Vaisala HMP140 User Manual

Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity
Transmitter Series
PUBLISHED BY Vaisala Oyj Phone (int.): +358 9 8949 1
P.O. Box 26 Fax: +358 9 8949 2227 FIN-00421 Helsinki Finland
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© Vaisala 2006 No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or
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Please observe that this manual does not create any legally binding obligations for Vaisala towards the customer or end user. All legally binding commitments and agreements are included exclusively in the applicable supply contract or Conditions of Sale.
U175en-1.5 Operating Manual
1. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................1
2. TO BE NOTED WHEN M EASURING HUMIDITY ..................................................................2
3. INSTALLATION....................................................................................................................3
3.1 Selecting the place of installation ..........................................................................3
3.2 Mounting..................................................................................................................3
3.2.1 Mounting the HMP141A .............................................................................4
3.2.2 Mounting the HMP142A .............................................................................4
3.2.3 Mounting the HMP143A .............................................................................5
3.3 Electrical connections.............................................................................................6
3.4 Connectors and potentiometers on the main PCB................................................7
3.5 Selecting the outputs..............................................................................................7
3.6 Connection to an AC supply..................................................................................8
4. CALIBRATION .....................................................................................................................9
4.1 One-point humidity calibration...............................................................................9
4.2 Two-point humidity calibration...............................................................................9
4.2.1 Two-point humidity calibration procedure ...................................................9
4.3 Temperature calibration........................................................................................10
4.4 Calibration table.................................................................................................... 11
5. MAINTENANCE..................................................................................................................11
5.1 Replacing the HUMICAP
6. TECHNICAL DATA.............................................................................................................12
6.1 Relative humidity...................................................................................................12
6.2 Temperature...........................................................................................................12
6.3 General...................................................................................................................13
6.4 Electromagnetic compatibility..............................................................................14
6.4.1 Emissions................................................................................................14
6.4.2 Interference.............................................................................................14
7. SPARE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES ................................................................................14
180 sensor and the filter ............................................11
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HMP140A SERIES Operating Manual U175en-1.5
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U175en-1.5 Operating Manual
The HMP140A series transmitters are reliable and easy to use instruments for the measurement of relative humidity and temperature. The series consists of three different types of transmitters to be chosen according to the requirements of the application:
HMP141A for wall installations
HMP142A for duct installations
HMP143A for installation in tight places
The configuration can be chosen from various possibilities to meet the specific requirements of the customer. The transmitters can be ordered with a blank cover or a cover with a local display which outputs relative humidity and temperature readings. The reading to be displayed is chosen with a pushbutton on the cover and the desired temperature unit (Celsius or Fahrenheit) can be chosen with a jumper (see Appendix 2).
All HMP140A transmitters measure relative humidity in the range of
0...100 %RH and temperature from -40 to +60 °C; the measurement is temperature compensated. The HMP140A transmitters have four different analogue outputs: 0...20 mA (4...20 mA), 0...1 V, 0...5 V and 0...10 V. The outputs are also scalable if necessary, e.g. 4...20 mA from 0...20 mA.
The durable plastic cover provides IP65 protection from dust and sprayed water. The HMP140A transmitters are therefore suitable for most indoor and outdoor applications, including those with high humidities like indoor swimming pools etc. These versatile transmitters are also easy to install and to use. When necessary, they can be recalibrated on site with Vaisala’s HMI41 indicator equipped with an appropriate probe and optional calibration cable (19116ZZ).
The HMP140A series transmitters incorporate the HUMICAP180 sensor, the operation of which is based on the changes in its capacitance as the thin polymer film absorbs water molecules. The sensor is immune to most chemicals and has an excellent long-term stability. The temperature is measured with a Pt 1000 sensor.
