Topcon A3280 User Manual

Weather Station
Operation/Installation Manual
Part Number A3280
Rev. 1.2
© Copyright Topcon Precision Agriculture
March, 2008
All contents in this manual are copyrighted by Topcon. All rights
reserved. The information contained herein may not be used, accessed,
otherwise reproduced without express written consent from Topcon.
Weather Station Operation/Installation Manual
Table of Contents
Preface............................................................................ 1-1
Terms & Conditions .................................................................... 1-2
Manual Conventions ................................................................... 1-8
Chapter 2
Disclaimer ...................................................................... 2-1
Chapter 3
Introduction .................................................................... 3-1
Chapter 4
Using this Manual .......................................................... 4-1
Chapter 5
Unpacking the Box ........................................................ 5-1
Chapter 6
Installing the Weather Station Hardware ..................... 6-1
Choosing a Mounting Location .......................................................... 6-1
Mounting the Topcon Weather Station................................................ 6-2
Chapter 7
Installing the Weather Station Software ...................... 7-1
Installing the Weather Station Software with X20 Guidance version and earlier ............................................................................. 7-1
Upgrading .......................................................................................... 7-2
Changing Drive Letter ................................................................. 7-4
Chapter 8
Registering the Weather Station Software .................. 8-1
A3280 Rev 1.2
Weather Station Operation/Installation Manual
Chapter 9
Setting Up the Weather Station Software .................... 9-1
Enabling the Weather Station .............................................................. 9-2
Enabling the Weather Station Warnings .............................................. 9-2
Units ............................................................................................ 9-3
Setting the Weather Station Warning Alarm Points ..................... 9-3
Number Of Repeats and Repeat Time ......................................... 9-4
Setting the Number of Repeats ............................................. 9-4
Setting the Repeat Time ....................................................... 9-5
Chapter 10
Using the Weather Station Software .......................... 10-1
Enabling the Guidance Status Bar .................................................... 10-1
Moving Compass .............................................................................. 10-2
Wind Direction .......................................................................... 10-2
Recording the Weather Station Data ................................................. 10-2
Chapter 11
Operation of the Weather Station ...............................11-1
Wind Speed ........................................................................................11-1
Relative Humidity ..............................................................................11-2
Delta T ................................................................................................11-2
Temperature .......................................................................................11-2
Chapter 12
Troubleshooting .......................................................... 12-1
Weather Icon ..................................................................................... 12-2
Weather Station ................................................................................. 12-2
Wind Speed and Direction ................................................................ 12-3
Chapter 13
Maintenance ................................................................. 13-1
Weather Station Operation/Installation Manual
Chapter 14
Specications .............................................................. 14-1
Technical ........................................................................................... 14-1
Electrical ........................................................................................... 14-2
Mechanical ........................................................................................ 14-2
Environmental ................................................................................... 14-3
Chapter 15
Spare Parts List ........................................................... 15-1
A3280 Rev 1.2
Weather Station Operation/Installation Manual
Weather Station Operation/Installation Manual
This manual has been developed to provide you with information necessary to operate and maintain this Topcon Precision Agriculture (TPA) product. Proper service and use is important for the safe and reliable operation of the product. The sections provided in this manual include information necessary for the safe and correct operation, care,
and troubleshooting of this product. The benets this product provides can be greatly inuenced by your knowledge of the products described
in this manual.
Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully.
Terms and Conditions
APPLICATION - You accept these Terms and Conditions by purchasing the product from Topcon Precision Agriculture (TPA) or from one of TPA’s product dealers.
COPYRIGHT - All information contained in this manual is the intellectual property of, and copyrighted material of TPA. All rights are reserved. You may not use, access, copy, store, display, create derivative works of, sell, modify, publish, distribute, or al­low any third parties access to, any graphics, content, information or data in this manual without TPA’s express written consent and may only use such information for the care and operation of your product. The information and data in this manual are a valuable asset of TPA and are developed by the expenditure of
considerable work, time and money, and are the result or original
selection, coordination and arrangement by TPA.
A3280 Rev 1.2
Weather Station Operation/Installation Manual
TRADEMARKS – ZYNX, PROSTEER, EAGLE, KEE Tech­nologies, Topcon, Topcon Positioning Systems and Topcon Preci-
sion Agriculture are trademarks or registered trademarks of the
Topcon Group of companies. Microsoft and Windows are trade-
marks or registered trademarks in the United States and/or other
countries of Microsoft Corporation. Product and company names
mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
WEBSITE and OTHER STATEMENTS - No statement con­tained at the website of TPA or any other Topcon Group company or in any other advertisements or TPA literature or made by an
employee or independent contractor of TPA modies these Terms
and Conditions (Including the software licence, warranty and limitation of liability).
