Whirlpool ADN 253, ADN 254, ADN 255, ADN 256, ADN 252 INSTRUCTION FOR USE

10T 2/1
ADN 252 ADN 253 ADN 254 ADN 255 ADN 256
Il costruttore si riserva il diritto di modificare senza preavviso le caratteristiche delle apparecchiature presentate in
questa pubblicazione.
The manufacturer reserves the right to modify the appliances presented in this publication without notice.
Le fabricant se réserve le droit de modifier sans préavis les caractéristiques des appareil présentés dans cette
Der Hersteller behält sich das Recht vor, die in dieser Broschüre vorgelegten Geräte ohne Voranzeige zuändern.
El constructor se reserva el derecho de modificar sin previo aviso las características de los equipos presentados
en esta publicación.
O fabricante reserva-se o direito de modificar sem aviso prévio as características dos aparelhos apresentados
nesta publicação.
1. INDEX............................................................................................................................................1
2. ANALYTICAL INDEX.....................................................................................................................2
3. REGULATIONS AND GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS........................................................................3
3.1. General information..............................................................................................................3
3.2. Warranty..............................................................................................................................3
3.3. Replacement of Parts...........................................................................................................3
3.4. Description of the Appliance.................................................................................................4
3.5. Features Plate......................................................................................................................5
4. SAFETY.........................................................................................................................................5
4.1. Safety Devices.....................................................................................................................6
5. USE AND FUNCTIONING..............................................................................................................7
5.1. Description of the Functioning Cycles...................................................................................7
5.2. Description of the Controls...................................................................................................8
5.3. Functionality.........................................................................................................................9
5.4. Recommendations for Use.................................................................................................13
6. CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE................................................................................................15
6.1. Recommendations for Cleaning and Maintenance..............................................................15
6.2. Routine Maintenance..........................................................................................................15
6.3. Extraordinary Maintenance 10T and 14T............................................................................15
6.4. Extraordinary Maintenance 10TR.......................................................................................17
6.5. Extraordinary Maintenance 6T 2/1......................................................................................19
6.6. Extraordinary Maintenance 10T 2/1....................................................................................21
7. TROUBLESHOOTING.................................................................................................................24
7.1. Faults Display.....................................................................................................................25
8. INSTALLATION............................................................................................................................25
8.1. Packaging And Unpacking..................................................................................................25
8.2. Installation..........................................................................................................................26
8.3. Electric Power Supply Connection......................................................................................27
8.4. Condensing unit water connection......................................................................................27
8.5. Remote condensing unit.....................................................................................................28
8.6. Inspection...........................................................................................................................29
9. DISPOSAL OF THE APPLIANCE.................................................................................................30
10. REFRIGERANT TECHNICAL CARD............................................................................................30
ATTACHMENTS................................................................................................................................. I
Blast chilling Cycle; 14
Cleaning the condenser; 16; 18; 20; 22 Cleaning the evaporator; 16; 18; 20; 22 Condensing unit water connection; 27
Defrosting; 7 Description of the Appliance; 4 Description of the Controls; 7 Disposal of the Appliance; 30 Door micro switch; 6
Electric Power Supply Connection; 27 Evaporator Fan Micro switch; 6
FAULTS; 24 Faults Display; 25 Features Plate; 5 Fuse replacement and thermal relay rearm; 17;
19; 21; 23
General information; 3
Inspection; 29 Installation; 26 Intensive Blast Chilling Cycle; 14 Intensive timed blast chilling; 7
Packaging; 25
Preservation; 7 Prolonged Inactivity; 13 Protective Fuses; 6
Recommendations for Cleaning and Maintenance;
15 Recommendations for normal use; 13 Recommendations for Use; 13 REFRIGERANT TECHNICAL CARD; 30 Remote condensing unit; 28 Replacement of Parts; 3 Routine Maintenance; 15
SAFETY; 5 Safety Devices; 6 Shock freezing Cycle; 14 SOFT Time Shock Freezing; 7
Temperature Blast Chilling; 7 Temperature Blast Chilling (+90 à+3°C); 8 Temperature Shock Freezing; 7 Temperature Shock Freezing (+90 à-18°C); 10 Time Blast Chilling; 7 Time Blast Chilling (+90 à+3°C); 9 Time Shock Freezing; 7 Time Shock Freezing (+90 à-18°C); 10
U.V. Lamp Replacement; 17; 19; 21; 23 Unpacking; 25
Warranty; 3
3.1. General information
This manual has been designed by the manufacturer to provide the necessary information to those who are authorised to interact with the appliance.
