Texas Instruments DRV2604L ERM User Manual

User's Guide
SLOU390A–May 2014–Revised June 2014
DRV2604L ERM, LRA Haptic Driver Evaluation Kit
The DRV2604L is a haptic driver designed for Linear Resonant Actuators (LRA) and Eccentric Rotating Mass (ERM) motors. It provides many features which help eliminate the design complexities of haptic motor control including reduced solution size, high efficiency output drive, closed-loop motor control, quick device startup, memory for waveform storage, and auto-resonance frequency tracking.
The DRV2604LEVM-CT Evaluation Module (EVM) is a complete demo and evaluation platform for the DRV2604L. The kit includes a microcontroller, linear actuator, eccentric rotating mass motor, and capacitive touch buttons which can be used to completely demonstrate and evaluate the DRV2604L.
This document contains instructions to setup and operate the DRV2604LEVM-CT in demo and evaluation mode.
Evaluation Kit Contents:
DRV2604LEVM-CT demo and evaluation board
Mini-USB cable
Demonstration Firmware Required for programming and advanced configuration:
Code Composer Studio™ (CCS) or IAR Embedded Workbench IDE for MSP430
MSP430 LaunchPad (MSP-EXP430G2), or MSP430-FET430UIF hardware programming tool
DRV2604LEVM-CT firmware available on ti.com
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Figure 1. DRV2604LEVM-CT Board
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1 Getting Started............................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Evaluation Module Operating Parameters ...................................................................... 5
1.2 Quick Start Board Setup........................................................................................... 5
2 DRV2604L Demonstration Program....................................................................................... 5
2.1 Modes and Effects Table .......................................................................................... 6
2.2 Description of the Demo Modes .................................................................................. 7
2.3 RAM Library Mode ................................................................................................ 11
2.4 Waveform Library Effects List ................................................................................... 11
3 Additional Hardware Modes............................................................................................... 12
3.1 Enter Binary Counting Mode..................................................................................... 12
3.2 Exit Binary Counting Mode....................................................................................... 12
3.3 Binary Counting Modes........................................................................................... 13
4 Hardware Configuration ................................................................................................... 14
4.1 Input and Output Overview ...................................................................................... 14
4.2 Power Supply Selection .......................................................................................... 15
4.3 Using an External Actuator....................................................................................... 15
4.4 PWM Input ......................................................................................................... 16
4.5 External Trigger Control ......................................................................................... 17
4.6 External I
C Input.................................................................................................. 18
4.7 Analog Input........................................................................................................ 19
5 Measurement and Analysis .............................................................................................. 19
6 Modifying or Reprogramming the Firmware ............................................................................ 21
6.1 MSP430 Pin-Out .................................................................................................. 22
7 Schematic ................................................................................................................... 23
8 Layout........................................................................................................................ 24
9 Bill of Materials ............................................................................................................. 27
List of Figures
1 DRV2604LEVM-CT Board.................................................................................................. 1
2 Board Diagram............................................................................................................... 4
3 DRV2604LEVM-CT Mode Sets............................................................................................ 5
4 ERM Click and Bounce Waveform (Button 1)............................................................................ 7
5 LRA Ramp-Up and Click Waveform (Button 2).......................................................................... 7
6 ERM Closed-Loop Click Waveform (Button 1)........................................................................... 7
7 ERM Open-Loop Click Waveform (Button 4) ............................................................................ 7
8 LRA Single-Cycle Click (Button 2)......................................................................................... 8
9 LRA Single-Cycle with Braking (Button 3)................................................................................ 8
10 LRA Closed-Loop Click Waveform (Button 1) ........................................................................... 8
11 LRA Open-Loop Click Waveform (Button 4) ............................................................................. 8
12 LRA Auto-Resonance ON Waveform (Button 1) ........................................................................ 9
13 LRA Auto-Resonance OFF Waveform (Button 2) ....................................................................... 9
