AX 55

Your UNIDEN AX 55 represents the most advanced 5-watt hand-held type radio ever
designed for use in the Citizens Band Radio Service. It will operate on any three of the
40 frequencies designated as citizens band channels by the Federal Communications
Commission. Your Model AX 55 is factory-installed with channel 14 crystals. Addi
tional crystals may be installed in the open channels.
Any adjustments or alterations which would alter the performance of the
transceiver's original F.C.C. Type Acceptance or which would change the
frequency determining method are strictly prohibited.
Operation of this equipment requires a valid station license issued by the
Federal Communications Commission. Do not transmit with your equipment
until you have received your license or without complying with the pro
cedures explained on F.C.C. temporary license Form 555-B. You may use
Form 555-B as a temporary permit white your regular Form 505 application
is being processed by the F.C.C, Illegal operation can result in severe penal
ties, Be certain that you have read Part 95 of The Plain English Ruies-Citizens
Band Radio Service before operating your radio. F.C.C. Forms 505 and 555-B
and a copy of Part 95 of the Commission's Rules are packed with the trans
ceiver for your convenience.
Your Station License is to be posted in accordance with CB Rules 34 and 44.
F.C.C. Rules require that All transmitter adjustments other that those
supplied by the manufacturer as front panel operation controls be made by or
under supervision of the holder of an F.C.C. issued 1st or 2nd class radio
operator license.
Replacement or substitution of Crystals, Transistors, 1C, Regulator Diodes or
any other part of a unique nature, with parts other than those recommended
by us, may cause violation of the technical regulatons of Part 95 of the F.C.C.
Rules or violation of Type Acceptance requirements of Part 2 of the Rules,
The Citizens Band (CB) Radio Service is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Com
munications Commission (F.C.C.) Therefore, the operator of a CB transceiver must be
in possession of a valid FCC permit or license. The steps to legally operate your
UNIDEN transceiver are:
1) For Immediate operation; complete the Form 555-B, Temporary Permit. Keep it
with your unit,
2) FCC Form 505, Application for Class C or D Station License in the Citizens Radio
Service is the document to be completed to obtain your license which is valid for 5
years. Mail the application to the address indicated on the form. DO NOT send it to
UNIDEN Corporation of America.
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These forms are packaged as part of the documents provided with each radio. Every
CB operator must read and understand the FCC part 95 prior to operation of a radio.
Power Input
Power Output
Spurious Ratio
Current Drain at Maximum Modulation
Sensitivity at 10 dB S+N/N
Image Rejection Ratio
IF Rejection Ratio
Audio Output Power at 10% Distortion
Current Drain at Maximum Output
Power (DC)
5 Watts (HI)
3.5 Watt (HI)
-65 dB or better
900 mA to 1,200 mA(HI) (LOW)
0,5 aV
80 dB
1.5 Watts
: 400 mA to 500 mA
1.5 Watts (LOW)
0.8 Watt (LOW)
400 mA to 500 mA
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