TMS320DM644x DMSoC
Multimedia Card (MMC)/Secure Digital (SD)
Card Controller
User's Guide
Literature Number: SPRUE30B
September 2006

2 SPRUE30B – September 2006
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Preface ............................................................................................................................... 7
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 9
1.1 Purpose of the Peripheral ....................................................................................... 9
1.2 Features ........................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Functional Block Diagram ....................................................................................... 9
1.4 Supported Use Case Statement .............................................................................. 10
1.5 Industry Standard(s) Compliance Statement ............................................................... 10
2 Peripheral Architecture .............................................................................................. 10
2.1 Clock Control .................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Signal Descriptions ............................................................................................. 13
2.3 Protocol Descriptions........................................................................................... 13
2.4 Data Flow in the Input/Output FIFO .......................................................................... 15
2.5 Data Flow in the Data Registers (MMCDRR and MMCDXR) ............................................. 17
2.6 FIFO Operation During Card Read Operation .............................................................. 19
2.7 FIFO Operation During Card Write Operation .............................................................. 21
2.8 Reset Considerations .......................................................................................... 23
2.9 Initialization ...................................................................................................... 23
2.10 Interrupt Support ................................................................................................ 27
2.11 DMA Event Support ............................................................................................ 28
2.12 Power Management ............................................................................................ 28
2.13 Emulation Considerations ..................................................................................... 28
3 Procedures for Common Operations ........................................................................... 29
3.1 Card Identification Operation .................................................................................. 29
3.2 MMC/SD Mode Single-Block Write Operation Using CPU ................................................ 32
3.3 MMC/SD Mode Single-Block Write Operation Using the EDMA ......................................... 34
3.4 MMC/SD Mode Single-Block Read Operation Using the CPU ........................................... 34
3.5 MMC/SD Mode Single-Block Read Operation Using EDMA .............................................. 35
3.6 MMC/SD Mode Multiple-Block Write Operation Using CPU .............................................. 36
3.7 MMC/SD Mode Multiple-Block Write Operation Using EDMA ............................................ 38
3.8 MMC/SD Mode Multiple-Block Read Operation Using CPU .............................................. 38
3.9 MMC/SD Mode Multiple-Block Read Operation Using EDMA ............................................ 39
4 Registers .................................................................................................................. 40
4.1 MMC Control Register (MMCCTL) ........................................................................... 41
4.2 MMC Memory Clock Control Register (MMCCLK) ......................................................... 42
4.3 MMC Status Register 0 (MMCST0) .......................................................................... 43
4.4 MMC Status Register 1 (MMCST1) .......................................................................... 45
4.5 MMC Interrupt Mask Register (MMCIM) ..................................................................... 46
4.6 MMC Response Time-Out Register (MMCTOR) ........................................................... 47
4.7 MMC Data Read Time-Out Register (MMCTOD) .......................................................... 48
4.8 MMC Block Length Register (MMCBLEN) .................................................................. 49
4.9 MMC Number of Blocks Register (MMCNBLK) ............................................................ 50
4.10 MMC Number of Blocks Counter Register (MMCNBLC) .................................................. 50
4.11 MMC Data Receive Register (MMCDRR) ................................................................... 51
4.12 MMC Data Transmit Register (MMCDXR) .................................................................. 51
SPRUE30B – September 2006 Table of Contents 3
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4.13 MMC Command Register (MMCCMD) ...................................................................... 52
4.14 MMC Argument Register (MMCARGHL) .................................................................... 54
4.15 MMC Response Registers (MMCRSP0-MMCRSP7) ...................................................... 55
4.16 MMC Data Response Register (MMCDRSP) ............................................................... 57
4.17 MMC Command Index Register (MMCCIDX) ............................................................... 57
4.18 MMC FIFO Control Register (MMCFIFOCTL) .............................................................. 58
Appendix A Revision History ............................................................................................. 59
4 Contents SPRUE30B – September 2006
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List of Figures
1 MMC/SD Card Controller Block Diagram ............................................................................... 10
2 MMC/SD Controller Interface Diagram .................................................................................. 11
3 MMC Configuration and SD Configuration Diagram ................................................................... 11
4 MMC/SD Controller Clocking Diagram .................................................................................. 12
5 MMC/SD Mode Write Sequence Timing Diagram ..................................................................... 14
6 MMC/SD Mode Read Sequence Timing Diagram ..................................................................... 15
7 FIFO Operation Diagram .................................................................................................. 16
8 Little-Endian Access to MMCDXR/MMCDRR from the ARM CPU or the EDMA .................................. 17
9 Big-Endian Access to MMCDXR/MMCDRR from the ARM CPU or the EDMA .................................... 18
10 FIFO Operation During Card Read Diagram ........................................................................... 20
