Topcon 3D OCT-1 User Manual

3D OCT-1
39040 MANEX811
CAUTION : Federal laws restricts this device to the sale by or on the order of a physician.
Thank you for purchasing the TOPCON 3D OCT-1 Optical Coherence Tomography.


The user's manual is made so that the customer can refer to this manual when learning how to operate the 3D OCT-1 software and when using it. This manual does not describe how to take a picture and how to diagnose the photographed image. For the photographing method, refer to the description about "Capture" in the instruction manual that is attached to each hard­ware.
This manual is provided for the following products.
Objective products: 3D OCT-1, OCT Viewer
This manual includes the description about the functions that cannot be used in the OCT Viewer. These functions are explained as shown below.
Example: (This function cannot be used in OCT Viewer.)


This manual explains the details of the function and use method to make a good use of the 3D OCT-1 analysis software. Before using the software, carefully read this manual to ensure that you operate it efficiently and safely. Always keep this manual at hand to make a good use of it.


• Before using this software, carefully read this manual. Then, use the software according to "LICENSE TERMS" and this manual. Topcon Corporation owns the copyright of the soft­ware. Reproduction and copying of the software and/or the User's Manual, in whole or in part, without permission from Topcon Corporation, is strictly prohibited.
• The User's Manual is made on an assumption that the user already has knowledge about the operation system of the personal computer and Microsoft Windows. The User's Manual does not describe the details on how to handle common operation procedures of the per­sonal computer and Microsoft Windows. Topcon Corporation shall not take any responsibility for the results caused by wrongly oper­ating the personal computer and/or Microsoft Windows.
• The specifications of the software and description of the User's Manual are subject to change without advance notice.


INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1
Displays for Safe Use ........................................................................................................................... 6
SAFETY CAUTIONS ................................................................................................................................. 7
User maintenance ............................................................................................................................... 10
Environment for Operation .................................................................................................................. 10
INTENDED PATIENT POPULATION ................................................................................................. 11
INTENDED USER'S PROFILE ........................................................................................................... 11
ESCAPE CLAUSES ............................................................................................................................ 11
1. STARTING ......................................................................................................................................... 12
1.1. Starting and Exiting the 3D OCT-1 Program ............................................................................... 12
1.1.1. To Start the 3D OCT-2000 Program: ..........................................................................................12
1.1.2. To Exit the 3D OCT Program: .....................................................................................................12
1.1.3. Main Menu and Tool bar Icons ....................................................................................................13
1.1.4. Options Settings ..........................................................................................................................15
2. CAPTURING TOMOGRAMS ............................................................................................................. 22
2.1. Main Screen ................................................................................................................................ 23
2.2. Selecting the Patient ................................................................................................................... 24
2.2.1. To Register a New Patient: .........................................................................................................25
2.2.2. Selecting the photography mode ................................................................................................28
2.3. Photography Window .................................................................................................................. 29
2.3.1. Patient information bar ................................................................................................................ 30
2.3.2. Primary Tomogram Viewing Area: Window A .............................................................................31
2.3.3. Fundus/Anterior Segment Image Viewing Area: Window B ........................................................ 32
2.3.4. Thumbnail View Panel ................................................................................................................35
2.3.5. Scan Information Panel ...............................................................................................................35
2.4. Fundus Tomography Data Display ............................................................................................. 36
2.4.1. [Radial Scan] photography .......................................................................................................... 36
2.4.2. [Line] photography ......................................................................................................................36
2.4.3. [5Line Cross] photography ..........................................................................................................37
2.4.4. [3D Wide] photography ...............................................................................................................37
2.4.5. [3D Macula (V)] photography ...................................................................................................... 38
2.4.6. [3D Macula] photography ............................................................................................................38
2.4.7. [3D Optic Disc] photography .......................................................................................................39
2.5. Fundus Photography Data .......................................................................................................... 40
2.5.1. Title bar .......................................................................................................................................40
2.5.2. C-2 Tool bar ................................................................................................................................41
2.5.3. C-3 Photography procedure/Screen display tab .........................................................................42
2.5.4. C-4 Thumbnail window ................................................................................................................43
2.5.5. C-5 Fundus image display area ..................................................................................................44
2.5.6. C-6 Information window ..............................................................................................................49
2.5.7. C-7 Photography result display list .............................................................................................. 49
2.5.8. C-8 Status bar .............................................................................................................................50
2.5.9. Setting .........................................................................................................................................51
2.5.10. Printing ..................................................................................................................................... 56
2.6. Scan Pattern Specifications ........................................................................................................ 59
2.6.1. Line Scan ....................................................................................................................................59
2.6.2. 5 Line Cross Scan .......................................................................................................................59
2.6.3. 3D Scan ......................................................................................................................................60
2.6.4. Radial Scan .................................................................................................................................60
2.7. Saving and Deleting Captured Tomograms ................................................................................ 61
2.7.1. To Save a Tomogram ................................................................................................................. 61
2.7.2. To Delete a Tomogram: ..............................................................................................................61
2.8. Displaying Report of the Photographed Tomogram .................................................................... 62
2.8.1. Displaying and Printing the Report .............................................................................................. 62
3. DISPLAYING TOMOGRAMS ............................................................................................................. 64
3.1. Selection Mode Window ............................................................................................................. 64
3.1.1. Grid interface ............................................................................................................................... 65
3.1.2. Thumbnail Interface .................................................................................................................... 70
3.1.3. Date Interface ..............................................................................................................................71
3.2. Selecting and Retrieving the Patient ........................................................................................... 72
3.2.1. Selecting the patient ....................................................................................................................72
3.2.2. Retrieving the patient ..................................................................................................................72
3.3. Operating through Data List ........................................................................................................ 75
3.3.1. Contents on Data list ...................................................................................................................75
3.3.2. History data list screen ................................................................................................................76
3.3.3. Arranging Data Records ..............................................................................................................78
3.3.4. Comparing Data from the Data list ..............................................................................................78
3.3.5. Analyzing Data from the Data list ................................................................................................78
3.3.6. Making Reports from the Data list ............................................................................................... 79
3.4. View Window .............................................................................................................................. 80
3.4.1. A-1: Thumbnail area ....................................................................................................................81
3.4.2. A-2: Image Processing Controls area .........................................................................................81
3.4.3. A-3: Fundus/Anterior Segment Image Display Area ...................................................................83
3.4.4. A-4: Thickness Graph Area .........................................................................................................94
3.4.5. A-5: Tomogram display area/Auxiliary tomogram display area ...................................................95
3.4.6. A-6: 3D tomogram display area ................................................................................................ 104
3.5. Volume ...................................................................................................................................... 107
3.5.1. Cropping ....................................................................................................................................107
3.5.2. Subvolume ................................................................................................................................ 108
3.6. Slicing ....................................................................................................................................... 110
3.7. ILM/RPE/(IS/OS)/(BM) .............................................................................................................. 112
3.8. Bookmark and Right-click Menu ............................................................................................... 114
3.8.1. Bookmark ..................................................................................................................................114
