The Volvo Experience ............................ 36
Facts and Figures ....................................37
We admit it . You fascinate us. We think and talk abou t you all day. Everything
about your life – its ups and downs, joys and disappointment s, needs, demands,
frustrations and hopes – captivates us.
So when we innovate, ever y detail – from service design right down to the
smalles t screw – has to justify it self to you. Doe s it add anything? Is it useful?
All this time spent thinking about your life has allowed good things to happen.
Perhaps you didn’t know, but we have a vision that by 2020 nobody dies or is
seriou sly injured in a new Volvo . Just nice-s ounding words? Not at all. It ’s realistic
and achievable.
We know you always want to feel in control. Our IntelliSafe technologie s not only
help to save lives, but also give you more enjoym ent behind the wheel.
We know you want to stay connected to the world around you. Our Sensus
solutions ensure you are.
We also know you care about the f uture of the planet. That’s why our Drive-E
technol ogies allow you to dr ive sustainabl y – without comp romising on
And we know you’re inte rested in self-driving cars. Each day we take pioneering
steps in our quest to deliver a safe and relaxing autonomous driving experience.
The same goes for fully electrified power trains. And even smar ter services.
We happily walk the ex tra mile to give you what you want.
At Volvo, everything we do is designed around you.
You are why we innovate.
The luxury SUV from Sweden
The Volvo XC90 is a haven, a place where you can relax,
think and travel in first- class comfor t. Where contemporar y
Scandinavian design meets Swedish craf tsmanship. Where
qualit y materials will delight your senses and put comfor t
at the heart of every journey. And where an intuitive center
touchscreen helps keep you connected and in control.
Whether driving along the highway or negotiating urban
traf fic, our intuitive technology makes the journey safer and
easier, leaving you to enjoy the ride. T he unique Volvo driving
experience is further enhanced with sophisticated powertrains
that give you per formance and ef ficiency, so you never have to
The XC90 represents our distinctive take on what it means
to drive a luxury SUV in the 21st century. The XC90 is a
sanctuar y. Designed around you.
T6 AWD | In scription
Onyx Bl ack Metallic
Light is precious to us in Sweden. That’s why we’ve
designed a standard Panoramic Moonroof, which is the
perfect complement to the airy, uncluttered cabin.
Don’t you love it when a doorman gets the door for you?
With the power-operated tailgate, you can enjoy this
courtesy every day: just press a button on your remote
control key, the tailgate or inside the cabin. When you
have your hands full, the comfort opening function makes
all the difference: move your foot under a sensor in the
bumper, and the tailgate opens and closes automatically.
T8 EAWD Plug-In Hybrid | Inscription
Onyx Bl ack Metallic | 2 0” 8-Spoke
Alloy Wh eels | Amber In terior
Fine Nappa Leather Perforated
Blond in Blond/Charcoal Interior |
Linear Walnut
Your own space, wherever you go
Traveling in the XC90 always feels special – from the
moment you pick up your sculpted remote control key.
In the lavishly appointed cabin, luxurious materials and
superb craftsmanship meet with un cluttered elegance.
The air y interior gives you the luxury of space and
calm – no matter which of the three rows of seats you
sit in. The mood of tranquil seclusion is accentuated by
eye-catching details like the “flying wings” controls,
inspired by high-end amplifiers. Other touches include
the diamond-knurled control surfaces and the beautifully
framed 9" Sensus Touchscreen which takes pride of
place in the center stack. Our CleanZone technologies
filter out harmful gasses and particles, ensuring that you
and your passengers breathe easy – even in polluted
cities . And you’ll love our 19 -speaker Bowers & Wilkins
stere o, which offe rs sublime conce rt-qualit y soun d for t he
most exacting audiophiles.
Fine Nappa Leather Perforated
Blond in Blond/Charcoal Interior |
Linear Walnut
Travel first class in the Volvo XC90
When we designed the Volvo XC90, we made sure you
travel in f irst class. The sculpted seats of fer 21st-century
luxur y in look, feel and style while allowing more rear
legroom. If you’d like to enhance their lavish comfort even
further, you can have heating, massage and ventilation,
power- operated lumbar suppor t, extendable seat
cushions and side bolsters: you’ll never want to get out
of your car. In the second row, the three individual seats
are designed for maximum comfor t – all three seat s slide
and recline individually. The two individual third-row seats
offer excellent comfort for passengers up to 5' 7" tall and
are easy to get in and out of.
