Extra caution must be exercised when working on vehicles equipped with SRS/SIPS bag/IC
in order to avoid:
1. Personal injuries when performing repair work.
2. Damage or malfunction of the SRS/SIPS bag/IC system.
Work involving the SRS/SIPS bag/IC systems or other components in the vehicle that may
affect the SRS/SIPS bag/IC systems must always be performed by an authorized Volvo
In case of doubt, consult the SRS and SIPS bag/IC service manual.
Is the vehicle equipped with SRS/SIPS bag/IC?
Vehicles with SRS are most easily recognized by the letters SRS in the center of the steering
wheel. If the vehicle also has a passenger side airbag, the letters SRS are stamped on the
dashboard above the glove compartment. SRS vehicles from 1993 and onward also have
explosive seat belt tensioners. SIPS bags are only installed on SRS vehicles from 1995 and
onward. SIPS bag decals are located on the windshield and seat compartment. Vehicles with
IC can be recognized by the letters IC on the C/D panel (4 door) or the B panel (5 door).
General recommendations
• Be especially careful when working on or around SRS, SIPS, and IC components.
• Make sure that no wires are pinched, frayed, or pierced.
• Never install accessories by the sensors.
• Where applicable, work on the steering wheel, steering shaft, or steering gear must be done
in accordance with the methods in the SRS section of VIDA.
• Certain components of the aforementioned systems must be grounded while working. Read
the appropriate sections in VIDA.
• Install no accessories in the areas between the A and B-posts, the B and C-posts, and the C
and D-posts.
Test terminal
Data link connector in the passenger compartment.
Changes introduced up to and including January 2009
Any changes made to the vehicles after this date are not included in the manual. If necessary
refer to service bulletins.
Volvo models are sold in versions adapted for different markets. These adaptations depend
on factors such as legal requirements, taxation, and market demands.
This manual may therefore include illustrations and text that do not apply to the vehicles in
your country.
Electronic Wiring Diagram (EWD) can be ordered from Technical Information Shop (TIS) on
Index 1:2 ....................................................251
List of components 1:7 ............................253
TP 39151202 XC90 20105
Group 23= Fuel system
Group 26= Cooling system
Group 27= Engine controls
Group 32= Alternator and voltage regulator
Group 33= Starting system
Group 35= Lighting
Group 36= Additional electrical equipment
Group 37= Wiring and fuses
Group 38= Instruments
Group 39= Other
Group 43= Transmission
Group 59= Brake system
Group 64= Steering
Group 76= Shock absorbers
Group 83= Doors and openings
Group 84= Exterior decorative elements, etc.
Group 85= Interior equipment
Group 87= Climate control system
Group 88= Internal equipment
Designations ignition switch
X= Accessories (audio position)
S= Powered upon insertion of key
15= Contact remains connected during
15l= Contact is broken while starting
30= Constant power from the battery
50= Start
A= Austria
AUS= Australia
B= Belgium
CDN= Canada
CH= Switzerland
D= Germany
DK= Denmark
E= Spain
EU/OS= Markets outside USA and Canada
FIN= Finland
GB= Great Britain
ISR= Israel
J= Japan
KOR= Korea
N= Norway
NL= Netherlands
S= Sweden
USA= United States of America
WEU= Western Europe
ABL= Active Dual Xenon headlights
ACC= Accessories
Ag= Silver plated
Au= Gold plated
AUDIO= Audio system
AUTO= Automatic transmission
BLIS= Blind spot information system
CEM= Central Electronic Module
DIESEL= D5244 T4/T5/T6/T7
DRL= Daytime Running Lights
DSTC= Dynamic Stability Traction Control
Du-X= Dual Xenon
ECC= Electronic climate control system
ECPS= Electronic power steering
EXC= Exclusive
EXT. D= Extended electrical distribution
HISPEED= High speed data bus
LH= Left-hand side
LHD= Left-hand drive
LOSPEED = Low speed data bus
MAN= Manual transmission
MCC= Manual Climate Control
PCL= Power Child Lock
PETROL= Gasoline
REM= Rear Electronic Module
RH= Right-hand side
RHD= Right-hand drive
RTI= Road Traffic Information
SRS= Airbag
T= Turbocharged engine
W/O= Without
5CYL= 5-cylinder engine
6CYL= 6-cylinder engine
8CYL= 8-cylinder engine
BL= Blue
BN= Brown
GN= Green
GR= Gray
NL= Natural
LBL= Light Blue
LGN= Light Green
OR= Orange
P= Pink
R= Red
SB= Black
VO= Violet
W= White
Y= Yellow
TP 39151202 XC90 20106
How to use the wiring diagrams 1:2
The descriptions below apply in general
to all wiring diagram manuals, although
not all sections are necessarily
contained in this manual.