The persons receiving the information must read it carefully and apply it strictly. Reading the information contained in this document will allow the user to prevent risks to personal health and safety.
Keep this manual for the entire operating life of the equipment in a place which is well-known and easily accessible, so that it is always available when its consultation becomes necessary.
3.2. Warranty
The warranty of the equipment and the components we produce has duration of 1 (one) year from the date of delivery and translates into the supply, free of charge, of parts that we consider to be faulty. These faults must, however, be independent from incorrect use of the product in compliance with the indications stated in the manual.
3.3. Replacement of Parts
Particular symbols have been used to highlight some parts of the text that are very important or to indicate some important specifications. Their meanings are given below: Caution - Warning
! Indicates important information regarding
safety. Behave appropriately so as not to risk the health and safety of persons or cause damage.
iIndicates particularly important technical
information that must not be ignored.
Fees deriving from labour, journeys and transport are excluded from the warranty. The materials replaced under warranty are our property and must therefore be returned under the responsibility and expense of the customer.
! Activate all envisioned safety devices before
carrying out any replacement intervention.
iIn particular, deactivate the electrical power
supply using the differential isolating switch. Only use original spare parts to replace worn components.
iAll responsibility is declined for injury to
persons or damage to components deriving from the use of non-original spare parts and interventions which could modify the safety requisites, without authorisation of the manufacturer.
1 3 - 4
A 2
3.4. Description of the Appliance
The Blast chiller-Shock freezer, from now on defined as appliance, has been designed and built to cool and/or freeze foodstuffs in the professional catering ambit.
1) condensation area: it is positioned in the lower part and is characterised by the presence of the condensing unit.
2) electric area: it is positioned in the upper part of the appliance and contains the control and power supply appliance as well as electric wiring.
3) evaporation area: it is situated inside the refrigerated compartment in the rear and is characterised by the evaporating unit.
4) storage area: it is situated inside the refrigerated compartment and is destined for the cooling and/or freezing of foodstuffs.
The lower part is also distinguished by a control panel (A) that allows access to the electric parts; there is a vertically-opening door in the front,
which closes the refrigerated compartment hermetically.
Depending on requirements, the appliance is produced in several versions.
Model suitable to contain 10 trays with blast chilling capacity of 40 kg.
Model suitable to contain 10 trays with blast chilling capacity of 40 and 25 in shock freezing.
Model suitable to contain 10 “insertion 325” trays with blast chilling capacity of 40 and 25 in shock freezing.
Model suitable to contain 14 trays with blast chilling capacity of 55 kg.
Model suitable to contain 14 trays with blast chilling capacity of 55 and 35 in shock freezing.
Model suitable to contain 6 GASTRONORM 2/1trays with blast chilling capacity of 50 and 30 in shock freezing.
Model suitable to contain 10 GASTRONORM 2/1 trays with blast chilling capacity of 75 kg.
Model suitable to contain 10 GASTRONORM 2/1trays with blast chilling capacity of 75 and 50 in shock freezing.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3.5. Features Plate
The identification plate shown is applied directly onto the appliance. It states the references and all indications indispensable for working in safety.
1) Appliance code
2) Description of the appliance
3) Serial number
4) Power supply voltage and frequency
5) Electrical absorption
6) Climatic class
7) Type and Amount of refrigerant gas
8) WEEE symbol
iIt is recommended to carefully read the
instructions and warnings contained in this manual before using the appliance. The information contained in the manual is fundamental for the safety of use and for machine maintenance.
! Keep this manual carefully so that it can be
consulted when necessary.
i The electric plant has been designed in
compliance with the IEC EN 60335-2-24 Standard.
, Specific adhesives highlight the presence of
mains voltage in the proximity of areas (however protected) with risks of an electrical nature.
! Before the connection, ensure the presence of
an omnipolar switch with minimum contacts opening equal to 3 mm in the mains power supply upstream from the appliance (requested for appliances supplied without plug to connect to the fixed plant).
In the design and construction phase, the manufacturer has paid particular attention to the
aspects that can cause risks to safety and health of persons that interact with the appliance.
Carefully read the instructions stated in the manual supplied and those applied directly to the machine, and particularly respect those regarding safety.