11 FIFO Operation During Card Write Diagram ........................................................................... 22
12 MMC Card Identification Procedure ..................................................................................... 30
13 SD Card Identification Procedure ........................................................................................ 31
14 MMC/SD Mode Single-Block Write Operation .......................................................................... 33
15 MMC/SD Mode Single-Block Read Operation .......................................................................... 35
16 MMC/SD Multiple-Block Write Operation ............................................................................... 37
17 MMC/SD Mode Multiple-Block Read Operation ........................................................................ 39
18 MMC Control Register (MMCCTL) ....................................................................................... 41
19 MMC Memory Clock Control Register (MMCCLK) ..................................................................... 42
20 MMC Status Register 0 (MMCST0) ...................................................................................... 43
21 MMC Status Register 1 (MMCST1) ...................................................................................... 45
22 MMC Interrupt Mask Register (MMCIM) ................................................................................ 46
23 MMC Response Time-Out Register (MMCTOR) ....................................................................... 47
24 MMC Data Read Time-Out Register (MMCTOD) ...................................................................... 48
25 MMC Block Length Register (MMCBLEN) .............................................................................. 49
26 MMC Number of Blocks Register (MMCNBLK) ........................................................................ 50
27 MMC Number of Blocks Counter Register (MMCNBLC) .............................................................. 50
28 MMC Data Receive Register (MMCDRR)............................................................................... 51
29 MMC Data Transmit Register (MMCDXR) .............................................................................. 51
30 MMC Command Register (MMCCMD) .................................................................................. 52
31 Command Format .......................................................................................................... 53
32 MMC Argument Register (MMCARGHL) ................................................................................ 54
33 MMC Response Register 0 and 1 (MMCRSP01) ...................................................................... 55
34 MMC Response Register 2 and 3 (MMCRSP23) ...................................................................... 55
35 MMC Response Register 4 and 5 (MMCRSP45) ...................................................................... 55
36 MMC Response Register 6 and 7 (MMCRSP67) ...................................................................... 55
37 MMC Data Response Register (MMCDRSP) .......................................................................... 57
38 MMC Command Index Register (MMCCIDX) .......................................................................... 57
39 MMC FIFO Control Register (MMCFIFOCTL) .......................................................................... 58
SPRUE30B – September 2006 List of Figures 5
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List of Tables
1 MMC/SD Controller Pins Used in Each Mode .......................................................................... 13
2 MMC/SD Mode Write Sequence ......................................................................................... 14
3 MMC/SD Mode Read Sequence ......................................................................................... 15
4 Description of MMC/SD Interrupt Requests ............................................................................ 27
5 Multimedia Card/Secure Digital (MMC/SD) Card Controller Registers .............................................. 40
6 MMC Control Register (MMCCTL) Field Descriptions................................................................. 41
7 MMC Memory Clock Control Register (MMCCLK) Field Descriptions .............................................. 42
8 MMC Status Register 0 (MMCST0) Field Descriptions ............................................................... 43
9 MMC Status Register 1 (MMCST1) Field Descriptions ............................................................... 45
10 MMC Interrupt Mask Register (MMCIM) Field Descriptions .......................................................... 46
11 MMC Response Time-Out Register (MMCTOR) Field Descriptions ................................................ 47
12 MMC Data Read Time-Out Register (MMCTOD) Field Descriptions ................................................ 48
13 MMC Block Length Register (MMCBLEN) Field Descriptions ........................................................ 49
14 MMC Number of Blocks Register (MMCNBLK) Field Descriptions .................................................. 50
15 MMC Number of Blocks Counter Register (MMCNBLC) Field Descriptions ....................................... 50
16 MMC Data Receive Register (MMCDRR) Field Descriptions ........................................................ 51
17 MMC Data Transmit Register (MMCDXR) Field Descriptions ........................................................ 51
18 MMC Command Register (MMCCMD) Field Descriptions ............................................................ 52
19 Command Format .......................................................................................................... 53
20 MMC Argument Register (MMCARGHL) Field Descriptions ......................................................... 54
21 R1, R3, R4, R5, or R6 Response (48 Bits) ............................................................................. 56
22 R2 Response (136 Bits) ................................................................................................... 56
23 MMC Data Response Register (MMCDRSP) Field Descriptions .................................................... 57
24 MMC Command Index Register (MMCCIDX) Field Descriptions .................................................... 57
25 MMC FIFO Control Register (MMCFIFOCTL) Field Descriptions ................................................... 58
A-1 Document Revision History ............................................................................................... 59
6 List of Tables SPRUE30B – September 2006
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About This Manual
Notational Conventions
SPRUE30B – September 2006
Read This First
This manual describes the multimedia card (MMC)/secure digital (SD) card controller in the
TMS320DM644x Digital Media System-on-Chip (DMSoC). The MMC/SD card is used in a number of
applications to provide removable data storage. The MMC/SD controller provides an interface to external
MMC and SD cards. The MMC/SD protocol performs the communication between the MMC/SD controller
and MMC/SD card(s).
