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Backing Up and Restoring the Software .......................................................................................................... 4
Backing Up the Creo System Partition ...................................................................................................... 4
Backing Up the Job List Database............................................................................................................. 5
Restoring the Creo System Partition ......................................................................................................... 7
Restoring the Job List Database................................................................................................................ 9
Reinstalling the System ................................................................................................................................. 11
Reinstalling the Software Complete Overwrite .............................................................................................. 12
Reinstalling the Operating System (Windows XP).................................................................................... 13
Reinstalling the Creo Application Software............................................................................................. 15
Disk Striping .......................................................................................................................................... 15
Using the Configuration Wizard............................................................................................................. 24
Installing and Configuring Novell Client for Spire ................................................................................... 37
Configuring the McAfee VirusScan ........................................................................................................ 37
Activating Windows XP.......................................................................................................................... 38
Backing Up the Creo System Partition .................................................................................................... 41
Performing a Test Print........................................................................................................................... 41
Reinstalling the Software Preservation Installation ......................................................................................... 42
Appendix A: Formatting the Image Disk 43
Appendix B: Formatting the External Device 45
Appendix C: Installing and Configuring Novell Client for Spire 47
Appendix D: Configuring the McAfee VirusScan 51
Appendix E: Performing a Test Print 57
This page is intentionally left blank.
Reinstalling the Spire CXP8000 Color
Server Software
This chapter describes when and how to back up and restore the entire operating
system and application software (including the current job list database) on your
computer, as well as when and how to reinstall the software configuration on your
Spire CXP8000 color server.
Backing up the application software on a regular basis (weekly) is always
recommended so that a working copy can be used for recovery, if necessary.
Performing the restore procedure requires a previous backup. To ensure a
successful recovery:
•Save a copy of the backup, either on the network or on an external device to
prevent loss of data in case your system disk becomes corrupted.
•Perform the backup and recovery procedure at any time that you want to back
up and restore the Creo system partition and the job list database.
•Windows XP activation is not required.
To reinstall the software configuration:
•Perform either a complete overwrite of the entire system or only a system
•When you reinstall the software configuration using either of the two methods,
your current job list database will be deleted.
•Both of these methods require:
Reinstalling the operating system (Windows XP)
Reinstalling the Creo application software
Using the Configuration Wizard to configure the system
Activating Windows XP
Backing up the Creo system partition at the end of the reinstallation process
2Spire CXP8000 Color Server 1.0 Software Installation Guide
The following scenarios will assist you in determining when to use the backup and
restore procedures and when to use the reinstallation procedures.
ProcedureUseWindows XP
Backup and
Always recommended except for when the
system must be reinstalled, see
Not required
Reinstallation in the following row.
ReinstallationSystem Partition Overwrite
• Windows operating system is corrupt
• Unrecoverable system crash
Complete Overwrite
• System disk replacement
• Upgrading the system disk
There are two reinstallation methods:
System Partition Overwrite, which overwrites partition C, should be performed when the
Windows XP Professional operating system is corrupt and needs to be reinstalled.
Complete Overwrite, which overwrites partitions C and D, should be performed only when
installing a new operating system, when the system exhibits unpredictable behavior (for
example, error messages suddenly appearing or occasional GUI freezes), when physically
replacing the system disk or when upgrading the system disk.
Partition C contains the operating system files. Partition D contains the Creo application files
(job list database/user files).
Preloaded Software
The Spire CXP8000 color server is delivered to the customer site preloaded with the
following software and configuration:
•Windows XP Professional
•MS Service Pack 1a
•Internet Explorer 6.0
•Spire CXP8000 Color Server for Xerox DocuColor 8000 Digital Color Press
•Adobe Acrobat 6.0
•Network Parameters (hostname, IP address, network services and protocols)
•System backup
Reinstalling the Spire CXP8000 Color Server Software3
Disk Configuration
The following table outlines the Spire CXP8000 color server disk configuration:
4Spire CXP8000 Color Server 1.0 Software Installation Guide
Backing Up and Restoring the Software
We recommend that you restore the software on your Spire color server after an
unrecoverable system crash or when you want to replace the system hard disk.
