Welch Allyn Connectivity Server User Manual

Welch Allyn Connectivity Server

Programmer’s guide

Software version 2.6x
ii Welch Allyn Connectivity Server
© 2013 Welch Allyn. All rights are reserved. To support the intended use of the product described in this publication, the purchaser of the product is permitted to copy this publication, for internal distribution only, from the media provided by Welch Allyn. No other use, reproduction, or distribution of this publication, or any part of it, is permitted without written permission from Welch Allyn.
Welch Allyn, Acuity, AcuityLink, Propaq, Micropaq are registered trademarks of Welch Allyn. Sun, Solaris and Java are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Emergin is a registered trademark of Emergin, Inc.
For patent information, please visit www.welchallyn.com/patents.
Software in this product is copyright Welch Allyn or its vendors. All rights are reserved. The software is protected by United States of America copyright laws and international treaty provisions applicable worldwide. Under such laws, the licensee is entitled to use the copy of the software incorporated with this instrument as intended in the operation of the product in which it is embedded. The software may not be copied, decompiled, reverse-engineered, disassembled or otherwise reduced to human-perceivable form. This is not a sale of the software or any copy of the software; all right, title and ownership of the software remain with Welch Allyn or its vendors.
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Manual 80018556 Ver A
Welch Allyn Protocol, Inc. 8500 SW Creekside Place Beaverton, Oregon 97008-7101 USA
Regulatory Affairs Representative Welch Allyn Limited Navan Business Park Dublin Road, Navan County Meath, Republic of Ireland
1 - Introduction .............................................1
2 - System overview.........................................5
Intended use .....................................................1
Conventions .....................................................2
Warning and note .................................................2
Related documents................................................3
Data interface provided by the Welch Allyn Connectivity Server (WACS) ......6
Data transfer and storage within the Acuity System network ...............7
3 - HL7 standard protocols...................................11
Health Level Seven Standard .......................................11
HL7 low-level protocol ............................................12
HL7 segment-level protocols .......................................12
4 - WACS outbound HL7 protocols ............................15
Overview: Outbound HL7 Vital-sign Observations module ................16
Labels and attributes of outbound segments ...........................17
Outbound patient identification fields.................................21
Outbound vital-sign tags and filters ..................................22
Reconfiguring WACS outbound observation settings ....................24
5 - WACS outbound HL7 messages ...........................27
Unsolicited observation message
ORU^R01/ACK^R01 .............................................28
Query for results of observation message
Query by parameter
QBP^Q11/RSP^Z90 ..............................................33
Query by ID.....................................................36
Query by location ................................................38
6 - Inbound ADT HL7 messages ..............................41
Overview: Inbound HL7 ADT Data module ............................42
How an Acuity System uses ADT information ..........................43
ADT messages accepted and stored by WACS .........................46
Examples of ADT messages........................................52
Reconfiguration of ADT services ....................................54
iv Contents Welch Allyn Connectivity Server
7 - XML interface ..........................................55
8 - Contacts and specifications ...............................57
Contact information ..............................................57
Specifications ...................................................57


Intended use

The Welch Allyn Connectivity Server (WACS) is an option to the Welch Allyn Acuity Central Monitoring System. WACS consists of a server platform on which one or more of the following software options are installed:
The Web Server option makes Adobe®Portable Document Format (PDF) printout files available from the Acuity System to certain Web browsers.
The AcuityLink®option consists of Clinician Notifier software for non-proprietary mobile devices and administrative software for WACS. Mobile devices running the Clinician Notifier software deliver patient alarm information and realtime waveforms gathered from patient monitors connected to the Acuity Central Monitoring System.
The software enables administrators to track the status of clinician-patient assignments, and it enables clinicians to track, respond to and view Acuity System patient alarms, view realtime patient waveforms and view historical alarm details and waveforms.
The HL7 Interface options support the following features using HL7 messaging protocol: export of vital-signs data from the Acuity Central Monitoring System to hospital CIS/HIS systems, and import of ADT data from hospital clinical information systems/hospital information systems (CIS/HIS) to the Acuity System.
The WACS Barcode Scanner option allows clinicians to enter patient IDs and room numbers into the Acuity System using barcode scanners on some mobile devices running Clinician Notifier software.
The Third Party Data Stream Interface option supports sending patient alarms and equipment alerts in XML format to third party interfaces.
WACS is to be used by authorized health care professionals using standard institutional procedures and good clinical practice guidelines for patient monitoring. Staff training in the operation of WACS is essential for optimal use. Users should be skilled at the level of clinicians, clinical administrators and hospital administrators, with the knowledge and experience to acquire and interpret patients’ vital signs. Each of these roles is assigned and associated with specific privileges and scopes. Access privileges are controlled through passwords.
Individuals using WACS should be familiar with its operation as described in this manual, and they should understand all warnings and cautions in the manual.
2 Introduction Welch Allyn Connectivity Server