This document uses the following conventions.
• Hexadecimal numbers are shown with the suffix h. For example, the following number is 40
hexadecimal (decimal 64): 40h.
• Registers in this document are shown in figures and described in tables.
– Each register figure shows a rectangle divided into fields that represent the fields of the register.
Each field is labeled with its bit name, its beginning and ending bit numbers above, and its
read/write properties below. A legend explains the notation used for the properties.
– Reserved bits in a register figure designate a bit that is used for future device expansion.
Related Documentation From Texas Instruments
The following documents describe the TMS320DM644x Digital Media System-on-Chip (DMSoC). Copies
of these documents are available on the Internet at www.ti.com . Tip: Enter the literature number in the
search box provided at www.ti.com.
The current documentation that describes the DM644x DMSoC, related peripherals, and other technical
collateral, is available in the C6000 DSP product folder at: www.ti.com/c6000 .
SPRUE14 — TMS320DM644x DMSoC ARM Subsystem Reference Guide. Describes the ARM
subsytem in the TMS320DM644x Digital Media System-on-Chip (DMSoC). The ARM subsystem is
designed to give the ARM926EJ-S (ARM9) master control of the device. In general, the ARM is
responsible for configuration and control of the device; including the DSP subsystem, the video
processing subsystem, and a majority of the peripherals and external memories.
SPRUE15 — TMS320DM644x DMSoC DSP Subsystem Reference Guide. Describes the digital signal
processor (DSP) subsystem in the TMS320DM644x Digital Media System-on-Chip (DMSoC).
SPRUE19 — TMS320DM644x DMSoC Peripherals Overview Reference Guide. Provides an overview
and briefly describes the peripherals available on the TMS320DM644x Digital Media
System-on-Chip (DMSoC).
SPRAA84 — TMS320C64x to TMS320C64x+ CPU Migration Guide. Describes migrating from the
Texas Instruments TMS320C64x digital signal processor (DSP) to the TMS320C64x+ DSP. The
objective of this document is to indicate differences between the two cores. Functionality in the
devices that is identical is not included.
SPRU732 — TMS320C64x/C64x+ DSP CPU and Instruction Set Reference Guide. Describes the CPU
architecture, pipeline, instruction set, and interrupts for the TMS320C64x and TMS320C64x+ digital
signal processors (DSPs) of the TMS320C6000 DSP family. The C64x/C64x+ DSP generation
comprises fixed-point devices in the C6000 DSP platform. The C64x+ DSP is an enhancement of
the C64x DSP with added functionality and an expanded instruction set.
SPRUE30B – September 2006 Preface 7
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Related Documentation From Texas Instruments
SPRU871 — TMS320C64x+ DSP Megamodule Reference Guide. Describes the TMS320C64x+ digital
signal processor (DSP) megamodule. Included is a discussion on the internal direct memory access
(IDMA) controller, the interrupt controller, the power-down controller, memory protection, bandwidth
management, and the memory and cache.
