This manual provides technical information necessary for servicing the FT-1802M FM Transceiver.
Servicing this equipment requires expertise in handling surface-mount chip components. Attempts by non-qualified persons to service this equipment may result in permanent damage not covered by the warranty,and may be illegal in some countries.
Two PCB layout diagrams are provided for each double-sided circuit board in the Transceiver. Each side of isreferred to by the type of the majority of components installed on that side (“leaded” or “chip-only”). In mostcases one side has only chip components, and the other has either a mixture of both chip and leaded compo-nents (trimmers, coils, electrolytic capacitors, ICs, etc.), or leaded components only.
While we believe the technical information in this manual to be correct, VERTEX STANDARD assumes noliability for damage that may occur as a result of typographical or other errors that may be present. Yourcooperation in pointing out any inconsistencies in the technical information would be appreciated.
MAIN Unit CircuitDiagram.................................13
MAIN Unit Parts Layout.......................................15
MAIN Unit Parts List............................................17
CNTL Unit Circuit Diagram.................................27
CNTL Parts Layout...............................................28
CNTL Parts List....................................................29
Frequency Range:Tx 144 - 146 MHz or 144 - 148 MHz
Rx 144 - 146 MHz or 136 - 174 MHz
Channel Step:5/10/12.5/15/20/25/50/100 kHzStandard Repeater Shift:±600 kHzFrequency Stability:Better than ±10 ppm [–4 °F to +140 °F (–20 °C to +60 °C)]Modes of Emission:F2/F3Antenna Impedance:50 Ohms, unbalancedSupply voltage:13.8 V DC ±15%, negative groundCurrent Consumption (typical):Rx: less than 0.7 A, less than 0.3 A (squelched)
Tx: 10A (50 W) /7A (25 W) /5A (10 W) /4A (5 W)
Operating Temperature Range:–4° F to +140° F (–20° C to +60° C)Case Size(WxHxD):5.5” x 1.6” x 5.7” (140 x40 x 146 mm) (w/o knobs)Weight(Approx.):2.6 lb (1.2 kg)
Circuit Type:Double Conversion SuperheterodyneIfs:21.7 MHz & 450 kHzSensitivity (for 12dB SINAD):Better than 0.2 µVSelectivity (–6/–60dB):12 kHz/28 kHzIF Rejection:Better than 70 dBImage Rejection:Better than 70 dBMaximum AF Output:3 W into 4 Ohms @10 % THD
Specifications subject to change without notice or obligation. Specifications guaranteed only within Amateur band.Frequency ranges and functions will vary according to transceiver version; check with your dealer.
Non-designated parts are available only aspart of a designated assembly.
Block Diagram
Connection Diagram
Circuit Description
ReceiveSignal Path
Incoming RF signal is from the antenna jack is de-livered to the Main Unit and passed through the low-pass filter network consisting capacitors C1213,C1236, C1239, & C1241 and coils L1017, L1018, &L1019, antenna switching diode D1020 andD1028(bothRLS135), and varactor-tuned band-pass filterconsisting of capacitors C1248, C1249, C1250, C1251,C1252, & C1268, coils L1020, L1021, & L1024, anddiodesD1024 andD1025 (bothHVC350B), beforedelivery to the RF amplifierQ1045 (3SK296ZQ). Theamplified RF signal is passed through the anothervaractor-tuned band-pass filter consisting of capac-itors C1198, 1199, 1200, & 1218, coils L1012 and L1015,and diodesD1017 andD1021 (bothHVC350B), thenapplied to the 1st mixerQ1037 (3SK296ZQ) alongwith the first local signal from the PLL circuit.
The first local signal is generated between 114.3 MHzand 152.3 MHz by the VCO, which consists ofQ1009(2SC5231) and varactor diode D1002 (HVC350B)according to the receiving frequency.
The 21.7 MHz first IF signal is applied to the mono-lithic crystal filtersXF1001 andXF1002 which stripaway unwanted mixer products, and the IF signal isapplied to the first IF amplifierQ1032 (2SC4400).The amplified first IF signal is then delivered to theFM IF subsystem IC Q1028 (NJM2591V), which con-tains the second mixer, limiter amplifier, noise am-plifier, and FM detector.
