for pH/
ORP Converter only)
<1. General>
Chemicals for Cleaning:
Acid solution (e.g., hydrochloric acid or diluted sulfuric acid), or alkali solution. Organic
solvents are not allowed.
Note: Select appropriate solution for effective cleaning.
Material, Finish, and Color of Main Components:
Control Box (K9729AN)
Material: Aluminum alloy casting Colors:
Deep sea moss green (Munsell 0.6GY3.1/2.0) and frosty white (Munsell 2.5Y8.4/1.2)
Finish: Baked polyurethane resin coating
Power Supply Unit (for pH/ORP converter only)
Material: Carbon steel (body) Color: Deep sea moss green (Munsell 0.6GY3.1/2.0 or equivalent) Finish: Baked polyurethane resin coating
Mounting Rack
Material: Carbon steel Color: Deep sea moss green (Munsell 0.6GY3.1/2.0) Finish: Baked polyurethane resin coating
Chemical Solution Tank (20 L, 2 to 10 % diluted hydrochloric acid or diluted sulfuric acid.
Effective capacity; approximately 17 L, approximately 100 ml is used for each cleaning) Material: Polyethylene resin (for solution tank), and hard PVC resin (for internal tank)
Tubing for Solution, Air, or KCl
Material of tubes: Polyethylene or Fluoropolymer (PTFE)
Mateirial of tting (joint): polypropylene resin or Fluoropolymer (PTFE)
Ambient Temperature: 0 to 45°C (Note ; Freezing protection is required if necessary.)
Power Supply: 100 V AC ±10%, 50/60Hz ±5%
Power Consumption: Approx. 60 VA
Air Supply: 300 to 950 kPa {3 to 9.5 kg/cm
Max. Air Consumption: Approx. 10 Nl/min.
External Dimensions:
500 (W) x 600 (D) x 1630 mm (H)
Weight: Approx. 50 kg (when the chemical tank is empty)
Output Contact Signal: Cylinder failure
Contact State: Normally open (close on error )
Contact Capacity: 24 V DC, 1 A, 110 V AC 0.3 A (resistance load)
pH/ORP Converter : 4 to 20 mA DC 2 points (isolated transmission output; maximum load of
600 Ω)
2-Wire Analyzer : 1 to 5 V DC (minimum resistive load of 2 kΩ)
Cable Connection: G 1/2 gland packing is supplied.
Terminal Size: M4
Outside Cable Diameter: Φ9 to Φ12 mm
Piping Connection: Air for Instrumentation: Rc 1/4 female thread
Note 1: Install the KCl reserve tank in an appropriate place at the job site or attached to the stand for the
chemical cleaning unit.
IM 12B07W01-04EN 1st Edition : Nov 11, 2016-00
<1. General>
Note 2: The wiring and piping between the chemical cleaning unit, sensor, KCl reserve tank, and holder are to
Note 3: The wiring between the switch in the holder and the chemical cleaning unit is to be done by the user.
be done by the user.
The terminal size is M4.
EMC Compliance: Korea Electromagnetic Conformity Standard Class A
A급 기기 (업무용 방송통신기자재)  이 기기는 업무용(A급) 전자파적합기기로서 판매자 또는 사용자는 이 점을 주의하시기 바라며, 가정외의 지역에서 사용하는 것을 목적으로 합니다.
n PH8SM3 Holder
Moves the pH sensor up or down using a pneumatic cylinder (air cylinder), and provides
chemical cleaning.
Structure: Constructed for indoor use (
Max. External Dimensions:
190 (W) x 170 (D) x Approx. 830 to 2030 mm (H) (when the sensor is raised)
Mounted on a 2-inch (50A) vertical pipe (outside diameter: 60.5 mm). Two mounting
brackets are supplied.
pH Sensor Up/Down Movement (nominal):
한국 전자파적합성 기준
For outdoor installation, select Cylinder cover /SC as Option.)
300 mm, 600 mm, 1000 mm, 1500 mm
Approx. 8 kg (holder with 300 mm movement)
Approx. 10 kg (holder with 600 mm movement)
Approx. 12 kg (holder with 1000 mm movement)
Approx. 15 kg (holder with 1500 mm movement)
Frame: Baking nish over staineless steel
Color: Deep sea moss green (Munsell 0.6GY3.1/2.0 or equivalent)
Bottom Cover Pull-up Mechanism: Rod (PPS resin) and screws (PEEK)
Mounting bracket: staineless steel
Holder: Polypropylene and hard PVC (for part of a holder)
Solution Chamber: Hard PVC
O-ring: Fluororubber
Gasket: EPDM
Solution Temperature Range: -5 to 80°C
Ambient Temperature: 0 to 45°C
Flow Speed: 2 m/s or less
Provide an adequate ventilation when using chemicals.
<1. General>
1.2 Model and Sufx Codes
The name plate on product describes each specication of the product. The following are Model and Sufx Code and their details on PH8SM3 and PH8HS3.