SPRAAA6 — EDMA v3.0 (EDMA3) Migration Guide for TMS320DM644x DMSoC. Describes migrating
from the Texas Instruments TMS320C64x digital signal processor (DSP) enhanced direct memory
access (EDMA2) to the TMS320DM644x Digital Media System-on-Chip (DMSoC) EDMA3. This
document summarizes the key differences between the EDMA3 and the EDMA2 and provides
guidance for migrating from EDMA2 to EDMA3.
SD is a trademark of SanDisk.
8 Read This First SPRUE30B – September 2006
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1 Introduction
This document describes the multimedia card (MMC)/secure digital (SD) card controller in the
TMS320DM644x Digital Media System-on-Chip (DMSoC).
1.1 Purpose of the Peripheral
A number of applications use the multimedia card (MMC)/secure digital (SD) card to provide removable
data storage. The MMC/SD card controller provides an interface to external MMC and SD cards. The
communication between the MMC/SD card controller and MMC/SD card(s) is performed according to the
MMC/SD protocol.
1.2 Features
The MMC/SD card controller has the following features:
• Supports interface to multimedia cards (MMC)
• Supports interface to secure digital (SD) memory cards
• Ability to use the MMC/SD protocol
• Programmable frequency of the clock that controls the timing of transfers between the MMC/SD
controller and memory card
• 256-bit read/write FIFO to lower system overhead
• Signaling to support enhanced direct memory access (EDMA) transfers (slave)
• 20 MHz maximum clock to MMC (specification 3.31)
• 50 MHz maximum clock to SD (specification version 1.1)
User's Guide
SPRUE30B – September 2006
Multimedia Card (MMC)/Secure Digital (SD) Card
1.3 Functional Block Diagram
The MMC/SD card controller transfers data between the ARM and the EDMA controller on one side and
the MMC/SD card on the other side, as shown in Figure 1 . This means you have a choice of performing
data transfers using the CPU or EDMA as a mechanism to move data between the device memory and
the FIFO. The ARM and the EDMA controller can read from or write to the data in the card by accessing
the registers in the MMC/SD controller.
SPRUE30B – September 2006 Multimedia Card (MMC)/Secure Digital (SD) Card Controller 9
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DMA requests
Peripheral Architecture
1.4 Supported Use Case Statement
The MMC/SD card controller supports the following user cases:
• MMC/SD card identification
• MMC/SD single-block read using CPU
• MMC/SD single-block read using EDMA
• MMC/SD single-block write using CPU
• MMC/SD single-block write using EDMA
• MMC/SD multiple-block read using CPU
• MMC/SD multiple-block read using EDMA
• MMC/SD multiple-block write using CPU
• MMC/SD multiple-block write using EDMA
Figure 1. MMC/SD Card Controller Block Diagram
1.5 Industry Standard(s) Compliance Statement
The MMC/SD card controller supports the following industry standards (with the exception noted below):
• MMC (Multimedia Card) Specification V3.31
• SD (Secure Digital) Physical Layer Specification V1.1
The information in this document assumes that you are familiar with these standards.
The MMC/SD controller does not support the SPI mode of operation.
2 Peripheral Architecture
The MMC/SD controller uses the MMC/SD protocol to communicate with the MMC/SD cards. You can
configure the MMC/SD controller to work as an MMC or SD controller, based on the type of card the
controller is communicating with. Figure 2 summarizes the MMC/SD mode interface. Figure 3 illustrates
how the controller interfaces to the cards in MMC/SD mode.
In the MMC/SD mode, the MMC controller supports one or more MMC/SD cards. Regardless of the
number of cards connected, the MMC/SD controller selects one by using identification broadcast on the
data line. The following MMC/SD controller pins are used:
• CMD: This pin is used for two-way communication between the connected card and the MMC/SD
controller. The MMC/SD controller transmits commands to the card and the memory card drives
responses to the commands on this pin.
• DAT0 or DAT0-3: MMC cards only use one data line (DAT0) and SD cards use one or four data lines.
The number of DAT pins (the data bus width) is set by the WIDTH bit in the MMC control register
(MMCCTL), see Section 4.1 ).
• CLK: This pin provides the clock to the memory card from the MMC/SD controller.