Do not tamper or eliminate the installed safety devices. Failure to comply with this requisite can lead to serious risks for personal health and safety.
It is recommended to simulate some test manoeuvres in order to identify the controls, in particular those relative to switch-on and switch­off and their main functions.
The appliance is only destined for the use for which it has been designed; any other use must be considered improper.
iThe manufacturer declines all liability for any
damage to objects or injury to persons owing to improper or incorrect use.
i All maintenance interventions that require
precise technical skill or particular ability must be performed exclusively by qualified staff.
! When using the appliance, never obstruct the
air inlet when the appliance is on, so as not to compromise its performance and safety.
! Never stretch the power cable.
4.1. Safety Devices
During the running of appliance, some control devices may activate and govern the correct running of the machine. In other cases, they may deactivate parts or the whole machine, to put the appliance in safe conditions. The main controls are listed.
Door micro switch
If the door is opened, the magnetic switch placed on the control board opens and, during blast-chilling or shock-freezing, evaporator fans go off and a warning message appears on the display at the same time. This condition may also be determined when the door is not perfectly aligned to or near the control board: in this case with the machine in the STOP phase, no cycle may be started.
If a U.V. sterilisation cycle is active, the functioning of the U.V. lamp is interrupted. The cycle continues when the door is closed.
Protective Fuses
Some protection fuses in the general power supply line are activated in case of overload. Other fuses are prepared for the evaporator fans.
Thermal relay
In the case of faulty operation that results in exceeding the current absorption limits of the electric system, the thermal relay will operate to stop the machine. This intervention is
In order to guarantee hygiene and protect the foodstuffs from contamination, the elements that come into direct or indirect contact with the foodstuffs must be cleaned very well along with the surrounding areas. These operations must only be performed using detergents that can be used with foodstuffs, avoiding inflammable products or those that contain substances that are harmful to personal health.
In the case of prolonged inactivity, as well as disconnecting all the supply lines, it is necessary to accurately clean all internal and external parts of the appliance.
shown on the display by means of the wording “HA”. If the circuit breaker relay has intervened, it must be restored manually (see specific chapter).
High and low pressure switches
If, due to environmental conditions or faulty operation, the minimum/maximum pressure values in the refrigerating circuit should become excessive, the maximum/minimum safety pressure switch (in the 5 Pans version, only the maximum safety pressure switch) will operate to stop the appliance. The machine can be switched on again only after the pressure has returned to an acceptable value. If a high pressure alarm should occur, the wording “HP” will appear on the display. The wording “LP” will appear if there is a low pressure alarm.
Evaporator Fan Micro switch
If the deflector is opened to inspect the evaporator or fans, this micro switch positioned on the evaporator deflector, deactivates machine functioning. Closure of the deflector with the successive disappearance of the alarm on the display, restores normal machine functioning.
5.1. Description of the Functioning Cycles
The following are brief descriptions and types of operating cycles.
Temperature Blast Chilling
This cycle allows a reduction in temperature in the product core from +90°C to +3°C as quickly as possible and within a MAX time of 90 minutes. The cycle ends when the value +3°C, read by the needle probe, is reached.
Time Blast Chilling
This cycle allows a reduction in temperature in the product core from +90°C to +3°C during the set time: we remind you that it is advisable to run some previous testing temperature cycles so to determine the necessary time for a correct product blast chilling process. Do not forget that acquired times and eventually memorised have to be considered valid for exclusive use of the same type of product and in the same quantities per cycle.
Intensive timed blast chilling
For the use of this cycle, the information contained in the previous paragraph is applicable concerning the time which can be set and the final temperature of the product. The use of this function, which makes it possible to reduce chilling times, is recommended for foods with the following characteristics:
Ø Packaged foods or foods in containers Ø Foods with a thickness greater than 50
Ø Foods with a high fat content
Temperature Shock Freezing
This cycle allows a reduction in temperature in the product core from +90°C to -18°C as quickly as possible and within a MAX time of 270 minutes. The cycle ends when the value -18°C, read by the needle probe, is reached.
Time Shock Freezing
This cycle allows a reduction in temperature in the product core from +90°C to -18°C during the set time: we remind you that it is advisable to run some previous automatic test cycles so to determine the necessary time for a correct product blast chilling process. Do not forget that acquired times and eventually memorised have to be considered valid for exclusive use of the same type of product and in the same quantities per cycle.
