| Change | 1 | STD-7209 | 4/22/97 | Page 1 of 3 Doc. No. 02Y00025-0425
With this factory-installed FLASH software, the
GPD 515 has the ability to provide the dynamic
braking function, even when the drive is not
running. This software is effective only with
GPD 515 drives that have a built-in braking transistor.
• Available For:
GPD515C-A003 to GPD515C-A033
GPD515C-B001 to GPD515C-B034
• Control Modes: V/f, Open Loop Vector and
Flux Vector
• Serial Communications: Modbus RTU
This document is an addendum to Technical
Manual TM 4515, listing the effect of this software on the parameters in the drive and function descriptions in the manual.
For GPD 515 Adjustable Frequency Drives
Continuous Dynamic Braking
FLASH Memory Software Option
Part Number: GPD515C-XXXX-CS009
XXXX refers to the base Model Number of
the drive in which the software is installed.

Added Parameters:
This software does not add any new parameters to the drive.
Changed Parameters:
Refer to Appendix 1 ot the GPD 515 Technical Manual, TM 4515. The following changes result from
the installation of this software in the drive.
Parameter Function Name Changed Standard Continuous
Software DB Software
L8-01 Internal Dynamic Braking Max. Value 1 3
Transistor Protection Factory Setting 0 3
L8-01 : Internal Dynamic Braking Factory setting: 3
Resistor Protection
Range: 0 to 3
This parameter sets both the level of protection (based on duty cycle) and whether
the dynamic braking transistor will be active when the drive is not running.
L8-01 Resistor Over- Duty Cycle Dynamic Braking
Setting load Protection
Transistor Active
0 Disabled N/A During Run
1 Enabled 10% During Run
2 Enabled 3% All of the time
3 Enabled 10% All of the time
Duty Cycle is based on 6 minute interval.
When bus voltage exceeds the DB turn on level.
Deleted Parameters:
This software does not delete any parameters from the drive.
Startup Procedure:
Use the appropriate startup procedure in Section 2 of the GPD 515 Technical Manual (TM 4515).
Doc. No. 02Y00025-0425 Page 2 of 3 This Page: | Change | 0 | 4/18/97 |