When you back up the Creo system partition (partition C), all the operating system
files are copied to partition D (see Backing Up the Creo System Partition).
The backup and restore procedures do not require Windows XP activation, and are
not related to the system reinstallation. The procedures can be performed at any
time that you want to backup and restore your Creo system partition, and backup
and restore your job list database.
Attention: Before performing the backup and restore procedures, make sure
that your computer’s configuration is the one that you want to use when
restoring the system.
To back up and restore the software, you first need to back up the Creo system
partition. To restore the software, you need to perform the following tasks:
1.Back up the job list database.
2.Restore the Creo system partition.
3.Restore the job list database.
The procedures for backing up and restoring the software are described in detail in
the following sections.
•To enable the restoration of customer settings and job data, we
recommend that you back up the Spire CXP8000 color server
configuration and other information before loading the operating
system, see Backing Up the Creo System Partition and Backing Up the Job List Database on page 5.
•Once you have backed up all the required information to your local
disk, move this information to an external device or to a network
(you cannot back up directly to an external device or network)
Backing Up the Creo System Partition
You can back up the Creo system partition at any time.
When you backup your Creo system partition, Norton Ghost copies the files on
partition C to an image file on partition D.
Note: If you are already logged on your system and the Spire CXP8000 color
server workspace is open, exit the workspace, insert CD #1A, and proceed to
step 4.
1.Tur n on yo u r comp ut er.
2.Place CD #1A (Windows XP Fast Install) in the DVD-ROM drive.
3.Restart the computer.
Reinstalling the Spire CXP8000 Color Server Software5
4.If you are already logged on to your system, on the Windows desktop, follow
6.Use the keyboard arrows to select Backup Creo System Partition, and press
The Norton Ghost window appears. If a Norton License Agreement window
appears, click
file on partition D. The process takes about three minutes to complete.
7.A message appears instructing you to remove the CD from the DVD-ROM
drive and restart the computer.
Remove the CD and press
Yo u ha v e c o mp le te d Backing Up the Creo System Partition.
OK to continue. The files on partition C are copied to an image
CTRL+ALT+DELETE to restart the computer.
Tip: If you want to copy the files, to an external device, the files are located
on D:\Backup\SYSPART.<File Name>.
Backing Up the Job List Database
If you back up the Creo software and configuration (Backing Up the Creo System
Partition on page 4), your job list database is also backed up. If , at some later date,
you restore the configuration, the original job list database will be restored, thus
replacing your current job list database.
Note: If you are already logged on your system and the Spire CXP8000 color
server workspace is open, exit the workspace and proceed to step 3.
1.Tur n on yo u r comp ut er.
2.Exit the Spire application.
3.On the Windows desktop, double-click My Computer, andfollow the path,
D: > Backup > Scripts.
6Spire CXP8000 Color Server 1.0 Software Installation Guide
4.In the Scripts window, double-click Backup_Joblist.bat.
5.When the backup is complete, the following message appears.
Reinstalling the Spire CXP8000 Color Server Software7
6.Make sure that the folders created in D:\Backup have the latest modification
Note: The actual backup is a group of folders that are created the first time
you back up the job list database.
7.Press any key to continue.
Yo u ha v e c o mp le te d Backing Up the Job List Database.
Restoring the Creo System Partition
Performing the restore procedure requires a previous backup. Before restoring the
Creo system partition, we recommend that you back up any current important
jobs, using the procedure described in Backing Up the Job List Database on page 5.
If you want to restore the information from the image file on partition D back to
partition C, the current job list will be replaced with the old job list that was saved
while backing up partition C.
1.If required, return the ghost file, or files (SYSPART.<File Name>) you moved
to an external device, to D:\Backup
2.If your Spire color server is on, and the Spire workspace is open:
a.Exit the workspace.
b.Place CD #1A (Windows XP Fast Install) into the DVD-ROM drive.
c.On the Windows desktop, follow the path,
Start > Shut Down > Restart > OK.
Wait until the PC DOS 7.1 Startup menu appears.
If your Spire color server is off:
a.Press the Power On/Off button on the front panel.
b.As soon as power is applied, place CD #1A (Windows XP Fast Install) into
the DVD-ROM drive.
