Texas Instruments TI-92 Guidebook

The Geometry IIè, who are with the Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France.
The of the
Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Cabri Geometry II is a trademark of Université Joseph Fourier. TI-GRAPH LINK, Calculator-Based Laboratory, CBL, CBL 2, Calculator-Based Ranger, CBR, Constant Memory, Automatic Power Down, APD, and EOS are trademarks of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
© 1995–1998, 2001 Texas Instruments Incorporated
Symbolic Manipulation was jointly developed by TI and the authors
program, who are with Soft Warehouse, Inc., Honolulu, HI.
Texas Instruments makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding any programs or book materials and makes such materials available solely on an “as-is” basis.
In no event shall Texas Instruments be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the purchase or use of these materials, and the sole and exclusive liability of Texas Instruments, regardless of the form of action, shall not exceed the purchase price of this equipment. Moreover, Texas Instruments shall not be liable for any claim of any kind whatsoever against the use of these materials by any other party.
US FCC Information Concerning Radio Frequency Interference
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference with radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, you can try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help.
expressly approved by Texas Instruments may void your authority to operate the equipment.
Any changes or modifications to this equipment not

Table of Contents

This guidebook describes how to use the TI-92. The table of contents can help you locate “getting started” information as well as detailed information about the TI-92’s features.
How to Use this Guidebook................................................................... viii

Chapter 1: Getting Started

Chapter 2: Operating the

Chapter 3: Basic Function Graphing

Getting the
Performing Computations ........................................................................ 4
Graphing a Function.................................................................................. 7
Constructing Geometric Objects ............................................................. 9
Turning the
Setting the Display Contrast................................................................... 15
The Keyboard ........................................................................................... 16
Home Screen ............................................................................................ 19
Entering Numbers.................................................................................... 21
Entering Expressions and Instructions................................................. 22
Formats of Displayed Results ................................................................ 25
Editing an Expression in the Entry Line............................................... 28
Menus............................................................................................... 30
Selecting an Application ......................................................................... 33
Setting Modes ........................................................................................... 35
Using the Catalog to Select a Command............................................... 37
Storing and Recalling Variable Values................................................... 38
Re-using a Previous Entry or the Last Answer..................................... 40
Auto-Pasting an Entry or Answer from the History Area ................... 42
Status Line Indicators in the Display..................................................... 43
Preview of Basic Function Graphing..................................................... 46
Overview of Steps in Graphing Functions............................................ 47
Setting the Graph Mode .......................................................................... 48
Defining Functions for Graphing........................................................... 49
Selecting Functions to Graph................................................................. 51
Setting the Display Style for a Function ............................................... 52
Defining the Viewing Window................................................................ 53
Changing the Graph Format ................................................................... 54
Graphing the Selected Functions........................................................... 55
Displaying Coordinates with the Free-Moving Cursor........................ 56
Tracing a Function................................................................................... 57
Using Zooms to Explore a Graph........................................................... 59
Using Math Tools to Analyze Functions ............................................... 62
Ready to Use................................................................. 2
On and Off.................................................................. 14

Chapter 4: Tables

Preview of Tables..................................................................................... 68
Overview of Steps in Generating a Table.............................................. 69
Setting Up the Table Parameters ........................................................... 70
Displaying an Automatic Table .............................................................. 72
Building a Manual (Ask) Table............................................................... 75
Table of Contents