The CE Mark and Notified Body Registration Number signify that the product meets all essential requirements of European Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC.
WARNING Indicates conditions or practices that could lead to illness, injury, or death.

Warning and note

WARNING HL7 configuration must be performed only by qualified personnel who are familiar with the HL7 Standard and with local implementation of the WACS HL7 Interface. Improper configuration of the HL7 Interface can cause unexpected and unintended cessation of patient vital-signs data transfer.
In compliance with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), do not transfer or save patient data or information using any unsecured or public computer.
Programmer’s Guide Introduction 3

Related documents

Welch Allyn Connectivity Server (WACS)
Welch Allyn Connectivity Server (WACS) CD-ROM (English):
Welch Allyn Connectivity Server directions for use Welch Allyn Connectivity Server programmer’s guide AcuityLink Clinician Notifier directions for use
Acuity and Mobile Acuity LT Central Monitoring System
Directions for use
Acuity and Mobile Acuity LT Central Monitoring Systems directions for use and in-service guide CD-ROM (multilanguage):
Acuity and Mobile Acuity LT Central Monitoring Systems directions for use Acuity Central Monitoring System in-service guide (English)
Installation guides (printed)
Mobile Acuity LT System installation guide (En, Fr, Ger, Sp, It. Pol)
Quick card
Acuity System icons (English, printed)
Welch Allyn Monitors
Micropaq Monitor directions for use CD-ROM (multilanguage) Propaq LT Monitor directions for use CD-ROM (multilanguage) Propaq CS Monitor directions for use CD-ROM (multilanguage) Propaq Encore Monitor directions for use CD-ROM (multilanguage) Welch Allyn 1500 Patient Monitor directions for use CD-ROM (multilanguage)
4 Introduction Welch Allyn Connectivity Server

System overview


The Acuity Central Monitoring System is a real-time patient monitoring system that collects and displays vital-sign information for multiple patients over the Welch Allyn FlexNet™ network.
Welch Allyn patient monitors
Acuity Central Station
Welch Allyn Connectivity Server (WACS)
AcuityLink option Web Server option HL7 Interface option Third-Party Data Stream Interface option
Within the network:
Mobile devices running the Clinician Notifier program Facility computer used by administrators
This document contains specifications intended as a guide for software developers to develop the HL7 or XML interface between a facility-controlled clinical information system (CIS or HIS) and an Acuity System. It is assumed that users of this guide are familiar with applicable HL7 standards or XML standards, and that users have standards available for reference.
For information about further configuring the WACS HL7 settings for your facility, see the Welch Allyn Connectivity Server Directions for Use, which describes using the WACS HL7 Manager pages to configure the HL7 interface.
6 System overview Welch Allyn Connectivity Server

Data interface provided by the Welch Allyn Connectivity Server (WACS)

