Volvo MB10A Workshop Manual

Overhaul data
Workshop Manual
Overhaul data
Marin motor
Marine engine
Safety information......................................................... 2
Introduction.................................................................. 2
Important ..................................................................... 2
General information ...................................................... 5
About the Workshop Manual ........................................ 5
Spare parts .................................................................. 5
Certificated engines ..................................................... 5
Overhaul data ................................................................ 6
References to Service Bulletins ................................... 19
Safety Information
The Workshop Manual contains technical data, de­scriptions, and repair instructions for the designated Volvo Penta products or product versions. Make sure that the correct workshop literature is used.
Read the following safety information and the
eral Information
Repair Instructions
in the Workshop Manual carefully before starting service work.
A careless movement or dropped tool while working in the vicinity of an engine that is run­ning, can in the worst case lead to injury. Ob­serve caution on hot surfaces (exhaust pipe, tur­bo, charge air pipe, starter element etc.) and hot fluids in the lines and hoses of an engine that is running, or has just been started. Refit all guards dismantled during service work before starting the engine.
Make sure that the warning or information de­cals on the product are always clearly visible. Replace labels that have been damaged or painted over.
Never start the engine unless the air filter is fit­ted. The rotating compressor wheel in the turbo can cause severe injury. Foreign objects in the inlet pipe can also damage the machine.
Never use starter spray or the like. Explosion risk in the inlet pipe. Risk of personal injury.
Avoid opening the filler cap for coolant when the engine is hot. Steam or hot coolant can spray out. Open the filler cap slowly and release the overpressure in the cooling system. Observe extreme caution if the cock or plug, or coolant pipe, must be dismantled on a hot engine. Steam or hot coolant can flow out unexpectedly.
Hot oil can cause burn injuries. Avoid skin con­tact with hot oil. Make sure that the oil system is not pressurised before working on it. Never start, or run the engine with the oil filler cap re­moved in view of the risk of ejecting oil.
Stop the engine and close the bottom valve be­fore working on the cooling system.
Only start the engine in a well-ventilated area. Exhaust fumes and crankcase gases should be led out of the engine compartment or workshop when working in closed environments.
Always use protective glasses for work where there is a risk of splintering, sparks, or splash­ing of acid or other chemicals. The eyes are ex­tremely sensitive, and an injury can cause blind­ness!
The following special warning symbols are used in the Workshop Manual and on the product.
WARNING! Warns of risk of bodily injury, seri­ous damage to product or property, or that a se­rious malfunction can occur if the instructions are not followed.
IMPORTANT! Used to attract attention to things that can cause damage or malfunction to product or property.
NOTE! Used to attract attention to important informa­tion, to simplify work procedures or handling.
The following list provides an overview of the risks and cautionary procedures that should always be ob­served.
Prevent the engine from being started by dis­connecting the power with the main switch (switches) and locking it (them) in disconnected mode before the service work is begun. Attach a warning sign in the cabin.
As a rule, all service work should be performed on an idle engine. Some work, e.g. certain ad­justments, require the engine to be running. Ap­proaching an engine that is running is a safety risk. Remember that loose clothes or long hair can fasten in rotating parts and cause severe in­jury.
General Information
Avoid skin contact with oil! Prolonged or fre­quent skin contact with oil can degrease the skin, resulting in irritation, drying out, eczema, and other skin complaints. Used oil is more dan­gerous than new oil from the health care point of view. Use protective gloves and avoid oil drenched clothes and rags. Wash your hands regularly, especially before meals. Use special hand cream to counteract drying out, and to simplify cleaning the skin.
The majority of chemicals intended for the prod­uct (e.g. engine and timing gear oils, glycol, pet­rol and diesel oil) or chemicals for workshop use (e.g. degreasing agent, enamels and solvents) are hazardous to health. Read the instruction on the pack carefully. Always follow the given safe­ty instructions (e.g. the use of breathing protec­tion, protective glasses, or gloves, etc.) Make sure that other personnel are not exposed to hazardous substances, e.g. by inhaling the air. Make sure there is adequate ventilation. Handle consumed and surplus chemicals in the pre­scribed manner.
Observe extreme caution when tracing fuel leaks in fuel systems and when testing fuel noz­zles. Wear protective glasses. The jet from a fuel nozzle has a very high pressure and pene­trating force. The fuel can penetrate deeply into bodily tissue and cause serious injury. Risk of blood poisoning.