Chapter 5: Using Split Screens

Chapter 6: Symbolic Manipulation

Chapter 7: Geometry

Preview of Split Screens ......................................................................... 78
Setting and Exiting the Split Screen Mode ........................................... 79
Selecting the Active Application............................................................ 81
Preview of Symbolic Manipulation........................................................ 84
Using Undefined or Defined Variables.................................................. 85
Using Exact, Approximate, and Auto Modes ....................................... 87
Automatic Simplification ........................................................................ 90
Delayed Simplification for Certain Built-In Functions ....................... 92
Substituting Values and Setting Constraints ........................................93
Overview of the Algebra Menu............................................................... 96
Common Algebraic Operations.............................................................. 98
Overview of the Calc Menu................................................................... 101
Common Calculus Operations ............................................................. 102
User-Defined Functions and Symbolic Manipulation ....................... 103
If You Get an Out-of-Memory Error..................................................... 105
Special Constants Used in Symbolic Manipulation........................... 106
Preview of Geometry............................................................................. 108
Learning the Basics................................................................................ 109
Managing File Operations..................................................................... 116
Setting Application Preferences........................................................... 117
Selecting and Moving Objects .............................................................. 120
Deleting Objects from a Construction................................................. 121
Creating Points....................................................................................... 122
Creating Lines, Segments, Rays, and Vectors..................................... 124
Creating Circles and Arcs ..................................................................... 127
Creating Triangles.................................................................................. 129
Creating Polygons.................................................................................. 130
Constructing Perpendicular and Parallel Lines ................................. 132
Constructing Perpendicular and Angle Bisectors.............................. 134
Creating Midpoints ................................................................................ 135
Transferring Measurements.................................................................. 136
Creating a Locus..................................................................................... 138
Redefining Point Definitions ................................................................ 139
Translating Objects................................................................................ 140
Rotating and Dilating Objects .............................................................. 141
Creating Reflections and Inverse Objects........................................... 146
Measuring Objects ................................................................................. 149
Determining Equations and Coordinates............................................ 151
Performing Calculations ....................................................................... 152
Collecting Data....................................................................................... 153
Checking Properties of Objects ........................................................... 154
Putting Objects in Motion..................................................................... 156
Controlling How Objects Are Displayed............................................. 158
Adding Descriptive Information to Objects........................................ 161
Creating Macros ..................................................................................... 164
Geometry Toolbar Menu Items ............................................................ 167
Pointing Indicators and Terms Used in Geometry ............................ 169
Helpful Shortcuts ................................................................................... 170

Chapter 8: Data/Matrix Editor

Preview of the Data/Matrix Editor....................................................... 172
Overview of List, Data, and Matrix Variables..................................... 173
Starting a Data/Matrix Editor Session................................................. 175
Entering and Viewing Cell Values........................................................ 177
Inserting and Deleting a Row, Column, or Cell.................................. 180
Defining a Column Header with an Expression................................. 182
Using Shift and CumSum Functions in a Column Header................ 184
Sorting Columns..................................................................................... 185
Saving a Copy of a List, Data, or Matrix Variable .............................. 186

Chapter 9: Statistics and Data Plots

Chapter 10: Additional Home Screen Topics

Chapter 11: Parametric Graphing

Preview of Statistics and Data Plots.................................................... 188
Overview of Steps in Statistical Analysis............................................ 192
Performing a Statistical Calculation.................................................... 193
Statistical Calculation Types................................................................ 195
Statistical Variables ............................................................................... 197
Defining a Statistical Plot...................................................................... 198
Statistical Plot Types............................................................................. 200
Using the Y= Editor with Stat Plots..................................................... 202
Graphing and Tracing a Defined Stat Plot.......................................... 203
Using Frequencies and Categories ...................................................... 204
If You Have a CBL 2/CBL or CBR........................................................206
Saving the Home Screen Entries as a Text Editor Script ................. 210
Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Information ........................................211
Creating and Evaluating User-Defined Functions ............................. 213
Using Folders to Store Independent Sets of Variables ..................... 216
If an Entry or Answer Is “Too Big” ......................................................219
Preview of Parametric Graphing.......................................................... 222
Overview of Steps in Graphing Parametric Equations...................... 223
Differences in Parametric and Function Graphing............................ 224

Chapter 12: Polar Graphing

Chapter 13: Sequence Graphing

Preview of Polar Graphing.................................................................... 228
Overview of Steps in Graphing Polar Equations................................ 229
Differences in Polar and Function Graphing...................................... 230
Preview of Sequence Graphing ............................................................ 234
Overview of Steps in Graphing Sequences ......................................... 235
Differences in Sequence and Function Graphing .............................. 236
Setting Axes for Time, Web, or Custom Plots.................................... 240
Using Web Plots ..................................................................................... 241
Using Custom Plots ............................................................................... 244
Using a Sequence to Generate a Table................................................ 245
Comparison of
Sequence Functions.......................... 246
Table of Contents

Chapter 14: 3D Graphing

Chapter 15: Additional Graphing Topics

Chapter 16: Text Editor

Preview of 3D Graphing........................................................................ 248
Overview of Steps in Graphing 3D Equations .................................... 249
Differences in 3D and Function Graphing.......................................... 250
Moving the Cursor in 3D ....................................................................... 253
Rotating and/or Elevating the Viewing Angle..................................... 255
Changing the Axes and Style Formats ................................................ 257
Preview of Additional Graphing Topics.............................................. 260
Collecting Data Points from a Graph .................................................. 261
Graphing a Function Defined on the Home Screen........................... 262
Graphing a Piecewise Defined Function............................................. 264
Graphing a Family of Curves................................................................ 266
Using the Two-Graph Mode.................................................................. 267
Drawing a Function or Inverse on a Graph ........................................ 270
Drawing a Line, Circle, or Text Label on a Graph ............................. 271
Saving and Opening a Picture of a Graph........................................... 275
Animating a Series of Graph Pictures ................................................. 277
Saving and Opening a Graph Database ............................................... 278
Preview of Text Operations.................................................................. 280
Starting a Text Editor Session.............................................................. 281
Entering and Editing Text..................................................................... 283
Entering Special Characters ..................................................................286
Entering and Executing a Command Script....................................... 288
Creating a Lab Report............................................................................ 290