SOFT Time Shock Freezing
The use of this function is recommended in the presence of foodstuffs that fear a large initial heat shock or foodstuffs with different ingredients as composition (e.g.: fresh pasta) and therefore require slower and homogeneous shock freezing.
At the end of each cycle as described above, either temperature or time cycle, the preservation cycle will be started automatically, with no time limit. The freezer temperature will refer to last cycle, just concluded:
Ø + 3°C for blast chilling Ø -25°C for shock-freezing
Warning: use of this cycle is recommended only for short periods prior to storage of the product in a storage unit or in case of emergency, so as to avoid such a limited use of a machine with such high potential.
The frost forming on the evaporator following the deposit of humidity from the product can jeopardise the correct functioning of the appliance. A defrosting cycle must be carried out to restore full functionality.
The defrosting cycle ends automatically when the set temperature is reached.
5.2. Description of the Controls
Below is a brief description of the functions carried out by the keys on the control panel.
display of the compartment temperature (display DY1).
If is pressed during a temperature-regulated cycle, it makes it possible to pass from the display of the remaining time to display of the real time passed from the start of the cycle (display DY2). Pressing both keys simultaneously makes it possible to enter parameters programming mode.
Temperature Blast chilling Key
By pressing the key with the machine at a standstill, it allows to select a temperature blast chilling cycle (+90°Cà+3°C).
Time Blast chilling Key
By pressing the key with the machine at a standstill, it allows to select a time blast chilling cycle.
Time Blast chilling Key
By pressing the key with the machine at a standstill, it allows to select a temperature shock freezing cycle (+90°Cà-18°C).
Time Shock freezing Key
By pressing the key with the machine at a standstill, it allows to select a time shock freezing cycle.
Intensive Cycle Key
The key is active in the time cycles. If pressed after a blast chilling cycle has been selected, it selects the intensive function; if pressed after a shock freezing cycle has been selected, it selects the SOFT function. If pressed for 5 seconds with the machine stopped, it makes it possible to set the current time, day and year
.Time increase and decrease keys
When the time blast chilling and/or shock freezing mode is selected, these buttons allow to set the cycle duration.
If is pressed during automatic temperature­regulated cycle, it makes it possible to change from the display of the needle temperature to the
Cycle start key
Once a cycle has been selected, press this button to start the cycle. If it is pressed during functioning the appliance stops; the setting of the previous cycle selected remains, which can be started immediately. By pressing this button for at least 5 seconds the machine passes to the stand-by mode. Repeat the procedure to reactivate the board.
When the machine is off a manual defrosting cycle can be started. The defrosting cycle ends automatically when the set temperature is reached.
Heated Probe Key
In appliances in which the needle probe can be heated, once this key is pressed with the machine stopped, makes it possible to heat the needle probe so that it is easier to pull it out of the frozen product. If during a chilling / freezing cycle the "needle probe not inserted" alarm is signalled (see paragraph on alarms), press the key to silence the alarm after checking that the needle probe is properly inserted into the product, then restore automatic operation.
Germicidal lamp key
With the machine stopped and the door closed, it makes it possible to switch on an internally located UV lamp for a set time. This lamp sterilises the compartment at the beginning and at the end of the day after it has been cleaned.
Programmes Selection Key
With the machine at a standstill, it makes it possible to recall and/or memorise 99 timed chilling or freezing programs.
L5 L1 L2 1 L4 L1 L2
5.3. Functionality
Temperature Blast Chilling (+90 à+3°C)
Select positive chilling by pressing (the corresponding LED switches on) confirmed by the lighting of LED L4. The display DY2 shows the maximum possible time for this cycle: 90 minutes. Insert the needle probe into the product.
Start the cycle by pressing the key (the corresponding LED switches on). The start of the cycle is also confirmed by LED L1 switching on. During the first minutes of operation, the control
unit checks the exact positioning of the needle probe.
The appearance on display DY1 of the “o - -” message accompanied by an intermittent sound means that the verification of the correct insertion of
the product probe has given a negative result and therefore the reading on the needle probe cannot be considered as valid. The control unit activates a timed safety cycle (LEDL4 switches off and LED L5switches on).
To silence the alarm and re-activate the automatic temperature-regulated cycle, re-position the
needle probe and then press (LED L5 switches off and LED L4 switches on).
