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CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual
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EMS Overview
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The Triple-R principles are:
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Any item that can be recycled should be recycled and any item that can be reused should be reused in
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Items such as: Paper, Plastic, Electronic Parts, Glass – should be sent for recycling, after usage.
Packaging Materials
Packaging Materials will be kept at the customer’s premises. If these should be disposed of, they should
be sent to a plant for recycling of the Paper, Cartons and Wood.
End of Product Life span
The product should be sent for recycling to a recognized company in each country.
CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual
B.1 Token Ring Installation (Optional) ................................................................................................ 202
B.1.1 Installing a Token Ring Board:............................................................................................ 202
B.1.2 Confirming that the Token Ring Driver is Installed.............................................................. 203
B.1.3 Configuring the Token Ring Adapter ................................................................................. 204
CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual
This page is intentionally blank.
Using This Manual
Who Should Use This Manual .............................................................2
Conventions Used in This Manual .......................................................3
For More Information..........................................................................4
CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual
2Using This Manual
Who Should Use This Manual
This manual is intended for use by Xerox representatives, including
installation and service personnel (see the table below), using or
administering the CXP3535 Color Server for the Xerox DocuColor3535
printer, Version 1.0. This manual is designed to accompany the
representative during all stages of installation and servicing.
The CXP3535 Color Server is installed and serviced exclusively by specially
trained and certified technicians.
The table below illustrates which chapters are relevant to the service
representative, analyst, and system administrator.
Technical Manual
Chapter 1, First Time
Setup and
Chapter 2, Software
Reinstallation and
Chapter 3, Diagnostics
and Troubleshooting
Chapter 4, Hardware
Maintenance and
This manual assumes that:
• All the hardware, software, and network components of your Creo
system are installed, configured, and operating correctly.
• Files submitted to the Creo system are free of common errors usually
resolved during preflight, such as missing fonts and PostScript errors.
<DRAFT- CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual>
Conventions Used in This Manual3
Conventions Used in This Manual
This section describes the terminology and symbols used in this manual.
Place the mouse pointer over the check box for the
specified option, and click the left mouse button so
that the X or check mark is removed from the check
Place the mouse pointer over the specified option or
button and press and release the left mouse button.
Place the mouse pointer over the specified option or
button and quickly press and release the left mouse
button twice.
Type the information and press the ENTER or RETURN
Position the mouse pointer over a submenu or menu
command. For example, point to the
File menu.
Press the specified key or key combination on your
keyboard. For example, press
Place the mouse pointer over an area of the
application window. Then press and release the right
mouse button to display the shortcut menu. For more
information about using shortcut menus, see your
Windows documentation.
Place the mouse pointer over the check box for the
specified option, then click the left mouse button so
that an X or check mark appears in the check box.
Place the mouse pointer over the specified box or
button. Then click the left mouse button.
Ty pe
CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual
Type the information. Do not press the ENTER or
4Using This Manual
DANGER: This symbol indicates an imminently hazardous situation,
which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. This does not
alert you to a property damage accident unless personal injury risks are
associated with the accident.
WARNING: This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not
avoided, could result in death or serious injury. This does not alert you to a
property damage accident unless personal injury risks are associated with the
CAUTION: This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if
not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. This may also alert you to
unsafe practices or potential property-damage-only accidents.
Attention: This symbol alerts you to things that may cause loss of data or
damage to your computer hardware.
Important: This symbol indicates things that may cause process delays or
reduce functionality, reliability, or quality.
Note: A note provides additional information that you may need to consider.
For More Information
The reference symbol tells you that related information on the topic is available
in another Creo document.
Visit Creo at for documentation, training courses,
downloads, and service and support contacts.
<DRAFT- CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual>
Precauções de segurança ..................................................................15
<DRAFT- CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual>
Safety Precaution Symbols
DANGER: This symbol indicates an imminently hazardous situation,
which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. This does not
alert you to a property damage accident unless personal injury risks are
associated with the accident.