Chapter 17: Programming

Preview of Programming ...................................................................... 294
Running an Existing Program .............................................................. 296
Starting a Program Editor Session....................................................... 298
Overview of Entering a Program ......................................................... 300
Overview of Entering a Function......................................................... 303
Calling One Program from Another..................................................... 305
Using Variables in a Program ............................................................... 306
String Operations ................................................................................... 308
Conditional Tests ................................................................................... 310
Using If, Lbl, and Goto to Control Program Flow.............................. 311
Using Loops to Repeat a Group of Commands.................................. 313
............................................................................. 316
Configuring the
Getting Input from the User and Displaying Output .........................317
Creating a Table or Graph..................................................................... 319
Drawing on the Graph Screen .............................................................. 321
Accessing Another
Debugging Programs and Handling Errors......................................... 324
Example: Using Alternative Approaches ............................................ 325
a CBL 2/CBL, or a CBR..............................323

Chapter 18: Memory and Variable Management

Preview of Memory and Variable Management ................................. 328
Checking and Resetting Memory ......................................................... 330
Displaying the Manipulating Variables and Folders with
Pasting a Variable Name to an Application ........................................ 335
Transmitting Variables between Two
Transmitting Variables under Program Control................................. 339
Screen........................................................... 331
s ...................................... 336
.......................... 333

Chapter 19: Applications

Appendix A: TI-92 Functions and Instructions

App. 1: Analyzing the Pole-Corner Problem ....................................... 342
App. 2: Deriving the Quadratic Formula ............................................. 344
App. 3: Exploring a Matrix.................................................................... 346
App. 4: Exploring cos(x) = sin(x) ........................................................ 347
App. 5: Finding Minimum Surface Area of a Parallelepiped ............ 348
App. 6: Running a Tutorial Script Using the Text Editor.................. 350
App. 7: Decomposing a Rational Function ......................................... 352
App. 8: Studying Statistics: Filtering Data by Categories ................. 354
App. 9: CBL 2/CBL Program for the TI
App. 10: Studying the Flight of a Hit Baseball.................................... 358
App. 11: Visualizing Complex Zeros of a Cubic Polynomial .............. 360
App. 12: Exploring Euclidean Geometry............................................. 362
App. 13: Creating a Trisection Macro in Geometry ........................... 364
App. 14: Solving a Standard Annuity Problem ................................... 367
App. 15: Computing the Time-Value-of-Money .................................. 368
App. 16: Finding Rational, Real, and Complex Factors .................... 369
App. 17: A Simple Function for Finding Eigenvalues........................ 370
App. 18: Simulation of Sampling without Replacement.................... 371
Quick-Find Locator................................................................................ 374
Alphabetical Listing of Operations ...................................................... 377

Appendix B: Reference Information

Appendix C: Service and Warranty Information


TI-92 Error Messages ............................................................................ 472
TI-92 Modes............................................................................................ 479
TI-92 Character Codes .......................................................................... 483
TI-92 Key Map ........................................................................................ 484
Complex Numbers ................................................................................. 488
Accuracy Information............................................................................ 490
System Variables and Reserved Names .............................................. 491
EOSé (Equation Operating System) Hierarchy................................. 492
Battery Information ............................................................................... 496
In Case of Difficulty............................................................................... 498
Support and Service Information......................................................... 499
Warranty Information............................................................................ 500
General Index ......................................................................................... 503
Geometry Index...................................................................................... 516

How to Use this Guidebook

The last thing most people want to do is read a book of instructions before using a new product. With the can perform a variety of calculations without opening the guidebook. However, by reading at least parts of the book and skimming through the rest, you can learn about capabilities that let you use the
more effectively.
, you

How the Guidebook Is Organized

Which Chapters Should You Read?