Our CleanZone technology helps ensure a healthy
interior environment and clean cabin air. It filters dust,
pollen, particulates and odors while monitoring the air
qualit y and closing the intakes if pollutant levels rise too
high. It happens automatically – all you need to do is set
In the dri ver’s seat you’r e in command. C ontrol
functions such as navigation and entertainment from
the steering wheel b uttons – or use v oice contro l.
Jewel- like touche s such as contr ols with
diamond -knurle d finish and t ranslucen t edges
underline our designers’ meticulous attention to detail.
the temperature you want and the XC90 does the rest.
With the 4 zone climate control, passengers on the t wo
outer rear seat s can choose their own climate settings
using a dedicated touchscreen. It also includes an
air-conditioned glove compartment that keeps its
contents cool. And to make sure your phone or tablet
never runs out of charge, there’s access to a power outlet
in each row.
For bet ter visibility, there’s “theater seating” – the
rear rows are positioned higher up than the seats in front.
We’ve also remembered younger passengers – children
who’ve outgrown their child seats can use the integrated
child seat in the second row. And providing superior
versatility, each seat in the second and third rows can
be folded flat into the floor to allow 32 possible seating
The 4 zone c limate syste m can be contro lled from
the cent er touchscree n, or a gracef ul touch contro l
panel at t he end of the tunn el console.
Stay connected and in command
We create technology to serve you and make life easier.
Every thing that’s complicated or doesn’t add to your
experience is removed.
You control your Volvo intuitively and easily. And
seamlessly connected with the car and the world around
you, you’re in command of every aspect of your journey.
In place of a multitude of physical buttons, you’ll
find the large, 9" Sensus Touchscreen. It’s as easy and
straightforward to operate as your smartphone, with
bold, clear graphics so you can keep your attention on the
road. The touchscreen blends seamlessly with the car ’s
clean interior design and is easily operated. You can even
operate it wearing gloves.
Essential driving information is clearly presented in our
12.3" Digital Driver Display. It adapts to your nee ds,
preferences and surrounding light, so information is always
shown on your terms .
For even better control, our Graphical Head-Up Display
projects vital driver information at a comfortable view
distance. It looks like the graphics hover in front of the car,
which allows you to stay informed without taking your
eyes of f the road.
In a Volvo, you and your car act as one .
Voice control
Contro lling Sensus is as e asy as telling i t what to do. Talk to your Vol vo, using
natura l phrases such as “go t o Charlesto n, South Car olina” or “call Emi ly
Johnson ,” and voice c ontrol will car ry out your in structio ns to operate cli mate
control, navigation, infotainment and your smartphone.
Sensus Navigation
Let Sens us Navigatio n guide you, info rm you and help yo u find the bes t route.
Road dire ctions are cle arly shown in th e driver display, c enter display an d
Graphic al Head-U p Display. Touchscre en controls a llow you as well as you r
passeng er to operate t he system con veniently an d safely. Or talk n aturally to
your Volvo, a nd let our voice c ontrol carr y out your comm ands while you pa y full
atten tion to traf fic. With t he Volvo On Call ap p, you can also se nd the destin ation
to your car b efore you go. A nd helping to sav e time, our in- car navigat ion apps
can help yo u find parking , share your loca tion with fr iends or simply fi nd the best
coff ee in town. If you d rive our T8 Twin Eng ine plug-in hy brid, the nav igation
system c an also help you op timize the use of p ure electri c power all the way t o
your des tination. Fre e lifetime ma p updates ensur e your navigat ion system is
always up t o date.
Inside the cabin of your Volvo you can enjoy an audio
system designed to put you closer to the music you love,
wherever you’re seated.
All our audio systems are tailored to the acoustics of
your Volvo. Our audio philosophy is very simple: it’s all
about the soul of music, not the number of speakers or
watt s. And together with the audio specialists at Bowers
& Wilkins and Harman Kardon
the best-sounding audio systems in the class.
Our new audio system, Harman Kardon
, we have created some of
Sound, delivers a beautifully balanced, powerful sound.