GEFAHR: Dies zeigt eine unmittelbar bevorstehende gefährliche
Situation an, die, wenn sie nicht vermieden wird, zum Tode oder zu
ernsten Verletzungen führt. Dies warnt Sie nur dann vor einem Unfall
mit Eigentumsschaden, wenn persönliche Verletzungsrisiken damit
verbunden sind.
PELIGRO: Esto indica una situación inminentemente peligrosa, que, si no
se evita, puede provocar la muerte o serias lesiones. Esto no le advierte
de la posibilidad de accidentes con daño a la propiedad a no ser que
hayan riesgos de heridas asociados.
DANGER: Ce symbole indique une situation dangereuse qui provoquera
des blessures graves voire mortelles. Il n'indique pas la possibilité de
dommage au matériel à moins qu'il y ait des risques de blessure
PERICOLO: Questo simbolo indica una situazione pericolosa che, se non
evitata, potrebbe causare la morte o ferite gravi. Non si è allertati per un
incidente di danni materiali a meno che i rischi di ferita personale siano
associati all'incidente.
GEVAAR: U wordt gewaarschuwd een mogelijk gevaarlijke actie niet uit
te voeren, die als deze niet wordt vermeden, kan resulteren in overlijden
of serieus letsel. Deze waarschuwing geldt niet voor beschadiging aan
de apparatuur, mits persoonlijk letsel is verbonden aan het uitvoeren
van deze gevaarlijke actie.
PERIGO: Isto indica uma situação iminentemente perigosa que, se não
evitada, irá resultar em morte ou sérios ferimentos. Isto não lhe alerta
sobre um acidente de danos em propriedade a menos que riscos de
danos pessoais estiverem associados com o acidente.
CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual
Safety Precaution Symbols7
WARNING: This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not
avoided, could result in death or serious injury. This does not alert you to a
property damage accident unless personal injury risks are associated with the
WARNUNG: Dies zeigt eine potentiell gefährliche Situation an, die, wenn sie
nicht vermieden wird, zum Tode oder zu ernsten Verletzungen führt. Dies warnt
Sie nur dann vor einem Unfall mit Eigentumsschaden, wenn persönliche
Verletzungsrisiken damit verbunden sind.
ADVERTENCIA: Esto indica una situación inminentemente peligrosa, que, si no
se evita, puede provocar la muerte o serias lesiones. Esto no le advierte de la
posibilidad de accidentes con daño a la propiedad a no ser que hayan riesgos de
heridas asociados.
AVERTISSEMENT: Ce symbole indique une situation dangereuse qui pourrait
provoquer des blessures graves voire mortelles. Il n'indique pas la possibilité de
dommage au matériel à moins qu'il y ait des risques de blessure associés.
AVVERTIMENTO: Questo simbolo indica una situazione potenzialmente
pericolosa che, se non evitata, potrebbe causare la morte o ferite gravi. Non si è
allertati per un incidente di danni materiali a meno che i rischi di ferita personale
siano associati all'incidente.
WAARSCHUWING: U wordt gewaarschuwd een mogelijk gevaarlijke actie niet
uit te voeren, die als deze niet wordt vermeden, kan resulteren in overlijden of
serieus letsel. Deze waarschuwing geldt niet voor beschadiging aan de
apparatuur, mits persoonlijk letsel is verbonden aan het uitvoeren van deze
gevaarlijke actie.
AVISO: Isto indica uma situação potencialmente perigosa que, se não evitada,
pode resultar em morte ou sérios ferimentos. Isto não lhe alerta sobre um
acidente de danos em propriedade a menos que riscos de danos pessoais
estiverem associados com o acidente.
CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual
CAUTION: This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if
not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. This may also alert you to
unsafe practices or potential property-damage-only accidents.
