LCD Display Functional Description
1. The main numerical display indicates measured numerical values.
2. The Auto Power Off icon indicates that the sleep mode function
is active.
3. The DC icon indicates the meter is reading DC voltage or current.
4. Indicates a negative polarity measurement. (Applicable to
DC functions).
5. Indicates the meter is reading AC voltage or current.
6. The Low Battery icon indicates the battery is low and must be
changed immediately.
7. The HOLD icon indicates that the “HOLD” button has been
pressed and the display is no longer updating numerical data.
8. The Autoranging icon indicates that the meter is in the
autoranging mode and will automatically select the range that
offers the best resolution for the signal being measured.
9. The MAX icon indicates that the “MIN/MAX” button has been
pressed (once) and the meter is displaying the maximum value
reached, from the time the record mode was selected.
10. The MIN icon indicates that the “MIN/MAX” button has been
pressed (a second time) and the meter is displaying the minimum
value reached, from the time the record mode was selected.
NOTE: If both MIN and MAX are displayed and flashing, then
recording is active while real-time measurements are displayed.
C o n t rols and Indicators
1. Digital Display: Readings are displayed on a digital, 4000
count display, along with the appropriate polarity indication and
range and function enunciators (icons). The decimal point moves
a u t o m a t i cal ly in the autoranging mode and remains in place when
recording or when the range is manually selected.
2. Power Push-button: Used to turn the power to the meter on
or off.
3. MIN/MAX Push-button: Causes the meter to record and display
the maximum or minimum value of any function selected. The word
“ M IN” or “MAX” appears in the upper right of the LCD. This feature
resets when the selector is moved or the meter is cycled off.
4. Hold Push-button: Freezes the reading presently on the digital
display, and displays the words “ DATA HOL D ” on the left side of
the LCD. To cancel data hold, press the “ DATA HOL D ” b u t t o n
again. This feature resets only when the push-button is pressed a
second time, not when the selector is moved.
5. Range and Backlight Push-button: Press briefly until a single
beep is heard (less than one second) to lock the meter in a range
or to step through ranges. To turn on or off the backlight, press
and hold for two seconds (illuminates shortly after the second beep
is heard).
6. Rotary Switch: A l l ows you to switch between any of the
functions or values indicated by the numbers, icons, and group
outlines printed around the rotating dial.
7. 10 Amp, Fused, Meter Lead Terminal: Use this input
terminal (port) when measuring amps greater than 400 mA,
but less than 10 Amps AC or DC. Use caution when selecting
a m p e r age measurements on the rotary dial. Remember
a m p e r age measurements are made in series with your circuit.
8. This Symbol Reminds the User to Follow Provided
Instructions: See “Caution” in the international symbol section
of this manual.
9. Microamp/Milliamp Input Terminal: The red test lead is
plugged into this terminal when measuring current (AC or DC)
in the 400 mA and below ra n g e .
10. Common Terminal: The black test lead is plugged into this
terminal, and supplies the ground or “low” reference for all
m e a s u r e m e n t s .
11. "Flash" Symbol: Warns operators that potentially dangerous
voltages may be present. Use caution when making
high-voltage measurements.
12. Multifunctional (Volts, Ohms, and Diode Test) Input
Terminal: Use the red test lead in this terminal for any of these
test functions.
13. Multifunctional Terminal Information: I n d i cates the
m aximum input values and ca t e g o ry r atings established
by IEC 1010 - 1 .
DM384-MAN P. 2