Volvo D5 series, D7 series, D11 series, D12 series, D9 series Installation Manual

Marine Propulsion
Diesel Engines
D5 - D16 series
Safety precautions ..............................................3
General information ............................................6
Engine application ratings .................................. 9
Marine engine environment .............................. 12
General information about classification ........ 16
Installation tools and literature ........................ 18
Design concepts of propulsion systems ........20
Reverse gear, various types ........................... 20
V-drive, various types ..................................... 22
Twin engine package - Twin gear .................... 23
Multi-belt transmission .................................... 23
Controllable pitch ............................................ 24
Water Jet ........................................................ 24
Surface drive .................................................. 24
Torsional vibrations and TVC calculations ..... 25
Torsional vibrations ......................................... 25
Routines for handling TVC .............................. 26
General arrangement and planning .................27
Choice of engine ............................................ 27
Installation example ........................................ 28
Propeller theory .............................................. 31
Propeller selection .......................................... 33
Engine inclination ........................................... 36
Weight distribution .......................................... 37
Engine centre distance, twin installation......... 37
Accessibility for maintenance and repairs ...... 38
Selection of engine suspension ...................... 39
Engine foundation ............................................. 44
Aligning the boat ............................................. 44
General ........................................................... 44
Building the engine bed .................................. 47
Propeller shaft systems .................................... 50
Propeller shafts .............................................. 50
Flexible propeller shaft coupling ..................... 51
Shaft seals ...................................................... 51
Shaft bearings ................................................ 53
Installation of stern tube and shaft bearing .... 54
Engine installation ............................................. 56
Preparing the engine ...................................... 56
Flexible engine mounting ................................ 58
Rigid engine mounting .................................... 62
Alignment ....................................................... 64
Fuel system ........................................................ 66
General ........................................................... 66
Fuel tanks ....................................................... 66
Piping ............................................................. 70
Priming pump for D5/D7 ................................. 71
Fuel pre-filters ................................................ 72
Checking feed pressure .................................. 73
Fuel cooler for D5/D7 ..................................... 74
Cooling system .................................................. 75
General ........................................................... 75
Seawater system ............................................ 76
Freshwater system ......................................... 82
Coolant mixture .............................................. 82
Filling with coolant .......................................... 83
Venting nipples ............................................... 84
External cooling .............................................. 85
Central cooling system ................................... 86
Engines adapted for external cooling ............. 88
Measuring pressure in KC systems ................ 95
Gauge connections ........................................ 95
Measuring temperature in KC systems .......... 96
Function diagrams, external cooling ............... 97
Thermostats, external cooling ...................... 103
Expansion tank, function diagram ................ 104
Extra expansion tank .................................... 106
Engine heater ............................................... 108
Hot water connections .................................. 111
Exhaust system ............................................... 114
General ......................................................... 114
Wet exhaust line ........................................... 116
Dry exhaust line ............................................ 124
Backpressure................................................ 132
Measuring exhaust backpressure ................. 132
Measuring exhaust temperature .................... 135
Marine Propulsion Diesel Engines
D5, D7, D9, D11, D12, D16
Electrical system ............................................. 136
Electrical installation ..................................... 136
Batteries ....................................................... 136
Accessory battery ......................................... 139
Cross-over switch ......................................... 139
Starting battery cable area ........................... 140
Power supply ................................................ 141
Power module D9/D11/D12/D16 ................. 143
Accessories .................................................. 144
Extra alternators ........................................... 146
EVC–Electronic Vessel Control .................... 146
Battery charging ........................................... 146
Instruments Non EVC engines ..................... 147
Fire extinguishing system .............................. 154
Classified electrical systems, MCC................155
Electrochemical corrosion ..............................159
General ......................................................... 159
Definitions ..................................................... 160
Protection electrochemical corrosion ........... 161
Protection electro-static discharge ............... 162
Stray current and shore power corrosion ..... 162
Shore power and generator installation ........ 163
Shore power and battery charging ............... 164
Prev. of stray currents during installation ...... 165
Checking electrochemical corrosion ............. 166
Eng. room, ventilation and soundproofing ...168
Introduction ................................................... 168
Dimension of air intakes and ducts............... 170
Location of ventilators and air intakes .......... 174
Soundproofing .............................................. 175
Belt guards and protections ........................... 178
Controls ............................................................ 179
General ......................................................... 179
Alternative operating stations ....................... 180
Controls ........................................................ 181
Location of the controls ................................ 181
Connecting ................................................... 182
Final check ................................................... 184
Trolling valve ................................................. 185
Power take-off .................................................. 186
General ......................................................... 186
Disconnectable power take-off, crankshaft ... 187
Flywheel and housing, SAE standard .......... 189
Power take-off positions ............................... 190
Belt tension ................................................... 191
Extra V-belt pulleys ....................................... 193
Direction of the side loads ............................ 193
In-line power take-off .................................... 194
Stub shafts and V-belt pulleys ..................... 196
Auxiliary drives ............................................. 199
Flush and bilge pumps ................................. 202
Oil and coolant drain systems .......................203
General ......................................................... 203
Launching the boat .........................................204
Sea trial ............................................................. 205
References to Service Bulletins ..................... 206
Notes ................................................................. 207
All rights to changes or modifications reserved.
Printed on environmentally-friendly paper
Safety precautions
This Installation Manual contains the information you will need to install your Volvo Penta product correctly. Check that you have the correct Installation Manual.
Read theSafety precautions and the General in­formation in the installation manual carefully be-
fore servicing or operating the engine.
The following special warning symbols are found in this manual and on the engine.
WARNING! Danger of personal injury, damage
to property or mechanical malfunction if the in­structions are not followed.