VORSICHT: Dies zeigt eine unmittelbare bevorstehende gefährliche Situation
an, die, wenn sie nicht vermieden wird, zum Tode oder zu ernsten Verletzungen
führt. Dies warnt Sie auch vor gefährlichen Gewohnheiten oder potentiellen
Unfällen mit nur Eigentumsschaden.
CUIDADO: Esto indica una situación inminentemente peligrosa, que, si no se
evita, puede provocar la muerte o serias lesiones. Este le puede advertir
también de prácticas no seguras o accidentes con posibilidad de daño sólo a la
ATTENTION: Ce symbole indique une situation dangereuse qui pourrait
provoquer des blessures mineures. Il peut également indiquer une pratique
hasardeuse ou un dommage éventuel au matériel.
PRECAUZIONE: Questo simbolo indica una situazione potenzialmente
pericolosa che, se non evitata, può causare piccole o moderate ferite. Si
potrebbe anche essere allertati su procedure non sicure o potenziali incidenti per
soli danni materiali.
VOORZICHTIG: U wordt gewaarschuwd een mogelijk gevaarlijke actie niet uit
te voeren, die als deze niet wordt vermeden, kan resulteren in ondergeschikt of
gematigd letsel. Dit kan ook een waarschuwing zijn voor onveilige handelingen
of handelingen die alleen mogelijke beschadigingen van eigendommen kunnen
CUIDADO: Isto indica uma situação potencialmente perigosa que, se não
evitada, pode resultar em ferimentos mínimos ou moderados. Isto pode
também alertá-lo com relação a práticas inseguras ou acidentes relacionados
somente a danos em propriedade.
CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual
Safety Precautions9
Safety Precautions
The following sections contain safety information regarding avoiding
personal injury, before and while servicing the CXP3535 Color Server.
General Safety
Follow these rules to ensure general safety:
• Lift up the CXP3535 Color Server using the handle and not using the
front panel. Lifting it up using the front panel may result in major
• Before opening the CXP3535 Color Server covers, ensure that the unit has
been switched off.
Switching off, only the ON/OFF power button, will leave some circuits
energized. For complete disconnection from the supply, the main
power cable must also be disconnected from the power source.
Battery Replacement
Static Electricity
• Only qualified service personnel should replace the battery.
• Handle and dispose of the used batteries according to Lithium battery
manufacturer’s instructions.
When handling static-sensitive electrical devices (such as: electronic
boards, disk drives, or memory modules):
• Use a field service grounding kit (chain, mat, and wrist strap).
• After removing the component from the system or from its protective
wrapper, place it on a grounded anti-static mat and not on a carpet or
any other unshielded surface.
• After removing a board from a station, store it in an anti-static bag.
CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual
Die folgenden Abschnitte enthalten Sicherheitsinformationen zur
Vermeidung von persönlichen Verletzungen vor und während der
Wartung des CXP3535 Color Server.
Allgemeine Sicherheit
Befolgen Sie diese Regeln, um allgemeine Sicherheit zu
• Heben Sie den CXP3535 Color Server nur am Griff hoch und
berühren Sie nicht die Frontblende. Wenn Sie ihn an der Vorderblende
hochheben, kann dies zu schweren Verletzungen führen.
• Bevor Sie die Schutzabdeckung des CXP3535 Color Server öffnen,
stellen Sie sicher, dass die Einheit ausgeschaltet wurde.
Wenn Sie das Gerät nur mit der ON/OFF-Schalttaste ausschalten,
bleiben einige Stromkreise aktiviert. Um eine vollständige Trennung
von der Stromversorgung zu erreichen, muss der Hauptlastschalter von
der Stromquelle getrennt sein.
• Die Batterie sollte nur von qualifiziertem Kundendienstpersonal
ausgetauscht werden.
• Handhaben und entsorgen Sie die verbrauchten Batterien
entsprechend den Anweisungen des Lithiumbatterie-Herstellers.