3.8.2. Right-click Menu ........................................................................................................................115
3.9. Pin-point Registration™ ............................................................................................................ 117
3.9.1. Shadowgram .............................................................................................................................117
3.9.2. Automatic Positioning ................................................................................................................117
3.9.3. Manual Positioning .................................................................................................................... 117
3.9.4. Pin-point Registration™ ............................................................................................................ 118
3.9.5. Reference Image .......................................................................................................................119
3.10. Blood Vessel Detection ........................................................................................................... 123
3.10.1. How to use ..............................................................................................................................123
4. ANALYZING TOMOGRAMS ............................................................................................................ 125
4.1. Analyzing and Modifying Layers ............................................................................................... 125
4.2. Analyzing the Optic Disc ........................................................................................................... 128
4.3. Fundus Image Analysis ............................................................................................................. 137
4.3.1. How to analyze ..........................................................................................................................137
4.3.2. A variety of measurement .........................................................................................................138
4.3.3. Tool bar .....................................................................................................................................139
4.4. Red-free Fundus Image Analysis .............................................................................................. 140
4.4.1. How to analyze ..........................................................................................................................140
4.4.2. A variety of measurement .........................................................................................................141
4.4.3. Tool bar .....................................................................................................................................141
4.5. Trend Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 142
4.5.1. How to use this function ............................................................................................................142
4.5.2. Explanation of window ..............................................................................................................143
4.5.3. [Data Replacement] button ....................................................................................................... 146
4.5.4. Outputting/saving the report ......................................................................................................148
4.6. Glaucoma Analysis in the Macula ............................................................................................ 149
4.6.1. How to use this function ............................................................................................................149
4.6.2. Outputting/saving the report ......................................................................................................150
4.7. Drusen Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 152
4.7.1. How to use this function ............................................................................................................152
4.7.2. Explanation of Window ..............................................................................................................153
4.7.3. Outputting/saving the report ......................................................................................................155
5. COMPARING ANALYSIS RESULTS ............................................................................................... 156
5.1. Types of Comparison ................................................................................................................ 156
5.2. Both Eyes Display ..................................................................................................................... 156
5.2.1. Selection of both eyes from the OCT data list ........................................................................... 156
5.2.2. Changing one eye display to both eyes display ........................................................................157
5.3. Comparison ............................................................................................................................... 159
5.3.1. Comparison ...............................................................................................................................159
5.4. Comparison: Advanced ............................................................................................................. 160
5.4.1. Comparison ...............................................................................................................................160
5.5. Compare ALL ............................................................................................................................ 162
5.5.1. Comparison of the images with different scan modes ..............................................................162
5.6. 3D Mosaic Comparison Results (3D Mosaic) ........................................................................... 164
5.6.1. 3D Mosaic Comparison Results ................................................................................................164
5.7. Saving Analyzed Results .......................................................................................................... 166
6. OUTPUTTING RESULTS ................................................................................................................. 167
6.1. Making / Saving Movies ............................................................................................................ 168
6.1.1. Making Movies - Automatic .......................................................................................................169
6.1.2. Making Movies - Manual ...........................................................................................................170
6.2. Exporting Images ...................................................................................................................... 171
6.2.1. When "File save dialog box" is displayed in export ...................................................................171
6.2.2. When "File save dialog box" is not displayed in export .............................................................171
6.3. Printing Images ......................................................................................................................... 172
6.4. Making Reports ......................................................................................................................... 173
6.4.1. To make a Report .....................................................................................................................173
6.4.2. List of Report Output Form ........................................................................................................173
6.4.3. Patterns that invalidate the output buttons ................................................................................ 174
6.4.4. Example of report ...................................................................................................................... 174
7. MACRO FUNCTION ......................................................................................................................... 178
8. MANAGING DATA ........................................................................................................................... 180
8.1. Database Structure ................................................................................................................... 180
8.1.1. System Database ......................................................................................................................180
8.1.2. Study Drive ................................................................................................................................ 180
8.1.3. Changing Database ..................................................................................................................180
8.2. Editing/Deleting Patient Records .............................................................................................. 181
8.2.1. Editing Patient Information ........................................................................................................181
8.2.2. Copying Image Records ............................................................................................................182
8.2.3. Deleting Image Records ............................................................................................................182
8.3. Archive and Back Up ................................................................................................................ 184
8.3.1. Archiving Process .....................................................................................................................184
8.3.2. Copying Image Files ................................................................................................................. 185
8.4. Data Convert ............................................................................................................................. 187
8.4.1. Main menu ................................................................................................................................187
8.4.2. Reservation setting screen ........................................................................................................188
8.4.3. Scan length compensation ........................................................................................................190
9. TROUBLE SHOOTING .................................................................................................................... 191
9.1. Messages during Operation ...................................................................................................... 191
10. 3D OCT-1 PC SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS .............................................................................. 192
11. APPENDIX 1 .................................................................................................................................. 199
11.1. 3D OCT: Axial Length Compensation Range ......................................................................... 199
11.2. Changing/Adding Database .................................................................................................... 200
11.3. A VARIETY OF SETTING ....................................................................................................... 204