If the product has not reached 3°C after 90 minutes the cycle is not concluded: the buzzer is triggered intermittently and indicators DY1 and DY2 indicate the temperature of the
product and “OUt“ respectively.
The blast chilling cycle is concluded
successfully as soon as the
temperature measured by the
product probe reaches 3°C: the buzzer is triggered intermittently and indicators DY1 and DY2 indicate “End” and “---“
respectively. An automatic preservation cycle is activated (LEDL1 switch off and L2 switch on).
Press to conclude the preservation cycle.
Time Blast Chilling
Select positive chilling by pressing (the corresponding LED switches on) confirmed by the lighting of LED L5. If you wish to choose the intensive chilling cycle,
press (the corresponding LED switches on) Select the required blast chilling time using keys
and .
Start the cycle by pressing the key (the corresponding LED switches on). The start of the cycle is also confirmed by LED L1 switching on.
The correct conclusion of the cycle is signalled by the “End” message on display DY2 and by an intermittent
noise for a few seconds. At the end of the set time, the blast chilling cycle is concluded and a preservation cycle is automatically started (LED L1 switch off and LEDL2 switch on).
Press to conclude the preservation cycle.
Notes: the duration of the intensive phase is calculated automatically by the control unit based on the set time; the final part of the cycle does however take place in normal mode to avoid surface freezing of the product and is confirmed by the extinguishing of the LED that corresponds
to .
L5 L1 L2 1 L4 L1 L2
Temperature Shock Freezing (+90 à-18°C)
Select freezing by pressing (the corresponding LED switches on) confirmed by the lighting of LED L4. The display DY2 shows the maximum possible time for this cycle: 270 minutes. Insert the needle probe into the product.
Start the cycle by pressing the key (the corresponding LED switches on). The start of the cycle is also confirmed by LED L1 switching on. During the first minutes of operation, the control
unit checks the exact positioning of the needle probe.
The appearance on display DY1 of the “o - -” message accompanied by an intermittent sound means that the verification of the correct insertion of
the product probe has given a negative result and therefore the reading on the needle probe cannot be considered as valid. The control unit activates a timed safety cycle (LEDL4 switches off and LED L5switches on).
To silence the alarm and re-activate the automatic temperature-regulated cycle, re-position the
needle probe and then press (LED L5 switches off and LED L4 switches on).
If the product has not reached -18°C after 270 minutes the cycle is not concluded: the buzzer is triggered intermittently and indicators DY1 and DY2 indicate the temperature of the
product and “OUt“ respectively.
The shock freezing cycle is
concluded successfully as soon as
the temperature measured by the
product probe reaches -18°C: the buzzer is triggered intermittently and indicators DY1 and DY2 indicate “End” and “---“ respectively. An automatic preservation cycle is activated (LEDL1 switch off and L2 switch on).
Press to conclude the preservation cycle.
Time Shock Freezing (+90 à-18°C)
Select freezing by pressing (the corresponding LED switches on) confirmed by the lighting of LEDL5: in this cycle the intensive function is activated automatically (the
corresponding LED switches on ) If you wish to choose the SOFT freezing cycle,
press (the corresponding LED switches off) Select the required shock freezing time using keys
and .
Start the cycle by pressing the key (the corresponding LED switches on). The start of the cycle is also confirmed by LED L1 switching on.
The correct conclusion of the cycle is signalled by the “End” message on display DY2 and by an intermittent
noise for a few seconds. At the end of the set time, the shock freezing cycle is concluded and a preservation cycle is automatically started (LED L1 switch off and LED L2 switch on).
Press to conclude the preservation cycle.
HACCP data printer (Optional)
If the printer is enabled, the following events are printed:
Ø print heading : date, time and selected cycle; Ø cycle start: compartment and needle
Ø alarms : type of alarm, time, compartment
and needle temperature;
Ø cycle end: time, compartment and needle
Ø start preservation: time, compartment and
needle temperature;
Ø Defrost: time, compartment and needle
Ø alarms : type of alarm, time, compartment
and needle temperature;
Ø preservation record: time, compartment and
needle temperature every 30 minutes:
The alarms that can be printed are:
DOOR →Door opening DFL Evaporator deflector HP High pressure LP Low pressure HT Condenser high T HA Compressor circuit breaker switch AL Compartment high temperature alarm
(HACCP) A printing example follows.