IMPORTANT! Possible damage or mechanical
malfunction in products or property.
NOTE! Important information to facilitate work proc­esses or operation.
Below is a list of the risks that you must always be aware of and the safety measures you must always carry out.
Plan in advance so that you have enough room
for safe installation and (future) dismantling. Plan the engine compartment (and other com­partments such as the battery compartment) so that all service points are accessible. Make sure it is not possible to come into contact with rotating components, hot surfaces or sharp edges when servicing and inspecting the en­gine. Ensure that all equipment (pump drives, compressors for example) has protective cov­ers.
Make sure the engine is immobilized by not
connecting the electrical system or turn­ing off the power supply to the engine at the main switch (breakers), and locking the switch (breakers) in the OFF position for as long as work continues. Set up a warning notice at the engine control point or helm.
As a rule, no work should be done on a running
engine. However, some work e. g. adjustments, requires a running engine. Approaching an engine that is running is a safety risk. Loose clothing or long hair can fasten in rotating parts and cause serious personal injury. If working in proximity of a running engine, careless move­ments or a dropped tool can result in personal
injury. Take precautions to avoid hot surfaces (exhaust pipes, turbochargers, charge air mani­folds, starting elements etc.) and hot liquids in supply lines and hoses in engines that are run­ning or have just been turned off. Reinstall all protective parts removed during service opera­tions before starting work on the engine.
Ensure that the warning or information decals
on the product are always visible. Replace de­cals which are damaged or painted over.
Turbocharged engines: Never start the engine
without installing the air cleaner (ACL). The ro­tating compressor parts in the turbocharger can cause serious personal injury. Foreign objects entering the intake ducts can also cause me­chanical damage.
Never use starting spray in the air intake. Use
of such products could result in an explosion in the air intake pipe. There is a danger of per­sonal injury.
Do not open the filler cap for the engine coolant
(freshwater cooled engines) when the engine is hot. Steam or hot engine coolant can be eject­ed and any pressure in the system will be lost. Open the filler cap slowly and release coolant system pressure (freshwater cooled engines), if the filler cap or drain cock must be opened, or if a plug or engine coolant line must be removed on a hot engine. Steam or hot coolant can be ejected.
Hot oil can cause burns. Avoid skin contact with
hot oil. Ensure that the oil system is depressu­rised before starting work on it. Never start or run the engine without the oil filler cap in place because of the risk of oil being ejected.
If the boat is in the water, stop the engine and
close the bottom valve before carrying out op­erations on the cooling system.
Only start the engine in an area that is well
ventilated. Beware, the gases are poisonous to breathe in. When operating in an enclosed space, use exhaust extraction to lead the ex­haust and crankcase gases away from the place of work.
Safety precautions
Always wear protective goggles if there is a risk
of splinters, grinding sparks and splashes from acid or other chemicals. Your eyes are extreme­ly sensitive and an injury to them can result in loss of sight!
Avoid skin contact with oil! Long term or re-
peated skin contact with oil can lead to the loss of natural oils from the skin. This leads to irrita­tion, dry skin, eczema and other skin problems. Old oil is more dangerous to your health than new. Use protective gloves and avoid oil-soaked clothes and rags. Wash regularly, especially before meals. Use special skin creams to help clean and to stop your skin drying out.
Most chemicals intended for the product (en-
gine and reverse gear oils, glycol, gasoline and diesel), or chemicals intended for the workshop (degreasing agent, paints and solvents) are harmful to your health. Read the instructions on the packaging carefully! Always follow pro­tective measures (using a protective mask, goggles, gloves etc.). Make sure that other per­sonnel are not unknowingly exposed to harm­ful substances, in the air that they breathe for example. Ensure that ventilation is good. Deal with used and excess chemicals as directed.
Be extremely careful when tracing leaks in the
fuel system and when testing injectors. Wear protective goggles. The jet from an injector is under very high pressure and fuel can pen­etrate deep into tissue, causing serious injury with a risk of blood poisoning.
All fuels and many chemicals are inflamma-
ble. Keep away from naked flames or sparks. Gasoline, some solvents and hydrogen from batteries in the correct proportions with air are very inflammable and explosive. Do not smoke! Maintain good ventilation and take the necessary safety measures before welding or grinding in the vicinity. Always keep a fire extin­guisher accessible in the workplace.
Store oil and fuel-soaked rags and old fuel and
oil filters properly. Oil-soaked rags can, in cer­tain circumstances, ignite spontaneously. Old fuel and oil filters are environmentally harmful and should be delivered, with used lubrication oil, contaminated fuel, paint, solvents and de­greasing agents, to a proper refuse station for environmentally harmful material for destruc­tion.
Ensure that the battery compartment is de-
signed according to current safety standards. Never allow an open flame or electric sparks near the battery area. Never smoke in proximity to the batteries. The batteries give off hydrogen gas during charging which when mixed with air can form an explosive gas. This gas is easily ig­nited and highly volatile. Incorrect connection of the battery can cause sparks sufficient to cause an explosion with resulting damage. Do not shift the connections when attempting to start the engine (spark risk) and do not lean over any of the batteries.
Always ensure that the Plus (positive) and
Minus (negative) battery leads are correctly installed on the corresponding terminal posts on the battery. Incorrect installation can result in serious damage to the electrical equipment. Refer to the wiring diagrams.
Always use protective goggles when charging
and handling the batteries. The battery electro­lyte contains extremely corrosive sulphuric acid. If this should come in contact with the skin, im­mediately wash with soap and plenty of water. If battery acid comes in contact with the eyes, flush immediately with water and obtain medi­cal assistance.
Turn the engine off and turn off the power at the
main switches (breakers) before carrying out work on the electrical system.
Clutch adjustments must be carried out with the
engine turned off.