This immersive experience is enabled by 14 hi-fi speakers
Harman Kardon® Premium Sound is develo ped togeth er with the hi -fi specia lists
at Harman Kardon®. Powered b y a 600W digit al amplifie r, the 14 speaker s are
tailore d to the acous tics inside yo ur Volvo and deli ver a powerf ul, high fid elity
surround sound experience. A unique sound processing software – Dirac® Unison
Tuning – optim izes the respo nse of each indi vidual speak er as well as the spea kers
all toget her to ensure th ey perfo rm in perfe ct harmony. So w herever you ’re seated,
you and your p assenger s can enjoy a seam less firs t-class lis tening expe rience in all
condit ions and – not le ast – an extr emely unif ied and tight b ass sound.
including an air-ventilated subwoofer that produces a
bass sound you’ll feel in your body.
If you’re truly passionate about music, the Bowers &
Wilkins audio sys tem will take the ex perience to an eve n
higher level. The 19 separate high-end speakers – including
a tweeter- on-top center speaker that minimizes acoustic
refle ction from the windscr een and our unique ai r-ventilated
subwoofer – will surround you with a powerful, pristine
sound that feels more spacious and true to life than ever.
It’s all about music and making it possible for you to
experience it just as it was intended when it was created.
Our Bowers & Wilkins audio system integrates sea mlessly wit h the cabin
architectur e of your Volvo to deli ver the most rea listic immer sive sound pos sible.
Innov ative au dio proc essing techn ology with t hree room mod es allows you to
recreate the acoustics of a specific room inside your Volvo, bringing you even
closer to t he music. And to e nable extr emely low and u ndistor ted bass to nes, the
air-ven tilated subwo ofer uses inno vative techn ology that all ows it to pulse lar ge
amount s of air, actually t urning the cab in into one big woo fer.
Smartphone integration. Use your sm artphone i n a smarter way. V ia Apple Car Play™
or Andro id Auto™, you simpl y integrate t he familiar f unctions and i nterfac e of your
smart phone* with th e car’s cente r display. You can enjoy m usic, make call s and send
messag es easily via t he car’s touchs creen, ste ering wheel b uttons or vo ice control .
*Supports iPhone
(5 or later) o r Android sma rtphone s (5.0 Lollipo p or later).
Intuitively connected. You operate t he audio syst em and hands-f ree phone eas ily
using the to uchscreen co ntrols, ste ering wheel b uttons or voi ce control. B luetooth
connec tion also allow s convenient s treaming of mus ic via your phon e. Within eas y reach
on the car ’s touchscreen , there’s also a Spo tify® in-c ar app that makes f inding new musi c
quick and e asy without y ou having to conn ect your phon e. Using Volvo On C all, you can
also crea te a Wi-Fi ho tspot in your ca r with a stabl e internet con nection for y our and your
passengers’ mobile devices.
Bowers & W ilkins is a trad emark of B&W Gro up, Ltd.
Apple CarPlayTM is a trade mark of Apple I nc.
Androi d is a trademark o f Google Inc .
Your personal assistant
The Volvo On Call app connects your car with the res t of
your world, helping make life le ss complicated. It’s there
when you need it, so your car becom es more than just a
means of travel – it’s your personal assistant.
You can use it to make your car ready for the drive to
the of fice, or the drive home, by using remote start to
heat or cool the cabin. It can even accept packages on
your behalf. You can sync your Volvo On Call app with
your calendar, so if you’ve got appointments it will tell
your car where they are and how to get there. And it keeps
you safe, automatically contacting emergency services
if you’re involved in an accident and telling them where
you are.
From sa ving you tim e in the morn ing to
helpi ng you relax o n the way home ,
Volvo On Cal l becomes an i ndispe nsable
part o f your daily ro utine.
When yo u get into the c ar in the mor ning
it’s war m and def rosted, th anks to
the Volvo On C all app’s rem ote star t
7:30 am
11:00 am
A cale ndar card sh ows your nex t meeting .
You push a bu tton in the a pp, sendin g
the add ress to the car ’s naviga tion syste m.
You’ve forg otten whe re you parked ,
so you use t he car loca tor map to find t he
stree t and then us e the flash li ghts func tion
to pinp oint the car.