The WACS option to the Acuity Central Monitoring System is able to provide these data interface options:
HL7 (Health Level 7) Interface option
Third-Party Data Stream Interface option (XML format)
Either WACS data interface option can include one or both of these distinct modules.
Inbound HL7 ADT Data module: Admit/discharge/transfer (ADT) data from your CIS or HIS to WACS. WACS uses the Acuity System network to send ADT information to the Acuity Central Monitoring System for storage.
Outbound HL7 Vital-sign Observations module: Numeric patient vital-sign observations from WACS to your facility-controlled clinical or hospital information system (CIS or HIS).
Acuity Central Station
Hardwired Welch Allyn monitors
Terminal server
Switch Access point
Welch Allyn Connectivity Server (WACS)
Access point Mobile device
Facility backbone
Acuity network
Wireless Welch Allyn monitors
Wireless LAN
Wireless LAN
NTP server
Client browser
Facility network
Programmer’s Guide System overview 7

Data transfer and storage within the Acuity System network

The Acuity System stores patient data for variable amounts of time, depending upon Acuity System license configuration.
Data export from patient monitors to the Acuity System
Welch Allyn portable patient monitors store vital-sign data and send it to the Acuity System in the following ways:
Table 1. Patient monitor data storage and export to the Acuity System
Patient Monitor Means of data export to
Hardwired monitors:
Propaq CS
Hardwired Welch Allyn 1500 Patient Monitor
Wireless monitors: Propaq CS, Propaq LT and Micropaq
Acuity System
Unshielded twisted pair (UTP)
Ethernet Stream Data stored up to 24
802.11 wireless LAN Stream Propaqs: Data stored
Mode of data export to Acuity System during normal conditions
Stream Data stored up to
Patient monitor data storage during temporary disconnection or dropout
monitor storage capacity
up to monitor storage capacity
Micropaq: No storage
Data export to Acuity System after temporary disconnection or dropout
Trends data only, sent in batch mode
Trends data only, sent in batch mode
Propaqs: Trends data only, sent in batch mode
Micropaq: data lost
8 System overview Welch Allyn Connectivity Server
Data storage at the Acuity System
The Acuity System stores data for a period determined by the Full Disclosure license configuration.
Storage during Acuity connection to WACS
Table 2. Acuity System data storage configurations and Acuity System data export to WACS
Acuity System data storage configuration WACS capability for data receipt
Zero hours Continuous
24 hours Query for most recent 24 hours
96 hours Query for most recent 96 hours
a. Data is available for a period up to the Acuity Full Disclosure capability, but unsolicited push interfaces
are usually configured to a shorter period to avoid swamping the CIS/HIS.
Storage after Acuity disconnects from WACS or patient monitor
Table 3. Examples of Acuity System data export after disconnection
WACS HL7 message configuration
Unsolicited observation (push) from WACS to CIS 15-minute intervals
2-hour disconnect period Behavior upon reconnection
Patient monitor disconnected from Acuity System
Acuity System disconnected from WACS server
Acuity System sends 8 sets of vital­sign observations, covering the last two hours
Programmer’s Guide System overview 9
Data exported from the Acuity System to WACS
The Acuity System exports the following vital-sign data:
Table 4. Numeric vital-sign data exported from Acuity Systems to WACS
Vital sign Units Default units Preferred HL7 tag
Heart rate BPM (1/min) BPM (1/min) Heart Rate
Temperature 1, 2 DegF (°F),
In mmHg, kPa, % mmHg CO2(In)
Ex mmHg, kPa, % mmHg CO2(Ex)
RESP Br/M (1/min) Br/M (1/min) RR/BR
IBP - 1 (DIA / SYS / MEAN)
unlabeled arterial intracranial umbilical artery umbilical vein pulmonary artery central venous
IBP - 2 (DIA / SYS / MEAN)
unlabeled arterial intracranial umbilical artery umbilical vein pulmonary artery central venous
PVCRate PVC/Min (1/min) PVC/Min (1/min) PVC
DegC (°C)
Per cent (%) Per cent (%) SPO2
mmHg mmHg
mmHg mmHg
DegC (°C) Temperature
10 System overview Welch Allyn Connectivity Server

HL7 standard protocols

This chapter describes basic HL7 data structure as outlined in the Health Level Seven Messaging Standard.
Information in this chapter is organized as follows:
Health Level Seven Standard........................................11
HL7 low-level protocol.............................................12
HL7 segment-level protocols........................................12

