C o n t r ols and Indicators
1. Rotary Selector Knob: Switches measurement function.
2. Ohms: This is the low resistance or “c o n t i n u i ty” position. Used to
i d e n t i fy low resistance circuits such as motor run and start winding
which may differ by only a few ohms.
3. 200MΩ (250, 500V): In this position approximately 500 V DC is
applied to the circuit under test when the TEST switch is pressed. The
0 - 2 0 0 M Ω range is used primarily to test insulation resistances which
have begun to degra d e .
4. 200MΩ (1000V): In this postilion approximately 1000 V DC
is applied to the circuit under test when the TEST switch is
pressed. This is the range which is normally used for preventive
maintenance measurements on electrical equipment. Insulation
resistance values in this application typically exceed 100MΩ.
5. ON/OFF switch: Slide the switch forward to turn the instrument
on, slide it back to turn the instrument off.
6. Test Switch: The TEST switch is normally OFF, spring loaded,
momentary action switch which “turns on” the DMEG2. The
momentary action is a safety feature. The test voltage generated
by the DMEG2 is automatically discharged when the TEST
switch is released.
The DMEG2 Insulation Resistance Tester is a completely portable,
self-contained, four range, solid state test instrument.
Power is provided by eight internal, standard 1.5V, size AA (ABI)
batteries. An electronically regulated constant voltage generator
supplies the test voltage for the 2000MΩ range (1000V) and the
2000MΩ range (500V), and the 2000MΩ range (250V). The internal
batteries supply the power directly for the 0-200Ω low resistance range.
This rugged precision instrument can locate intermittent shorts,
defective electrical connections, insulation breakdowns or conductor
failures due to the effects of temperature, moisture, abrasion, corrosion,
or other environmental conditions.
One of the most effective applications, and one of the most overlooked
applications for the DMEG2 is in the field of preventive maintenance.
For example, when the insulation properties of a hermetic compressor
motor begins to fail it usually does so gradually at first. A routine,
periodic monitoring of the insulation resistance of the start and run
winding will usually show evidence of a potential burn out well in
advance of the actual occurrence.
Features include
• Battery operated
• Automatic circuit discharge
• Solid state circuitry
• LCD display
• Automatic zero adjust
• Four ranges
• Automatic low battery indication
• Audible warning signal
• Live circuit indicator
Safety Notes
Before using this instrument, read all safety information carefully. In
this manual the word "WARNING" is used to indicate conditions
or actions that may pose physical hazards to the user. The word
"CAUTION" is used to indicate conditions or actions that may
damage this instrument.
International Symbols
Electrical shock can cause an unstable heart rhythm
that may need medical attention.