Displays for Safe Use

To encourage safe and proper use and to prevent harm to the operator and others or potential damage to property, important messages are put on the instrument body and inserted in the User Manual.
We suggest that everyone understand the meaning of the following displays, icons and text before read­ing this user manual and observe all listed instructions.
Display Meaning
Injury refers to cuts, bruises, burns, electric shock, etc. which do not require hospitaliza-
tion or extended medical treatment.
Physical damage refers to extensive damage to the building, nearby equipment and/or
surrounding furniture.
Icon Meaning
Incorrect handling by ignoring this display may lead to a risk of death or serious injury.
Incorrect handling by ignoring this display may lead to per­sonal injury or physical damage.
Prohibition Specific content is expressed with words or a picture near the icon.
Mandatory Action Specific content is expressed with words or a picture near the icon.
Caution Specific content is expressed with words or a picture near the icon.



Icon Prevention item Page

The necessary capacity of memory and hard disk are changed depending on the CPU in the personal computer or environment.
If the number of "Thread" in CPU is beyond 4, the processing may be delayed. Reduce the number of "Thread" to use this software.
When the object to be displayed is changed, start this software again. 18
When entering the patient ID through the 3D OCT-1, a bar code reader, a card reader, IMAGEnet, Multi-Viewer, etc., you must use only the alphabet, numerals and "-". Moreover, the following symbols cannot be used for the patient ID. " \ / : 'Space' * ? . <> | _ ! # $ % If you use a patient ID which does not meet the above conditions, the report cannot be output correctly from time to time.
When the photography data is displayed, "Normative Date" is displayed according to the patient's age at the photography date. However, it is limited as mentioned below.
• When the patient is under 19, "Normative Data" for the age of 20 is dis­played as reference.
• When the patient is over 81 years old, "Normative Data" for the age of 80 is displayed as reference.
When clicking the [Capture] button, sometimes the message "Ocular optical information value exceeded the compensated limitation. Default value shall apply." is displayed. In this case, access "Data Management" again. Click the [Edit patient infor­mation]" button and then the [Ocular Param.] button to correct "Ocular Parameters".
Sometimes the analysis function is not normally finished. In this case, the thumbnail is marked with "Fail".
For "B-2: Filter", the data of the image being displayed are used and so you cannot change the values of "Filter" directly.
The Measure Image function is based on the theoretical Gullstrand eye model. If the parameters of the actual patient's eye, such as the diopter or axial length, are different from the Gullstrand eye model, the measurement results may be different from the length and size in reality. The clinician will be solely responsible for the diagnoses and treatments based on the mea­surement results.
When modifying the data in optic disc analysis (refer to "4.2. Analyzing the Optic Disc" (P.132), the circle center is calculated again.
Icon Prevention item Page
When you have reanalyzed the data modified manually, the data modified manually are erased and the "Disc" calculated automatically by the analysis mode set in the "OCTSet Analysis" tab on P.219 is applied.
As the result of automatic positioning, the fundus image is sometimes deformed to the oval shape on the fundus image display area (A-3). This is the result of the positioning process and there is no problem.
After analysis, the images are automatically positioned. If sufficient data required for overlapping are not provided, automatic positioning may not be done correctly.
When you have changed to the original tomogram after changing to two or more tomograms on the screen, you cannot return the edited layers to the original status by "Undo Modify". After carrying out "Exit Modify", the edited layers are decided and cannot be returned to the original status. However, in both cases, the data are not saved. If you return to the patient list screen without saving the data, you can start the operation from the beginning.
You cannot perform "Modify" for the image photographed by "OverSam­pling". When the "OverSampling" image is selected, the "Modify" function is OFF. For the photography with "OverSampling", refer to the instruction manual of the 3D OCT-2000 instrument body.
In the automatic optic disc analysis, sometimes errors occur due to the pho­tographed condition as shown below. In this case, using the menu "Disc Modify" displayed when selecting "Disc Segmentation", you can modify the analysis result. Refer to "Disc Modify" on P.95 in addition to this page.
When RPE was not detected correctly (If the patients blinked, his/her fixa­tion moved during scan, the tomogram overlaps the top edge of the image area, or the image quality is low, this may occur), the analysis result may not be correct.
The result of registration is as follows: Double-click an optional point on the two tomogram display areas, the two fundus image display areas and the upper right "Compare Window". The green line with a cross mark appears. (Pin-point Registration™) Sometimes this green line with a cross mark appears out of the 3D scan area (green frame).
There are two probable causes.
• On the two fundus image display areas, the fundus image is not aligned with the "Overlay" image correctly.
• On "Compare Window", the two "Shadowgram" images are not aligned with each other correctly.
To obtain the correct results, check the alignment on the two fundus image display areas and on "Compare Window". If the images are not aligned cor­rectly, carry out "Reposition" and repeat Step
The insufficient memory error may occur when selecting ten tomograms depending on the environment.
2 and 3.
Icon Prevention item Page
After clicking [Run] in the "Register" menu, Thickness Map is not displayed from time to time. In this case, click [On/Off] in the "Thickness" menu.
To display Thickness Map, the same layers in the selected image as those in "Image 1" must be analyzed. If the different layer has been analyzed, click the layer detection display selector buttons properly (refer to "A-2: Image Processing Controls area" on P.83) and analyze the necessary layer. Then, try the operation again to display Thickness Map.
Make sure that no other windows or images are blocking or placed over the Volume window during the movie-saving/recording procedure.
When batch export of the data including "_" (underbar) is performed for the patient ID which was created by the old version software, sometimes the data cannot be output with the filename that was set through "OCTSet".
When the analysis has failed, it is probable that the instrument did not take a picture correctly. It is possible that the analysis will be successful if the instrument takes a picture again.
To prevent your software from being infected with a computer virus through the network:
• Please prepare an antivirus software. Please use the antivirus software applicable to your use environment.
• TOPCON has already checked this instrument's operation when Trend Micro Virus Buster Corporate Edition (Ver10.0 Service Pack 1) of Trend Micro Incorporated is used.