A. Component designation
Every component has a component designation that
consists of two parts.
The first part is a type number that describes the
type of component in question, for example 3/xx.
The second part of the designation is a serial number, e.g. x/2.
Together, this constitutes a component designation,
e.g. 3/2.
At the end of the manual is a list of components,
where, with the help of the component designation,
you can read off the name of the component, for
example, 3/2 = light switch.
List of type numbers
The list shows which type of component that respective type numbers refer to, for example, 3/x = switch,
6/x = electric motor, etc.
4Control module
5Driver information module
6Electric motor
9Heating element
15Electrical distribution rail/box
18Contact reel
20Ignition component/shunt
31Ground connection
53Branching point
The systems are displayed in non-active
status, i.e. in the event of "key removed"
and when doors, trunk lid/tailgate and
hood are closed.
B. Branching points
The wiring diagrams contain numbered junction
points, e.g. 53/352.
This manual contains a section with a list of branching points. This list shows all the components that
are connected to each branching point.
The location of the branching points is shown in the
"Cable harness routing in vehicle" section.
C. Connectors
Connectors provide a bridge between two cable harnesses and are described in the
"Connectors" section.
D. Electrical distribution
Operation of the fuses and relays is shown in the
"Electrical distribution" section.
E. Data communication
Today’s cars are equipped with CAN, LIN & MOST
networks that transmit information. Connections to
these networks are not shown in their entirety on the
respective wiring diagram. Complete information on
Data communication can be found in the section
entitled "Control modules".
F. Abbreviations
A number of different abbreviations are used in the
manual. These are explained in the section
G. Component location
There is a section at the end of the manual in which
the appearance and location of components is
described in numerical order.
7/51Accelerator pedal sensor
8/3Electromagnetic clutch, climate control system
2/90, 2/91
TP 39151202 XC90 201012
Engine compartment 11B/12-14
11B Fuses in the engine compartment
No.Fuse functionviaA
127/17Mass air flow sensor (MAF), Diesel-5
4/46Engine Control Module (ECM), Gasoline not 8-Cyl.
7/17Mass air flow sensor (MAF), Gasoline not 8-Cyl.
8/6-11Injection valves, Gasoline not 8-Cyl.
8/1468/153Injection valves, 8-Cyl.
134/46Engine Control Module (ECM), 8-Cyl.
6/120 Throttle unit, 8-Cyl.
