
Chapter 1 – Introduction ....................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Welcome .......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 About BSS DPR-402 .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 The Original Hardware ..................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Features Added to the Plugin .......................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Components ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 2 – Interface and Controls ........................................................................................ 6
2.1 Interface ........................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Controls ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Chapter 3 – Suggested Settings for Initial Setups ................................................................. 13
3.1 Compression .................................................................................................................................. 13
3.2 De-Essing ........................................................................................................................................ 14
3.2.1 De-Essing Wide with Full Dynamic Control .......................................................................... 15
3.2.2 De-Essing HF with Full Dynamic Control .............................................................................. 16
3.2.3 De-Essing Wide with Simultaneous Compression ................................................................ 17
3.3 Peak Limiting .................................................................................................................................. 17
3.4 Additional Jumper Settings ............................................................................................................ 18
All references to HARMAN products and all uses of HARMAN’s trademarks are made with written
Waves BSS DPR-402
User Guide

Chapter 1 – Introduction
1.1 Welcome
Thank you for choosing Waves. In order to get the most out of this Waves processor, please
take some time to read through this manual.
We suggest that you visit the Waves support site: http://www.waves.com/support. There you will
find an extensive answer base, the latest tech specs, detailed installation guides, software
updates, and current information about authorization and registration.
By signing up at www.wavesupport.net, you will receive personalized information about your
registered products, notifications when updates are available, and information about your
authorization status.
1.2 About BSS® DPR-402
The Waves BSS DPR-402 plugin is a software model of the DPR-402 Compressor/Peak
Limiter/De-Esser hardware originally manufactured by BSS Audio. This dynamics processor
provided the punchy, explosive signature sound for drum machines in the 1980s, and was
featured heavily in dance pop, electronic and hip-hop music. But it had many other versatile
uses in the studio, and was also a massively popular favorite on stage.
Working in collaboration with BSS Audio and Harman International, Waves has now modeled
this landmark dynamics processor and created a digital tool with the unique sound, functionality
and flexibility of the original.
1.3 The Original Hardware
BSS DPR-402 was designed in response to the demand for a versatile, compact stereo unit that
provides the three most commonly used dynamic functions in a single 1-unit rack space. Its
internal architecture, including two independent insert-accessible side chains per channel,
allows great flexibility and scope.
Waves BSS DPR-402
User Guide

Controls the input level going into the compressor
Controls the balance between the processed and the
unprocessed signal. This enables very quick parallel
compression within the plugins.
Adds hardware-modeled noise.
(stereo component only)
Provides separate compression between the mid and sides of
the stereo signal: Mid is compressed on one channel and sides
on the second.
(stereo component only)
Select the source of the monitor output – Mono, Stereo, Left or
Right. (In MS mode, Left monitors the mid while Right monitors
the sides.)
A dedicated de-esser control with a variable filter provides wideband sibilance control along with
compression and peak limiting. There are three modes of de-essing: full-spectrum attenuation,
HF-only attenuation, and a mix of de-essing and compression.
The compressor section affords full control over all the normal parameters, and offers “auto”
time constants for general-purpose use. It can be switched to operate at high frequencies only,
resulting in a dynamically controlled tunable HF filter. The control and subtract sidechain
insertion points allow for versatile dynamic tonal modification. Gain reduction is achieved using
a voltage controlled attenuator that is capable of reducing the input signal by up to 30 dB.
A calibrated peak limiter provides absolute control without compromising the dynamics setting of
the compressor. This can yield less dynamic distortion for an equivalent amount of
1.4 Features Added to the Plugin
In addition to modeling the above features of the original hardware, Waves has added five
features to the plugin for extra flexibility, control, and ease of use:
Waves BSS DPR-402
User Guide

1.5 Components
WaveShell technology enables Waves processors to be split into smaller plugins, which we call
components. A choice of different components for a particular processor allows you to choose
the configuration best suited to your material. Waves BSS DPR-402 includes the following
BSS DPR-402 Mono
BSS DPR-402 Stereo
Waves BSS DPR-402
User Guide

Chapter 2 – Interface and Controls
2.1 Interface
Waves BSS DPR-402
User Guide