User maintenance

To ensure the safety and performance of this software, all maintenance works, unless specified in this manual, shall be conducted by trained service engineers. The following maintenance task may be done by the user. For details, refer to the relevant part of this manual.
• Archive and Back Up (Refer to P.197 in this manual.)

Environment for Operation

The necessary capacity of memory and hard disk are changed depend-
ing on the CPU in the personal computer or environment.
If the number of "Thread" in CPU is beyond 4, the processing may be delayed. Reduce the number of "Thread" to use this software.
To operate the 3D OCT software normally, you must log on OS (Operat­ing System) with Administrator's authority. If you log on OS with others except Administrator's authority, you may not save the photography data.

Item Operation spec. Recommended spec.

PC IBM PC/AT compatible machine
OS Windows 7 Professional 64bit
CPU Core2 DUO Core i7 (equivalent to 2600)
Clock 3GHz 3.4GHz
Core - 4
Hard disk At least 500GB (At least 7200RPM)
Drive (for installation/ backup of data)
Display SXGA (1280×1024) and 32-bit color WSXGA+ (1680×1050) and 32-bit color
Graphics board VRAM of 256MB with OpenGL capability VRAM of 512MB with OpenGL capability
Network card On-board LAN (to connect with LAN)
Expansion slot At least one free slot of PCI Express ×1
Database Microsoft SQL Server 2005
DVD-Multi drive
Expansion LAN card (applicable to PCI Express Gigabit: for connecting OCT)
(for increasing the network card)
(SP2 or higher)
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP1 or higher) Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
When using Express Edition, it does not operate correctly if the system manages an enormous amount of patients/photo­graphed data. In this case, please use Standard Edition, etc.
Item Operation spec. Recommended spec.
Browser It is necessary to install Internet Explorer
Version 8 (IE8) or Internet Explorer Version 9 (IE9). If any other browser is used, the report is not output correctly from time to time.
Others RAID control (to protect data)
The patient who undergoes an examination by this instrument must maintain concentration for a few minutes and adhere to the following instructions:
- Fix the face to the chinrest, forehead rest.
- Keep the eye open.
- Understand and follow instructions when undergoing an examination.
This software and 3D OCT-1 instrument are made on the assumption that they will be used by the doc­tors (ophthalmologists or others), optometrists and technicians who have the professional training and experience about an ophthalmic image device. The images and analysis results obtained by the instrument and software must be used for diagnosis made by ophthalmologists and optometrists.
TOPCON shall not take any responsibility for damage due to fire, earthquakes, actions by third
persons and other accidents, or damage due to negligence and misuse by the user and any use under unusual conditions.
TOPCON shall not take any responsibility for damage derived from the inability to properly use
this software, such as loss of business profit and/or suspension of business.
TOPCON shall not take any responsibility for damage caused from using this software in a
manner other than that described in this User Manual. In the case of software products, the license terms enclosed supersede any other understandings.
Diagnosis made shall be the responsibility of the pertaining doctors and TOPCON shall not
take any responsibility for the results of such diagnoses.
This software and 3D OCT-1 instrument are not made on the assumption that diagnosis will be
made by utilizing only the result that has been obtained by using this software.
3D OCT and IMAGEnet are the registered trademarks of TOPCON CORPORATION. * In general, other company names and product names in this manual are the trademarks or the regis-
tered trademarks of those companies.