14 Acceleration Versus Frequency............................................................................................ 9
15 LRA Scroll Wheel Effect Waveform (Button 4)......................................................................... 10
16 LRA Click with Braking in Open Loop (Button 3) ...................................................................... 10
17 LRA Click with Braking in Auto Resonance (Button 1)................................................................ 10
18 Power Jumper Selection .................................................................................................. 15
19 Terminal Block and Test Points .......................................................................................... 15
20 External PWM Input........................................................................................................ 16
21 External Trigger Control................................................................................................... 17
22 External I
C Input........................................................................................................... 18
23 Analog Input................................................................................................................. 19
DRV2604L ERM, LRA Haptic Driver Evaluation Kit SLOU390A–May 2014–Revised June 2014
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24 Terminal Block and Test Points .......................................................................................... 19
25 DRV2604L Unfiltered Waveform ......................................................................................... 20
26 DRV2604L Filtered Waveform............................................................................................ 20
27 Measuring the DRV2604L Output Signal with an Analog Low-Pass Filter ......................................... 20
28 LaunchPad Programmer Connection.................................................................................... 21
29 DRV2604LEVM-CT Schematic........................................................................................... 23
30 X-Ray Top View ............................................................................................................ 24
31 Top Copper ................................................................................................................. 24
32 Layer 2 Copper............................................................................................................. 25
33 Layer 3 Copper............................................................................................................. 25
34 Bottom Copper.............................................................................................................. 26
1 Mode and Effects Table..................................................................................................... 6
2 Waveform Effects .......................................................................................................... 11
3 Binary Counting Modes.................................................................................................... 13
4 Hardware Overview........................................................................................................ 14
5 MSP430 Pin-Out ........................................................................................................... 22
6 Bill of Materials ............................................................................................................. 27
List of Tables
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USB Power
Power Select Pins
Increment Mode
Decrement Mode ERM and LRA Actuators
Effect Buttons
Press to play haptic effects.
Actuator Disconnect
Getting Started
1 Getting Started
The DRV2604L can be used as a demonstration or evaluation tool. When the DRV2604LEVM-CT evaluation module is powered on for the first time, a demo application automatically starts. To power the board, connect the DRV2604LEVM-CT to an available USB port on your computer using the included mini-USB cable. The demo begins with a board power-up sequence and then enters the demo effects mode. The four larger buttons (B1–B4) can be used to sample haptic effects using both the ERM and LRA motor in the top right corner. The two smaller mode buttons (–, +) are used to change between the different banks of effects. See the DRV2604L Demonstration Program section for a more detailed description of the demo application.
Figure 2. Board Diagram
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DRV2604L ERM, LRA Haptic Driver Evaluation Kit SLOU390A–May 2014–Revised June 2014
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Demo Mode
ROM Library
Binary Counting
+ +
Hold for 3s
Hold for 3s
Mode OFF Mode 4 Mode 3 . . Mode 0
Mode 0 Mode 1 Mode 2 . . Mode 5 . . Mode 30 Mode 31 (Library Select)
Mode 0 Mode 1 Mode 2 . . Mode 9 Mode 10 (Empty) . Mode 29 (Empty) Mode 30 Mode 31
* Displayed in Binary
1.1 Evaluation Module Operating Parameters
The following table lists the operating conditions for the DRV2604L on the evaluation module.
Parameter Specification
Supply voltage range 2.5 V to 5. 5 V Power-supply current rating 400 mA
1.2 Quick Start Board Setup
The DRV2604LEVM-CT firmware contains haptic waveforms which showcase the features and benefits of the DRV2604L. Follow the instructions below to begin the demo:
1. Out of the box, the jumpers are set to begin demo mode using USB power. The default jumper settings
are found in the table below.
Jumper Default Position Description
JP1 Shorted Connect MSP430 GPIO/PWM output to DRV2604L IN/TRIG JP2 Shorted 3.3 V reference for I2C JP3, JP4 Shorted Connect on-board actuators to DRV2604L MSP USB to MSP Select USB (5 V) or VBAT power for the MSP430 DRV USB to DRV Select USB (5 V) or VBAT power for the DRV2604L
2. Connect the included mini-USB cable to the USB connector on the DRV2604LEVM-CT board.
3. Connect the other end of the USB cable to an available USB port on a computer, USB charger, or USB
battery pack.