The audio signal passes through a band-pass filterconsisting ofQ1046 andQ1047 (both2SC4154), andthe audio mute gate Q1039 (2SJ347), to the audioVR which adjusts the audio sensitivity to compen-sate for audio level variations. The adjusted audiosignal is delivered to the audio amplifierQ1035(LA4425A) which provides up to 3 Watts, to the ex-ternal speaker jack or a 4-Ohm loudspeaker.
When no carrier received, the noise signal fromQ1028 (NJM2591V) is amplified byQ1051(2SC4617), and is detected byD1011 and D1013(bothDA221). The resulting DC voltage passesthrough the SQL knob to main CPUQ2002(HD64F2266TF13). While no carrier is received,main CPUQ2002 (HD64F2266TF13) controlQ1048(CD4094BPWR), thus, audio mute gate Q1034(2SJ364) andQ1039 (2SJ347) turns “OFF” to dis-able the audio output from the speaker.
TransmitSignal Path
The speech signal from the microphone is amplifiedbyQ1049 (LA2902PWR). The amplified speech sig-nal is subjected to the low-pass filter networkQ1049(LA2902PWR) to deviation controlled byQ1043(M62364FP).
The adjusted speech signal fromQ1043 (M62364FP)is delivered to VCOQ1009 (2SC5231) which fre-quency modulates the transmitting VCO made upofD1004 (HSC277).
The second local signal is generated by 21.25 MHzcrystalX1001, produces the 450 kHz second IF sig-nal when mixed with first IF signal withinQ1028(NJM2591V).
The 450 kHz second IF signal is applied to the ce-ramic filterCF1001 (for Narrow FM) orCF1002 (forWide FM) which strip away unwanted mixer prod-ucts to the ceramic discriminatorCD1001 which re-moves any amplitude variations in the 450 kHz IFsignal before detection of speech.
The detected audio from the Q1028 (NJM2591V)passes through the de-emphasis circuit consistingof resistors R1082 & R1113, and capacitors C1120 &C1122, to the audio mute gate Q1034 (2SJ364)
The modulated transmit signal passes through buff-er amplifierQ1010 andQ1023 (both2SC5374).
The transmit signal applied to the drive amplifierQ1026 (2SC5226), then finally amplified by poweramplifier module Q1030 (RA60H1317M) up to 50Watts. The APC circuit controls the Q1030(RA60H1317M) power amplifier’s gain.
The 50 Watts RF signal passes through low-pass fil-ter network consisting of Capacitors C1210 andC1211 and coil L1013, antenna switchD1018 andD1019 (bothXB15A709), and another low-pass fil-ter network consisting capacitors C1213, C1236,C1239, & C1241 and coils L1017, L1018, & L1019, andthen deliver to the ANT jack.
Circuit Description
A portion of the power amplifier module output isrectified byD1022 (1SS321), then delivered to APCQ1038 (LM2904PWR), as a DC voltage which is pro-portional to the output level of the power amplifiermodule.
The APC Q1038 (LM2904PWR) is compared the rec-tified DC voltage from the power amplifier moduleand the reference voltage from the main CPU Q2002(HD64F2266TF13), to produce a control voltage,which regulates supply voltage to the power ampli-fier module Q1030 (RA60H1317M), so as to main-tain stable output power under varying antennaloading condition.
A portion of the output from the VCOQ1009(2SC5231) passes through the buffer amplifierQ1010 andQ1017 (both2SC5374), then deliveredto the programmable divider section of the PLL ICQ1011 (MB15A01PFV1), which divided according
to the frequency dividing data that is associated withthe setting frequency input from the main CPUQ2002 (HD64F2266TF13). It is then sent to the phasecomparator section of the PLL IC Q1011(MB15A01PFV1).
The 21.25 MHz frequency of the reference oscillatorcircuit made up ofX1001 is divided by the referencefrequency divider section ofQ1011 (MB15A01PFV1)into 4250 or 3400 parts to become 5 kHz or 6.25 kHzcomparative reference frequencies, which are uti-lized by the phase comparator section ofQ1011(MB15A01PFV1).