Health Level Seven Standard

The Welch Allyn HL7 Interface option closely follows the data structure outlined in the
Health Level Seven Version 2.4 Messaging Standard.
The following excerpt is taken from section 7.3 and section 7.4 of this standard: “Many report headers (OBR) may be sent beneath each patient segment, with many separate observation segments (OBX) beneath each OBR. Note segments (NTE) may be inserted after any of the above segments. The note segment applies to the entity that immediately precedes it, i.e., the patient if it follows the PID segment, the observation if it follows the OBR segment, and the individual result if it follows the OBX segment.”
One result segment (OBX) is transmitted for each vitals component (such as Heart rate or RR/BR).
For updated information regarding this standard, see www.hl7.org/.
12 HL7 standard protocols Welch Allyn Connectivity Server

HL7 low-level protocol

This section describes the low-level format of HL7 packet frames.
Packet frames
HL7 frames that are exchanged between the server and the client describe both sent and received data.
Table 5. HL7 packet frame: low-level format
Packet description Content Size (bytes)
Start block 0x0B ASCII <VT> 1
Body variable bytes variable
End block 0x1C ASCII <FS> 1
Carriage return 0x0D ASCII <CR> 1

HL7 segment-level protocols

This section describes HL7 message hierarchy and delimiters, segment notation and date/time format.
Message hierarchy and message delimiters
Segment notation
Table 6. HL7 segment notation: mandatory, optional and repeating
Notation example Definition
PID This segment is mandatory.
[PID] This segment is optional.
{IN1} This segment is mandatory, and it can repeat.
[{NK1}] This segment is both optional and repeating.
Programmer’s Guide HL7 standard protocols 13
Time/date in HL7 segments
When importing vital-sign data into an electronic patient-charting application, use the timestamp associated with the OBR for the vital-signs record in the chart.
Date and time in the HL7 segments are represented in this format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.mmm±TZTZ
Displayed time is local.
Hours are in the range 0-23.
Seconds (SS) are followed by the following:
3-digit millisecond value (which appears as 000 if no other value is provided)
4-digit time-zone code
Example of HL7 time/date format:
26 January 2009, at 0.193 seconds past 12:22:02 PM, Pacific time (8 hours behind GMT):
14 HL7 standard protocols Welch Allyn Connectivity Server

WACS outbound HL7 protocols

The WACS Outbound HL7 Vital-sign Observations module uses JavaTMprocesses to read patient data files from an Acuity System and forward the messages to a CIS server.
This chapter describes WACS protocols used in the Outbound HL7 Observations module. The WACS protocols closely follow the data structure outlined in the Health Level Seven
Version 2.4 Messaging Standard.
Information in this chapter is organized as follows:
Overview: Outbound HL7 Vital-sign Observations module .................16
Labels and attributes of outbound segments ...........................17
Outbound patient identification fields .................................21
Outbound vital-sign tags and filters ...................................22
Reconfiguring WACS outbound observation settings .....................24
16 WACS outbound HL7 protocols Welch Allyn Connectivity Server

Overview: Outbound HL7 Vital-sign Observations module

Patient vital-sign observations are transferred to the CIS server in this manner:
Acuity System
SQL database
Patient data
Initiate connection to
WACS IP + port
HL7 outbound message
Clinical information system
Outbound HL7 patient data messaging
1. WACS is configured to accept requests on a preconfigured TCP port (usually in the
5600-5700 range).
2. Once a connection is established between the WACS system and the CIS, and once
the optional handshake and optional authentication are complete, The HL7 session begins.
3. WACS sends observations to the CIS in one of these ways, depending on the
configured model:
Push model: WACS sends information to the CIS at configurable intervals
Pull model: WACS listens for incoming queries from the CIS
The system maintains an open connection for as long as possible. Connections can be re-established if fatal errors or program crashes occur on either end. The WACS master program uses exit codes and return values of the interface components to manage child processes.
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