-----------­************************ Date:24/09/2004 Time:12:28:45 Program:Automatic CORE Freezing Start TIME CHAMBER CORE 0:00 20 62 Alarm:DOOR 0:55 1 11 End TIME CHAMBER CORE 1:35 -3 3 Holding Cycle Start TIME CHAMBER CORE 18:10 -3 4 18:40 3 3 ********DEFROSTING***** 18:45 6 3 Alarm: DOOR 18:55 8 3
Programs Memorisation
To memorise a work cycle, set it as if it were a timed program in machine standstill mode.
Press for at least 5 seconds, a beep of the buzzer confirms the input into programs memorisation. Flashing P1 appears on display DY1 corresponding to the first program that can be
memorised; select and the program number to memorise: display DY2 will show the message "USE" if the program is already used.
Press again to confirm the memorisation.
If a program is selected with data that is already set, this program will be overwritten with the newly set data. If more than ten seconds have passed since the last key pressed, DY1 will once again display the temperature. Memorisation will be exited and the program will not be memorised.
1 1 1
Programs Recall
With the machine stopped, press and release
(the corresponding LED switches on). The temperature display shows the code P followed by the program number, for example P1, while the time display shows the memorised set time and the LED indicators that correspond to the selected operating mode switch on.
Select the required program using keys and
4.4.3. Setting the time and date
To access time setting, press for at least five seconds. The display DY1 will show Hr (hours), Mn (minutes), dA (day), Mo (month) and Yr (year), while display DY2 will display the settings relative to the abbreviations shown by display DY1. Press
to scroll the various abbreviations, while
and can be used to update the relative
. If a program is selected that has not been memorised, “ --- “ appears on the display and the blast chilling mode LEDs remain off. Once the required programme has been selected,
press to start the cycle. If ten seconds pass from the last time a key is pressed the display DY1 displays the temperature.
values. Exit timer setting by pressing after having displayed Yr (year) or due to timeout of 10 seconds.
The new data set for the timer is immediately active
v Make sure the machine is in STOP mode.
v Press key for defrosting.
The “DEF” message on the display indicates a defrosting cycle is in progress.
Defrosting is performed by forced ventilation using the evaporating fans; the cycle may be performed with the door open or closed and be interrupted at
any time by pressing the key.
Needle Probe Heating (Optional)
At the end of a work cycle, press (the corresponding LED switches on) to activate needle probe heating, which will make it easier to extract the probe from the frozen product. Display
DY1 will show ‘Prb’: This function is not active if:
· the needle probe provided is not a type which can be heated
· the temperature of the needle probe is greater than 0°C
The cycle is automatically interrupted at the end of the envisioned time.
5.4. Recommendations for Use
Prolonged Inactivity
If the appliance remains inactive for a long period, proceed as follows:
1. Use the automatic isolating switch to deactivate connection to the main electrical line.
2. Clean the appliance and surrounding areas thoroughly;
3. Spread a thin layer of cooking oil onto the stainless steel surfaces;
4. Carry out all maintenance operations;
5. Leave the doors ajar to prevent the formation
of mould and/or unpleasant odours.
Recommendations for normal use
In order to ensure correct use of the appliance, it is good practice to apply the following recommendations:
UV lamp (optional)
At the end of the job, after having cleaned the
compartment, press (the relative LED switches on) compartment sterilization is activated using the ultra-violet light; display DY1
shows ‘StE’:
This cycle can be started only with the door closed and it will be interrupted immediately if the door is opened during sterilization.
For correct machine efficiency and hygiene, it is in any case advisable to clean the compartment thoroughly each time you finish using the machine.
áDo not insert foodstuffs that are well above
the temperature of 65°C. As well as initially overloading the machine it can make protections intervene that prolong temperature descent times. If possible, a brief external period is useful to lower the temperature to acceptable values. Check the planarity of the appliance rest surface.
i Do not stack the materials to be preserved
in contact with the internal walls, so blocking the circulation of air, which guarantees uniformity of the internal temperature of the refrigerated compartment.
i There must be a sufficient space between
the basins and trays used in order to guarantee a sufficient flow of cold air on the entire product. Therefore avoid the following positions of trays and/or basins stated below.
! Do not obstruct the zone in front of the
condensing unit in order to favour heat disposal from the condenser to a maximum. Always keep the front of the condenser clean.
i Never obstruct the inlet of the evaporator
i Products that are more difficult to chill
because of their composition and size should be placed in the centre.
