Yealink Redirection and Provisioning Service (RPS)
I | Yealink

Yealink Redirection and Provisioning Service (RPS)
Contents __________________________________________________________________ II
Welcome _________________________________________________________________ IV
Guide for User ______________________________________________________________ 1
1 Logging into the RPS _____________________________________________________ 1
To login the RPS Web UI ............................................................................................................ 1
2 Adding Devices __________________________________________________________ 2
To add devices to a server ......................................................................................................... 2
3 Mass adding devices by uploading a Comma-Separated Value (CSV) File ___________ 4
To add multiple devices using a *.csv or .xls file ......................................................................... 4
4 Adding Servers __________________________________________________________ 6
To add a configuration server to the RPS .................................................................................... 6
5 Managing Your Account ___________________________________________________ 7
To change your profile .............................................................................................................. 7
To change your password .......................................................................................................... 7
To logout from the RPS .............................................................................................................. 7
To view your summary information ........................................................................................... 8
To manage your Devices ............................................................................................................ 8
To manage your Servers ............................................................................................................ 9
To view system Log ................................................................................................................. 10
Guide for End-user _________________________________________________________ 12
About Yealink _____________________________________________________________ 14
II | Yealink

Yealink Redirection and Provisioning Service (RPS)
Document Revision History
Release Version Reason for Change Date Author
1.0.2 1.0 December 1, 2011 Mike Hou
III | Yealink

Yealink Redirection and Provisioning Service (RPS)
About this manual
This Yealink Redirection and Provisioning Service Manual provides information on how to operate on
Yealink Redirection Service. This manual is for deployers, Users and VAR Users of Yealink products who
configure and manage devices, servers and accounts.
Document Overview
This manual is divided into two main parts by user type:
For User, please go to “PAGE 1-11”
For End-user, please go to “PAGE 12”
RPS is a free service developed for all Yealink customers worldwide. Through RPS, service providers can
greatly simplify mass deployments of Yealink phones, save time and money in configuring and shipping
phones, reduce errors caused by complicated manual configuration.
IV | Yealink

Guide for User
Guide for User
1 Logging into the RPS
The Web UI URL is https://rps.yealink.com. First of all, a User must be assigned a Username and Password
by the Yealink distributor, and then use these credentials to login the RPS.
To login the RPS Web UI
1. Type the URL in the address bar of your web browser and press <Enter>. The login page displays as
Figure 1.1:
Figure 1.1
2. Enter the Username and Password provided by Yealink distributor and then press <Enter> or click
Login button, the main page displays as Figure 1.2:
Figure 1.2
If you forget your username and password, please contact Yealink distributor in your region for
For security, you will logout automatically after you stay inactive for 10 minutes.
1 | Yealink

Guide for User
2 Adding Devices
Through adding devices, a User can assign the Yealink devices to a specific configuration server
To add devices to a server
1. On the summary page, click Add Device on the top shortcut-buttons, then Add Device dialog displays
as Figure 2.1:
Figure 2.1
2. In the Enter MAC field, enter a valid MAC address and press <Enter>, the MAC address you entered
appears in the MAC List, in this way, you can add multiple MAC addresses one by one.
Four types of valid MAC address formats are 001565000001, 00-15-65-00-00-01, 00 15 65 00 00 01,
”Invalid MAC” notification means that the MAC address format is invalid.
Each MAC address can only be added one time by the same user. If you want to re-add the MAC
address, you should delete it and then add it.
④If you enter a MAC that another RPS user has added, “Override current registration,continue?”
notification will pop up, you should check the MAC carefully before pressing “Yes” to override.
3. In the MAC List field, you can delete or clear the incorrect MAC addresses
4. In the Server field, you can select the server belonging to you.
The Server field can be None.
5. Click Save button to add these MAC addresses.
6. After adding devices successfully, Devices page displays as Figure 2.2, and the MAC addresses you just
added will display in the top of the list.
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