The phase comparator section ofQ1011(MB15A01PFV1) compares the phase between thefrequency-divided oscillation frequency of the VCOcircuit and comparative frequency and its output isa pulse corresponding to the phase difference. Thispulse is integrated by the charge pump and loop fil-ter into a control voltage (VCV) to control the oscil-lation frequency of the VCOQ1009 (2SC5231).
The FT-1802M is carefully aligned at the factory forthe specified performance across the amateur band.Realignment should therefore not be necessary ex-cept in the event of a component failure. Only anauthorized Vertex Standard representative shouldperform all component replacement and service, orthe warranty policy may be void.
The following procedures cover the adjustments thatare not normally required once the transceiver hasleft the factory. However, if damage occurs and someparts subsequently are replaced, realignment maybe required. If a sudden problem occurs during nor-mal operation, it is likely due to component failure;realignment should not be done until after the faultycomponent has been replaced.
We recommend that servicing be performed onlyby authorized Vertex Standard service technicianswho are experienced with the circuitry and fullyequipped for repair and alignment. If a fault is sus-pected, contact the dealer from whom the transceiverwas purchased for instructions regarding repair.Authorized Vertex Standard service technicians re-align all circuits and make complete performancechecks to ensure compliance with factory specifica-tions after replacing any faulty components.
Those who do undertake any of the following align-ments are cautioned to proceed at their own risk.Problems caused by unauthorized attempts at re-alignment are not covered by the warranty policy.Also, Vertex Standard reserves the right to changecircuits and alignment procedures in the interest ofimproved performance, without notifying owners.
The following test equipment (and familiarity withits use) is necessary for complete realignment. Cor-rection of problems caused by misalignment result-ing from use of improper test equipment is not cov-ered under the warranty policy. While most stepsdo not require all of the equipment listed, the inter-actions of some adjustments may require that morecomplex adjustments be performed afterwards.Do not attempt to perform only a single step unlessit is clearly isolated electrically from all other steps.Have all test equipment ready before beginning and,follow all of the steps in a section in the order pre-sented.RF Signal Generator with calibrated output level
at 200 MHz
Deviation Meter (linear detector)In-line Wattmeter with 5% accuracy at 200 MHz50-Ohm 50-W RF Dummy Load8-OhmAF Dummy LoadRegulated DC Power Supply adjustable from 6
to 15 VDC, 10A
Frequency Counter: 0.2-ppm accuracy at 200 MHzAF Signal GeneratorAC VoltmeterDC Voltmeter: high impedanceVHF Sampling CouplerSINAD Meter
Under no circumstances should any alignment beattempted unless the normal function and operationof the transceiver are clearly understood, the causeof the malfunction has been clearly pinpointed andany faulty components replaced, and realignmentdetermined to be absolutely necessary.
AlignmentPreparation& Precautions
A 50-Ohm RF load and in-line wattmeter must beconnected to the antenna jack in all procedures thatcall for transmission; alignment is not possible withan antenna. After completing one step, read the nextstep to see if the same test equipment is required. Ifnot, remove the test equipment (except dummy loadand wattmeter, if connected) before proceeding.
Correct alignment requires that the ambient tem-perature be the same as that of the transceiver andtest equipment, and that this temperature be heldconstant between 68 °F ~ 86 °F (20 °C ~ 30 °C). Whenthe transceiver is brought into the shop from hot orcold air, it should be allowed some time to come toroom temperature before alignment. Whenever pos-sible, alignments should be made with oscillatorshields and circuit boards firmly affixed in place.Also, the test equipment must be thoroughlywarmed up before beginning.
Note: Signal levels in dB referred to in the alignmentprocedure are based on 0dBµ = 0.5µV.
Set up the test equipment as shown below for trans-ceiver alignment.
Entering theAlignmentMode
Alignment of the FT-1802M is performed using afront panel software-based procedure. To performalignment of the transceiver, it must first be placedin the “Alignment Mode,” in which the adjustmentswill be made and then stored into memory.
To enter the Alignment mode, press and hold in the[
REV(DW)] and[D/MR(MW)] keys while turning the
radio on. Once the radio is on, release these two key.The transceiver is now in the “Alignment Mode.”
PLL Reference Frequency
Rotate the DIAL knob to set the alignment param-
eter to “148.000rF.”