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
The shoe s you ordered ye sterday
using I n-car De livery ar e delivere d
to the tru nk of your Volvo.
You get a not ificatio n that your ord er has
been delivered to your car.
You set the re mote star t funct ion to
autom aticall y warm the ca r interio r so it’s
ready fo r when you le ave the offi ce.
5:15 pm10:20 pm
5:45 pm
You head fo r home. Usin g the Wi-Fi
hotsp ot, you can st ream music v ia your
phone t o the car’s au dio syste m.
A notifi cation re minds you th at you’ve
got a mee ting in the mo rning. You se nd the
locat ion to the Se nsus Navig ation sys tem
so you are re ady to go in the m orning.
VOLVO XC90 | 9
Designed to make driving safer and easier
Our latest advances in semi-autonomous driving
technologies allow you to enjoy smooth, intuitive dri ving
from st andstill up to highway speeds.
To make drivin g in demanding tra ffic less s tressful , we
created Pilot Assist and Adaptive Cruise Control. T his
mea ns your Vo lvo aut omatic ally helps you main tain a
safe dis tance from th e car in front of you by a dapting your
speed while help ing to keep you cente red in the lane by
automaticall y making small steering adjustments. It’s
inte lligen t, too: using map data fr om the car’s naviga tion
syste m, the car ident ifies hills ahe ad and adapts th e speed to
help opt imize your comfor t and safet y.
This te chnology also ma kes driving in st op-and- go traff ic
more effor tless. Maint aining the set dis tance, your car
follows the car ahead o f you and brakes automatically to full
stop wh en needed. An d if the car in fron t comes to a stop,
your car s tarts fol lowing it as it take s off again.
This is dr iving made safe and easy, wi th the aim to
optimize your control, comfort and convenience.
Please note: The drive r is always resp onsible for how t he car is contr olled, the
functi ons describ ed here are onl y supporti ve.
Your proactive partner
on the road
With advanced pro-active safety technology we add
extra power to your senses and enhance the confident
feeling of being in control.
At the heart of our safety technologies is City Safety.
By helping you to keep a lookout and brake if necessar y,
it makes driving more enjoyable while helping to prevent
City Safet y can identif y other vehicles, pedestrians,
cyclist s and large animals ahead of you, even at night.
It warns you if needed and can brake automatically to
help you avoid a collision or reduce the impac t. And our
advanced Oncoming Mitigation by Braking technology
– a Volvo safety world first – can detect if there’s another
vehicle driving towards you and brakes automatically to
help mitigate the impact.
City Safet y is simply your per fect co-pilot: proactive
when it ’s needed, and staying discreet in the background
the rest of the time.
Oncoming Lane Mitigation
Using auto matic steer ing assista nce, this
system h elps you avoid co llisions with
oncomin g vehicles. I f you drift ac ross the
lane mark ings in the way of an o ncoming
vehicle , your car stee rs back.
Lane Keeping Aid
If you’re ab out to cross a lan e marking
un intentionally, the Lane Keeping Aid will
gently s teer your car b ack into its la ne. If
this is not e nough or you kee p steering
across th e lane marking s, you’ll be ale rted
with vibrations in the steering wheel.
Run-off road Mitigation
Stay safe ly on the road wi th this Volvo
Cars sa fety innova tion. If Run -off roa d
Mitiga tion detect s you’re about to l eave
the road un in ten tionally, i t uses steeri ng
input and , if necessa ry, brake suppo rt to
guide you back on track.
BLIS ™ with Steer Ass ist
BLI S™ alerts y ou when a vehicle e nters
your blind s pot or approac hes fast fro m
behind . If you nonethe less drif t into
the path o f another vehi cle, BLI S™ can
gently s teer you back in to your lane.
Cross Traf fic Alert
Cross Traf fic Aler t is included on a ll
vehicle s equipped wi th BLIS , and alert s
you of cros sing traff ic from the sid es
when reve rsing out of a pa rking space.
Full-LED Headlights with Auto High
To give you the best view, our Full-LED
headlights allow you to drive with the high
beams on all the time, without dazzling
others. It detects road users ahead of you
and automatically switches to low beam
lights to avoid dazzling them.
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