Use the lifting eyes fitted on the engine/reverse
gear when lifting the drive unit. Always check that the lifting equipment used is in good condi­tion and has the load capacity to lift the engine (engine weight including reverse gear and any extra equipment installed).
To ensure safe lifting and avoid damage to
components installed on the top of the engine use an adjustable lifting beam. All chains and cables must run parallel to each other and as perpendicular as possible to the upper side of the engine.
If extra equipment is installed on the engine
which alters its centre of gravity a special lifting device is required to obtain the correct balance for safe handling.
Never carry out work on an engine suspended
on a hoist.
Safety precautions
Never work alone when installing heavy com-
ponents, even when using secure lifting equip­ment such as a lockable block and tackle. Most lifting devices require two people, one to see to the lifting device and one to ensure that the components do not get caught and damaged.
The components in the electrical system, the
ignition system (gasoline/petrol engines) and in the fuel system on Volvo Penta products are designed and manufactured to minimise risks of fire and explosion. Engines should not run in environments containing explosive media.
Always use fuels recommended by Volvo Penta.
Refer to the Operators’s Manual. Use of fuels that are of a lower quality can damage the en­gine. On a diesel engine poor quality fuel can cause the fuel control rack to stick causing the engine to overspeed with resulting risk of dam­age to the engine and personal injury. Poor fuel quality can also lead to higher maintenance costs.
General information
About the Installation Manual
This publication is intended as a guide for the instal­lation of Volvo Penta marine diesel engines for in­board use. The publication is not comprehensive and does not cover every possible installation, but is to be regarded as recommendations and guidelines apply­ing to Volvo Penta standards. Detailed Installation In­structions are included in most of the accessory kits.
These recommendations are the result of many years practical experience of installations from all over the world. Departures from recommended procedures etc. can however be necessary or desirable, in which case the Volvo Penta organisation will be glad to of­fer assistance in finding a solution for your particular installation.
It is the sole responsibility of the installer to ensure that the installation work is carried out in a satisfac­tory manner, it is operationally in good order, the ap­proved materials and accessories are used and the installation meets all applicable rules and regulations.
This Installation Manual has been published for professionals and qualified personnel. It is therefore assumed that persons using this book have basic knowledge of marine drive systems and are able to carry out related mechanical and electrical work.
Volvo Penta continuously upgrades its products and reserves the right to make changes. All the informa­tion contained in this manual is based on product data available at the time of going to print. Notification of any important modifications to the product causing changes to installation methods after this date will be made in Service Bulletins.
Plan installations with care
Great care must be taken in the installation of en­gines and their components if they are to operate satisfactorily. Always make absolutely sure that the correct specifications, drawings and any other data are available before starting work. This will allow for correct planning and installation right from the start.
Plan the engine room so that it is easy to carry out routine service operations involving the replacement of components. Compare the engine’s Service Manu­al with the original drawings showing the dimensions.
It is very important when installing engines that no
dirt or other foreign matter gets into the fuel, cooling, intake or turbocharger systems, as this can lead to faults or engine seizure. For this reason,, the systems must be sealed. Clean supply lines and hoses before connecting them to the engine. Remove protective engine plugs only when making a connection to an external system.
Certified engines
The manufacturer of engines certified for national and local environmental legislation (Lake Constance for example) pledges that this legislation is met by both new and currently operational engines. The product must compare with the example approved for certification purposes. So that Volvo Penta, as a manufacturer, can pledge that currently operational engines meet environmental regulations, the follow­ing must be observed during installation:
• Servicing of ignition, timing and fuel injection sys­tems (gasoline) or injector pumps, pump settings and injectors (diesel) must always be carried out by an authorised Volvo Penta workshop.
• The engine must not be modified in any way ex­cept with accessories and service kits developed for it by Volvo Penta.
• Installation of exhaust pipes and air intake ducts for the engine compartment (ventilation ducts) must be carefully planned as its design may affect exhaust emissions.
• Seals may only be broken by authorised person­nel.
IMPORTANT! Use only by Volvo Penta ap-
proved parts.
Using non-approved parts will mean that
AB Volvo Penta will no longer take respon­sibility for the engine meeting the certified design.
All damage and costs caused by the use of
non-approved replacement parts will not be covered by Volvo Penta.
General information
It is the boat builder’s duty to check that the security requirements applying to the market in which the boat is sold are met. In the USA for example, these are the US Federal Regulations for pleasure boats described in Title 46. The requirements described below apply to the EU principles. For information and detailed descriptions of the safety requirements that apply to other markets, contact the authority for the country concerned.
From 16 June 1998, pleasure boats and certain as­sociated equipment marketed and used within the EU must bear CE labels to confirm that they meet the safety requirements stipulated by the European Par­liament and Council of Europe’s directive for pleasure boats. The normative requirements can be found in the standards drawn up to support the directive’s objective of uniform safety requirements for pleasure boats in EU countries.
Certificates that grant the right for CE label use and confirm that boats and equipment meet safety re­quirements are issued by approved notified bodies. In many Member States the classification societies have become the notified bodies for pleasure boats, e.g. Lloyd’s Register, Bureau Veritas, Registro Ital­iano Navale, Germanischer Lloyd, etc. In many cases completely new institutions have been approved as notified bodies. The directive also allows boat build­ers and component manufacturers to issue assur­ances of compliance with the requirements of the directive. This requires the manufacturer to store the prescribed product documentation in a place that is accessible to the monitoring authority for at least ten years after the last product is produced.
Life boats and boats for commercial activities are ap­proved by classification societies or by the navigation authority for the boat’s registered country.