Beim Umgang mit statik-empfindlichen elektrischen Geräten (wie z.B.:
elektronische Karten, Plattenlaufwerke oder Speichermodule):
• Benutzen Sie einen Erdungsmontagesatz für den Außendienst (Kette,
Matte und Manschetten).
• Nach dem Entfernen des Teils aus dem System oder aus seiner
Schutzhülle stellen Sie es auf eine geerdete anti-statische Matte und
nicht auf einen Teppich oder auf andere ungeschützte Oberflächen.
• Nachdem Sie die Steckkarte aus einer Station entfernt haben,
bewahren Sie sie in einer anti-statischen Tüte auf.
CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual
Medidas Preventivas de Seguridad11
Medidas Preventivas de Seguridad
Las secciones a continuación contienen información de seguridad para
evitar lesiones, antes y durante la prestación de servicio de mantenimiento
y reparaciones del CXP3535 Color Server.
Seguridad General
Siga las siguientes reglas para garantizar la seguridad general:
• Levante el CXP3535 Color Server utilizando el mango y no el panel
frontal. Al levantarlo utilizando el panel frontal se pueden ocasionar
serias lesiones.
• Antes de abrir las cubiertas del CXP3535 Color Server, asegúrese de que
la unidad ha sido apagada.
Si se apaga utilizando el botón ON/OFF solamente, algunos circuitos
permanecen activados. Para una desconexión completa del suministro
de energía, el cable de alimentación principal se debe desconectar de la
fuente de alimentación.
Sustitución de la batería
• Sólo un ingeniero de mantenimiento y reparaciones debe reemplazar la
• Manipule y deshágase de las baterías usadas de acuerdo a las
instrucciones del fabricante de la batería de litio.
Electricidad estática
Cuando se manejan dispositivos eléctricos sensibles a electricidad estática
(como por ejemplo: placas electrónicas, unidades de disco, o módulos de
• Use un kit de puesta a tierra para reparaciones y mantenimiento en
terreno (cadena, felpudo y banda de muñeca).
• Después de sacar el componente del sistema o de su lugar de envoltura
de protección, colóquelo en un felpudo antiestático puesto a tierra y no
en una alfombra o cualquier otra superficie no protegida.
• Después de sacar una placa de una estación, almacénela en una bolsa
CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual
Mesures de sécurité
Les sections suivantes contiennent des informations sur les mesures de
sécurité à prendre pour éviter les blessures personnelles, avant et pendant
l'entretien du CXP3535 Color Server.
Mesures générales de sécurité
Suivez ces règles pour garantir une sécurité générale :
• Soulevez le CXP3535 Color Server par la poignée et non par le
panneau frontal. L'utilisation du panneau frontal pour soulever le
dispositif peut entraîner des blessures graves.
• Avant d'ouvrir les couvercles du CXP3535 Color Server, vérifiez que
l'unité a été éteinte.
Si vous ne mettez hors tension que l'interrupteur ON/OFF, certains
circuits resteront sous tension. Pour une déconnexion totale de
l'alimentation en courant, le câble d'alimentation principale doit aussi
être déconnecté du bloc d'alimentation.
Remplacement de la batterie
• Le remplacement de la batterie est une opération réservée au personnel
de service qualifié.
• Manipulez et jetez les batteries utilisées selon les instructions du
fabriquant de batterie au Lithium.
Electricité statique
Lors de la manipulation des périphériques électriques sensibles à l'énergie
statique (tels que : les cartes électroniques, les lecteurs de disque ou les
barrettes de mémoire) :
• Utilisez une trousse de mise à terre (une chaîne, une carpette et un
bracelet anti-statique).
• Après avoir enlevé le composant du système ou de son emballage de
protection, placez-le sur une carpette anti-statique mise à la terre et
non sur une carpette ou sur n'importe quelle autre surface non
• Après l'enlèvement d'une carte d'un poste, conservez-la dans un
emballage anti-statique.
CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual
Precauzioni di Sicurezza13
Precauzioni di Sicurezza
Le seguenti sezioni contengono informazioni di sicurezza riguardanti
l'evitamento di lesioni personali, prima e durante l'uso del CXP3535 Color
Sicurezza generale
Seguite queste istruzioni per assicurare la sicurezza generale:
• Alzate il CXP3535 Color Server usando la maniglia e non usando il
panello frontale. Alzandolo usando il panello frontale potrebbe causare
una grave lesione.
• Prima di aprire la copertura del CXP3535 Color Server, assicuratevi che
l'unità sia stata spenta.
Spegnendo l'unità, solo il pulsante ON/OFF lasciera qualche circuito
alimentato. Per arrivare a una sconnessione completa dalle fonti di
alimentazione, il cavo di alimentazione principale deve essere staccato
dal connettore di alimentazione.
Sostituzione della Batteria
• La batteria dovrebbe essere cambiata solo dal personale di assistenza
• Disfatevi delle batterie usate a seconda delle istruzioni del fabbricante
riguardanti batterie Lithium.
Elettricità Statica
Quando gestite dispositivi di sensitività elettro-statica (come: schede
elettroniche, dischi rigidi o moduli di memoria):
• Usate un campo di servizio di attrezzatura messa a terra (catena,
stuoia, cinghia da polso).
• Dopo avere rimosso il componente dal sistema o dal cartoccio
protettivo, mettetela su una stuoia anti-statica a terra e non su un
tappeto o ogni altra superficie non protetta.
• Dopo avere rimosso una scheda dalla stazione, custoditela in una borsa
CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual
In de volgende secties worden veiligheidsmaatregelen behandeld om
persoonlijk letselt voor en tijdens het bedienen van de CXP3535 Color
Server te voorkomen.
Algemene veiligheid
Volg onderstaande regels op om uw algemene veiligheid te
• Gebruik het handvat om de CXP3535 Color Server op te tillen, en niet
het voorpaneel. Wanneer u het voorpaneel gebruikt bij het optillen kan
dit resulteren in ernstig letsel.
• Zorg ervoor dat de CXP3535 Color Server is uitgeschakeld voordat u de
deksels opent.
Wanneer u alleen de ON/OFF schakelaar uitschakeld zullen bepaalde
electriciteitscircuits geactiveerd blijven. Om de stroomtoevoer volledig
af te sluiten moet de electriciteitskabel uit het stopkontact zijn.
De batterij vervangen
• De batterij mag alleen door bevoegd servicepersoneel worden
• Volg de instructies van de fabrikant op voor het vervangen en het
wegwerpen van gebruikte lithium batterijen.
Statische electriciteit
Wanneer u met electrisch statisch geladen onderdelen omgaat (zoals:
electronische kaarten, harde schijven of geheugenmodi):
• Gebruik een onderhoudsaardingpakket (ketting, mat, en een
• Nadat u het onderdeel van het systeem verwijderd of uit zijn
beschermend omhulsel neemt, plaatst u dit op een geaarde antistatische mat en niet op een vloerkleed of enig andere onbeschermde
• Nadat u een kaart van een station heeft verwijderd plaatst u deze in een
anti-statisch zak.
CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual
Precauções de segurança15
Precauções de segurança
As seguintes sessões contêm informações de segurança com respeito a
como evitar feridas corporais, antes e no decorrer do uso do CXP3535
Color Server.
Segurança geral
Siga as seguintes regras para assegurar uma segurança geral:
• Levante o CXP3535 Color Server usando o cabo e não o painel frontal.
Ao levantá-lo através do painel frontal pode causar sérios danos.
• Antes de abrir as tampas do CXP3535 Color Server, certifique-se de que
a unidade foi desligada.