Main screen

1.1. Starting and Exiting the 3D OCT-1 Program

1.1.1. To Start the 3D OCT-2000 Program:

1 Double-click the [3DOCT] icon on the desktop.
When you start 3D OCT and "Failed to check the license." is displayed, double-click the [3D OCT] icon to start it again. (If the above message is displayed on condition that the 3D OCT program is registered in "Startup" and you start it, delete the program from "Startup". Then, start the 3D OCT manually.)

1.1.2. To Exit the 3D OCT Program:

1 Click or .

1.1.3. Main Menu and Tool bar Icons

The 3D OCT-2000 program is organized into the following three categories: Capture, Analyze, and Data Management. The user can select the desired operation by clicking on the respective icon on the start screen.
Icons on the tool bar
Print Screen
Select Returns to the patient selection window.
Capture The user can perform photography and analysis.
Viewer The user can perform analysis.
Compare Displays the comparison screen.
Compare ALL
Trend Displays the "Trend Analysis" screen.
Output Prints the report or makes and saves movies.
When the image is changed, it is saved to the revised file.
Prints the displayed image with the connected printer.
The user can compare the images of different scan modes.
Tomogram layer Changes the layer in the tomogram.
Color set
Layer Displays and hides the layer in the tomogram.
Utility bar This is provided to use the added functions.
Close Closes Data Management subcategory.
Fundus Mode Shifts to the "Fundus grabber" screen.
OD / OU / OS Changes the OD/OU/OS screens to each other.
Displays the color adjustment window of the OCT image.
The user can manage data.
Allows the user to modify patient demographic information fields and to delete saved tomogram data.
Data Convert Shifts to the data conversion screen.
Close Closes Data Management subcategory.
Archives tomogram data into juke-box-like archive folders.

1.1.4. Options Settings

Display Tab
The user can make changes as desired to the following 3D OCT options.
1 From the Menu Bar, select Tool sOptions.
The Options dialog box displays.
On Display Tab, you can set the following items.
• Volume Scale For "Retina", you can select one of "1:1", "1:2", "1:3" and "1:4". "1:4" is initially set. For "Anterior", only "1:1" is usable.
• B-Scan Scale For "Retina", you can select one of "1:1", "1:2", "1:3" and "1:4". "1:2" is initially set. For "Anterior", only "1:1" is usable.
• Color Scale Setting Set the compensation value against the maximum and minimum values after normalizing the color scale. You can change this value by operating the color scale bar on the "View" screen. "0" is initially set for "Max Offset" and "Min Offset".
• Default Color Set the initial display color of the B-Scan tomogram. You can select one of "Color", "B/W" and "Reverse of B/W". "Color" is initially set.
• Circle Direction (only for fundus)
Volume Tab
Set the display direction of the "Circle" B-scan image. You can select one of "TSNIT" and "NSTIN". "TSNIT" is initially set.
On Volume Tab, you can set the following items.
• Cropping You can validate/invalidate "Advanced Cropping". As the initial status, "Advanced Cropping" is disabled.
• Background Color You can specify the background color in color mode. You can specify the background color in B/W mode.
On Thickness Tab, you can set the following items.
Thickness Tab
•Grid You can set color for "Grid Color" and "Text Color".
• Type of "Colormap" "Legacy" is initially set. You can select one of "Legacy", "T Style" and "Z Style" for fundus and one of "Legacy" and "T Style" for anterior segment. * "Anterior" cannot be used in 3D OCT-1.
• Layer Modification "Pointing Mode" is initially set. You can select one of "Pointing Mode" and "Drawing Mode".
• Thickness Preference Select "Retina", "RNFL" or the like in the panel. You can check the layer displayed in the selected place. The check marks are initially placed for the following two items.
• Show thickness layers only
Remove the check mark. Other layers are displayed in addition to the Thickness layer.
• Don't show layers on startup
Remove the check mark. When selecting data, the tomogram is displayed while the layer is displayed.
For the anterior segment data, the "Don't show layers on startup" check box, "Anterior" of "Color­map" and "Layer Modification" on Thickness tab are valid.
On Patient Tab, you can set the following item.
Patient Tab
• Target of Display The check mark is initially placed for "All patient".
• Number of Display You can set the maximum number of the patients to be displayed on the "Search Patient" panel. "1000" is initially set. Remove the check mark, and all the patients that meet the retrieval conditions are displayed.
• Patient list auto refresh Place a check mark for "Auto Refresh". Each time the specified seconds have passed, the patient list is updated in the same way as when pressing the list update button. As the initial status, a check mark is not placed for "Auto Refresh".
When the object to be displayed is changed, start this software again.
On Export Tab, you can set the following items.
Export Tab
•Action Specify the operation of "Export". (1) Save on DB: Registers the data to the set database of the IMAGEnet. (2) Export: Outputs the data as a file to the set folder path. (3) Save on DB & Export: Executes (1) and (2) at the same time. (4) Show file save dialog when exporting
• Images You can select the type of the image to be exported. The check marks are initially placed for all the items. Because report is not the object of batch export, only specifying the procedure name is needed.
Specifies whether the "Save" dialog box should be displayed or not in export. Only when (2) or (3) is selected, you can set this item.
• Procedure Names The name classified in IMAGEnet is displayed.
• Export File Type You can select the file type when exporting an image. You can select one of "JPEG", "BMP", "PNG" and "TIFF". "JPEG" is initially set.
• Report Export File Type You can select the file type when exporting a report. "JPEG" is initially set. You can select one of "JPEG" and "PDF".
For the file format for export with "Fundus Grabber", refer to "File type setting" on P.225.
• Trimming of Full Size Fundus image Set On/Off for trimming the full-size color fundus/red-free image. "ON" is initially set.
The form of filename is "Patient ID_Date_Time_Procedure name_R (right) or L (left)_Number.extension". The following table shows the forms of the patient ID, date, time, procedure name, right/left and number.
Example) 12345_20100203_152816_Color Retina_R_001.jpg 12345_20100203_152816_R_001.jpg (when the "Procedure name" place is blank)
Output information Contents 1 Patient ID The ID number of the patient is outputted. 2 Date This is outputted in the form of "yyyymmdd". 3 Time This is outputted in the form of "hhmmss". 4 Procedure name The procedure name is outputted. 5 Right/Left "R" for right eye, "L" for left eye or "N" when there is no informa-
tion is outputted.
6 Number The number is automatically incremented not to make two or
more image files having the same name and is outputted.
When you select "Flip (Original)" of "Exported JPEG image form", the original image taken by the camera is output. When you select "Normal", the archived image is output.
On Print tab, you can set the following items.
Print tab
• Report Layout When "Portrait" is selected, the data is printed vertically. When "Landscape" is selected, the data is printed horizontally. "Portrait" is initially set.
• Place a check mark for "Show Printer Dialog Box", and the dialog box is displayed when print­ing.
• Practitioner You can set a practitioner name that is output under "Comments" on the report.
• Technician You can set a technician name that is output on "Technician" on the report.
•Hospital You can set the name of facilities that is output under "Comments" on the report.
• Address You can set the address that is output under "signature" on the report.
• Phone You can set the telephone number that is output under "Date" on the report.