Joint liability
Each engine consists of many components working together. One component deviating from its technical specification can cause a dramatic increase in the environmental impact of an engine. It is therefore vital that systems that can be adjusted are adjusted prop­erly and that Volvo Penta approved parts as used.
Certain systems (components in the fuel system for example) may require special expertise and special testing equipment. Some components are sealed at the factory for environmental reasons. No work should be carried out on sealed components except by authorised personnel.
Remember that most chemical products damage the environment if used incorrectly. Volvo Penta recom­mends the use of biodegradable degreasing agents for cleaning engine components, unless otherwise indicated in a Workshop Manual. Take special care when working on board boats to ensure that oil and waste are taken for destruction and not accidentally are pumped into the environment with bilgewater.
General information
Conversion factors
Metric to U.S. or IMP. conversion factors: U.S. or IMP. to metric conversion factors:
To convert To convert from To Multiply by from To Multiply by
Length mm inch 0.03937 inch mm 25.40
cm inch 0.3937 inch cm 2.540
m foot 3.2808 foot m 0.3048
Area mm² 0.00155 sq. in. mm² 645.2
sq. ft. 10.76 sq. ft. 0.093
Volume cm³ cu. in. 0.06102 cu. in. cm³ 16.388
litre, dm³ cu. ft. 0.03531 cu. ft. litre, dm³ 28.320
litre, dm³ cu. in. 61.023 cu. in. litre, dm³ 0.01639
litre, dm³ imp. gallon 0.220 imp. gallon litre, dm³ 4.545
litre, dm³ U.S. gallon 0.2642 U.S. gallon litre, dm³ 3.785
cu. ft. 35.315 cu.ft. 0.0283
Force N lbf 0.2248 lbf N 4.448
Weight kg lb. 2.205 lb. kg 0.454
Power kW hp (metric) 1) 1.36 hp (metric) 1) kW 0.735
kW bhp 1.341 bhp kW 0.7457
kW BTU/min 56.87 BTU/min kW 0.0176
Torque Nm lbf ft 0.738 lbf ft Nm 1.356
Pressure Bar psi 14.5038 psi Bar 0.06895
MPa psi 145.038 psi MPa 0.006895
Pa mm Wc 0.102 mm Wc Pa 9.807
Pa in Wc 0.004 in Wc Pa 249.098
KPa in Wc 4.0 in Wc KPa 0.24908
mWg in Wc 39.37 in Wc mWg 0.0254
Energy kJ/kWh BTU/hph 0.697 BTU/hph kJ/kWh 1.435
Work kJ/kg BTU/lb 0.430 BTU/lb kJ/kg 2.326
MJ/kg BTU/lb 430 BTU/lb MJ/kg 0.00233
kJ/kg kcal/kg 0.239 kcal/kg kJ/kg 4.184
Fuel g/kWh g/hph 0.736 g/hph g/kWh 1.36 consump. g/kWh lb/hph 0.00162 lb/hph g/kWh 616.78
Inertia kgm² lbft² 23.734 lbft² kgm² 0.042
Flow, gas m³/h cu.ft./min. 0.5886 cu.ft./min. m³/h 1.699
Flow, liquid m³/h US gal/min 4.403 US gal/min m³/h 0.2271
Speed m/s ft./s 3.281 ft./s m/s 0.3048
mph knots 0.869 knots mph 1.1508
Temp. °F=9/5 x °C + 32 °C=5/9 x (°F – 32)
All hp figures stated in the catalogue are metric.
Engine application ratings
The engines covered by this manual are mainly used for five different operating conditions, Rating 1 – Rat- ing 5, as described below.
Even at a very early stage, the output requirements and operating conditions for the installation con­cerned should be carefully specified so that a suitable engine with the right setting and convenient equip­ment can be ordered. This can avoid time concerning modifications at a later stage.
The rating on each product states the toughest ap­plication allowed. Of course, the product can also be used in an application with a higher rating.
Rating 1
Heavy duty commercial
For commercial vessels with displacement hulls in heavy operation. Unlimited number of running hours per year.
Typical boats: Bigger trawlers, ferries, freighters, tug­boats, passenger vessels with longer journeys.
Load and speed could be constant, and full power can be used without interruption.
Rating 2
Medium Duty Commercial
For commercial vessels with semi planing or dis­placement hulls in cyclical operation. Running hours less than 3000 h per year.
Typical boats: Most patrol and pilot boats, coastal fishing boats in cyclical operation, (gillnetters, purse seiners, light trawlers), passenger boats and costal freighters with short trips.
Full power could be utilised max 4 h per 12 h opera­tion period. Between full load operation periods, en­gine speed should be reduced at least 10% from the obtained full load engine speed.
Rating 3
Light Duty Commercial
For commercial boats with high demands on speed and acceleration, planing or semi planing hulls in cy­clical operation. Running hours less than 2000 h per year.
Typical boats: Fast patrol, rescue, police, light fishing, fast passenger and taxi boats etc.
Full power could be utilised maximum 2 h per 12 h operation period.
Between full load operation periods, engine speed should be reduced at least 10% from the obtained full load engine speed.
Rating 4
Special Light Duty Commercial
For light planing crafts in commercial operation. Run­ning hours less than 800 h per year.
Typical boats: High speed patrol, rescue, navy, and special high speed fishing boats. Recommended speed at cruising = 25 knots.
Full power could be utilised max 1 h per 12 h opera­tion period. Between full load operation periods, en­gine speed should be reduced at least 10% from the obtained full load engine speed.
Rating 5
Pleasure Duty
For pleasure craft applications only, which presumes operation by the owner for his/ her recreation. Run­ning hours less than 300 h per year.
Full power could be utilised maximum 1 h per 12 h operation period.
Between full load operation periods, engine speed should be reduced at least 10% from the obtained full load engine speed.