The screen, Y= Editor, Graph screen, Geometry, etc.) that are explained in this guidebook. Generally, the guidebook is divided into three major parts.
Particularly when you first get started, you may not need to use all of the that apply to you. It’s a little like the dictionary. If you’re looking for xylophone, skip A through W.
If you want to: Go to:
Get an overview of the capabilities
has a wide variety of features and applications (Home
Chapters 1 – 9 cover topics that are often used by people who are just getting started with the
Chapters 10 – 19 cover additional topics that may not be used right away (depending on your situation).
The appendices provide useful reference information, as well as service and warranty information.
’s capabilities. Therefore, you only need to read the chapters
Chapter 1
and its
to get you started performing calculations, graphing functions, constructing geometric objects, etc.
Chapter 2
about operating the chapter primarily covers the Home screen, much of the information applies to any application.
— Contains step-by-step examples
— Gives general information
. Although this
Learn about a
articular application or topic
Although you don’t need to read every chapter, skim through the entire guidebook and stop at anything that interests you. You may find a feature that could be very useful, but you might not know it exists if you don’t look around.
The applicable chapter
learn how to graph a function, go to Chapter 3: Basic Function Graphing.
Most chapters start with a step-by-step “preview” example that illustrates one or more of the topics covered in that chapter.
— For example, to

How Do I Look Up Information?

Because the book is big, it’s important that you know how to look things up quickly. Use the:
Table of contents
Appendix A (for detailed information about a particular function or instruction)

Notes about Appendix A

Long after you learn to use the a valuable reference.
You can access most of the selecting them from menus. Use Appendix A for details about the arguments and syntax used for each function and instruction.
You can also use the Help information that is displayed at the
bottom of the
At the beginning of Appendix A, the available functions and instructions are grouped into categories. This can help you locate a function or instruction if you don’t know its name.
Also refer to Chapter 17, which categorizes program
, Appendix A can continue to be
’s functions and instructions by
menu, as described in Chapter 2.

Chapter 1: Getting Started

Getting the TI-92 Ready to Use ................................................................ 2
Performing Computations ........................................................................ 4
Graphing a Function.................................................................................. 7
Constructing Geometric Objects ............................................................. 9
This chapter helps you to get started using the chapter takes you through several examples to introduce you to some of the principle operating and graphing functions of the
After setting up your read Chapter 2: Operating the advance to the detailed information provided in the remaining chapters in this guidebook.
and completing these examples, please
. You then will be prepared to
quickly. This
Chapter 1: Getting Started 1
Getting the TI.92 Ready to Use
The TI-92 comes with four AA batteries. This section describes how to install these batteries, turn the unit on for the first time, set the display contrast, and view the Home screen.

Installing the AA Batteries

Important: When replacing
batteries in the future, ensure that the turned off by pressing
To install the four AA alkaline batteries:
1. Holding the
unit upright, slide the latch on the top of the
unit to the right unlocked position; slide the rear cover down about one-eighth inch and remove it from the main unit.
2. Place the
Slide to open.
face down on a soft cloth to prevent scratching the
display face.
3. Install the four AA batteries. Be sure to position the batteries
according to the diagram inside the unit. The positive (+) terminal of each battery should point toward the top of the unit.
AA batteries
4. Replace the rear cover and slide the latch on the top of the unit to

Turning the Unit On and Adjusting the Display Contrast

To turn the unit on and adjust the display after installing the batteries:
1. Press ´ to turn the
2. To adjust the display to your satisfaction, hold down ¥
2 Chapter 1: Getting Started
the left locked position to lock the cover back in place.
The Home screen is displayed; however, the display contrast may be too dark or too dim to see anything. (When you want to turn the
off, press 2 ®.)
(diamond symbol inside a green border) and momentarily press | (minus key) to lighten the display. Hold down ¥ and momentarily press « (plus key) to darken the display.

About the Home Screen

When you first turn on your
, a blank Home screen is displayed.
The Home screen lets you execute instructions, evaluate expressions, and view results.
The following example contains previously entered data and describes the main parts of the Home screen. Entry/answer pairs in the history area are displayed in “pretty print.”
History Area
Lists entry/answer pairs you have entered. Pairs scroll up the screen as you make new entries.
Last Entry
Your last entry.
Entry Line
Where you enter expressions or instructions.
Lets you display menus for selecting operations applicable to the Home screen. To display a toolbar menu, press ƒ, „, etc.
Last Answer
Result of your last entry. Note that results are not displayed on the entry line.
Status Line
Shows the current state of the calculator.
Chapter 1: Getting Started 3

