P/N Format: D4 - (style)(watts) - (cct)K - T(type)M - (mounting) - (dimming)
Full Enclosure Kit Style Watts - CCT - Type - Mounting - Dimming Mounting Code Details
D4-F 30 - 22K - T5M - 625 - STD Universal 6.25" plate
D4-F 40 - 30K - T3M - 6S - DIM Universal 6.5" plate
D4-F 60 - 40K - 7S - PXYZ# Universal 7" plate
(80 NA) - 50K - 8N Universal 8" plate
- C### Other custom configurations
- H### "H" prefix is high output version
Typical Application: Generic shallow fitter where ballast was mounted under cover above fitter
Mid Mount Kit Style Watts - CCT - Type - Mounting - Dimming Mounting Code Details
D4-M 30 - 22K - T5M - CHBTL - STD Hadco B Twistlock
D4-M 40 - 30K - T3M - CHBSP - DIM Hadco B Pin & Screw
D4-M 60 - 40K - CSBSC - PXYZ# Sternburg Spring Clips
D4-M 80 - 50K - CSBTL Sternburg Twistlock
- H### "H" prefix is high output version
- #XX Universal Plates above also applicable
Typical Application: Deeper fitters such as petal style where ballast was mounted into fitter by top plate/cover.
Granville Classic Kit Style Watts - CCT - Type - Mounting - Dimming Mounting Code Details
D4-H 30 - 22K - T5M - CGVC7 - STD Granville Classic 7" Fitter or 4" Fitter
D4-H 40 - 30K (T3M - NA) - HGVC7 - DIM "H" prefix is high output version
D4-H 60 - 40K - PXYZ#
(80 NA) - 50K
Typical Application: Specific configuration for mounting in Granville Classic 7" and 4" fitters with 19" glass globes.
One piece assembly
Granville Premier Kit Style Watts - CCT - Type - Mounting - Dimming Mounting Code Details
D4-H 30 - 22K - T5M - CGPCS - STD Granville Premier w/ Photo Control Socket
D4-H 40 - 30K (T3M - NA) - CGPNS - DIM Granville Premier w/o Photo Control Socket
D4-H 60 - 40K - H### - PXYZ# "H" prefix is high output version
(80 NA) - 50K
Typical Application: Specific configuration for mounting in Granville Premier fitters with 19" glass globes.
Two piece assembly.
Downlight Kit Style Watts - CCT - Type - Mounting - Dimming Mounting Code Details
D4-S 30 - 22K - T5M - DNLT - STD 120mm Light Engine flexible Downlight Kit
D4-S 40 - 30K - T3M - DNLT2 - DIM 150mm Light Engine flexible Downlight Kit
D4-S 60 - 40K - CADJ1 - PXYZ# 14" to 23" span, Larger fixture Downlight Kit
D4-S 80 - 50K - C### Other custom configurations
- H### "H" prefix is high output version
Typical Application: Shoebox, Pendant, and Colonial fixtures. Light Engine mounts separately on adjustable arms.
OEM Components Kit Style Watts - CCT - Type - Mounting - Dimming Mounting Code Details
D4-C 30 - 22K - T5M - COEM1 - STD OEM Customer, configuration 1
D4-C 40 - 30K - T3M - CCC01 - DIM OEM Customer CC, configuration 1
D4-C 60 - 40K - CCC02 - PXYZ# OEM Customer CC, configuration 2
D4-C 80 - 50K - C### Other custom configurations
- H### "H" prefix is high output version
Typical Application: LED Light Engine and Power supply only. OEM provides light engine mount.