Wait until the PC DOS 7.1 Startup menu appears.
8Spire CXP8000 Color Server 1.0 Software Installation Guide
3.When the PC DOS Start Up menu appears, the following options are available:
4.Use the keyboard arrows to select Restore Creo System Partition.
5.Press ENTER.
The system takes about one minute to respond, and then the following
message appears.
The restore process is irreversible and overwrites all
information on the system partition.
To save job and other resource information use the
Backup_Joblist.bat script.
Continue and restore system partition??
If you press N (No), the following message appears.
Please remove the CD-ROM and floppy from the drive and press
CTRL+ALT+DELETE to reboot the computer.
Backup the job list database, see Backing Up the Job List Database on
page 5.
b.Return to step 2 and repeat the procedure.
7.If you press Y (Yes), the Norton Ghost window appears, and the files on
partition D are restored to partition C.
8.When the process is complete, the following message appears.
Please remove the CD-ROM and floppy from the drive and press
CTRL+ALT+DELETE to reboot the computer.
9.Remove the CD from the DVD-ROM drive, and press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to
Yo u ha v e c o mp le te d Restoring the Creo System Partition.
Note: Before performing the restore procedure—if the job list database was not
backed up or cannot be restored, you must format the image disks. See Appendix A, Formatting the Image Disk on page 43.
Reinstalling the Spire CXP8000 Color Server Software9
Restoring the Job List Database
When you restore the Creo software and configuration that you previously backed
up, you are replacing the current job list database with your original job list
Note: If you are already logged on your system and the Spire CXP8000 color
server workspace is open, exit the workspace and proceed to step 3.
1.Tur n on yo u r comp ut er.
2.Exit the Spire application.
3.On the Windows desktop, double-click My Computer, andfollow the path,
D: > Backup > Scripts.
4.In the Scripts window, double-click Restore_Joblist.bat.
10Spire CXP8000 Color Server 1.0 Software Installation Guide
The following message appears.
5.Press Y to continue.
The following window appears.
6.Press any key to continue.
Yo u ha v e c o mp le te d Restoring the Job List Database.
Reinstalling the Spire CXP8000 Color Server Software11
Reinstalling the System
There are two methods by which you can reinstall the system:
•Creo Software Complete Overwrite Installation:
This procedure replaces the entire system disk, operating system partition,
Creo application, and user partition (partitions C and D).
A complete overwrite should be performed under the following condition:
when physically replacing the system hard disk
Note: This option deletes all the files stored on disks C and D. Make sure to
back up any important customer files before selecting this option.
Back up the files to the local disk, and then back up the files to an
external device or to a network (you cannot back up directly to an
external device or network).
Determine whether VIPP or any other Xerox/Creo supported
application is loaded on the Spire CXP8000 color server. Such
applications have to be reloaded after the Complete Overwrite
installation is completed.
•Creo Software Preservation Installation (System Partition Overwrite): This
procedure replaces only the operating system partition (C). You should
perform System Partition Overwrite under the following conditions:
when the Windows XP Professional operating system is corrupt and needs
to be reinstalled
when you are upgrading the operating system
after an unrecoverable system crash
Note: After reinstalling the Creo system partition (partition C), you can
restore files that were backed up on partition D, such as the system
configuration and activation string.
However, it may become necessary to reinstall the system at the customer’s site, for
example, after an unrecoverable system crash.
The reinstallation is mostly unattended. User interaction is needed only to insert
CD #1B into the DVD-ROM drive, and for entering the OS license number and the
computer hostname, for restarting the computer when requested, for inserting the
final application CD, and for the Configuration Wizard.
The reinstallation of the system requires three CDs:
Two CDs #1:
•CD #1A and #1B (Windows XP Professional Fast Install)
One CD #2:
•CD #2 (Spire CXP8000 color server version 1.0 for the DocuColor 8000
Application Software)
12Spire CXP8000 Color Server 1.0 Software Installation Guide
Reinstalling the Software Complete Overwrite
When possible, we recommend that you back up and restore the software. That
is, in cases other than system crash or system disk replacement. For more
information, see Backing Up and Restoring the Software on page 4.