Performing Computations

This section provides several examples for you to perform that demonstrate some of the computational features of the TI-92. The history area in each screen was cleared by pressing ƒ and selecting 8:Clear Home, before performing each example, to illustrate only the results of the example’s keystrokes.
Steps Keystrokes Display
Showing Computations
1. Compute
and display the result in symbolic and numeric format.
To clear the history area of previous
calculations, press
and select
Finding the Factorial of Numbers
1. Compute the factorial of several numbers to see how the TI-92 handles very large integers.
To get the factorial operator (!), press
2 I, select select
, and then
Expanding Complex Numbers
1. Compute
to see how the TI-92
handles computations involving complex numbers.
W2T e4d¸¥ ¸
5 2I71 ¸
202I71 ¸
302I71 ¸
c 3 « 5 2) dZ3¸
Finding Prime Factors
1. Compute the factors of the rational number
You can enter “factor” on the entry line by
typing pressing
2. (
on the keyboard, or by
and selecting
) Enter other numbers on
your own.
4 Chapter 1: Getting Started
FACTORc 2634492d
Steps Keystrokes Display
Expanding Expressions
1. Expand the expression
You can enter “expand” on the entry line by
on the keyboard, or by
and selecting
EXPANDc cX|5d Z3d ¸
2. (Optional) Enter other expressions on your own.
Reducing Expressions
1. Reduce the expression
to its simplest form.
You can enter “propFrac” on the entry line
by typing by pressing
on the keyboard, or
and selecting
PROPFRACc cXZ2|2X |5de cX|1dd ¸
Factoring Polynomials
1. Factor the polynomial respect to
You can enter “factor” on the entry line by
typing pressing
and selecting
on the keyboard or by
bXd ¸
Solving Equations
1. Solve the equation respect to
You can enter “solve(” on the entry line by
selecting typing pressing
The status line area shows the required
syntax for the marked item in the Catalog menu.
and selecting
on the keyboard, or by
from the Catalog menu, by
(press D until the ú mark points to
X Z 2 | 2X|6 Á2bXd ¸
Chapter 1: Getting Started 5
Performing Computations
Steps Keystrokes Display
Solving Equations with a Domain Constraint
1. Solve the equation respect to
where x is greater than
operator (domain constraint).
produces the “with” (I)
(press D until the ú mark points to
X Z 2 | 2X|6 Á2 bXd2KX0 ¸
Finding the Derivative of Functions
1. Find the derivative of
with respect to x.
This example illustrates using the calculus
differentiation function and how the function is displayed in “pretty print” in the history area.
2=cX|Y dZ3ecX« YdZ2bXd ¸
Finding the Integral of Functions
1. Find the integral of respect to
This example illustrates using the calculus
integration function.
2<XpW XdbXd
6 Chapter 1: Getting Started

Graphing a Function

The example in this section demonstrates some of the graphing capabilities of the It illustrates how to graph a function using the Y= Editor. You will learn how to enter a function, produce a graph of the function, trace a curve, find a minimum point, and transfer the minimum coordinates to the Home screen.
Explore the graphing capabilities of the
by graphing the function
Steps Keystrokes Display
1. Display the Y= Editor.
2. Enter the function
c ABScXZ2 |3d|10d e2¸
“pretty print” display of the function in the entry line
entry line
3. Display the graph of the function.
moving the cursor to pressing
by pressing 6 or by
4. Turn on Trace.
The tracing cursor, and the x and y
coordinates are displayed.
tracing cursor
Chapter 1: Getting Started 7
Graphing a Function
Steps Keystrokes Display
5. Open the
menu and select
6. Set the lower bound.
Press B (right cursor) to move the tracing
cursor until the lower bound for x is just to the left of the minimum node before pressing
the second time.
7. Set the upper bound.
Press B (right cursor) to move the tracing
cursor until the upper bound for x is just to the right of the minimum node.
8. Find the minimum point on the graph between the lower and upper bounds.
¸ B
9. Transfer the result to the Home screen, and then display the Home screen.
8 Chapter 1: Getting Started
minimum point minimum coordinates
¥ H ¥"

Constructing Geometric Objects

This section provides a multi-part example about constructing geometric objects using the Geometry application of the You will learn how to construct a triangle and measure its area, construct perpendicular bisectors to two of the sides, and construct a circle centered at the intersection of the two bisectors that will circumscribe the triangle.

Getting Started in Geometry

Note: Each of the following
example modules require that you complete the previous module.
To start a Geometry session, you first have to give it a name.
1. Press O
dialog box.
to display
2. Press DG1 as the name
for the new construction, and press ¸.
3. Press ¸ to display the
Geometry drawing window.
Chapter 1: Getting Started 9
Constructing Geometric Objects

Creating a Triangle

To create a triangle:
1. Press … and select
2. Move the cursor (#) to the
desired location, and press ¸ to define the first point.
3. Move the cursor to another
location, and press ¸ to define the second point.
4. Move the cursor to the third location, and press ¸ again to complete the triangle.