Ao desligar somente com o botão ON/OFF fará com que alguns
circuitos sejam ativados. Para uma desconexão completa da fonte de
alimentação, o cabo de alimentação principal também deve ser
desconectado da fonte de alimentação.
Troca de bateria
• A bateria deve ser substituída somente por uma equipe de serviço
• Manipule e jogue fora as baterias usadas de acordo com as instruções
do fabricante de baterias de Lítio.
Eletricidade estática
Ao lidar com dispositivos sensíveis à energia estática (como: placas
eletrônicas, unidades de disco ou módulos de memória):
• Utilize um kit de aterramento de serviço (cadeia, esteira e faixa de
• Após a remoção do componente do sistema ou do seu invólucro de
proteção, coloque-o em uma esteira anti-estática e não em um tapete
ou qualquer outra superfície desprotegida.
• Após remover uma placa de uma estação, armazene-a em uma bolsa
CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual
Installing the Windows 2000 Professional Operating System .............24
Installing the Creo Application Software............................................25
Configuration Wizard (First Time Software Setup) .............................28
CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual
18 Chapter 1 – First Time Setup and Configuration
1.1Hardware Installation Procedures
Important: Installation must be performed only by authorized service
1.1.1Unpacking the System Components
The following sections will lead you through procedures for unpacking,
and correct placement of the CXP3535 Color Server.
1.1.2Before Unpacking
Place the shipping package as close as possible to the final installation site.
Before unpacking the CXP3535 Color Server, make sure that the
unpacking site is large enough to allow easy maneuvering.
Unpacking Diagram
Box 1 - Accessories
Box 2 - Monitor
Box 3 - CXP3535 Color Server
4 - Pallet
Figure 1: Unpacking the CXP3535 Color Server
CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual
Hardware Installation Procedures19
1.1.3Unpacking Instructions
To unpack the CXP3535 Color Server:
1.Cut the three plastic bands that secure the outer carton (not shown)to
the pallet (4)
Caution: Take care before cutting the bands. They are tight and spring
apart when cut.
Open the upper flaps of the outer carton and lift it up and off the
3.Cut the two plastic bands that secure the three boxes to the pallet.
Caution: Take care before cutting the bands. They are tight and spring
apart when cut.
4.Remove the three boxes (1), (2), and (3) from the pallet (4). Open the
boxes and remove the contents.
1.1.4Connecting the CXP3535 Color Server System Cables
Figure 2 on page 21 shows the input/output connectors (ports) on the rear
of the CXP3535 Color Server.
To connect the CXP3535 Color Server cables:
Note: The AC power connection should be performed according to the Xerox
Installation and Planning Guide.
WARNING: Before connecting the CXP3535 Color Server to the AC power
socket, see Safety Information (Multilingual) on page 5.
CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual
20 Chapter 1 – First Time Setup and Configuration
1.Connect the monitor, keyboard, mouse, scanner, X-RiteColor®
DTP34L Quickcal Densitometer, monitor, and network cable to the
CXP3535 Color Server as follows:
MouseMouse (PS2)
KeyboardKeyboard (PS2)
Serial 1X-RiteColor DTP34L Quickcal
Serial 2Optional
Ethernet (NET)10/100/1000 Cable
DDI 1Printer DDI 1
DDI 2Printer DDI 2
VGA (Video Graphic Adapter)Monitor
LAN (SCAN)Printer scanner
2.Connect the two printer cables (68 to 80 pin) from the DocuColor
3535 printer ports (DDI 1 and DDI 2) to the CXP3535 Color Server
ports DDI 1 (C, K) and DDI 2 (Y, M).
3.Connect the leakage interupter wiring (GFI) to the AC power socket
at the rear of the CXP3535 Color Server.
4.Connect one end of the AC power cable (P/N 117N01113) to the
unused end of the GFI wiring cable connector.
5.Connect the opposite end of the AC power cable to an AC power
CXP3535 Color Server for the DocuColor 3535 Technical Manual
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