n PH8SM3 Chemical Cleaning Unit
●Model and Sufx Codes
Model Sufx code
PH8SM3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Operating Unit for Chemical Cleaning System
-TT2 - - - - - - - - Medium-pressure reserve tank *2
pH measuring system
KCl reserve tank
Pressure regulator for KCl tank
Air connection -JP
Tubing for cleaning chemicals
Style code *C - - - - - - - - Style C Option /H
*1: The pH/ORP converter or 2-wire analyzer is attached to the chemical cleaning operating unit when shipped.
*2: For PH8EFP sensor, select KCl reserve tank (sufx code “-TT2”) with a medium-pressure.
*3: Polyethylene is susceptible to degradation upon UV radiation. Specify the Fluoropolymer (PTFE) (-T10) as tube
material, when you install PH8SM3 outdoors. Specify the Fluoropolymer (PTFE) when using PH8HS3 holder outdoors, even though you install PH8SM3 unit indoors.
*4: Specied at the outdoor installation. Hood is made of precoated SEHC. *5: Specied at the outdoor installation. The cover is made of non-coated stainless steel. *6: For FLXA21 or FLXA202 with the sufx code -F, or -G, specify the type -AG (for general purpose for KC
Option code
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
pH/ORP converter (PH450G) 2-wire Analyzer(FLXA21) 2-wire Analyzer(FLXA202)
None Attached to the stand
Rc1/4 1/4 NPT female thread
Polyethylene (Connections: Polypropylene) Fluoropolymer (PTFE)
(Connections: Fluoropolymer (PTFE))
With hood *4 With tank cover *5
for Korean Certicate *6
The system must undergo start-up service when the chemical cleaning pH measuring system is installed.
l Accessories
Description Qt'y Remarks
6 (OD) x 4 (ID) polyethylene Fitting (polyethylene resin or Fluoropolymer (PTFE)) 6 3 for joint, 3 for spare parts *2
*1: 1 tube for the control box-the chemical tank assembly 3 tubes for the PH8SM3-Ph8HS3 1 tube for the pressure valve-KCI reserve tank, if the operating unit has the pressure reducing valve for KCI. Cut the tube into an approriate length to use.
*2: If the operating unit has a pressure-reducing valve that lowers the pressure on the KCl reserve tank, one of
these spare ttings is to be used for the piping port of the valve.
resin or Fluoropolymer (PTFE) tube
40 m
For tubing *1
IM 12B07W01-04EN 1st Edition : Nov 11, 2016-00
<1. General>
l Spare Parts
Description P/N Remarks
Fuse for power supply box
Polyethylene tubing Fluoropolymer (PTFE)
Polypropylene tting
Fluoropolymer (PTFE)
A1109EF Rating: 1A (for pH/ORP converter only)
L9901CA L9901LG
L9831NA L9831NE L9831JE
L9831TS L9831TT
Specied length by meters Specied length by meters
L-shape tting (R1/8) L-shape tting (R1/4)f I-shape tting (R1/4)
L-shape tting (R1/8) L-shape tting (R1/4)
n PH8HS3 Holder
●Model and Sufx Codes
Model Sufx
PH8HS3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Holder for Chemical Cleaning
Material -PP - - - - - Polypropylene
Movement -03
pH measuring system
Cleaning system -YP - - - - - Acid or alkali solutions can be used.
Style code *C - - - - - Style C Option /SC Cylinder cover for outdoor use *1
*1: For outdoor installation, select Cylinder cover /SC as Option.
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
300 mm (with 2 mounting brackets) 600 mm (with 2 mounting brackets) 1000 mm (with 2 mounting brackets) 1500 mm (with 2 mounting brackets)
pH/ORP Converter 2-wire Analyzer
l Accessories
(other than mounting brackets and sensor holder)
Description Qt'y Remarks
M8 x 16 mm bolts and nut Washers
U bolts (M8) Washers and nuts
Rubber sheet (19 x 40 mm) Plate Clamp M4, 16mm screw
Piping tting (polypropylene) 3 Parts for PH8SM3 holder (used for piping port) Cable tie 5 For KCl supply tube/sensor cable Spare gaskets (P/N: K9729WJ) 1 Parts for cleaning chamber of PH8HS3 holder
Parts for mounting brackets (used to mount to the
holder) Parts for mounting brackets
(used to mount to 2-inch pipe)
Parts for sensor holder (used to x sensor cable)
1 1 1
l Spare Parts
Description P/N
Gasket K9729WJ O-rings K9729YK
1 2
Material : EPDM 1p/pkg. Replace both of the two rings at the same time.
<1. General>

