The TPSM84824, TPSM84624, and TPSM84424 evaluation module (EVM) is designed as an easy-to-use
platform that facilitates an extensive evaluation of the features and performance of the TPSM84x24 power
module. This guide provides information on the correct usage of the EVM and an explanation of the
numerous test points on the board.
This EVM features the TPSM84824/624/424 synchronous buck power module configured for operation
with a 4.5-V to 17-V input voltage range. The output voltage can be set to one of six popular values by
using a configuration jumper. Similarly, the switching frequency can be set to one of six values with a
jumper. Additionally, the RTT resistor value, which selects the TurboTrans feature for improved transient
response, is also selectable using a jumper. The full output current rating of the device can be supplied by
the EVM. Input and output capacitors are included on the board to accommodate the entire range of input
and output voltages. Monitoring test points are provided to allow measurement of efficiency, power
dissipation, input ripple, output ripple, line and load regulation, and transient response. Control test points
and component footprints are provided for use of the ENABLE, PGOOD, and CLK features of the device.
The EVM uses a recommended PCB layout that maximizes thermal performance and minimizes output
ripple and noise.
2Getting Started
Figure 1 highlights the user interface items associated with the EVM. The VIN Power terminal block (J1) is
used for connection to the host input supply and the VOUT Power terminal block (J2) is used for
connection to the load. These terminal blocks can accept up to 16-AWG wire.
Figure 1. EVM User Interface
The S+ and S- test points for both VIN and VOUT, located near the power terminal blocks are intended to
be used as voltage monitoring points where voltmeters can be connected to measure VIN and VOUT. Do
not use these S+ and S- monitoring test points as the input supply or output load connection
points. The PCB traces connecting to these test points are not designed to support high currents.
The VIN Scope (J3) and VOUT Scope (J4) test points can be used to monitor VIN and VOUT waveforms
with an oscilloscope. These test points are intended for use with un-hooded scope probes outfitted with a
low-inductance ground lead (ground spring) mounted to the scope probe barrel. The two sockets of each
test point are on 0.1 inch centers. The scope probe tip should be inserted into the socket marked with a
white dot, and the scope ground lead should be inserted into the other socket.
The control test points located to the left of the device are made available to test the features of the
device. The UVLO feature can be adjusted by changing resistors R24 and R25 on the bottom of the
board. An external voltage can be applied to the PULL_UP test point for the PGOOD signal. Refer to the
Test Points Descriptions section of this guide for more information on the individual control test points.
The Fsw SELECT jumper (P1), the VOUT SELECT jumper (P2) and the RTT SELECT jumper (P3) are
provided for selecting the desired output voltage, the appropriate switching frequency and the appropriate
TurboTrans resistor value. Before applying power to the EVM, ensure that the jumpers are present and
properly positioned for the intended output voltage, switching frequency, and TurboTrans resistor value.
Refer to Table 1 for the recommended jumper settings. Always remove input power before changing the
jumper settings.
Table 1. Output Voltage and Switching Frequency Jumper Settings
VOUT SelectFsw SelectRTT Select
1 V350 kHz2 kΩ
1.2 V450 kHz3 kΩ
1.8 V600 kHz6 kΩ
3.3 V1000 kHz11 kΩ
5 V1250 kHz18 kΩ
7.5 V1350 kHz28 kΩ
3Test Point Descriptions
Wire-loop test points and two scope probe test points have been provided as convenient connection
points for digital voltmeters (DVM) or oscilloscope probes to aid in the evaluation of the device. A
description of each test point follows:
Test Point Descriptions
Table 2. Test Point Descriptions
VIN S+Input voltage monitor. Connect the positive lead of a DVM to this point for measuring efficiency.
VIN S–Input voltage monitor. Connect the negative lead of a DVM to this point for measuring efficiency.
VOUT S+Output voltage monitor. Connect the positive lead of a DVM to this point for measuring efficiency, line
VOUT S–Output voltage monitor. Connect the negative lead of a DVM to this point for measuring efficiency, line
AGNDAnalog ground test point.
PGNDPower ground test point.
VIN Scope (J3)Input voltage scope monitor. Connect an oscilloscope to this set of points to measure input ripple voltage.
VOUT Scope (J4)Output voltage scope monitor. Connect an oscilloscope to this set of points to measure output ripple
ENABLEEnable test point. Connect this test point to AGND to disable the device. Leave this test point open to
PGOODMonitors the power good signal of the device. This is an open drain signal.
PULL_UPTest point provided for applying a pull-up voltage for the PGOOD signal. A 100-kΩ pull-up resistor (R26) is
CLKSynchronization clock input test point. An AC coupling capacitor (C13) is present on the EVM between this
Refer to the product datasheet for absolute maximum ratings associated with above features.
regulation, and load regulation.
regulation, and load regulation.
voltage and transient response.
enable the device.The UVLO resistor divider (R24 and R25) is connected at this point.
present on the EVM between this test point and the PGOOD signal.
test point and the SYNC pin of the device. Pads for a termination resistor (R27) are present between this
test point and PGND. An external clock signal can be applied to this point to synchronize the device to an
appropriate frequency.