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Welch Allyn, PCH100 and PCH200 are registered trademarks of Welch Allyn.
SD is a trademark of Toshiba.
Bluetooth is a trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc., USA.
Software in this product is Copyright 2006 - 2013 Welch Allyn or its vendors. All rights are reserved. The
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Reorder Number: 006-700-0075
Global Instrumentation Part Number: 006-700-0075 Version: L
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Manufactured For: Welch Allyn
4341 State Street Road
Skaneateles Falls, New York 13153 U.S.A.
Global Instrumentation, LLC.
Manufactured by: 8104 Cazenovia Rd.
Manufacturer: Manlius, New York 13104 U.S.A.
Contract Medical International GmbH
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Tel.: +49 (0) 351 213 88 88
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Contact: European Regulatory Manager
E-mail: tlenihan@contract-medical.com
Printed in USA

Table of Contents
BEFORE INSTALLING.............................................................................................................................................. 7
1. INSTALLATION CHECKLIST........................................................................................................................... 7
2. INSTALL HOLTER APPLICATION................................................................................................................... 9
3. INSTALLING THE USB BLUETOOTH® ADAPTER...................................................................................... 13
4. ACTIVATING THE WA HOLTER APPLICATION LICENSE.......................................................................... 18
5. INSTALL SD CARD READER........................................................................................................................ 18
6. USB HIBERNATION........................................................................................................................................ 19
7. COMPLETE PCH100/200 STANDALONE INSTALLATION CHECK-OFF SHEET ...................................... 22

Before Installing
Overview: Please read the entire installation instructions before proceeding with the installation.
NOTE: Installation should only be completed by users with administrative privileges.
NOTE: Follow the steps below sequentially:
1. Complete Installation Checklist
2. Install Holter application
3. Install USB Bluetooth® Adapter
4. Install SD Card Reader
5. Turn off USB Port Hibernation
6. Finished
1. Installation Checklist
Overview: The Installation checklist helps evaluate the PC system to determine which components are required. Steps are outlined
• Determine PC Operation System and service pack
• Determine McAfee antivirus version
• Determine if other Bluetooth® devices are already installed
The minimum Operating Systems and Service Packs are below. If your system does not have the following minimum requirements,
select an alternate system for installation.
• Microsoft Windows XP Operating System with, SP2 or higher.
• Microsoft Windows 2003 Server
• Microsoft Windows 2008 Server
• Microsoft Windows Vista (32 and 64 Bit)
9 Home Premium
9 Business
9 Enterprise
• Microsoft Windows 7 (32 and 64 Bit)
• Microsoft Windows 8 (32 and 64 Bit)