10 Multimedia Card (MMC)/Secure Digital (SD) Card Controller SPRUE30B – September 2006
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Native packets
DAT0 or DAT0−3
MMCs or SD cards
MMC/SD controller MMC and SD (1−bit mode)
MMC/SD configuration
MMC/SD controller
SD card (4−bit mode)
SD configuration
Figure 2. MMC/SD Controller Interface Diagram
Peripheral Architecture
Figure 3. MMC Configuration and SD Configuration Diagram
SPRUE30B – September 2006 Multimedia Card (MMC)/Secure Digital (SD) Card Controller 11
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Function clock for
MMC/SD controller
MMC/SD controller
input clock
Memory clock
on CLK pin
Peripheral Architecture
2.1 Clock Control
There are two clocks, the function clock and the memory clock, in the MMC/SD controller (Figure 4 ).
The function clock determines the operational frequency of the MMC/SD controller and is the input clock
to the MMC/SD card(s). The MMC/SD controller is capable of operating with a function clock up to
100 MHz.
The memory clock appears on the SD_CLK pin of the MMC/SD controller interface. The memory clock
controls the timing of communication between the MMC/SD controller and the connected memory card.
The memory clock is generated by dividing the function clock in the MMC/SD controller. The divide-down
value is set by CLKRT bits in the MMC memory clock control register (MMCCLK) and is determined by the
following equation:
memory clock frequency = function clock frequency/(2 × (CLKRT + 1))
Figure 4. MMC/SD Controller Clocking Diagram
(1) Maximum memory clock frequency in MMC card can be 20 MHz.
(2) Maximum memory clock frequency in SD card can be 50 MHz.
Multimedia Card (MMC)/Secure Digital (SD) Card Controller12 SPRUE30B – September 2006
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2.2 Signal Descriptions
2.3 Protocol Descriptions
Peripheral Architecture
Table 1 shows the MMC/SD controller pins that each mode uses. The MMC/SD protocol uses the clock,
command (two-way communication between the MMC controller and memory card), and data (DAT0 for
MMC card, DAT0-3 for SD card) pins.
Table 1. MMC/SD Controller Pins Used in Each Mode
Pin Type
CLK O Clock line Clock line
CMD I/O Command line Command line
DAT0 I/O Data line 0 Data line 0
DAT1 I/O (Not used) Data line 1
DAT2 I/O (Not used) Data line 2
DAT3 I/O (Not used) Data line 3
I = input to the MMC controller; O = output from the MMC controller.
MMC and SD (1-bit mode) SD (4-bit mode)
Communications Communications
The MMC/SD controller follows the MMC/SD protocol for completing any kind of transaction with the
multimedia card and secure digital cards. For more detailed information, refer to the supported MMC and
SD specifications in Section 1.5 .
2.3.1 MMC/SD Mode Write Sequence
Figure 5 and Table 2 show the signal activity when the MMC/SD controller is in the MMC/SD mode and is
writing data to a memory card. The same block length must be defined in the MMC/SD controller and in
the memory card before initiating a data write. In a successful write protocol sequence, the following steps
• The MMC/SD controller requests the CSD content.
• The card receives the command and sends the content of the CSD register as its response.
• If the desired block length, WRITE_BL_LEN value, is different from the default value determined from
the response, the MMC/SD controller sends the block length command.
• The card receives the command and sends responses to the command.
• The MMC/SD controller requests the card to change states from standby to transfer.
• The card receives the command and sends responses to the command.
• The MMC/SD controller sends a write command to the card.
• The card receives the command and sends responses to the command.
• The MMC/SD controller sends a block of data to the card.
• The card sends the CRC status to the MMC/SD controller.
• The card sends a low BUSY bit until all of the data has been programmed into the flash memory inside
the card.
SPRUE30B – September 2006 Multimedia Card (MMC)/Secure Digital (SD) Card Controller 13
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2 CRC bytes
Peripheral Architecture
Figure 5. MMC/SD Mode Write Sequence Timing Diagram
Table 2. MMC/SD Mode Write Sequence
Portion of the
Sequence Description
WR CMD Write command: A 6-byte WRITE_BLOCK command token is sent from the ARM to the card.