Engine application ratings
Examples of boats for medium and heavy duty commercial operation, Rating 1–2.
Examples of boats for light and medium duty commercial operation, Rating 2–3.
Engine application ratings
Examples of boats for light duty and special light duty commercial operation, Rating 3–4.
Examples of pleasure crafts, Rating 5.
Marine engine environment
Power losses due to atmospheric conditions
Losses due to large propeller
Critical area
Rated rpm
The marine engine and its environment
Marine engines, like engines for cars and trucks, are rated according to one or more power norms. The output is indicated in kW, usually at maximum engine speed.
Most engines will produce their rated power provided they have been tested under the conditions specified by the power norm and have been properly run in. Tolerances according to ISO standards are usually ± 5%, which is a reality that must be accepted for line produced engines.
Measuring output
Engine manufacturers normally assign an engine’s output to the flywheel, but before the power reaches the propeller, losses occur in the transmission and in the propeller shaft bearings. The amounts of these losses are 4-6%.
All major marine engine manufacturers indicate engine power according to ISO 8665 (supplement to ISO 3046 for leisure boats), based on ISO 3046, which means that the propeller shaft power will be given. If an exhaust system is optional, engine tests are conducted with a backpressure of 10 kPa. If all engine manufacturers followed the same test proce­dure it would be easier for a boat producer to com­pare products from various suppliers.
Engine performance
Engine output is affected by a number of different factors. Among the more essential are barometric pressure, ambient temperature, humidity, fuel thermal value, fuel temperature (not EDC engines) and back­pressure. Deviation from normal values affects diesel and petrol engines differently.
Diesel engines use a large amount of air for combus­tion. If the mass flow of the air is reduced, the first sign is an increase in black smoke. The effect of this is especially noticeable at planing threshold speed, where the engine must produce maximum torque.
If the deviation from normal mass flow is substantial, even a diesel engine will lose power. In the worse case the reduction could be so large that the torque is not sufficient to overcome the planing threshold.
The above figure illustrates the consequences of climate variation.
Point A is where rated power from the engine is equal with the power absorbed by the propeller. Selection of the propeller size at this point is correctly located for utilising max. rated power at a certain weather and load condition.
If atmospheric conditions cause the power to drop to point B, the propeller curve will cross the output curve from the engine at point C. A secondary per­formance loss has occurred because the propeller is too large. The propeller reduces the rpm from the engine.
By replacing the propeller with a smaller one, the power curve of the engine will cross at point B, mak­ing it possible to regain previous rpm, but at reduced power.
For planing or semi-planing boats, the planing thresh­old ("hump" speed), which mostly occurs at 50 - 60% of max. speed, is the critical area. In this section it is important that the distance between the engine max. power curve and the propeller curve is large enough.
Marine engine environment
Other factors affecting performance
It is important to keep the exhaust backpressure at a low level. The power losses caused by backpressure are directly proportional to the increase of backpres­sure, which also increases the exhaust temperature. Thermal values differ between markets and influence engine output. Environmental fuel, which is compul­sory in some markets, has a low thermal value. En­gine output may be reduced up to 8% compared with fuel specified in the ISO standard.
The weight of the boat is another important factor affecting boat speed. Increased boat weight has a major effect on boat speed, especially on planing and semi-planing hulls. A new boat tested with half filled fuel and water tanks and without a payload easily drops 2-3 knots in speed when tested fully loaded with fuel, water and equipment for travelling comfort. This situation arises because the propeller is often selected to give maximum speed when the boat is tested at the factory. It is therefore advisable to re­duce propeller pitch by one or more inches when en­countering hot climate and user load conditions. The top speed will be somewhat reduced but the overall conditions will improve and provide better accelera­tion, even with a heavily loaded boat.
With this in mind it is important to remember that fi­breglass boats absorb water when they rest in water, making the boat heavier over time. Marine growth, an often overlooked problem, also has a serious effect on boat performance.
Propeller selection
Naval architects, marine engineers or other qualified people should choose the propeller. The required en­gine performance data to make the proper propeller selection is available in technical literature.
With regard to the propeller selection it is important to achieve correct engine RPM. For this purpose we recommend Full Throttle Operating Range.
In order to achieve good all-round performance the propeller should be selected within this range.
When the prototype and first production boat is built, a Volvo Penta representative and a boat manufactur­er should undertake a fully loaded trial of the vessel as near as possible to the conditions that the boat will meet in the field. The most important conditions are:
• Full fuel and water on board
• Ballast evenly distributed throughout the boat to
represent the owners’s equipment including such things as outboards, inflatable dinghies etc.
• Genset/air conditioning equipment and all domes-
tic appliances fitted.
• Adequate number of people onboard.
Once the vessel is subjected to these conditions a full engine/propeller trial should be undertaken where all engine parameters are checked, i.e. engine rpm, fuel consumption, rel. load, ref. rpm (EDC) boost pressure, exhaust temperatures, engine space tem­peratures etc.
When the correct propeller has been established based on the tests, the engine rpm should be within the " Full Throttle Operating Range" at full load.
However, it is advisable to reduce pitch some more to handle varying weather conditions and marine growth. For this reason boat manufacturers must fol­low the actual situation of their differing markets.
Propeller (too big) Propeller (OK) Propeller (too small)
Governor cut out
100% of full output. Full throttle operating range
Engine output, kW
Marine engine environment
Full throttle operating range
The performance of any marine engine is largely dependent upon the correct matching of the propel­ler to the horsepower available from the engine. All Volvo Penta engines have an operating speed range where the engine develops its rated horsepower, this is titled "Full Throttle Operating Range". A propeller that has been sized to demand the rated horsepower of the engine will allow the engine to operate at its rated speed. Should the propeller load be less than the rated horsepower the engine will operate above the specified range. A propeller load that is greater than the engines rated horsepower will result in the engine not being able to reach the rated rpm and will therefore overload the engine.
