Waves Audio Renaissance Channel User Guide

Waves Renaissance Channel

Software Audio Processor

Users Guide.

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Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview.

Introducing Waves Renaissance Channel, a complete audio mixing chain including an EQ, Gate, Compressor, and output section all in a single plug-in. All processing is based on the acclaimed Renaissance EQ, Renaissance Compressor and Renaissance VOX. Renaissance Channel features double precision internal audio path and processing trough all the chain. Further enhancements include separate side-chains for the Gate and Comp with independent filters and source selectors, a flexible signal path, and In/Out selectors for each processor. These features make Renaissance Channel go far beyond what Renaissance EQ and Renaissance Comp or VOX can offer on their own.
In the Renaissance Channel one of our goals was to make a long lasting professional tool with no compromises on features or sound quality what so ever. The whole internal audio path is in double precision 64bit FP or 48bit Fixed, allowing for a convenient 18dB internal headroom, and eliminating the possibility of internal clipping in the EQ or Compressor without loosing a single bit of resolution in the 24bit audio output. Ready to complement your most critical tracks, offering complete audio channel processing all the way to the channels’ “Rotation” and Fader, that also benefit from the internal double precision path, and serve as an alternative to the host’s track Panner and Fader.
Renaissance Channel joins the Renaissance Line of the Waves Digital Audio Processors. It presents the integration of our work so far and offers a multi-tool package. The research that lead to these technologies involved studies of existing equipment and collaboration with the pros to understand what’s essential and practical. The Renaissance Channel comes to answer the call of many appreciated users and to follow with our commitment to provide the best audio processing we possibly can.


The Waves Renaissance Channel Plug-In consists of:
EQ section with 4 band paragraphic EQ
SideChain section with independent side chain filters and source selectors
for the Compressor and Gate.
Dynamics section including a Gate, compressor/expander, and a clip­guard limiter.
Router for switch the order of the EQ and Dynamics sections.
Output section including Phase-Inversion, Rotation (Pan), Fader and VUs.
Each of the processors has a dedicated In/Out switch. A single Frequency-Response graph is used for graphic display of the EQ and
both side chains.
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Color code:
The Renaissance Channel GUI uses a color code to help associate controls with their respective processors:
EQ – Yellow Compressor – Orange Gate – Light Blue
EQ section:
The 4 band paragraphic EQ offers fully parametric and graphic controls. Available filter types are: Bell - ±18dB Boost/Cut with variable Q. Lo/Hi Shelf –two flavors available 'analog' and 'resonant', with variable slope. Lo/Hi Cut – 3'rd order 18dB/Oct filters with variable slope.
SideChain section:
The Compressor and Gate each has a dedicated Side Chain section allowing for independent side chain control. The SideChain controls include: Source – Side Chain Source may be independently selected from 'Internal', 'PreEQ', and 'External' Filter - may be independently selected from 'Hi-Pass', Band-Pass, 'Low-Pass' and 'Band-Reject', with variable frequency and bandwidth Listen – Monitoring the Side Chain is possible by engaging the related 'Listen' button.
The Gate in the RenChannel is in the footsteps of the Renaissance VOX’s Gate. It has threshold and floor controls. Attack and release are automatic and the gate is not a brickwall gate but more like a hard downward expander so its sound is fairly smooth in any settings and is best set by adjusting the threshold. The gate has a dedicated side chain with a dedicated filter so the gain adjustment can be triggered by a filtered portion of the audio or by an external source where available.
The compressor in the RenChannel offers the choice of the Renaissance Compressor or Renaissance VOX gain curves and the 4 classic controls Threshold, Ratio, Attack and Release. The sidechains’ dedicated filter may be used for frequency dependant compression such as De-Essing or De-Popping.
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Clip Guard Limiter:
The Renaissance Channel Dynamics section has an output clip guard limiter to perform limiting of the output stage in the case it exceeds 0dBfs. This eliminates clipping as long as the Dynamics section is routed Post EQ. When the Dynamics section is routed Pre EQ the output clip indicator will indicate how many dB’s of clipping occurred at the output, and clicking it will automatically adjust the output Gain fader to prevent this clipping.
Output Section:
To complete the basic channel needs, the output section includes a Rotation pan pot (stereo and mono-to-stereo versions), phase inversion toggle, Fader (-40 to +40dB), and output VUs.. For Stereo inputs the rotation pan pot will work different then most balance pan pots as it will rotate the complete stereo image 45° left or right.
Freq Response
EQ Section
Side Chain
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Chapter 2: Using Renaissance Channel.