CMD RSP Command response: The card sends a 6-byte response of type R1 to acknowledge the WRITE_BLOCK to the
DAT BLK Data block: The ARM writes a block of data to the card. The data content is preceded by one start bit and is
CRC STAT CRC status: The card sends a one byte CRC status information, which indicates to the ARM whether the data has
BSY BUSY bit: The CRC status information is followed by a continuous stream of low busy bits until all of the data has
followed by two CRC bytes and one end bit.
been accepted by the card or rejected due to a CRC error. The CRC status information is preceded by one start
bit and is followed by one end bit.
been programmed into the flash memory on the card.
2.3.2 MMC/SD Mode Read Sequence
Figure 6 and Table 3 show the signal activity when the MMC controller is in the MMC/SD mode and is
reading data from a memory card. The same block length must be defined in the MMC controller and in
the memory card before initiating a data read. In a successful read protocol sequence, the following steps
• The MMC/SD controller requests for the CSD content.
• The card receives the command and sends the content of the CSD register as its response.
• If the desired block length, READ_BL_LEN value, is different from the default value determined from
the response, the MMC/SD controller sends the block length command.
• The card receives the command and sends responses to the command.
• The MMC/SD controller requests the card to change state from stand-by to transfer.
• The card receives the command and sends responses to the command.
• The MMC/SD controller sends a read command to the card.
• The card drives responses to the command.
• The card sends a block of data to the ARM.
14 Multimedia Card (MMC)/Secure Digital (SD) Card Controller SPRUE30B – September 2006
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1 transfer
source bit
Peripheral Architecture
Figure 6. MMC/SD Mode Read Sequence Timing Diagram
Table 3. MMC/SD Mode Read Sequence
Portion of the
Sequence Description
RD CMD Read command: A 6-byte READ_SINGLE_BLOCK command token is sent from the ARM to the card.
CMD RSP Command response: The card sends a response of type R1 to acknowledge the READ_SINGLE_BLOCK
DAT BLK Data block: The card sends a block of data to the ARM. The data content is preceded by a start bit and is
command to the ARM.
followed by two CRC byte and an end bit.
2.4 Data Flow in the Input/Output FIFO
The MMC/SD controller contains a single 256-bit FIFO that is used for both reading data from the memory
card and writing data to the memory card (see Figure 7 ). The FIFO is organized as 32 eight-bit entries.
The conversion from the 32-bit bus to the byte format of the FIFO follows the little-endian convention
(details are provided in later sections). The read and write FIFOs act as an interim location to store data
transferred from/to the card momentarily via the CPU or EDMA. The FIFO includes logic to generate
EDMA events and interrupts based on the amount of data in the FIFO and a programmable number of
bytes received/transmitted. Flags are set when the FIFO is full or empty.
SPRUE30B – September 2006 Multimedia Card (MMC)/Secure Digital (SD) Card Controller 15
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ARM/EDMA reads/writes
Write Read
8−bit x 32
EDMA event
128 or 256 bit
128 or 256 bit
EDMA event
EDMA event
the end of a
Pointer increment
or decrease
Pointer increment
or decrease
16−bit DXR 16−bit DRR
16−bit DXR
16−bit DRR
is created
Transmission of data
Step 1: Set FIFO reset
Step 2: Set FIFO direction
Step 4: CPU driven transaction:
Fill the FIFO by writing to
MMCDXR (only first time)
Step 5: EDMA send xmit data
Step 6: If DXR ready is active,
FIFO −> 16−bit DXR
Reception of data
Step 3:
Step 2:
Step 1: Set FIFO reset
Set FIFO direction
If DRR ready is active,
16−bit DRR −> FIFO
Step 6: EDMA read reception data
Step 4: EDMA driven transaction
Step 5: DRRDYINT interrupt occur
Step 3: EDMA driven transaction
or every 128 or 256−bits
transmitted and DXRDYINT
interrupt is generated
when FIFO every 128 or
256−bits of data received
Peripheral Architecture
A high-level operational description is as follows:
• Data is written to the FIFO through the MMC data transmit register (MMCDXR). Data is read from the
FIFO through the MMC data receive register (MMCDRR). This is true for both the CPU and EDMA
driven transactions; however, for the EDMA transaction, the EDMA access to the FIFO is transparent.