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HMP140A SERIES Operating Manual U175en-1.5
In the measurement of humidity and especially in calibration, it is essential that the temperature equilibrium is reached. Even a slight difference in the temperature between the measured object and the sensor causes an error. For example, at +20 °C (+ 68 °F) and 50 %RH, a temperature difference of +1 °C between the measured object and the sensor causes an error of +3 %RH. If relative humidity is 90 %RH, the error is about +5.4 %RH.
The error is at its greatest when the temperature of the sensor differs from that of the surroundings and the humidity is high. A few degrees’ difference in temperature may cause water to condense on sensor surface. Efficient ventilation accelerates evaporation whereas in an unventilated space, it may
take hours. The HUMICAP180 sensor returns to its normal functioning as soon as water has evaporated. Any contaminated water condensing on the sensor may shorten its life span and change the calibration.
9 8 7 6 5 4
dRH (%RH)
3 2 1 0
-40-200 20406080100 Temperature (°C)
Figure 2.1 Measurement error at 100 %RH when the temperature
difference between th e ambient and the sensor i s 1 °C
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U175en-1.5 Operating Manual
3.1 Selecting the place of installation
Select a place that gives a true picture of the environment or process and is as clean as possible. Air should circulate freely around the sensor. A rapid air flow is recommended as it ensures the same temperature for the ambient air and the sensor head.
Install the transmitter in a place where no cold or hot spot can develop. If the sensor head is installed in a duct or channel where the temperature is different from the ambient temperature, insulate the point of entry; this is particularly important if the transmitter is installed with the sensor head pointing downwards. Vertical installation of the HMP142A and HMP143A is not recommended; they should be mounted with the sensor head horizontally whenever possible. An uninsulated installation might lead to condensation on the sensor head and even if no condensation occurs, the resultant air flow may change the temperature near the sensor head and distort the readings.
3.2 Mounting
The electronics of the HMP140A series can be disconnected for ease of installation and service. The housing can be conveniently installed and the electronics then consequently mounted. For service and maintenance purposes the electronics can be disconnected without disconnecting the cabling, and taken to an appropriate environment for necessary adjustments.
Figure 3 Drilling dimensions (in mm)
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HMP140A SERIES Operating Manual U175en-1.5
3.2.1 Mounting the HMP141A
The optimal installation of the HMP141A is with the sensor head pointing downwards. Upward mounting should be avoided due to internal heat transfer.
1. Mounting and wiring: cable feedthrough on the surface or in the connection box.
2. Mount the protection lid to the conn ection box.
3. Push the s e nsor h ea d through the protection lid a s in fig ure a n d connect the electronics housing to the connection box. Make sure that the pins at the bottom of the electronics housing are in co nt ac t with the sc r ew termin a l .
4. Fasten the four conn ec ting s cre w s of the electronics housing.
5. Place the sensor head into the p ro t e ct io n lid .
6. Close the cover and fasten the two co n ne c tion s c rews.
Figure 3.2.1 Mounting of the HMP141A
3.2.2 Mounting the HMP142A
The HMP142A transmitter should be mounted with the sensor head horizontally whenever possible. This way, any water that might condense on the tube cannot flow on to the sensors. When there is no alternative but to install the sensor head in the process vertically, the point of entry must be carefully insulated.
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U175en-1.5 Operating Manual
Ø 15
Ø 12
Figure 3.2.2 Dimensions of the HMP142A (in mm)
3.2.3 Mounting the HMP143A
The cable model HMP143A should also be mounted with the sensor head horizontally whenever possible. This model is provided with two plastic nuts and a gasket. Mount the nuts on the sensor head: disconnect the cable from the transmitter, insert the nuts and fasten them on the sensor head. Then reconnect the cable. A mounting flange is also available (see Fig. 3.2.3). The cable can also be extended up to 100 metres; see Appendix 3 for details.
Ø 12
duct wall
supporting bar
a plugged hole for reference measurements
Figure 3.2.3 Dimensions of the HMP143A probe (in mm) and
installation in a channel with the help of flange
(part no. HMP233FA) and supporting bar
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