Measuring the Area of the Triangle

Note: Default
measurements are in centimeters. See “Setting Application Preferences” in Chapter 7 to change to other unit measurements.
To measure the area of the triangle that you constructed in the previous example:
1. Press ˆ and select
2. Move the cursor, if necessary, until
is displayed.
3. Press ¸ to display the result.
10 Chapter 1: Getting Started

Constructing the Perpendicular Bisectors

To construct the perpendicular bisector to two sides of the triangle:
1. Press † and select
4:Perpendicular Bisector
2. Move the cursor close to the triangle until a message is displayed that indicates a side of the triangle.
3. Press ¸ to construct the first bisector.
4. Move the cursor to one of the other two sides until the message is displayed (same as step 2), and press ¸ to construct the second bisector.

Finding the Intersection Point of Two Lines

To find the intersection point of the two bisectors:
1. Press „ and select
3:Intersection Point
2. Select the first line, and then press ¸.
3. Select the second line, and then press ¸ to create the intersection point.
Chapter 1: Getting Started 11
Constructing Geometric Objects

Creating a Circle

Hint: See “Measuring the
Area of the Triangle” on the previous page.
To create a circle whose centerpoint is at the intersection of the two bisectors and whose radius is attached to one of the triangle’s vertex points:
1. Press … and select
2. Move the cursor to the intersection point of the two perpendicular bisectors, and press ¸ to define the centerpoint of the circle.
3. Move the cursor away from the centerpoint to expand the circle until the cursor is near one of the vertices of the triangle and
4. Press ¸ to construct the circle.
5. Measure the area of the circle.

Effects of Modifying the Triangle

This example illustrates the interactive features of the grab one vertex of the triangle to modify the triangle’s shape. The size of the circle, as well as the areas of the triangle and circle, will change accordingly.
To observe the interactive features of the
1. Press ƒ and select
Note: The circle stays attached to the triangle, and the areas of the triangle and circle change.
12 Chapter 1: Getting Started
2. Press and hold
Move the cursor to one of the intersecting points of the circle and triangle until
appears, and then press ¸.
(dragging hand) with your left thumb while pressing the cursor with your right thumb to drag the selected point to its new location.
. You will
Chapter 2: Operating the TI.92
Turning the
Setting the Display Contrast................................................................... 15
The Keyboard ........................................................................................... 16
Home Screen ............................................................................................ 19
Entering Numbers.................................................................................... 21
Entering Expressions and Instructions................................................. 22
Formats of Displayed Results ................................................................ 25
Editing an Expression in the Entry Line............................................... 28
Menus............................................................................................... 30
Selecting an Application ......................................................................... 33
Setting Modes ........................................................................................... 35
Using the Catalog to Select a Command............................................... 37
Storing and Recalling Variable Values................................................... 38
Reusing a Previous Entry or the Last Answer...................................... 40
Auto-Pasting an Entry or Answer from the History Area ................... 42
Status Line Indicators in the Display..................................................... 43
This chapter gives a general overview of the its basic operations. By becoming familiar with the information in this chapter, you can use the effectively.
On and Off.................................................................. 14
and describes
to solve problems more
The Home screen is the most commonly used application on the
. You can use the Home screen to perform a wide variety of
mathematical operations.
Chapter 2: Operating the TI.92 13
Turning the
On and Off
Turning the
Turning the
function of the ´ key.
is the second
You can turn the TI-92 on and off manually by using the and 2 ® (or ¥ ® ) keys. To prolong battery life, the APDé (Automatic Power Down) feature lets the TI-92 turn itself off automatically.
Press ´.
If you turned the unit off by pressing 2 ®, the Home screen as it was when you last used it.
If you turned the unit off by pressing ¥ ® or if the unit turned itself off through APD, the
You can use either of the following keys to turn off the
Press: Description
2 ® (press 2 and then
ress ®)
Settings and memory contents are retained by the Constant Memoryé feature. However:
You cannot use 2 ® if an error message is displayed.
When you turn the displays the Home screen (regardless of the last application you used).
will be exactly as you left it.
on again, it always
shows the

APD (Automatic Power Down)


¥ ® (press ¥ and then
ress ®)
After several minutes without any activity, the automatically. This feature is called APD.
When you press ´, the
The display, cursor, and any error conditions are exactly as you left them.
All settings and memory contents are retained.
APD does not occur if a calculation or program is in progress, unless the program is paused.
The battery. To replace the batteries without losing any information stored in memory, follow the directions in Appendix C.
uses four AA alkaline batteries and a back-up lithium
Similar to 2 ® except:
You can use ¥ ® if an error message is displayed.
When you turn the exactly as you left it.
will be exactly as you left it.
on again, it will be
turns itself off
14 Chapter 2: Operating the TI.92

Setting the Display Contrast

The brightness and contrast of the display depend on room lighting, battery freshness, viewing angle, and the adjustment of the display contrast. The contrast setting is retained in memory when the
is turned off.