We suggest that you study the following flowchart, which will assist you to establish
which procedure to perform and in what sequence.
Reinstall the operating
system (Windows XP)
Reinstall the Creo application
Stripe the Disks
Use the Configuration Wizard
DFE Configuration Recovery
(if backup is available)
Insta ll N o vell Clie nt for S p ire
Install virus protection
(highly recommended)
Ena b le U NIX c o n n ectivity
Activa te Wind o ws XP
Back up the Creo system
Perform a test print
First Time Configuration
(if recovery fails or no backup
is available)
(if required)
(if required)
Reinstalling the Spire CXP8000 Color Server Software13
Reinstalling the Operating System (Windows XP)
Before reinstalling, ensure that:
•all external SCSI devices are disconnected from the Spire CXP8000 color
•the following information is available:
CD software pack
Computer name (for example, Falcon_WinXP)
TCP/IP information
Windows XP Professional OEM product ID number
Gateway, WINS address, and DNS information
Required AppleTalk zone
IPX information
For more details, refer to the Xerox Installation and Planning Guide.
Reinstalling the Windows XP Professional Operating System
1.If your Spire color server is on, and the Spire color server workspace is open:
a.Exit the workspace.
b.Place CD #1A (Windows XP Fast Install) into the DVD-ROM drive.
c.On the Windows desktop, follow the path,
Start > Shut Down > Restart > OK.
Wait until the PC DOS 7.1 Startup menu appears.
If your Spire color server is off:
a.Press the Power On/Off button on the front panel.
b.As soon as power is applied, place CD #1A (Windows XP Fast Install) into
the DVD-ROM drive.
Wait until the PC DOS 7.1 Startup menu appears.
2.When the PC DOS Start Up menu appears, the following options are available:
14Spire CXP8000 Color Server 1.0 Software Installation Guide
3.Use the keyboard arrows to select Creo Software Complete Overwrite
Note: If the Norton Ghost® License Agreement Warning appears, click OK.
(all data on C and D will be overwritten) and press ENTER.
The system starts copying the files. After about five minutes, the following
message appears.
SPAN Volume [1] Done
Norton Ghost needs to open the next part of the image. Please
either insert the next disk and choose OK.
Remove the CD #1A from the DVD-ROM, insert CD # 1B, and click OK.
The system copies files and automatically restarts. This process takes about
eight minutes.
5.When the Windows XP Professional Setup screen appears type the 25-digit
Product Key, and click
Note: The product key is printed on a label that is stuck to the side of the
Spire CXP8000 color server.
6.In the Computer Name and Administrator Password screen, type the name for
the Spire CXP8000 color server, for example Falcon_WinXP.
In the administrator name and password area, use the default settings.
If required, you can change the administrator name and password, but only
at the end of the installation process (see Changing the Administrator Name and User Password (Optional) on page 34).
7.Click Next.
The installation process continues.
8.At the end of the installation, the system restarts. You are asked to insert the
application software CD.
Proceed to Reinstalling the Creo Application Software.
Reinstalling the Spire CXP8000 Color Server Software15
Reinstalling the Creo Application Software
1.Insert CD #2 into the DVD-ROM drive.
2.In the SPIRE application splash screen that appears, click Start.
The Adobe Acrobat setup begins.
3.After the Adobe Acrobat setup is complete, the Spire CXP8000 color server
installation starts.
4.When the License Agreement window opens, click Yes to continue the Spire
CXP8000 color server installation.
5.When the installation is complete, remove CD #2 from the
DVD-ROM drive.
6.Click Finish to restart the computer.
Proceed to Disk Striping.
Disk Striping
Once the Spire CXP8000 color server restarts, the Wrong Disk Configuration
message appears. This message indicates that the disks need to be striped.
Note: If a message appears requesting you to activate Windows XP, ignore it
until you have completed configuring the system. For more information, see
Activating Windows XP on page 38.
Initial Disk Striping Procedure
Note: If the Wrong Disk Configuration message appears, perform the Initial Disk
Striping procedure. If the Image Disks File System is not Formatted message
appears, proceed to step 3 of the Confirming the Disk Striping procedure on
page 23.
1.In the following message, click OK.
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