• The ACCWD bits in the MMC FIFO control register (MMCFIFOCTL) determines the behavior of the
FIFO full (FIFOFUL) and FIFO empty (FIFOEMP) status flags in the MMC status register 1 (MMCST1):
– If ACCWD = 00b:
• FIFO full is active when the write pointer + 4 > read pointer
• FIFO empty is active when the write pointer - 4 < read pointer
– If ACCWD = 01b:
• FIFO full is active when the write pointer + 3 > read pointer
• FIFO empty is active when the write pointer - 3 < read pointer
– If ACCWD = 10b:
• FIFO full is active when the write pointer + 2 > read pointer
• FIFO empty is active when the write pointer - 2 < read pointer
– If ACCWD = 11b:
• FIFO full is active when the write pointer + 1 > read pointer
• FIFO empty is active when the write pointer - 1 < read pointer
Figure 7. FIFO Operation Diagram
Multimedia Card (MMC)/Secure Digital (SD) Card Controller16 SPRUE30B – September 2006
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2.5 Data Flow in the Data Registers (MMCDRR and MMCDXR)
4th 3rd 2nd 1st
Support byten = ”1111”
Support byten = ”0111”
3rd 2nd 1st
Support byten = ”0011”
2nd 1st
Support byten = ”0001”
The CPU or EDMA controller can read 32 bits at a time from the FIFO by reading the MMC data receive
register (MMCDRR) and write 32 bits at a time to the FIFO by writing to the MMC data transmit register
(MMCDXR). However, since the memory card is an 8-bit device, it transmits or receives one byte at a
time. Figure 8 and Figure 9 show how the data-size difference is handled by the data registers in
little-endian and big-endian configurations, respectively.
Figure 8. Little-Endian Access to MMCDXR/MMCDRR from the ARM CPU or the EDMA
Peripheral Architecture
SPRUE30B – September 2006 Multimedia Card (MMC)/Secure Digital (SD) Card Controller 17
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Support byten = ”1111”
Support byten = ”1110”
Support byten = ”1100”
Support byten = ”1000”
Peripheral Architecture
Figure 9. Big-Endian Access to MMCDXR/MMCDRR from the ARM CPU or the EDMA
18 Multimedia Card (MMC)/Secure Digital (SD) Card Controller SPRUE30B – September 2006
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2.6 FIFO Operation During Card Read Operation
2.6.1 EDMA Reads
The FIFO controller manages the activities of reading the data in from the card and issuing EDMA read
events. Each time an EDMA read event is issued, an EDMA read request interrupt generates.
Figure 10 provides details of the FIFO controllers operation. As data is received from the card, it is read
into the FIFO. When the number of bytes of data received is equal to the level set by the FIFOLEV bits in
MMCFIFOCTL, an EDMA read event is issued and new EDMA events are disabled until the EDMA is
done with the transfer issued by the current event. Data is read from the FIFO by way of MMCDRR. The
FIFO controller continues to read in data from the card while checking for the EDMA event to occur or for
the FIFO to become full. Once the EDMA event finishes, new EDMA events are enabled. If the FIFO fills
up, the FIFO controller stops the MMC/SD controller from reading any more data until the FIFO is no
longer full.
An EDMA read event generates when the last data arrives, as determined by the MMC block length
register (MMCBLEN) and the MMC number of blocks register (MMCNBLK) settings. This EDMA event
flushes all of the data that was read from the card from the FIFO.
Each time an EDMA read event generates, an interrupt (DRRDYINT) generates and the DRRDY bit in the
MMC status register 0 (MMCST0) is also set.
2.6.2 CPU Reads
The system CPU can also directly read the card data by reading the MMC data receive register
(MMCDRR). The MMC/SD peripheral supports reads that are 1, 2, 3, or 4 bytes wide as, shown in
Figure 8 and Figure 9 .
As data is received from the card, it is read into the FIFO. When the number of bytes of data received is
equal to the level set by the FIFOLEV bits in MMCFIFOCTL, a DRRDYINT interrupt is issued and the
DRRDY bit in the MMC status register 0 (MMCST0) is set. Upon receiving the interrupt, the CPU quickly
reads out the bytes received (equal to the level set by the FIFOLEV bits). A DRRDYINT interrupt also
generates when the last data arrives as determined by the MMC block length register (MMCBLEN) and
the MMC numbers of blocks register (MMCNBLK) settings.
Peripheral Architecture
SPRUE30B – September 2006 Multimedia Card (MMC)/Secure Digital (SD) Card Controller 19
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