INCLUDING REMARKS ...................................................................................................................... 85
The CLI manual conventions
The keywords of a command line are in boldface.
Command arguments are in italics.
[ ]
Items (keywords or arguments) in brackets [ ] are optional.
( x | y | ... )
Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical
bars. One item is selected.
[ x | y | ... ]
Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by
vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.
One number from x to y can be selected
A line starting with the $ sign is comments.
String with < >
It is key name. For example, <Enter>, <Tab>, <Backspace>, <a>,
<?> etc, it means to press the key button
<Key 1 + Key 2>
It means to press the key at same time. For example <
Ctrl+Alt+A> means to press “Ctrl”, “Alt”, “A” button together.
<Key 1 , Key 2>
It means to press the first button, then release, and presss the
second button. For example < Alt, F> means to press “Alt” first,
then release “Alt” buttion, and then press “A” button.
Command Conventions
The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Keyword Operation Conventions
Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.:
This warning symbol means danger. You are in a situation that could cause bodily injury
or broke the equipment. Before you work on any equipment, be aware of the hazards
involved with electrical circuitry and be familiar with standard practices for preventing
accidents by making quick guide based on this guide.
Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk, which if not avoided, it will result in death or
serious injury on human body.
Provides additional information to emphasize or supplement important points of the
main text.
Terms Conventions
OLT: It is the 8PON port Optical Line Terminal, included the switch and uplink port. PON: It
stand for PON protocol process module and PON port to connect with ONU side.
CLI is case – sensitive.
1. Configuration Mode
You can configure and manage the OLT with the CLI via a management network environment or
the console.
The The The CLI provides the following command modes:User EXEC Mode, when you log in the OLT, the CLI will start with User ECEC Mode.
Ther are some basic command on this EXEC mode.
The system prompt as: OLT>
Privileged EXEC Mode, it called Enabble View Mode or Privileged EXEC Mode. You can enter
into privileged EXEC Mode with the enable comman.
The system prompt will changes from OLT> to OLT#
Configuration Mode, it called Configuration Mode or Global Configuration Mode. You can
enter in Configuration Mode with the conf terminal command.
The system prompt will changes from OLT# to : OLT(config)#
GE interface Mode, enter the interface ge command, the system prompt will be changed
from OLT(config)# to OLT(interface-ge)#
XGE interface Mode, enter the interface xge command, the system prompt will be
changed from OLT(config)# to OLT(interface-xge)#
GPON interface Mode, enter the interface gpon command, the system prompt will be
changed from OLT(config)# to OLT(interface-gpon)#
VLANIF interface Mode, enter the interface vlanif vlanID command, the system prompt
will be changed from OLT(config)# to OLT(interface-vlanif-20)#
(VLAN 20 is an example)
MGMT interface Mode, enter the interface mgmt command, the system prompt will be
changed from OLT(config)# to OLT(interface-mgmt)#
Dba-profile Mode, enter the dba-profile profile-idid command, the system prompt will be
changed from OLT(config)# to OLT(dba-profile-1)#
Lineprofile Mode, enter the ont-lineprofile profile-id id command, the system prompt
will be changed from OLT(config)# to OLT(ont-lineprofile-1)#
Srvprofile Mode, enter the ont-srvprofile profile-idid command, the system prompt will
be changed from OLT(config)# to OLT(ont-srvprofile-1)#
Multicast-vlan Mode, enter the multicast-vlanvlanid command, the system prompt will be
changed from OLT(config)# to OLT(multicast-vlan-100)#
(VLAN 100 is an example)
Command Modes Overview
User name:
User password:
Serial interface
(Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: none)
server-ip-address:ip address of the ftp Server
user-name:User Name of login ftp
user-password:Password of login ftp
filename:The filename to use for OLT upgrade
The command is used for upgrade the OLT to new version, root account
is necessary.
OLT Application Software Upgrade:
File name is 8pon port_FW_V1.0.2_150914_1603.img,ftp Server IP Address is,
ftp user name is amdin,password is admin. Reboot the OLT after the OLT display ‘upgrade OK’.
OLT(config)# load packetfile ftp admin admin 8pon port
Broadcast message from root:
Upgrade is in process.
File [8pon port _FW_V1.0.2_150914_1603.img] download .......... OK
File [8pon port _FW_V1.0.2_150914_1603.img] upgrade .......... OK
OLT Kernel Software Upgrade:
Filename is 8pon port_Kernel_150914_1605.img,ftp Server IP Address is,ftp
2. Equipment upgrade
For the system enhancement and stability, new software may be released. Using this software,
OLT can be upgraded without any hardware change. You can simply upgrade your system
software with the provided functionality via CLI.
2.1 load
User Name is amdin,password is admin. Reboot the OLT after the OLT display ‘upgrade OK’.