1.3 External Dimensions

n PH8SM3 Chemical Cleaning Unit
l pH/ORP Converter (PH8SM3-E)
KCl reserve tank *1
an be installed
Separated Order
Control Box
*2 Pressure Regulator
for KCI reserve tank
Tank Cover
Supply Unit
Air Inlet *3 (Rc1/4 or 1/4NPT)
Tank cover
fixing screws
PVC plate
30 440
500 600
4-Φ15fixing holes
l 2-Wire Analyzer (PH8SM3-G, -F)
KCI reserve tank *1
(Can be installed)
(Separated Order
Control Box
*2 Pressure Regulator AS3
for KCI reserve tank
Tank Cover
fixing screws
Tank cover
30 540
(Separated order)
Air Inlet *3
or 1/4NPT
Chemical Solution
tank (20 L)
Chemical Solution
Tank (20 L)
Power Cable Inlet
Cable O.D. (Φ9 ~ 11)
PVC plate
30 440
30 540
500 600
4-Φ15Fixing holes
*1: Mount the KCl solution reserve tank when necessary after installation. If the hood is specied, (Option code /H is specied) mount the tank on the hood.
*2: This is a pressure valve to regulate the air that increases the pressure in the reserve tank for the KCl solution.
This valve is added only when specied. *3: If no pressure valve is specied, there is no tube tting. Air inlet connects directly to piping port of the control
IM 12B07W01-04EN 1st Edition : Nov 11, 2016-00
<1. General>
n PH8HS3 Holder
Cylinder Cover
35 pitch
Grommet for external wiring
55485 max.
Mounting bracket with U-bolts
50A Pipe
provided by customer
2-Φ9 holes
Sensor cable
and KCI tube
Unit: mm
nominal movement
30mm or longer
Solution being measured
During Cleaning
pH electrode
Tubing Connections A : Chemical solution inlet (Ø6/Ø4 tube joint) B : Lower air inlet of cylinder (Ø6/Ø4 tube joint) C : Upper air inlet of cylinder (Ø6/Ø4 tube joint)
300mm 340mm 1107 712 395
600mm 640mm 1707 1012 695 300 – 1000mm 1040mm 2507 1412 1095 300 300 – 1500mm 1540mm 3507 1912 1595 300 300 300
Specify the nominal movement when ordering. L4, L5, and L6 designate the movable position for the pipe mounting bracket.
Note: Mounting bracket for holder will be shipped separately.
Joint nipple will be attached with PH8SM3 Chemical Cleaning unit.
For the outdoor installation, select /SC option of cylinder cover
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
Blank Page
<2. Installation>

2. Installation

The chemical cleaning pH measuring system can be installed indoor/outdoors. Choose an appropriate location (free from dust, sunlight, rain) for easy maintenance. Note that since the system uses water for washing and a chemical solution, care must be taken to ensure that these liquids are protected from freezing in winter.
Note: Install the PH201G distributor, which is required when using the 2-Wire Analyzer, in an
indoor location such as an instrument room.
This chapter explains the procedure for installing the component equipment, highlighting the PH8SM3 Chemical Cleaning Unit for the chemical cleaning system and the PH8HS3 holder.

2.1 Installing the PH8SM3 Chemical Cleaning Unit for a Chemical Cleaning System

2.1.1 Where to install the unit

Install the PH8SM3 operating unit for a chemical cleaning system in a location which meets the following requirements.
(1) Close to the pH measurement point (location where the PH8HS3 holder is installed)
The operating unit for the chemical cleaning system and the holder are connected via
electrical wiring as well as the piping through which the chemical solution is supplied. Keep the length of the tubing for supplying the chemical solution to a minimum (less than 10 m) in order to reduce piping resistance.
(2) The maximum tube length between the cleaning unit and the sensor holder is 10 m.
It is preferable to install the stand at the same level as the sensor holder. If this is impossible,
the stand can be installed a maximum of 2 m below the holder level. Installation above the holder level causes no problem.
(3) Easy access for maintenance work
The location must allow users to have an easy view of the display on the PH450G pH/ORP
Converter or 2-wire Analyzer FLXA202/FLXA21, and to operate the control box with ease
to set the pressure. Also, consider the ease of work required when relling the holding tank
with the chemical solution. Furthermore, secure the clearance for maintenance access shown in Figure 2.1.
Unit: mm
Approx. 1150
Front view
Approx. 500
More than 900
Figure 2.1 Clearance for Maintenance Access
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