2 After selections are made, click .



If the installed software is the OCT Viewer, this function is not supported.
In case one of the components of the 3D OCT-1 system does not func-
Capturing images in 3D OCT-2000 software usually requires the following steps:

1 Preparing the patient. (For details, refer to the instruction manual for the instrument body.) 2 Entering patient information. In the case of a new patient, enter the patient information. 3 Pressing the photography button. 4 Select the scan mode in the instrument body.

tion properly, an error message may appear when the user attempts to start a capture session. Please contact Topcon support personnel if this occurs.

5 Capturing tomogram and fundus/anterior segment image

(For details, refer to the instruction manual for the instrument body.)

6 Receiving the captured data 7 Automatically saving and analyzing the tomogram and fundus/anterior segment image received

in Step

2.1. Main Screen

A-1: Register New Patient button
A-3: Patient Information panel
A-4: Patient Info button
A-6: Preview panel
A-7: Report list
A-2: Search Patient panel
A-5: Data list
1 From the "Main" screen, you can shift to the screens for patient registration, patient selection,
data selection, photography, "View" and data management.

ID Name Description A-1 Register New Patient button Register a new patient. A-2 Search Patient panel The patient list is displayed. A-3 Patient Information panel Displays the information of the selected patient. A-4 Patient Info button Displays the patient information. A-5 Data list Displays the photography image list of the selected patient. A-6 Preview panel Displays the thumbnail images and photography information

A-7 Report list Displays the report list of the selected patient.
for the image selected on the Data list.

2.2. Selecting the Patient

Patient selection window

Select the patient to be photographed. In the case of a new patient, click [Register New Patient]. The patient information registration dialog box is displayed. If the patient information already exists in database, select the patient from the Search Patient panel.