4. If the board is powered correctly, the four colored LEDs will turn on, the four mode LEDs will flash, and
the LRA and ERM will perform auto-calibration, indicating the board has been successfully initialized.
Getting Started
2 DRV2604L Demonstration Program
The DRV2604LEVM-CT contains a microcontroller and embedded software to control the DRV2604L. There are three sets of modes accessible by pressing and holding the “+” button. Follow the instructions in the following sections to access the effects in each set.
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Figure 3. DRV2604LEVM-CT Mode Sets
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DRV2604L Demonstration Program
2.1 Modes and Effects Table
The effects preloaded on the DRV2604LEVM-CT are listed in Table 1. The modes are selected using the + and – mode buttons in the center of the board. The current mode is identified by the white LEDs directly above the mode buttons. Buttons B1–B4 trigger the effects listed in the description column and change based on the selected mode.
Table 1. Mode and Effects Table
Mode Button Description Actuator Waveform Interface
Mode Off B1 Click + Bounce ERM RAM Internal Trigger (I2C)
LEDs Off
Mode 4 B1 Strong Click ERM RAM Ext. Level Trig. LED M4 On
Mode 3 B1 Strong Click LRA RAM Ext. Level Trig. LED M3 On
Mode 2 B1 Buzz Auto-Resonance ON LRA µController RTP (I2C) LED M2 On
Mode 1 B1 Click with braking ERM and LRA RAM Internal Trigger (I2C) LED M1 On
Mode 0 B1 Auto-Calibration ERM Internal Routine Internal Trigger (I2C) LED M0 On
B2 Ramp Up + Click LRA B3 Gallop Alert ERM B4 Pulsing Alert LRA
B2 Bump + Release Internal Trigger B3 Double Strong Click Ext. Edge Trig. B4 Click (Open Loop) µController PWM
B2 Single-Cycle Click Internal Trigger B3 Single-Cycle Click with braking Internal Trigger B4 Click (Open Loop) µController PWM
B2 Buzz Auto-Resonance OFF PWM B3 Buzz Alert ERM B4 Scroll Wheel LRA RTP (I2C)
B2 Click without braking B3 Click with braking (Open Loop) B4 Selects ERM or LRA
B2 Auto-Calibration LRA B3 Click ERM/LRA RAM B4 Buzz
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2.2 Description of the Demo Modes
The following sections describe each demo mode in more detail.
2.2.1 Mode Off – Haptics Effect Sequences
Mode Off is a set of haptic sequences that combine a series of haptic effects. The two effects below show combinations of clicks and ramps.
DRV2604L Demonstration Program
Figure 4. ERM Click and Bounce Figure 5. LRA Ramp-Up and Click
Waveform (Button 1) Waveform (Button 2)
2.2.2 Mode 4 – ERM Clicks
Mode 4 shows the difference in open-loop and closed-loop ERM clicks. In closed loop, the driver automatically overdrives and brakes the actuator. In open-loop, the waveform must be predefined with overdrive and braking. The image on the left shows a closed-loop waveform and the image on the right shows the same input waveform without closed-loop feedback enabled.
Figure 6. ERM Closed-Loop Click Waveform (Button 1) Figure 7. ERM Open-Loop Click Waveform (Button 4)
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DRV2604L Demonstration Program
2.2.3 Mode 3 – LRA Clicks
Mode 3 shows what the waveforms look like with and without braking and how closed-loop and open-loop mode affects the acceleration profile. Figure 8 and Figure 9 demonstrate single-cycle clicks. In closed loop, the driver automatically tracks the resonant frequency, and overdrives and brakes the actuator. In open-loop, the waveform must be predefined with a static drive frequency, and overdrive and braking times. Figure 10 shows a closed-loop waveform (with overdrive and braking) while Figure 11 shows open­loop mode that does not have overdrive or braking. Overdrive and braking allows the waveform to feel more crisp.
Figure 8. LRA Single-Cycle Click (Button 2) Figure 9. LRA Single-Cycle with Braking (Button 3)
Figure 10. LRA Closed-Loop Click Waveform (Button 1) Figure 11. LRA Open-Loop Click Waveform (Button 4)
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2.2.4 Mode 2 – Alerts and Scroll Wheel
Mode 2 showcases the advantages of the Smart Loop Architecture which includes auto-resonance tracking, automatic overdrive, and automatic braking.