An engine in a newly launched vessel is likely to be exposed to the lightest loads. This is because the to­tal displacement of the vessel has yet to be reached, the hull has not become fouled and all onboard sys­tems are running at optimal efficiency. It is therefore important that after launching and on sea trials the engine be able to achieve slightly more than the rated rpm under normal conditions.
Marine engine environment
Typical sample of a planing hull and how displacement and engine output tolerances effects performance
Nominal engine output
Engine output ±3%
Propeller precision tolerances ±3%
Nominal displacement 13 tons
Displacement ± 3%
Thrust/ power
Speed Knots
20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Max. tolerance range
Displacement / hull resistance
Engine output / Thrust
Production tolerances
In order to ensure optimal performance of the ves­sel and long engine life, correct propeller size is es­sential. Selecting the correct propeller will enable the engine to develop its full power and provide the per­formance that is expected.
There are a number of factors with their tolerances that can greatly affect the performance of the vessel. These must be recognised for correct engine/propel­ler selection. These factors are:
A) Engine power can vary within international power
standard tolerances.
B) The calculated hull resistance/displacement may
vary within certain limits.
C) The power absorbed by the propeller with regard
to propeller manufacture precision tolerances gen­erally affects engine rpm.
General information about classification
The classification procedures outlined below are general and can be changed from time to time by the Classification Societies.
The classification procedure was originated for the purpose of introducing similar and comparable rules and regulations for, among other things, production and maintenance of ships and their machinery and equipment. As a result of these rules and regulations "safety at sea" could be improved and better docu­mentation could be introduced for insurance matters.
The government authorities in most countries con­cerned with shipping have authorized the Classifica- tion Societies to handle these rules and make sure they are followed. The classification procedure dates from long ago. It can be noted that Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, London, was founded as early as 1760.
The major Classification Societies are:
Det norske Veritas (DnV)
Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (LR)
Bureau Veritas (BV)
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
Registro Italiano Navale (RINA)
Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, (RMRS)
China Classification Society (ZC)
Korean Register of Shipping (KR)
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NK)
As examples of government authorities responsible for ships’ seaworthiness we can note the following:
Sjöfartsverket, Sweden (National Maritime Adminis­tration), Sjöfartsdirektoratet, Norway, Statens Skibtil­syn, Danmark, Department of Transport, England.
The Classification Societies have established their rules so that the authorities’ requirements are cov­ered. The authorities, however, have requirements for lifeboats that are not included in the rules of the Classification Society.
In 1974 an International Convention for the Safety of life at sea (SOLAS) was adopted by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). This document ratifies uniform rules for life saving equipment on board life­boats and rescue boats.
NOTE! This installation manual does not give full information concerning classification. Please contact an authorised classification society for complete in­formation.
Classified engine, range of use
An engine with equipment that is used in a classified vessel must be approved by the Classification Soci­ety, which handles matters relating to ships’ seawor­thiness. The rules apply for instance to the propulsion engine, auxiliary engine, power take off, reverse gear, shaft and propeller.
This means that if an installation needs to be classi­fied it must be stated clearly when addressing inquir­ies and quotation requests to AB Volvo Penta.
Special rules for different operational conditions
The Classification Societies have, in general, differ­ent rules relating to the following:
Varying shipping conditions e.g:
Shipping in tropical water
Coastal shipping
Ocean shipping
Operation in ice (several different classes)
Type of load e.g:
Passenger shipping
Tanker shipping
Reefer shipping
Type of manning e.g:
Unmanned machine room
Manned machine room
These rules are adapted so that each vessel can be assumed to function faultlessly in the area or type of operation for which it is approved.
General information about classification
Type approval
To be able to classify an engine, the type of engine must first be type approved. In such cases, where Volvo Penta is concerned, an application for type approval is sent to the Classification Society in ques­tion, followed by the required drawings, data and calculations.
After certain tests, checks and possible demands for supplementary information, the engine is type-ap­proved for a specified maximum power at a given rated speed. This type approval must not however be considered as a classification; it is only a certificate that states that the engine type with specified power can be classified. Final classification can only be given when all components are approved and the installation and test run in the vessel are completed and found to be in order by the local surveyor.
Procedure for classification (Product orientated)
To earn a classification certificate, the engine, its components, the installation and the test run must
be approved by a surveyor from the Classifica­tion Society in question. The surveyor can, after
final inspection and with certificates from the built-in machinery, issue the final certificate for the vessel. (Thus the final certificate cannot be issued by AB Volvo Penta).
Usually the procedure is initiated as a result of a re­quest from a customer or dealer who has to deliver an engine in a classified installation. For these orders Volvo Penta normally starts with a "type approved engine". During production of such an engine the surveyor checks the production if there is no quality assurance system agreement.
Separate certificates are issued for the following components:
Crankshaft, connecting rods,
heat exchanger, oil cooler,
turbocharger, coupling,
reverse gear, propeller and shaft,
generator, alternator.
The surveyor then checks the pressure testing and test running of the engine, after which a certificate for the engine itself is issued.
Torsional Vibration Calculations (TVC) must be carried out for the complete installation of the engine in the vessel and approved by the Classification So­ciety.
These calculations are carried out to check that no critical torsional vibrations occur in the speed range in which the engine is operated.
The procedure can differ somewhat depending on the Classification Society in question.
Simplified rules for engines produced in series (Process orientated classification)
Most Classification Societies can use simplified clas­sification procedures based on a well implemented Quality Assurance System at the Engine Manufac­turer.