IMPORTANT: SAFETY - Improper use of the product can lead to death or injury to persons, damage to property and/or mal­function of the product. The product should only be repaired by authorized TPA service centres. You should closely review the safety warnings and directions as to the proper use of the product in this manual and at all times comply with the same.
Limited Warranty
ELECTRONIC and MECHANICAL COMPONENTS -TPA warrants that the electronic components manufactured by TPA
shall be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period
of one year from the original date of shipment to the dealer. TPA warrants that all valves, hoses, cables and mechanical parts manu­factured by TPA shall be free of defects in materials and work­manship for a period of 12 months from the date of sale.
RETURN and REPAIR - During the respective warranty peri­ods, any of the above items found defective may be shipped to TPA for repair. TPA will promptly repair the defective item at no
charge, and ship it back to you. You must pay the shipping and
Weather Station Operation/Installation Manual
handling charges in respect of the same. Calibration or compo-
nents, labour and travel expenses incurred for in-eld removal
and replacement of components are not covered in this warranty policy. Damage to components due to negligence, abuse or im-
proper use, maintenance, modication or repair is NOT covered
under this warranty. Warranty is parts only; no labor or travelling time will be covered.
WARRANTY DISCLAIMER - Other than for the above war­ranties or warranties in an appendix or a warranty card accompa­nying the product, this manual and the product are provided ‘as is’. There are no other warranties and to the extent allowed by law TPA excludes all implied terms, conditions and warranties in respect of the manual and the product (including any implied
warranty or merchantability or tness for any particular use or
LIABILITY LIMIT and INDEMNITY - TPA and its dealers, agents and representatives shall not be liable for technical or edi­torial errors or omissions contained herein or for special, indirect, economic, incidental or consequential damages resulting from the furnishing, performance or use of this material or the product (including where TPA has been advised of the possibility of such damage). Such disclaimed damages include but are not limited to
loss of time, loss or destruction of data, loss of prot, savings or
revenue or loss of or damage to the product. In addition, TPA is not responsible or liable for damages or costs incurred in con­nection with obtaining substitute products or software, claims by others, inconvenience, or any other costs.
In any event, TPA’s liability to you or any other person for any claim, loss or damage (in contract, tort or on any other basis) will be limited (in TPA’s option) to either (a) the replacement or repair of the product, or (b) payment of the cost of replacing or repair­ing the product. You indemnify and hold TPA harmless against any claim, action, damage, loss, liability or cost (including legal
fees) which TPA incurs arising from (a) your operation, use and/
A3280 Rev 1.2
Weather Station Operation/Installation Manual
or maintenance of the product other that in accordance with the terms set out in this manual, or (b) your negligence or wrongful act or omission in respect of the product.
These Terms and Conditions may be amended, modied, super­seded or cancelled, at any time by TPA. These Terms and Condi­tions will be governed by, and construed in accordance with:
- the laws of South Australia if the product is sold and supplied to you in Australia (in which case the courts of South Australia or the Federal Court of Australia (Adelaide Registry) have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any claim or dispute); or
- the laws of the State of California if the product is sold and sup­plied to you outside of Australia.
All information, illustrations, and applications contained herein are based on the latest available information at the time of pub-
lication. TPA reserves the right to make product changes at any
time without notice.
If any part of these Terms and Conditions would be unenforce­able, the provision must be read down to the extent necessary to avoid that result, and if the provision cannot be read down to that extent, it must be severed without affecting the validity and enforceability of the remainder of these Terms and Conditions.
Weather Station Operation/Installation Manual
Comments, suggestions, and questions about TPA products are welcomed. Contact your local TPA representative or a represent­ative at our corporate facility.
Topcon Precision Agriculture
14 Park Way Mawson Lakes, South Australia 5095.
Phone: +61 8 8203 3300 Fax: +61 8 8203 3399
Service Information
Service assistance can be provided by contacting your local TPA Authorised Dealer or by calling the Topcon Precision Agriculture Service Centre.
Phone: +61 8 8203 3300 Fax: +61 8 8203 3399
8.30am to 5pm (Adelaide Local Time), Monday through Friday.
A3280 Rev 1.2
Weather Station Operation/Installation Manual
Communications Regulation Information
FCC Compliance Statement (USA)
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class ‘A’ digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Op­eration of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harm­ful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at their own expense.
FCC Compliance Statement (Canada)
This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulation.
‘C’ Tick EMC Statement (Australia & New Zealand)
Certication No. N12317. This product meets the applicable require­ments of the Australia and New Zealand EMC Framework.
Radio & Television Interference
This computer equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio-fre­quency energy. If it is not installed and used correctly – that is, in strict accordance with TOPCON Precision Agriculture instructions – it may cause interference with radio communication.
You can determine whether your computer system is causing interfer­ence by turning it off. If the interference stops, it was probably caused by the computer or one of the peripheral electronic devices.