OLT(config)# load packetfile ftp admin admin 8pon port_Kernel_150914
Broadcast message from root:
Upgrade is in process.
File [8pon port_Kernel_150914_1605.img] download ............. OK
File [8pon port_Kernel_150914_1605.img] upgrade ............. OK
show version
【View Mode】
Configuration mode
The command is used for check information of the OLT hardware,
software and kernel.
Show information of OLT
OLT(config)# show version
Local Configuration Command
<cr> - Please press ENTER to execute command
OLT(config)# show version
Hardware version : V1.1
Firmware version : V1.0.2 (Oct 8 2015 13:35:52)
Kernel version : V539 (Mon Sep 14 16:05:47 CST 2015)
show progress load
【View Mode】
Privileged EXEC Mode, Configuration mode
The command is used check the process of the OLT load, copy, and
OLT(config)# show progress load
2.2 show version
2.3 show progress
Transmit Protocal : FTP
FTP Server :
FTP User Name : admin
FTP Password : admin
Transmit FileName : config
Transmit Action : Put
Transmit Status : Success
Transmit Progress : 100%
To reboot the OLT, need root account for this operation.
Reboot OLT
OLT# reboot
Please check whether data has saved, the unsaved data will lose if reboot syst
em. Are you sure to reboot system? (y/n)[n]:y
ip address ip-addr ip-mask
no ip address
【View Mode】
Vlanif Mode,MGMT Mode
ip-addr:IP Address
ip-mask:subnet mask
ip address is used to configure the IP address and subnet mask of VLAN
interface, to let the realize the layer3 message transfer.
3. Equipment management
3.1 reboot
3.2 ip address
To configure an IP address for VLAN 100 interface, subnet mask is。
OLT(interface-vlanif-100)# ip address
To configure an IP address for outband management interface, subnet mask is。
OLT(interface-mgmt)# ip address
show interface mgmt
【View Mode】
Configuration mode
It is used to check the outband management IP, MTU and MAC address.
OLT(config)# show interface mgmt
Description : mgmt interface
The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500 bytes
Internet Address is, netmask
Hardware address is XX:XX:XX:00:00:01
Receive 4340 packets, 4479715 bytes
Transmit 1539 packets, 101742 bytes
show interface vlanif (all | vlan-id vlan-id)
【View Mode】
Configuration mode
all: Show all VLAN interface informaion
vlan-id: Show the information of that VALN iD , from 1~4094
It is used to check the VLAN interface information.
Show vlanif 10 information
OLT(config)# show interface vlanif vlan-id 100
Description : vlan[100] management interface
The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500 bytes
Internet Address is, netmask
Hardware address is XX:XX:XX:00:00:02
Recive 105 packets, 5292 bytes
3.3 show interface mgmt
3.4 show interface vlanif
Transmit 35 packets, 1866 bytes
Show all vlanif interface information
OLT(config)# show interface vlanif all
Check the information of the OLT
Device model
Device MAC address
Device serial-number
Device vendor name
OLT(config)# show device info
Device model : 8pon port
Device MAC address : XX:XX:XX:00:00:01
Device serial-number :
Device vendor name :
FAN[1] status: Normal (7207RPM)
FAN[2] status: Normal (7060RPM)
FAN[3] status: Normal (7265RPM)
FAN[4] status: Normal (7207RPM)
4.2 show temperature
show temperature
【View Mode】
Privileged EXEC Mode, Configuration mode
To display the temperature of device
OLT(config)# show temperature
The temperature of the board: 36.5(C)
show memory
【View Mode】
Privileged EXEC Mode, Configuration mode
To show the CPU load
OLT# show memory
Total memory : 502MB
Free memory : 435MB
Used percent : 5%
server-ip-address:ip address of ftp server
user-name:ftp user name
user-password:ftp password
filename: A name for your backup file
To back up the OLT configuration in a file
File name is config, ftp Server IP is, ftp username is amdin, password is admin。
OLT(config)# backup configuration ftp admin admin config
Start backup configuration files
The backup is successful
server-ip-address:ip address of ftp server
user-name:ftp user name
user-password:ftp password
filename: The file name of the configuration you want load to the OLT
To load the configuration file to the OLT
Configuration file name is ‘config’, ftp Server IP is, ftp username is amdin,
password is admin。
5. Configuration Management
5.1 backup
5.2 load configuration
OLT(config)# load configuration ftp admin admin config
The new configuration file will overwrite the old one
Are you sure to load new
configuration file? (y/n)[n]:y
Broadcast message from root:
Start loading configuration
The loading is successful
Note: The configuration file will take effect after reboot
show current-config
【View Mode】
Privileged EXEC Mode, Configuration mode
To check the running configuration.
When you do some configuration, you can use this command to check if
the command have come into operation.
【View Mode】
Privileged EXEC Mode, Configuration mode
To save the current configuration.