2.2.1. To Register a New Patient:

A-1 A-2 A-3 A-5
A-9 A-10 A-11 A-12
Patient information registration window
When entering the patient ID through the 3D OCT-1, a bar code reader, a card reader, IMAGEnet, Multi-Viewer, etc., you must use only the alphabet, numerals and "-". Moreover, the following symbols cannot be
used for the patient ID. " \ / : 'Space' * ? . <> | _ ! # $ % & If you use a patient ID which does not meet the above conditions, the report cannot be output correctly from time to time.
ID Function A-1 You can input the "em" characters up to 9 and "en" characters up to 19 for the patient ID.
A-2 You can input the "em" characters up to 11 and "en" characters up to 23 for the patient last
A-3 You can input the "em" characters up to 11 and "en" characters up to 23 for the middle name
A-4 Input [mm-dd-yyyy] to "Birth Date" with the numerals of "en". Example: 09-07-2009
A-5 Select "Male" or "Female". You can change this to one of the requisite input items by using the
This is one of the requirements.
name. You can change this to one of the requisite input items by using the option function.
and first name.
You can change this to one of the requisite input items by using the option function. You cannot set the year before "1900" as "Birth Date".
option function.
ID Function A-6 Select from the combo box of "Ethnic Group".
items by using the option function. A-7 You can input the "em" characters up to 7 and "en" characters up to 15 for each of "#1" to "#4". A-8 You can input the "em" characters up to 7 and "en" characters up to 15 for each of "#1" to "#4". A-9 You can input the "em" characters up to 7 and "en" characters up to 15 for "Chart No.". A-10 The registration date is inputted here. You can input "Entry Date" with the "en" characters. A-11 You can input the "em" characters up to 9 and "en" characters up to 19 for "Entry Class". A-12 You can input the "em" characters up to 9 and "en" characters up to 19 for "Occupation". A-13 You can input the "em" characters up to 9 and "en" characters up to 19 for each of "#1" to "#3". A-14 You can input the "em" characters up to 31 and "en" characters up to 63 for "Comment". A-15 You can input [Ocular Parameters.].
You can change this to one of the requisite input
1 Enter the patient information in the dialog box, as desired.
Be sure to input the ID.
2 You can enter the eyeball refraction data to [Ocular Parameters.].
Using the information entered to "Ocular Parameters", calculate the magnification to per­form the following compensation. Circle Scan Diameter Correction
• Compensation of circle diameter when photographing (only for "Circle" scan) Trimming Circle from 3D Data
• Compensation of circle diameter when trimming a circle from 3D data (The data when photographing is used for the eyeball refraction data.)
If this compensation magnification exceeds the allowable range "0.8 - 1.2 times", the mes­sage "Ocular optical information value exceeded the compensated limitation. Default value shall apply." is displayed. In this case, do not perform the compensation but proceed to the next processing.
Refer to "3D OCT: Axial Length Compensation Range" on P.212 for the compensation range of "Axial Length" and "Spherical Power" on "Ocular Parameters".
3 To add additional patient information, click More... .
4 Click [Register].
Be sure to enter the ID. Enter other information of the patient according to the need.
When the patient ID does not fill in all the blanks of the specified digits, the blank digit is automatically filled with "0". You can set On/Off of this function on the "Option" screen of "OCTset". To access the "Option" screen, select [Start] [all programs] [TOPCON] [3D OCT] [OCTset] and start "OCT-Configurtion". Then, set On/Off as mentioned above.
When the photography data is displayed, "Normative Data" is displayed according to the patient's age at the photography date. However, it is limited as mentioned below.
• When the patient is under 19, "Normative Data" for the age of 20 is displayed as reference.
• When the patient is over 81 years old, "Normative Data" for the age of 80 is displayed as reference.

2.2.2. Selecting the photography mode

Patient selection window
After registering the patient information, the patient is added to the Search Patient panel. Select the added patient. If the patient information already exists in database, select the patient from the Search Patient panel. Then, click the Capture button.
You can also select the photography mode on the touch panel of the instrument body's monitor.
When clicking the [Capture] button, sometimes the message "Ocular optical information value exceeded the compensated limitation. Default
value shall apply." is displayed. In this case, access "Data Management" again. Click the [Edit patient information]" button and then the [Ocular Param.] button to correct "Ocular Parameters".
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