Weather Station Operation/Installation Manual
If your computer system does cause interference to a radio or other electronic device, try to correct the interference by using one or more of the following measures:
Turn the radio antenna until the interference stops.
Move the computer to either side of the radio or other
electronic device.
Move the computer farther away from the radio or other
electronic device.
Connect the computer to a different circuit to the radio or other
electronic device.
If necessary contact your nearest TOPCON Precision Agriculture dealer for assistance.
Important: Changes or modications to this product not authorized by
TOPCON Precision Agriculture could void the EMC compliance and negate your authority to operate the product.
This product was tested for EMC compliance under conditions that included the use of TOPCON Precision Agriculture peripheral devices & TOPCON Precision Agriculture shielded cables and connectors be­tween system components.
It is important that you use TOPCON Precision Agriculture peripheral devices between system components to reduce the possibility of caus­ing interference to radios and other electronic devices.
A3280 Rev 1.2
Weather Station Operation/Installation Manual
Manual Conventions
This Manual uses the following conventions:
File>Exit ~ Click/tap/press the File menu, then click/tap/press Exit.
Enter ~ Click/tap/press the button or key labelled Enter.
Supplementary information that can help you congure, maintain, or set up a system.
Supplementary information that can have an effect on system operation, system performance, measurements & personal safety.
Notication that an action has the potential to
adversely effect system operation, system performance, data integrity, or personal health.
Noticationthatanactionwill result in systems damage, loss of data, loss of warranty, or personal injury.
Weather Station Operation/Installation Manual
Please read this information carefully.
The weather measurements shown on the X20 console are being obtained in conditions that are not in accordance with the normal conditions required for true measurement of weather information, as the sensors in the Weather Station may be effected by outside
variables such as sunlight, its intensity, reective surfaces, dust
and pollutants such as diesel exhaust.
Weather measurements could differ from those taken in accordance to standard accepted methods of measuring weather data and should only be used as a guide. Humidity and the Delta T calculation should not be relied upon if used to meet
product specications.
If a true measurement is required this should be obtained by using
a calibrated scientic grade instrument, in accordance with the
instructions for that instrument.
A3280 Rev 1.2
Weather Station Operation/Installation Manual
Weather Station Operation/Installation Manual
Congratulations on your purchase of the Topcon Weather Station. It has been designed and built to the highest standards for years of reliable, dependable and accurate service.
The Topcon Weather Station is designed to operate within the harsh demands of the agricultural industry. However, no piece of electronic equipment can function properly unless installed and maintained in the correct manner. Please read carefully and follow these instructions for installation and usage of the Topcon Weather Station, in order to ensure optimal performance.
The Topcon Weather Station has the following features:
Ultrasonic Wind Sensor
Relative Humidity Sensor
Temperature Sensor
Waterproof Enclosure and Cable System
The Weather Station is connected to the X20 console’s CAN Bus Port.
The Weather Station information is displayed on the X20 Guidance screen and displays the status of the temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and Delta T on the Guidance Status Bar.
The wind direction is displayed on the compass watermark on the Guidance Coverage Map screen.
Audible alarms are also displayed on the X20 console, alerting the operator of any alarm conditions.
A3280 Rev 1.2
Weather Station Operation/Installation Manual
The Weather Station information is automatically saved with the
Guidance Coverage Map le.
The Weather Station information can be viewed and printed with GDX Viewer software on the X20 console or Desktop PC. The relative humidity, temperature, wind speed, wind direction, Delta T maps, for the eld covered can be viewed or printed individually using GDX Viewer. GDX Viewer can also print the weather data log with the
Coverage Map showing all the weather data points for the eld, the log
printout shows each weather data point showing the following information:
Weather Data Point number
Date and time of the weather point
GPS location
Wind speed
Wind direction
Relative Humidity
Delta T
Weather Station Operation/Installation Manual
Using this Manual
This manual is laid out as a simple to use, step-by-step guide to ensure a trouble free, successful installation.
Follow, complete and conrm each step before moving to the next.
Read and understand all the detail before making any connections.
For troubleshooting please refer to the information in Chapter 12.
This manual will take the operator through the following steps:
• Unpacking the box, see Chapter 5
• Installing the Weather Station hardware, see Chapter 6
• Installing the Weather Station software from the USB Thumb
drive, see Chapter 7
• Registering the Weather Station software, see Chapter 8
• Setting up the Weather Station software, see Chapter 9
• Using the Weather Station software, see Chapter 10
A3280 Rev 1.2
Weather Station Operation/Installation Manual
Weather Station Operation/Installation Manual
Unpacking the Box
Topcon Precision Agriculture supplies all the basic equipment to mount and operate the Topcon Weather Station onto most vehicles.
Contents of the Topcon Weather Station kit include the following:
A3280 Rev 1.2
Figure 5-1. Weather Station Kit
+ 47 hidden pages