All fuels, in similarity with chemicals, are inflam­mable. Make sure that naked flames, or sparks, cannot lead to ignition. Petrol, certain thinners, and hydrogen from batteries, are extremely in­flammable and explosive when mixed with air. Smoking is prohibited! Ventilate well and take the necessary precautions before conducting welding or grinding work in the immediate vicini­ty. Always have a fire extinguisher handy in the workshop.
Make sure that rags drenched in oil and petrol, including old fuel and lubricant filters, are stored safety. Oil drenched rags can in certain condi­tions self-ignite. Old fuel and oil filters are envi­ronmentally hazardous waste, and together with spent lubricant, contaminated fuel, paint resi­due, solvent, degreasing agent and suds, should be handed in to a waste handling unit for de­struction.
Batteries must never be exposed to naked flames or electrical sparks. Never smoke in the vicinity of batteries. Hydrogen develops when batteries are charged, which in combination with air forms an explosive gas. This gas is highly inflammable and very explosive. One spark from connecting the batteries incorrectly is sufficient to cause the battery to explode and cause inju­ry. Do not touch the connection when starting (risk of spark) and do not lean over the batter­ies.
Never confuse the plus and minus terminals when fitting the batteries. This can cause seri­ous damage to the electrical equipment. Check the wiring diagram.
Always use protective glasses when charging and handling batteries. The battery electrolyte contains strongly corrosive sulphuric acid. On skin contact, wash with soap and plenty of wa­ter. If battery acid gets into the eyes, rinse im­mediately with water, and contact a doctor with­out delay.
Stop the engine and switch off the power with the main switch (switches) before working on the electrical system.
Adjustment of the clutch should be conducted when the engine is idle.
Use the lifting hooks mounted on the engine/re­versing gear when lifting the drive unit. Always check that the lifting equipment is in good condi­tion and has the correct capacity for the lift (weight of engine plus reversing gear and extra equipment where appropriate). For safe handling, and to avoid damaging the components mounted on top of the engine, the engine should always be lifted with a lifting bar adjusted to the engine. All chains or wires should run in parallel with each other and as per­pendicular to the top of the engine as possible. Special lifting equipment may be required to en­sure the right balance and safe handling if other equipment connected to the engine alters its centre of gravity. Never carry out work on an engine only support­ed by lifting equipment.
General Information
Never work alone when heavy components are to be dismantled, even when safe lifting (e.g. lockable block and tackle) equipment is used. In most cases, two persons are required even when lifting equipment is used: one to handle the equipment and one to make sure that com­ponents are not damaged. When working on­board a boat always make sure in advance that there is sufficient space to allow dismantling in situ, without the risk of personal injury or dam­age to materials.
WARNING! The components in the electrical system and in the fuel system on Volvo Penta products are designed and manufactured to min­imise the risks of explosion and fire. The engine must not be run in environments surrounded by explosive media.
When cleaning with high-pressure wash, ob­serve the following: Never point the jet of water at seals, rubber hoses, or electrical compo­nents. Never use the high-pressure function when washing the engine.
NOTE! Pressure pipes must not bent, turned, or exposed to other strain. Replace damaged pres­sure pipes.
Always use Volvo Penta recommended fuel. See the instruction handbook. The use of inferi­or quality fuel can damage the engine. The use of inferior fuel in a diesel engine can cause the control rod to jam and the engine to overspeed, with the risk of personal injury or damage to the machine. Inferior fuel can also lead to higher maintenance costs.
General Information
About the Workshop Manual
This Workshop Manual contains technical information, descriptions, and repair instructions for the standard versions of the engine units MB10A.
The Workshop Manual may show work procedures conducted on an optional engine according to the above list. This implies that the illustrations and dia­grams that present certain parts, may in some cases not agree with the other engines. The repair methods remain essentially the same, however. Wherever there is a difference, this is clearly indicated and important differences are reported separately. The engine desig­nation and number are given on the number plate. The motor designation and number should always be given during all correspondence.
The Workshop Manual is primarily produced for Volvo Penta service workshops and their qualified person­nel. It is therefore assumed that persons using this manual have a basic knowledge of marine drive sys­tems, and can perform the relevant work of a mechan­ical and electrical nature.