As Volvo Penta fulfills Quality Assurance based on Swedish standard SS-ISO 9001, AB Volvo Penta has been approved by the Classification Societies below:
Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (LR)
Registro Italiano Navale (RINA).
Special tools
Installation tools and literature
Dimension drawings
Drawings for current program, leisure and commer­cial applications are available at:
885151 Box with gauges and connections. For meas­uring pressures and exhaust temerature.
885156 Calomel electrode. For measuring galvanic and stray current (use in combination with multimeter P/N 9812519).
885309 Flange D5. For measuring exhaust backpres­sure and temperature.
885164 Flange D7. For measuring exhaust backpres­sure and temperature.
9812519 Multimeter.
9988452 Digital probe tester.
9996065 Manometer. For measuring fuel feed pres-
sure, not D9/D11/D12.
9996398 Manometer D9/D11/D12/D16. For measur­ing fuel feed pressure.
9996666 Connection D9/D11/D12/D16. For measur­ing fuel feed pressure.
9998494 Hose and nipple D9/D11/D12/D16. For measuring fuel feed pressure.
3838620 VODIA tool*. For reading fault codes in clear text.
3838621 Docking station for the VODIA tool*. Con­nects the VODIA tool to the engine.
*Order via VODIA WEB on Volvo Penta Partner Network
885151 885156
9988452 9996065
Installation tools and literature
Instrument panels
Installation instructions and templates are included in the kits.
A wide range of chemical products are available from Volvo Penta. Some examples are:
Oil and coolant
Sealant and grease
Touch-up paint
Refer to "Volvo Penta Accessories & Maintenance
Installation, Electronic Vessel Control EVC
Installation, Marine Commercial Control MCC
Marine Electrical Systems, Part 1
Inboard propellers and speed calculation
Installation, Water Jet
Sales Guide Marine Propulsion Diesel Engines
Volvo Penta Accessories & Maintenance Parts
Workshop Manuals
Operator’s Manuals
Design concepts of propulsion systems
There are different types of engines, reverse gears and front drive systems, depending on the available space and other requirements during the installation.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when installing components and equipment not supplied by Volvo Penta.
Reverse gear, various types
The engine’s crankshaft and the reverse gear’s out­put shaft are on the same level. The propeller shaft and crankshaft are in-line.
The engine and reverse gear form one unit. The com­pressive forces from the propeller are absorbed by an axial bearing in the reverse gear.
Drop centre, parallel
The engine’s crankshaft and the reverse gear’s out­put shaft are parallel. The output shaft is on a lower level than the crankshaft.
The engine and reverse gear form one unit. The com­pressive forces from the propeller are absorbed by an axial bearing in the reverse gear.
Coaxial down angle
The extension of the engine crankshaft centre line is angled in the reverse gear. The angle of the propeller shaft deviates from the angle of the crankshaft.
The engine and reverse gear form one unit. The com­pressive forces from the propeller are absorbed by an axial bearing in the reverse gear.
Drop centre, down angle
The engine’s crankshaft and the reverse gear’s out­put shaft are on different levels. The angle of the pro­peller shaft deviates from the angle of the crankshaft.
The engine and reverse gear form one unit. The com­pressive forces from the propeller are absorbed by an axial bearing in the reverse gear.
Design concepts of propulsion systems
Remote reverse gear
The reverse gear is separated from the engine and mounted on the engine bed or on a separate bed. Torque is transferred via a flexible coupling through a shaft. The angle of the propeller shaft can deviate from the angle of the crankshaft.
The remote reverse gear must first be installed and carefully aligned nominated by the propeller shaft.
Then the couplings are fitted and the engine is aligned to the reverse gear. For final location and to prevent possible shock loads, lugs must be welded in front of and behind the brackets on each side. Wedg­es are then driven in and secured by welding when alignment is completely finished.
Design concepts of propulsion systems
V-drive, various types
Close coupled V-drive
The engine and reverse gear form one unit. The axial forces from the propeller are absorbed by an axial bearing in the reverse gear.
Remote V-drive
The reverse gear is separated from the engine and mounted on a separate bed. Torque is transferred via the propeller shaft, as illustrated in the diagram, or via a flexible coupling.
The axial forces from the propeller are absorbed by an axial bearing in the reverse gear.
The remote V-drive must first be installed and care­fully aligned according to the propeller shaft. Then the shaft and couplings are fitted and the engine is aligned to the reverse gear. For final location and to prevent possible shock loads, lugs must be welded in front of and behind the brackets on each side. Wedg­es are then driven in and secured by welding when alignment is completely finished.
For the application of cardan shafts, follow the instal­lation instructions from the cardan shaft supplier. A rule of thumb share the joint angle, where A A.
Design concepts of propulsion systems
Twin engine package - Twin gear
Multi-belt transmission
The twin engine package over one marine gear is a concept used by Volvo Penta over a period of time. The concept is based of the utilisation of the com­monality of two high volume produced high speed marine diesel engines power over the twin marine gear to one common propellershaft. The twin gears are available from a limited number of manufacturers for fixed and controllable pitch propellers.
Volvo Penta does not market these gears as a marine engine package. If this application concept is consid­ered attractive, further information and support can be acquired from Volvo Penta Sales Organisation.
Another transmission concept is the multi- belt utilis­ing a number of diesel engines driving a common shaft to a remote marine gear. The engines in this ap­plication are normally disengagable by a clutch. The concept is proven very functional to obtain the total power requirement beyond the conventional single or
twin installation. The system can theoretically operate a marine gear for either a fixed or a controllable pitch propeller. Volvo Penta does not market this concept as a whole but could provide considerable know-how through the sales organisation if this system solution is considered.