4/46Engine Control Module (ECM), Diesel
6/118Swirl throttle control motor, Diesel
6/120Throttle unit, Diesel
6/139Upper actuating motor, intake manifold
6/140Lower actuating motor, intake manifold
8/98Fuel pressure control valve, Diesel
8/111Fuel flow control valve
3/126Driver/Passenger Door Module (DDM)/(PDM)
6/58Motor, front left power window
6/62Left power exterior rearview mirror
9/33Left heated exterior rearview mirror
10/148Left exterior rearview mirror lighting
63/75Right-hand front door lock unit
3/127Passenger/Driver Door Module (PDM)/(DDM)
6/60Motor, front right power window
6/63Right power exterior rearview mirror
9/34Right heated exterior rearview mirror
10/149Right exterior rearview mirror lighting
4/9Supplemental Restraint System module (SRS)
4/28Transmission Control Module (TCM)
4/46Engine Control Module (ECM)
4/56Central Electronic Module (CEM)
4/58Rear Electronic Module (REM)
11O/1Fuses in spare fuse holder, passenger compartment
11O/2Fuses in spare fuse holder, passenger compartment
16/65Antenna ring/ignition switch illumination
123/117Switch unit, ceiling light
4/33Sun Roof Module (SRM)
4/70Upper Electronic Module (UEM)
4/76Remote control unit for garage door opener
7/149Rain Sensor Module (RSM)
10/114Vanity mirror lighting, left
10/115Vanity mirror lighting, right
10/150Rear reading light
10/172Reading light, third row of seats
134/70Upper Electronic Module (UEM)
6/15Sunroof motor
1416/60Phone Module (PHM)-5
3/1, 4/56
3/1, 4/56
TP 39151202 XC90 201019
Passenger compartment 11O/1-2
11O/1-2 Fuses in spare fuse holder, passenger compartment
No.Fuse functionviaA
1Alcohol lock
Alcohol lock
2Alcohol lock-5
TP 39151202 XC90 201020
Cargo compartment 11E/1-7
11E Fuses at battery
No.Fuse functionviaA
14/58Rear Electronic Module (REM)
Main fuse for: F1-F38
311O/7Fuse in spare fuse holder, cargo compartment
11O/8Fuse in spare fuse holder, cargo compartment
11O/12Fuse in spare fuse holder, cargo compartment
44/56Central Electronic Module (CEM)
Main fuse for: F1-F2, F11, F13-F16, F26-F30, F33
54/56Central Electronic Module (CEM)
Main fuse for: F3, F5-F10, F17-F23, F31-F32, F34
611C/1, 3-6Fuses in passenger compartment fuse box-50
711C/2, 9-14 Fuses in passenger compartment fuse box-50
TP 39151202 XC90 201021
Cargo compartment 11L/1
11L Fuse Diesel
No.Fuse functionviaA
111B/9Fuses in engine compartment fuse box
11B/10-15Fuses in engine compartment fuse box
TP 39151202 XC90 201022
Cargo compartment 11O/6-12
11O Fuses in spare fuse holder in cargo compartment
No.Fuse functionviaA
62/196Relay comfort system seats
3/64Switch, heated rear seat, left
3/69Switch, heated rear seat, right
79/14Control module, rear left seat heater2/8415
89/15Control module, rear right seat heater2/8515
124/131Control module back massage left
4/133Control back massage right
6/150Ventilation fan seat place left seat
6/152Ventilation fan seat place right seat
4/7Combustion Preheater Module (CPM)
4/52Power Seat Module (PSM)
5/1Driver Information Module (DIM)
6/48Damper Motor Module (DMM), recirculation
6/69Damper Motor Module (DMM), ventilation/floor/defroster
6/95Damper Motor Module (DMM), temperature, left-hand side
6/96Damper Motor Module (DMM), temperature, right-hand side
6/102Damper Motor Module (DMM), defroster
6/103Damper Motor Module (DMM), floor/ventilation
7/93Occupant Weight Sensor (OWS)
7/159Air Quality Sensor (AQS)
F119/1Outlet 12V front
9/25Outlet 12V rear
TP 39151202 XC90 201024
Central electronic module (CEM) F15-F34
4/56 Central Electronic Module (CEM)
No.Fuse functionviaA
F154/16Brake Control Module (BCM)-5
F164/99Electronic power steering control module
4/118Headlight Control Module (HCM)
6/38Motor, left headlight adjustment
6/39Motor, right headlight adjustment
10/1Left front lamp housing, Dual Xenon
10/2Right front lamp housing, Dual Xenon
10/19Brake light extra
10/44Tail light 1, right
10/46Fog light, rear right
10/51Tail light 1, left
10/53Fog light, rear left
10/173Cargo compartment lighting, tailgate