Adjusting the Display Contrast

Using the Snap-on Cover as a Stand

Note: Slide the tabs at the
top-sides of the the slots in the cover.
You can adjust the display contrast to suit your viewing angle and lighting conditions.
Contrast keys
To: Press and hold both:
Increase (darken)
¥ and «
the contrast Decrease (lighten)
¥ and |
the contrast
If you press and hold ¥ « or ¥ | too long, the display may go completely black or blank. To make finer adjustments, hold ¥ and then tap « or |.
on a desk or table top, you can use the snap-on
When using the
cover to prop up the unit at one of three angles. This may make it easier to view the display under various lighting conditions.

When to Replace Batteries

Tip: The display may be
very dark after you change batteries. Use ¥ | to lighten the display.
As the batteries get low, the display begins to dim (especially during calculations) and you must increase the contrast. If you have to increase the contrast frequently, replace the four AA batteries.
The status line along the bottom of the display also gives battery information.
Indicator in status line Description
Batteries are low.
Replace batteries as soon as possible.
Chapter 2: Operating the TI.92 15

The Keyboard


Keyboard Areas

Function Keys
Access the toolbar menus displayed across the top of the screen.
Application Shortcut Keys
Used with the
key to let you select commonly used applications.
With the
’s easy-to-hold shape and keyboard layout, you
can quickly access any area of the keyboard even when you are holding the unit with two hands.
The keyboard is divided into several areas of related keys.

Cursor Pad

Moves the display cursor in up to 8 directions, depending on the application.
Cursor Pad
QWERTY Keyboard
Enters text characters
ust as you would on a
To move the cursor, press the applicable edge of the cursor pad. This
Calculator Keypad
Performs a variety of math and scientific operations.
guidebook uses key symbols such as A and B to indicate which side of the cursor pad to press.
For example, press B to move the cursor to the right.
The diagonal directions
(H, etc.) are used only for geometry and graphing applications.
16 Chapter 2: Operating the TI.92

Important Keys You Should Know About

The area around the cursor pad contains several keys that are important for using the
Key Description
O Displays a menu that lists all the applications available
on the
and lets you select the one you want. Refer
to page 33.
N Cancels any menu or dialog box.
¸ Evaluates an expression, executes an instruction,
selects a menu item, etc. Because this is commonly used in a variety of
operations, the
has three ¸ keys placed at
convenient locations.
is a modifier key, which is described below.

Modifier Keys

3 Displays a list of the
’s current mode settings,
which determine how numbers and graphs are interpreted, calculated, and displayed. You can change the settings as needed. Refer to “Setting Modes” on page 35.
M Clears (erases) the entry line. Also used to delete an
entry/answer pair in the history area.
Most keys can perform two or more functions, depending on whether you first press a modifier key.
Modifier Description
Accesses the second function of the next key you press. On the keyboard, second functions are printed in the same color as the 2 key.
has two 2 keys conveniently placed at
opposite corners of the keyboard.
Activates “shortcut” keys that select applications and certain menu items directly from the keyboard. On the keyboard, application shortcuts are printed in the same color as the ¥ key. Refer to page 34.
Types an uppercase character for the next letter key you press. ¤ is also used with B and A to highlight characters in the entry line for editing purposes.
Used with the cursor pad to manipulate geometric objects. is also used for drawing on a graph.
Chapter 2: Operating the TI.92 17
The Keyboard

2nd Functions

Note: On the keyboard,
second functions are printed in the same color as the
Entering Uppercase Letters with Shift (¤) or Caps Lock
On the
’s keyboard, a key’s second function is printed above the
key. For example:
SINê -------------------
---------------- Primary function
Second function
To access a second function, press the 2 key and then press the key for that second function.
In this guidebook:
Primary functions are shown in a box, such as W.
Second functions are shown in brackets, such as 2
When you press 2, the display. This indicates that the
is shown in the status line at the bottom of
will use the second function,
if any, of the next key you press. If you press 2 by accident, press
again (or press N) to cancel its effect.
Normally, the
keyboard types lowercase letters. To type
uppercase letters, use Shift and Caps Lock just as on a typewriter.
To: Do this:
Type a single uppercase letter
Press ¤ and then the letter key.
To type multiple uppercase letters,
hold ¤ or use Caps Lock.