Design concepts of propulsion systems
Controllable pitch
Water Jet
Water Jet drives work according to principles of jet propulsion. A jet of water is generated whose thrust sets the vessel in motion.
There are different types of water jets, a direct drive or one with a marine gearbox enabling clutch in/out and backflushing the system for cleaning purposes. See Installation, Water Jet.
Surface drive
Controllable pitch is used as an alternative to a fixed propeller. The pitch of the propeller blade is normally
regulated by means of a built-in function in the re­verse gear.
A number of surface piercing propeller systems are available on most markets. These systems are aimed at high speed applications where the systems are highly efficient. The systems are available with rud­der arrangements or steerable drive unit. At planing
speed the propeller operates with half of its diameter submerged. At lower speed the propeller is usually submerged and due to its high pitch torque, has greater absorption in comparison to a conventional propeller.
Torsional vibrations
Torsional vibrations occur due to forces on the crank­shaft caused by the piston and connecting rod during the power stroke. These forces tend to deflect the crankshaft, including angular displacement of the shaft.
The frequency is the time rate of torsional vibra-
The amplitude is the angular displacement due to
torsional vibrations.
The critical speed is the speed at which the ampli-
tude of the vibrations in a shaft are maximum and could result in stresses that exceed the safe limit of the material.
Torsional vibrations may also be caused by torque
vibrations at the propeller.
Torsional vibration approvals
The object of a Torsional Vibration Calculation (TVC) is to locate the critical speed points and to ensure that these critical speeds are outside the operating range of the engine.
Disregarding the torsional compatibility of the engine and driven equipment may fracture the crankshaft and flywheel bolts and overheat the vibration damper.
Since compatibility of the installation is the system designer’s responsibility; it is also his responsibility to obtain the theoretical torsional vibration analysis.
Volvo Penta standard propulsion packages would generally not require TVCs unless front end PTO is utilised. TVCs are recommended for all heavy duty commercial applications. In classified installations, a TVC must be performed.
Torsional analysis data
Volvo Penta will do a torsional analysis on receipt of the necessary details from the customer. The follow­ing technical data is required to perform a torsional analysis:
A. Operating speed ranges. Lowest speed to highest
B. Maximum power output.
C. Detailed drawing of rotating components.
D. Inertia of rotating components and location of
E. A general layout drawing is needed for more com-
plicated installations.
For the purpose of TVCs, most drive line manufactur­ers provide shaft drawings, with moment of inertia and their position on the shaft diameters.
Torsional vibrations and TVC calculations
Torsional vibrations and TVC calculations
Example of a complex masselastic system
The Drive package, i.e. engine, flexible coupling,
and reverse gear, supplied by Volvo Penta has as one unit the lowest possible torsion vibration level in terms of standard propeller systems. A Torsional Vibration Calculation (TVC) must be conducted by Volvo Penta if other combinations are to be used. Incorrectly selected components in the drive package can result in abnormally high stress of the engine’s crankshaft.
Routines for handling TVC
When a Torsional Vibration Calculation is request- ed, it can be carried out by Volvo Penta.
The following procedure should be followed:
1. All necessary documents should be sent to the Quality System and Classification Department, which will issue an order number that will be the reference number for future communication re­garding the matter.
2. All communication in TVC matters should be directed to the Quality System and Classifica­tion Department. The responsibility for internal handling is on Quality System and Classification Department at the production unit in Göteborg.
1. Engine
2. Coupling, disengagable
3. Pulley
4. Coupling
5. Pump, compressor etc. with the same rpm as engine
6. Reduction gear, reverse gear
1 4
7 3
7. Flange coupling
8. Alternator, compressor
9. Propeller shaft and propeller
10. Belt
11. Belt tensioner
12. Pump, compressor
3. The cost for TVC will be charged according to the following principle: If the received documentation is complete from the beginning a basic calculation will be charged according to the price list.
Each additional operation, e.g. recalculation due
to missing or wrong information or complex calcu­lations, will be charged at actual cost.
It is therefore of extreme importance that the doc-
uments for the calculation are complete and that no information is missing.
General arrangement and planning
Performance requirements
What are the top speed and cruising speed require­ments?
The boat/vessel
Define the category of hull type:
Consider the boat size and estimate weight, LCG (Longitudinal Centre of Gravity) etc. Drawing infor­mation (line drawings) is requested, in the best case resistance data from tank tests.
Propulsion system
Search for the most suitable propulsion system and engine geometry. Think about the characteristics of different propulsion systems.
Choice of engine
To provide the best performance and characteristics of an installation it is important to elaborate and iter­ate the information shown in the illustration below. Trial and error is often needed to finally find the es­sential set of "performance" requirements the instal-
lation aims to fulfil. Analysis of each contribution may vary depending on the dominating priorities such as top speed, economy, safety, etc. Consult Volvo Penta literature and computer programs or contact the Volvo Penta organisation for assistance.
Consider possible limitations such as engine and pro­peller dimensions.
Power requirement
Use the data to define the required power. Do not forget to consider power losses due to PTOs, climate, fuel qualities etc.
Consult Volvo Penta sales literature for the corre­sponding engine, giving minimum required power at the correct duty rating. Check the available reverse gear ratios.
Reverse gear and propeller
Calculate for the optimum gear ratio as well as pro­peller type and size.
General arrangement and planning
The illustration shows an example of a twin instal-
lation with two types of wet exhaust systems, one
"Aqua-lift" system and one installation with riser and
exhaust boot.
The starboard propeller shaft is mounted with a wa-
ter-lubricated stuffing box with water tapped off from
the reverse gear oil cooler. The port propeller shaft
has a grease-lubricated stuffing box.
The control is an electrical to mechanical system.
Installation example
This illustration is also avail-
able as a four-colour poster
(size 500 x 700 mm).
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