Press the [D/MR(MW)] key to enable adjustment
of the “PLL Reference Frequency.”
Press the PTT switch to activate the transmitter,
adjust the DIAL knob so that the counter fre-quency reading is 148.000 MHz (±100 Hz).
Press the [D/MR(MW)] key.
RF Front-end Tuning
Inject a 145.100 MHz signal at a level of –10 dBµ
(with 1 kHz modulation @±3.5 kHz deviation)from the RF signal generator.
Rotate the DIAL knob to set the alignment param-
eter to “145.100tn.”
Press the [D/MR(MW)] key to enable adjustment
of the “RF Front-end Tuning.”
Adjust the DIAL knob so that the maximum
Press the [D/MR(MW)] key.
Dummy Load
Signal Generator
Signal Generator
Signal Generator
SINAD MeterDeviation Meter
Squelch Threshold Level
Inject a 145.100 MHz signal at a level of –14 dBµ
(with 1 kHz modulation @±3.5 kHz deviation)from the RF signal generator.
Rotate the SQL knob to the 10-o’clocl position.Rotate the DIAL knob to set the alignment param-
eter to “145.100tL.”
Press the [D/MR(MW)] key to enable adjustment
of the “Squelch Threshold Level.”
Press the [D/MR(MW)] key three times.Press the [D/MR(MW)] key.
S-meter Level (S-1)
Inject a 145.100 MHz signal at a level of –5 dBµ
(with 1 kHz modulation @±3.5 kHz deviation)from the RF signal generator.
Rotate the DIAL knob to set the alignment param-
eter to “145.100S1.”
Press the [D/MR(MW)] key to enable adjustment
of the “S-meter Level (S-1).”
Press the [D/MR(MW)] key three times.Press the [D/MR(MW)] key.
S-meter Level (S-9)
Inject a 145.100 MHz signal at a level of +20 dBµ
(with 1 kHz modulation @±3.5 kHz deviation)from the RF signal generator.
Rotate the DIAL knob to set the alignment param-
eter to “145.100S9.”
Press the [D/MR(MW)] key to enable adjustment
of the “S-meter Level (S-9).”
Press the [D/MR(MW)] key three times.Press the [D/MR(MW)] key.
TX Power (High)
Rotate the DIAL knob to set the alignment param-
eter to “145.000HP.”
Press the [D/MR(MW)] key to enable adjustment
of the “TX Power (High).”
Press the PTT switch to activate the transmitter,
adjust the DIAL knob so that the RF Power Meterreading is 50 W (±2.0W).
Press the [D/MR(MW)] key.
TX Power (Low 3)
Rotate the DIAL knob to set the alignment param-
eter to “145.000L3.”
Press the [D/MR(MW)] key to enable adjustment
of the “TX Power (Low 3).”
Press the PTT switch to activate the transmitter,
adjust the DIAL knob so that the RF Power Meterreading is 25 W (±1.5 W).
Press the [D/MR(MW)] key.
TX Power (Low 2)
Rotate the DIAL knob to set the alignment param-
eter to “145.000L2.”
Press the [D/MR(MW)] key to enable adjustment
of the “TX Power (Low 2).”
Press the PTT switch to activate the transmitter,
adjust the DIAL knob so that the RF Power Meterreading is 10 W (±1.0 W).
Press the [D/MR(MW)] key.
TX Power (Low 1)
Rotate the DIAL knob to set the alignment param-
eter to “145.000L1.”
Press the [D/MR(MW)] key to enable adjustment
of the “TX Power (Low 1).”
Press the PTT switch to activate the transmitter,
adjust the DIAL knob so that the RF Power Meterreading is 5 W (±0.5 W).
Press the [D/MR(MW)] key.
TX Deviation
Inject a 1 kHz, 50 mV signal from the Audio Gen-
Rotate the DIAL knob to set the alignment param-
eter to “145.000dU.”
Press the [D/MR(MW)] key to enable adjustment
of the “TX Deviation.”
Press the PTT switch to activate the transmitter,
adjust the DIAL knob so that the Deviation Meterreading is 4.2 kHz (±0.1 kHz) (EXP version: 4.5kHz ± 0.1 kHz).
Press the [D/MR(MW)] key.
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