Limit the number of times and the duration of time the doors are opened.
! Blast chilling data refer to standard products
(low fat content) with a thickness below 50 mm; therefore avoid overlaying products or the insertion of pieces with a much higher thickness. This would, in fact, lead to an extension of blast chilling times. Always distribute the product well on the trays or basins or in the case of thick pieces decrease the amount to blast chill.
iAfter blast chilling/shock freezing the
product, it can be stored in a preservation cabinet after having been duly protected. A tag should be applied describing the contents of the product, blast chilling/shock freezing date and expiry date.
When the product has been blast chilled it must be preserved at a constant temperature of +2°C , while if it has been shock frozen it must be preserved at a constant temperature of -20°C.
i The chiller should be used for storage for
short periods only.
! To prevent bacterial contamination or
contamination of any other biological nature, the needle probe must be disinfected after use.
! To extract the product that has undergone blast
chilling or shock freezing, always wear gloves to protect the hands, as "burns" may occur from the cold.
i Blast chilling Cycle
With this operating modality the chiller keeps the temperature of the refrigerating compartment close to zero during the entire chilling process in
order to ensure a gradual drop in the temperature of the product to +3°C. In this way, ice crystals do not form on the surface of the product. This cycle should be used preferably for products that are not packed and whose physical/organoleptic characteristics could be damaged by the formation of superficial ice (e.g. fish).
i Intensive Blast Chilling Cycle
With this operating mode, at the beginning the chiller maintains the temperature of the refrigerating compartment at a much lower than the value set for normal chilling, in order to accelerate the drop in temperature of the product. When the product reaches the fixed temperature (temperature at which ice could form on the external surface product) the internal temperature of the compartment rises to the temperature set for normal positive chilling. This blast chilling method should be used preferably for products that are packed and whose physical/organoleptic characteristics are not damaged by the formation of superficial ice.
i Shock freezing Cycle
With this chilling modality the chiller maintains the temperature value in the compartment below ­18°C, which is the end temperature of shock freezing. For shock freezing to be successful and fast, food should be in small pieces, especially if it has a high fat content. The largest pieces should be placed in central trays. If it takes longer than standard time to shock freeze and the sizes cannot be reduced, decrease the quantity and precool the chiller compartment by starting an empty shock freezing cycle before shock freezing the product.
i Shock freezing Cycle SOFT
In this case, the shock freezing cycle is divided in two phases that differ depending on the compartment set point used. The first phase consists in a cycle around the compartment set point defined for normal blast chilling. The passage to the second phase starts when the core-probe reaches a pre-defined temperature exchange value or when the time elapsed is equal to a pre-set percentage of the total time. In the second phase, the compartment reference set point will be the same as the shock freezing one. This type of shock freezing allows a more even freezing of the product, avoiding the external formation of ice when the core temperature is still high.
6.1. Recommendations for Cleaning and Maintenance
particular, deactivate the electrical power supply
! Activate all envisioned safety devices before
carrying out any maintenance interventions. In
6.2. Routine Maintenance
Routine maintenance consists of daily cleaning of all the parts which can come into contact with foodstuffs and the periodic maintenance of the burners, nozzles and draining pipes. Correct maintenance allows the user to maximise performance levels and operating life and constantly maintain safety requirements.
Do not spray the appliance with direct jets of water or using high pressure appliances.
Do not use iron wool, brushes or scrapers to clean the stainless steel as ferrous particles could be deposited which, on oxidising, could lead to rust.
6.3. Extraordinary Maintenance 10T and 14T
iHave the following operations carried out
periodically by specialised staff:
Ø Check the perfect sealing of the door
gaskets and replace them if necessary.
Ø Check that the electric connections have
not loosened.
using the automatic isolating switch.
To remove hardened residues, use wooden or plastic spatulas or abrasive rubber pads.
During long periods of inactivity, spread a protective layer on all stainless steel surfaces by wiping them with a cloth soaked in Vaseline oil and airing the rooms periodically.
! Do not use products which contain substances
which are harmful and dangerous for personal health (solvents, petrol etc.).
At the end of the day it is advisable to clean:
Ø the cooling compartment Ø the appliance.
Ø Check the efficiency of the heating
element resistance
Ø Check functioning of the board and
Ø Check the efficiency of the electrical
Ø Clean the evaporator. Ø Clean the condenser.
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