This Quick Start section describes a recommended workflow for working with Renaissance Channel. The easiest way to start is usually by selecting a preset and then adjusting it to the actual context. Remember that the WaveSystem offers the user the option to create a set of “User Presets” which will be shown in the Load menu of the plug-in under any host application. The settings can also be saved into a setup file for exchange with the plug-in on other computers through other host applications. For more information read the WaveSystem guide.
Step 1 – Set the EQ to focus the desired frequency ranges that complement and emphasize the track’s important audio signal. The high band is set to a high shelf by default. On the EQ graph Grab its blue “Grab marker” with the mouse and drag it upwards to brighten the sound or downwards to dull the sound. Grab Left to sweep down the frequency scale or right to sweep up to the super highs. You will hear the EQ change in real time as you drag the band marker around. When you hear something you like. Stop and fine adjust your setting using the text box controls with the Arrow keys to move 1 step at a time. Do the same with the other bands until you feel good about the track’s EQ.
Step 2 –Raise the GATE threshold to shut out insignificant low level audio in the track. To find a good point look at the gates blue energy meter for a point where the track has the lowest significant signal that needs to pass through the gate and set the gate threshold arrow just below that point. You may also look for a section that’s generally low and mostly reveals the noise floor, set the Gate threshold just slightly above that point. Judge your settings by ear.
Step 3 - Set the compressor threshold to just below the average peak. Adjust the Ratio to 2:1.Here gain attenuation should be introduced whenever the energy approaches the threshold or passes it, as result taking the threshold downwards causes a decrease in loudness which is compensated by makeup gain in the output gain control. Set the attack time shorter for better peak control or longer for more punch as desired. Set reference Release time shorter for more loudness or longer for more smoothness.
Step 4 - Use the Gain to make-up for the lost level. As a rule of thumb you should adjust the gain by the reversed threshold value and then moderate it to whatever sounds good and not distorted.
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In a Multi Track project it is recommended to redo these steps in order to further fine tune the settings in relation to the other tracks until you feel satisfied with the results.
A note on Renaissance Channel Headroom structure:
One of the design goals of the Renaissance Channel was to prevent any internal clipping, so that clipping may only occur at the final output, where it is visible on the VUs, and can be eliminated by lowering a single control – the Renaissance Channel fader. To achieve this, the Renaissance Channel was designed with 18dB of internal headroom, allowing for extreme EQ and compressor settings without internal clipping. The double precision audio path made it possible to achieve this without any reduction of signal quality at the final 24-bits output. What all this means is that at the output of the EQ, and at the input of the Dynamics section, internal signal level can reach +18dB. This is why the range of the Energy meters and Thresholds in the Renaissance Channel Dynamics section range up to +18dB. Of course any signal above 0dBFS should be reduced before going out to the host mixer bus (otherwise it will be clipped), this is done in one of two ways:
If the Dynamics section is PostEQ, and feeds the output, the built in Clip Guard Limiter will limit the output back to 0dBFS. In such a case the limiting light will indicate the amount of limiting Taking place – Black means no limiting is Taking place. Yellow means a small amount of limiting is Taking place, which is OK and probably inaudible. Red means too much limiting is Taking place, which is probably audible, and the Fader should be reduced.
If the Dynamics section is PreEQ, and the EQ is feeding the output, the output clip indicator will show how many dBs of clipping are Taking place, clicking it will automatically reduce the Fader by exactly this amount.
For a better understanding of each component and what it can do for your sound read this chapter through.
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