YOKOGAWA FLXA21-P1 Technical Notes

FLXA21-P1 Analyzers
Programming Custom Buffer Tables
FLXA21, comes with NIST Buffer tables pre-programed intot the analyzer. When using the autocalibration mode, the system uses these preprogramed tables for reference. However there is an option for customers to change buffer table data information. There are three sets of NIST buffer tables, pH 4.01, pH 6.98, and pH9.18, by using the free program options, you can choose to change whichever table and however many tables you need to change. This document is intended to assist customers with the steps that need to be taken inorder to to change the Buffer Tables.
1.) Click on the settings icon (wrench)
2.) Using either the the scroll key or by
clicking directly on the diamond next to Commissioning, select it.
Tech Note: TNA1403 Date: February 5, 2014
3.) Next, selected the diamond next to
Measurement Setup
4.) Depending on what your analyzer is set up to measure, the Measurement screen will look differently. If your anlyzer is set up to measure pH only, continue to Setp #5. If your analyzer is set up to measure pH + ORP, Proceed to Step #5a.
5.) Select the diamond next to Calibration Settings, and Proceed to Step #7.
a. pH + ORP, Select the diamond next
to Calibration Settings, Proceed to Step #6
Tech Note: TNA1403 Date: February 5, 2014
6.) Select the diamond next to pH settings, proceed to Step #7
7.) Select the diamond next to Buffers
8.) Next, choose the text NIST/DIN19266
and a drop down menu should appear.
9.) Next, ssing either the the scroll key and enter, or by clicking directly on the choose the Free Programable.
Tech Note: TNA1403 Date: February 5, 2014
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