If You Need to Enter Special Characters

When Caps Lock is on, ¤ has no effect.
Toggle Caps Lock
Press 2
on or off
You can also use the
keyboard to enter a variety of special characters. For more information, refer to “Entering Special Characters” in Chapter 16.
18 Chapter 2: Operating the TI.92

Home Screen

Displaying the Home Screen

Parts of the Home Screen

Pretty Print Display
Shows exponents, roots, fractions, etc., in traditional form. Refer to page 25.
Last Entry
Your last entry.
Entry Line
Where you enter expressions or instructions.
When you first turn on your
, the Home screen is
displayed. The Home screen lets you execute instructions, evaluate expressions, and view results.
When you turn on the the display always shows the Home screen. (If the
after it has been turned off with 2 ®,
turned itself
off through APD, the display shows the previous screen, which may or may not have been the Home screen.)
To display the Home screen at any time:
Press ¥ ".
— or — Press 2 K.
— or — Press O ¸ or O 1.
The following example gives a brief description of the main parts of the Home screen.

History Area

Lists entry/answer pairs you have entered.
Press ƒ, „, etc., to display menus for selecting operations.
Last Answer
Result of your last entry. Note that results are not displayed on the entry line.
Status Line
Shows the current state
of the
History Area
The history area shows up to eight previous entry/answer pairs (depending on the complexity and height of the displayed expressions). When the display is filled, information scrolls off the top of the screen. You can use the history area to:
Review previous entries and answers. You can use the cursor to
view entries and answers that have scrolled off the screen. Recall or auto-paste a previous entry or answer onto the entry
line so that you can re-use or edit it. Refer to pages 41 and 42.
Chapter 2: Operating the TI.92 19

Home Screen


Scrolling through the History Area

Note: For an example of
viewing a long answer, refer to page 24.

History Information on the Status Line

Normally, the cursor is in the entry line. However, you can move the cursor into the history area.
To: Do this:
iew entries or answers that have scrolled off the screen
1. From the entry line, press C to highlight the last answer.
2. Continue using C to move the cursor from answer to entry, up through the history area.
iew an entry or answer that is too long for one line (ú is at end of line)
Move the cursor to the entry or answer. Use B and A to scroll left and right (or 2 B and 2 A to go to the end or the beginning), respectively.
Return the cursor to the entry line
Press N, or press D until the cursor is back on the entry line.
Use the history indicator on the status line for information about the entry/answer pairs. For example:
If the cursor is on the entry line:
Total number of pairs that are currently saved.
Maximum number of pairs that can be saved.

Modifying the History Area

If the cursor is in the history area:
Pair number of the highlighted entry or answer.
Total number of pairs that are currently saved.
By default, the last 30 entry/answer pairs are saved. If the history area is full when you make a new entry (indicated by
), the new entry/answer pair is saved and the oldest pair is deleted. The history indicator does not change.
To: Do this:
Change the number of
airs that can be saved
Press ƒ and select ¥
. Then press B, use C or D to
, or press
highlight the new number, and press ¸ twice.
Clear the history area and delete all saved pairs
Delete a particular entry/answer pair
Press ƒ and select
8:Clear Home
on the entry line.
Move the cursor to either the entry or answer. Press 0 or M.
, or
20 Chapter 2: Operating the TI.92

Entering Numbers


Entering a Negative Number

Important: Use | for
subtraction and use
for negation.
’s keypad lets you enter positive and negative
numbers for your calculations. You can also enter numbers in scientific notation.
1. Press the negation key ·. (Do not use the subtraction key |.)
2. Type the number. To see how the
evaluates a negation in relation to other
functions, refer to the Equation Operating System (EOS) hierarchy in Appendix B. For example, it is important to know that functions such as
Use c and d to include
ñ are evaluated before negation.
Evaluated as ë(2ñ)
arentheses if you have any doubt about how a negation will be evaluated.
If you use | instead of · (or vice versa), you may get an error message or you may get unexpected results. For example:
¦ 9
p ·
— but —
p |
displays an error message.

Entering a Number in Scientific Notation

¦ 6
— but —
6 · 2 = ë12
2 « 4 = 2
since it is interpreted as
, implied multiplication.
— but —
subtracts 2 from the previous answer and then adds 4.
2 « 4
1. Type the part of the number that precedes the exponent. This
value can be an expression.
2. Press 2 ^.
appears in the display.
3. Type the exponent as an integer with up to 3 digits. You can use a
negative exponent.
Entering a number in scientific notation does not cause the answers to be displayed in scientific or engineering notation.
The display format is determined by the mode settings (pages 25 through 27) and the magnitude of the
Represents 123.45 × 10
Chapter 2: Operating the TI.92 21
+ 497 hidden pages