Regarding Speech Processor Operation
This transceiver is equipped with a separate Parametric Microphone Equalizer adjustment procedure to be used when
the speech processor is engaged.
This Parametric Microphone Equalizer may be set up using the Menu items described below.
132 tAUd PE1FRQ
Function: Selects the center frequency of the lower range for the
parametric microphone equalizer when the speech processor is acti-
Available Values: OFF/100 ~ 700 Hz (100 Hz/step)
Default Setting: 200
OFF: The equalizer gain and Q-factor are set to factory defaults
100 ~ 700: Center frequencies of 100 Hz ~ 700 Hz.
You may adjust the equalizer gain and Q-factor at this selected au-
dio frequency via menu items "133 tAUd PE1 LVL" and "134 tAUd
PQ1 BW."
133 tAUd PE1 LVL
Function: Adjusts the equalizer gain of the low range of the para-
metric microphone equalizer when the speech processor is activated.
Available Values: -10 ~ +10
Default Setting: -10
134 tAUd PE1 BW
Function: Adjusts the Q-factor of the low range of the parametric
microphone equalizer when the speech processor is activated.
Available Values: 1 ~ 10
Default Setting: 2
136 tAUd PE2 LVL
Function: Adjusts the equalizer gain of the middle range of the para-
metric microphone equalizer when the speech processor is activated.
Available Values: -10 ~ +10
Default Setting: -3
137 tAUd PE2 BW
Function: Adjusts the Q-factor of the middle range of the paramet-
ric microphone equalizer when the speech processor is activated.
Available Values: 1 ~ 10
Default Setting: 1
138 tUAd PE3 FRQ
Function: Selects the center frequency of the high range for the
parametric microphone equalizer when the speech processor is acti-
Available Values: OFF/1500 ~ 3200 Hz (100 Hz/step)
Default Setting: 2100
OFF: The equalizer gain and Q-factor are set to factory defaults
1500 ~ 3200: Center frequencies of 1500 Hz ~ 3200 Hz.
You may adjust the equalizer gain and Q-factor in this selected au-
dio frequency via menu items "139 tUAd PE3 LVL" and "140 tUAd
PE3 BW."
135 tAUd PE2 FRQ
Function: Selects the center frequency of the middle range for the
parametric microphone equalizer when the speech processor is acti-
Available Values: OFF/700 ~ 1500 Hz (100 Hz/step)
Default Setting: 800
OFF: The equalizer gain and Q-factor are set to factory defaults
700 ~ 1500: Center frequencies of 700 Hz ~ 1500 Hz.
You may adjust the equalizer gain and Q-factor at this selected au-
dio frequency via menu items "136 tAUd PE2 LVL" and "137 EQ2
139 tUAd PE3 LVL
Function: Adjusts the equalizer gain of the high range of the para-
metric microphone equalizer when the speech processor is activated.
Available Values: -10 ~ +10
Default Setting: +6
140 tUAd PE3 BW
Function: Adjusts the Q-factor of the high range of the parametric
microphone equalizer when the speech processor is activated.
Available Values: 1 ~ 10
Default Setting: 1
Because the items above have been added to the Menu listing in the Operating Manual, please make a note of the
revised numbering for the Menu selections below.
132 tGEn BIAS Æ 141 tGEn BIAS
133 tGEn MAX PWR
135 tGEn ETX-GND
136 tGEn TUN PWR
137 tGEn VOX SEL
Æ 142 tGEn MAX PWR
Æ 144 tGEn ETX-GND
Æ 146 tGEn VOX SEL