Volvo Penta continuously develops its products, and therefore reserves the right to introduce modifications. All the information in this manual is based on product data available prior to publication. Any amendments or service methods of essential importance that have been introduced for the product after this date are con­firmed in the form of Service Bulletins.
Spare parts
Spare parts for the electrical and fuel systems are subject to different national safety requirements, e.g. U.S. Coast Guard Safety Regulations. Volvo Penta Genuine Spare Parts comply with these requirements. All types of damage resulting from the use of non gen­uine Volvo Penta spare parts for the product in ques­tion will not be regulated by the warranty undertakings of Volvo Penta.
Certificated engines
For service and repair on an engine certificated for any area where exhaust emissions are regulated by law, the following is important:
Certification means that an engine type is inspected and approved by the authorities. The engine manufac­turer guarantees that all engines manufactured of that type correspond to the certified engine.
This places special requirements for maintenance and service as follows:
The maintenance and service intervals recom-
mended by Volvo Penta must be observed.
Only genuine Volvo Penta replacement parts may
be used.
The service of injection pumps and injectors or
pump settings must always be carried out by an authorized Volvo Penta workshop.
The engine must not be modified in any way ex-
cept with accessories and service kits approved by Volvo Penta.
No modifications to the exhaust pipes and air
supply ducts for the engine may be undertaken.
Seals may only be broken by authorized person-
Otherwise the general instructions contained in the In­struction Book concerning operation, service and maintenance must be followed.
IMPORTANT! Late or inadequate maintenance/ service or the use of spare parts other than Vol­vo Penta original spare parts will invalidate AB Volvo Penta’s responsibility for the engine spec­ification being in accordance with the certificat­ed variant.
Volvo Penta accepts no responsibility or liability for any damage or costs arising due to the above.
Renoveringsdata/Overhaul data
Typbeteckning ..................................................... MB10A
Type designation
Max effekt............................................................ 11 kW (15 hk) (15 hp)
Max output
Max varvtal .......................................................... 33 r/s (2000 r/m)
Max speed
Kompressionsförhållande ..................................... 6,5:1
Compression ratio
Kompressionstryck vid startmotorvarv ................. 7,5 kp/cm2 (107 p.s.i.)
Compression pressure at starter motor speed
Cylinderantal ........................................................ 2
Number of cylinders
Cylinderdiameter .................................................. 88,9 mm (3.50 in.)
Slaglängd ............................................................. 82,0 mm (3.23 in.)
Slagvolym............................................................ 1,018 dm3 (l) (62.1
Vikt utan olja och vatten, ca ................................ 105 kg (232 lb.)
Weight wihtout oil and water, approx.
Tomgångsvarv ..................................................... 10 r/s (600 r/m)
Idling speed
Cylinderblock/Cylinder block
Material ................................................................ Gjutjärn
Material........................................................... Cast iron
Cylinderdiameter, standard................................... 88,90–88,93 mm (3.5000–3.5012 in.)
Bore, standard
Cylinderdiameter, överdim. 0,76 mm (0.0300 in.) . 89,66–89,69 mm (3.5299–3.5311 in.)
Bore, oversize 0.76 mm (0.0300 in.)
Max. cylinderdeformation ..................................... 0,01 mm (0.0004 in.)
Max. cylinder deformation
Kolv ar/Pistons
Material ................................................................ Lättmetall
Material........................................................... Light-alloy
Höjd, total ............................................................ 71,0 mm (2.795 in.)
Height, total
Höjd från kolvtappscentrum till kolvtopp............... 46 mm (1.811 in.)
Height from gudgeon pin centre to piston top
Kolvspel............................................................... 0,03–0,05 mm (0.0012–0.0020 in.)
Piston clearance
Kolvspel* ............................................................. 0,01–0,03 mm (0.0004–0.0012 in.)
Piston clearance*
Kolvar finns som standard, standard + 0,03 mm och 0,76 mm överdim. Pistons available as standard, standard + 0,03 mm (0.0012 in.) and 0.76 mm (0.0300 in.) oversize
Kolvdiameter skall mätas 12 mm från nedre kanten. The piston diameter should be measured 12 mm (0.47 in.) from de lower edge.
* Gäller från motor nr 2779. * Valid from engine No. 2779.
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