The two images below show the difference in acceleration between LRA auto-resonance ON and LRA auto-resonance OFF. Notice that the acceleration is higher when driven at the resonant frequency. The auto-resonance ON waveform has 1.32 G of acceleration and the auto-resonance OFF waveform has
0.92 G of acceleration. The auto-resonance ON waveform has 43% more acceleration.
DRV2604L Demonstration Program
Figure 12. LRA Auto-Resonance ON Figure 13. LRA Auto-Resonance OFF
Waveform (Button 1) Waveform (Button 2)
The reason for higher acceleration can be seen in the acceleration versus frequency graph below. The LRA has a very narrow operating frequency range due to the properties of a spring-mass system. Furthermore, the resonance frequency drifts over various conditions such as temperature and drive voltage. With the Smart Loop auto-resonance feature, the DRV2604L dynamically tracks the exact resonant frequency to maximize the vibration force.
Figure 14. Acceleration Versus Frequency
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DRV2604L Demonstration Program
Button 4 uses a series of clicks to create a scroll wheel effect. See the oscilloscope capture in Figure 15.
Figure 15. LRA Scroll Wheel Effect Waveform (Button 4)
2.2.5 Mode 1 – Click Waveforms
Mode 1 shows the advantages and disadvantages of the click waveform in the different modes of operation. Button 1 plays the click waveform with braking in auto-resonance. Button 2 plays the click waveform with no braking in auto-resonance. It is apparent that braking allows the waveform to dampen faster so there is no excessive oscillations at the end of the waveform. Button 3 plays the click with braking but in open loop. Braking is not supported in open loop, thus there is no reverse operation of the actuator shown in the graph.
Figure 16. LRA Click with Braking in Open Loop Figure 17. LRA Click with Braking in Auto Resonance
(Button 3) (Button 1)
2.2.6 Mode 0 – Auto-Calibration
Auto-calibration is a DRV2604L-embedded routine that detects the characteristics and behavior of an actuator and adjusts the drive waveform automatically.
Perform auto-calibration using the following steps:
1. Connect an actuator to the green output terminal (OUT) or use the on-board actuators
2. For an ERM actuator, run the ERM auto-calibration by pressing button B1
3. For an LRA actuator, run the LRA auto-calibration by pressing button B2
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4. Read the auto-calibration register values using I2C
5. Test using buttons B3 and B4
2.3 RAM Library Mode
Access the RAM library effects by holding the + button until the mode LEDs flash and the colored LEDs flash ONCE.
Once in Library Mode the DRV2604L loaded RAM effects can be accessed in sequential order. For example, with all Mode LEDs off, B1 is waveform 1, B2 is waveform 2, and so on. Then when Mode LED M0 is on, B1 is waveform 5, B2 is waveform 6, and so on.
The equations for calculating the Mode and Button of an effect are:
Mode = RoundDown( [Effect No.] / 4 ) Button = ([Effect No.] – 1) % 4 + 1 % - modulo operator
To change between ERM and LRA:
1. Select mode 31 (11111'b) using the + or – buttons.
B1 – Press to select ERM
B2 – Press to select LRA
2. Then use the RAM effects as described above.
2.4 Waveform Library Effects List
Table 2 lists the descriptions of the waveforms embedded in the DRV2604L.
DRV2604L Demonstration Program
Table 2. Waveform Effects
Effect ID Waveform Name
1 Strong Click 2 Medium Click 3 Light Click 4 Tick 5 Bump 6 Strong Double Click 7 Medium Double Click 8 Light Double Click 9 Strong Triple Click 10 Buzz 11 Ramp Up 12 Ramp Down 13 Gallop Alert 14 Pulsing Alert 15 Test Click with Braking 16 Test Buzz with Braking 17 Life Test Buzz with Braking 18 Life Test Continuous Buzz 19 ERM OL 1 ms Interval Click 20 LRA OL 1 ms Interval Click 21 ERM/LRA Click for 5 ms playback interval 22 ERM/LRA Click for 1 ms playback interval
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