OLT(config)# save
Save configuration starting ...
The percentage of saved data is: 0%
The percentage of saved data is: 14%
The percentage of saved data is: 28%
The percentage of saved data is: 42%
The percentage of saved data is: 57%
The percentage of saved data is: 71%
The percentage of saved data is: 85%
The percentage of saved data is: 100%
Save configuration completed!
5.3 show current-config
5.4 save
5.5 erase saved-config
erase saved-config
【View Mode】
Privileged EXEC Mode, Configuration mode
To erase the configuration file, the OLT will beboot after the
configuration be delete.
OLT# erase saved-config
This command will clear the active board data that has been saved
Please rememb
er to backup the system configuration data
Are you sure to continue? (y/n)[n]: y
OLT(config)# show saved-config
#Saving user: root
#Saving time: 2000-01-01 05:33:19+0000
# No DBA profile configurations
# No line profile configurations
# No service profile configurations
# No ONT authenticated
interface mgmt
ip address
5.6 show saved-config
6.Account Management
user add name group
【View Mode】
Configuration mode
name:User name for a new user
group:The group of the new user, there are root、admin and guest for
The command is used to creates a system account. There are root、
admin and guest level for choice.
Root: Full right.
Admin: Right except reboot and upgrade.
Guest: Only check the configuration and do configuration back up.
Create a new guest account, user name is admin, password is admin
OLT(config)# user add admin guest
Enter new password for user admin:
Confirm new password for user admin:
user delete name
【View Mode】
Configuration mode
name:User name will be delete
The command is used to delete a system account. The root account
can’t be deleted.
To delete an exist account named admin.
OLT(config)# user delete admin
user group name group
【View Mode】
Configuration mode
Name: The account need to change group.
6.1 user add
6.2 user delete
6.3 user group
group:The group for that account
The command is used to change the account to another group.
Change xxxxxx accout to admin group.
OLT(config)# user group XXXXX admin
user password name
【View Mode】
Configuration mode
Name: The accounat need to change password.
The command is used to change the account password
Change account admin password to admin
OLT(config)# user password admin
Enter new password for user admin:
Confirm new password for user admin:
show user
【View Mode】
Configuration mode
The command is used to show all account
OLT(config)# show user
User Group
port-list:The port number that you want to configure.
The command is used to shut down the specified port
Shut down the ge1 port
OLT(interface-ge)# shutdown 1
no shutdown port-list
【View Mode】
GE Mode, GPON Mode, XGE Mode
port-list: The port number that you want to configure.
The command is used to open the specified port
Enable the ge1 port
OLT(interface-ge)# no shutdown 1
show port state all
show port state port-id
【View Mode】
GE Mode, GPON Mode, XGE Mode
port-id:Specified port number
The command is used to show port information of the specified port.
Check the information of the OLT ge1
OLT(interface-ge)# show port state 1
ge1 information summary :
current port state : enable
current link state : DOWN
The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500
Link speed is autonegotiation(1000 MBps)
link duplex is autonegotiation(FULL)
Flow-control is supported
broadcasts stormcontrol 0(pps)
7.2 no shutdown
7.3 show port state
multicasts stormcontrol 0(pps)
unicasts stormcontrol 0(pps)
native-vlan is 300
Port link-type: Access
Tagged VLAN ID : none
Untagged VLAN ID :
statistics from last clean(maybe the statistics would overflow):
Input(total):0 bytes
Input:unicast 0, broadcasts 0, multicasts 0, errors 0
Output(total):0 bytes
Output:unicast 0, broadcasts 0, multicasts 0, errors 0
Check the all GE port
OLT(interface-ge)# show port state all
Port Optic Pvid Auto Speed Dup Flow Learn Enable Link Mtu
Status Nego /Mbps lex Ctrl
ge1 normal 100 enable 1000 full off enable enable on 1500
ge2 normal 1 enable 1000 full on enable enable off 1500
ge3 normal 1 enable 1000 full off enable enable on 1500
ge4 absence 1 enable 1000 full on enable enable off 1500
ge5 absence 1 enable 1000 full on enable enable off 1500
ge6 absence 1 enable 1000 full on enable enable off 1500
ge7 absence 1 enable 1000 full on enable enable off 1500
ge8 absence 1 enable 1000 full on enable enable off 1500
ge9 - 1 enable 1000 full on enable enable off 1500
ge10 - 1 enable 1000 full on enable enable off 1500
ge11 - 1 enable 1000 full on enable enable off 1500
ge12 - 1 enable 1000 full on enable enable off 1500
ge13 - 1 enable 1000 full on enable enable off 1500
ge14 - 1 enable 1000 full on enable enable off 1500
ge15 - 1 enable 1000 full on enable enable off 1500
ge16 - 1 enable 1000 full on enable enable off 1500