This user's guide provides complete details of the customer evaluation module (EVM) for the DRV10987
device including hardware implementation, jumper configuration, and operating procedure to run 3-phase
BLDC motors. This EVM user's guide is intended to be used with the DRV10987 Tuning Guide to
optimally tune a user motor.
The DRV10987 evaluation kit contains the following:
•DRV10987 EVM board
•USB2ANY communication board for I2C GUI interaction
•USB cable
•10-pin ribbon cable to connect the USB2ANY and DRV10987 EVM
The DRV10987 EVM boards and GUI are designed to work together to evaluate the device features.
The DRV10987 EVM is a complete solution for evaluating the DRV10987 12-V or 24-V, three-phase
sensorless BLDC motor drivers. Device evaluation and configuration for specific applications is possible
with the provided DRV10987 EVM GUI. This document describes the kit details and explains the functions
and locations of test points, jumpers, and connectors present on the kit. This document is also a quickstart guide for using the GUI to tune a motor for application. For detailed information about the operating
modes of the DRV10987 device, refer to the DRV10987 12- to 24-V, Three-Phase, Sensorless BLDC
The DRV10987 EVM shares terminal P1 for power supply and motor-phase output. Use a single powersupply rail between 6.2 V to 28 V to operate the EVM. Table 1 lists the pin assignment of terminal P1.
Table 1. P1 Terminal Assignments
3.2Test Point Connector P2
The P2 connector can be used to measure signals from the DRV10987 device. P2 is not
populated.Table 2 lists the pin assignment of terminal P2.
Table 2. P2 Terminal Assignments
5SC from J3 (connects to SCL of device)
6SD from J3 (connects to SDA of device)
7SPEED input from PWMIN or ANALOG (R2)
3.3Control Input Connectors J3
The J3 connector is used for the I2C interconnection with the GUI. Table 3 lists the pin assignment of
terminal J3.
Table 3. J3 Terminal Assignments
9SD (connects to SDA of device)
10SC (connects to SCL of device)
To control the spin direction of the motor, the DRV10987 EVM is equipped with a direction jumper.
Depending if 3V3 or GND is supplied to the DRV10987 direction input, the motor spins either in forward or
reverse direction.
J1 ConnectionDescription
3.5Jumper J2 (Speed Input)
The motor speed input source is configured with J2. If J2 pins 2-3 is populated, supply a PWM to the
PWMIN test pin to control the motor speed. If J2 pins 1-2 is populated, the motor speed is controlled with
the analog potentiometer R2 equipped on the EVM.
J2 ConnectionDescription
DRV10987 EVM Board
Table 4. DIR PIN Setting
UnconnectedDIR is set to 3.3 V
ConnectedDIR is set to GND (shown)
Table 5. SPEED Pin Setting
1-2Analog Pot R2 (shown)
NOTE: The motor operation can be unpredictable if the internal register setting the DRV10987
device does not match the J2 selection.
3.6FG Test Pin
The frequency generator (FG) test pin outputs the motor speed, depending on the internal DRV10987
divider setting and the number of motor poles.
The DRV10987 EVM is provided with a GUI to configure the device and tune the application. See
Appendix A for instructions to download and install the GUI application. The GUI is structured into three
tabs (Basic Settings, Advanced Settings, and Display) allowing configuration of the register settings and
tuning of the device parameters for the target application. For details about the settings, refer to the
DRV10987 12- to 24-V, Three-Phase, Sensorless BLDC Motor Driver data sheet.
The following sections include DRV10987 GUI images to explain the various features of the GUI.
4.2Basic Settings
The Basic Settings tab is the landing screen after launching the GUI on the computer. The tab sets the
motor parameters, startup parameters, initial speed detection prior to startup, and current limits. This tab
can also load and save motor parameters and program the EEPROM with optimized settings.
Figure 2. DRV10987 GUI Basic Settings
The GUI is designed to work with and without the hardware connected, allowing evaluation of the
available settings. Click the Demo Mode checkbox in the top right to work offline when the box is checked.
When the EVM is connected to the GUI, this box should be unchecked and the status bar in the bottom
right displays Connected. If the GUI cannot connect to the hardware, check that the hardware is powered
and the I2C communication is correctly established.
4.2.2Register Access – Enable Configure
To access the register settings, click the Enable Configure button (see Figure 2). When selected, the
button changes from the default gray to green, and the settings can be changed.
The GUI supports three different input types to set the register values which are defined as follows:
Dropdown menu — This menu provides a list to select a predefined setting as shown in Figure 3.
Checkbox — Select this checkbox to set single bit values. Figure 4 shows the checkbox enabled.
Text box — The text box allows users to input data that might be changed by the device because of the
data type conversations. In Figure 5, a value of 1.5 was entered and the nearest value, 1.552, was
DRV10987 GUI
Figure 3. Example Dropdown Menu
Figure 4. Example Checkbox
4.2.4Work With EEPROM
The settings are saved and loaded using the Save and Load buttons on the Basic Settings tab. When
saved, the file is written as a .csv file that can be loaded at a later time.
To program the DRV10987 devices and change the default EEPROM settings, follow the instructions
listed in the DRV10987 12- to 24-V, Three-Phase, Sensorless BLDC Motor Driver data sheet.
The Advance Settings tab controls functions such as lock detection, anti-voltage surge (AVS), dead time,
PWM frequency, Current Limit for Lock Detection, slew rate, Duty Cycle Limit, spread-spectrum
modulation, and Temp Warning Action.
The Display tab monitors the device status and motor parameters.
The left section of the Display tab (also called Display) shows all motor parameters. The parameters can
be refreshed manually, or automatically every second.
NOTE: Auto refresh may slow communication with the device.
The right section of the Display tab shows the device status. An active fault condition lights the red
Control the motor speed from the GUI with the speed control options in the bottom section of the Display
tab. To control the motor speed using the GUI, check the OverRide bit and set the motor speed from 0 to
511 decimal. To disable Motor Operation, check the Disable Motor Operation bit.
This section assumes that the user has already downloaded the DRV10987 application GUI as mentioned
in Appendix A.
Perform the following procedure to confirm proper operation of the EVM kit:
Step 1.Do not connect the motor phases and ensure that jumper J2 is set to Analog.
Step 2.Set the speed input to 0 by rotating the potentiometer R2 fully counterclockwise.
Step 3.Connect the motor phases of the user motor to connector P1. Phase sequence is not
important as it only determines the direction of rotation.
Step 4.Connect the USB2ANY board to the computer using the supplied USB cable.
Step 5.Connect the 10-pin ribbon cable header to J4 on the USB2ANY board and J3 on the
DRV10987 EVMs.
Step 6.Connect a power supply to VCC (pin1) and GND (pin 5) of connector P1.
Caution Hot surface. Contact may cause burns. Do not touch.
Step 7.Power on the EVM VCC by applying 12 V to 24 V depending on the application..
With VCC, never exceed 28 V on the DRV10987 EVMs during motor operation.
Step 8.Launch the DRV109XXEVM.exe application on the computer (see Appendix A).
Step 9.Select the appropriate device configuration as shown in Figure 8.
Step 10.Click the OK button.
•If no hardware is connected, or if a hardware connection problem occurs, the GUI
displays the error message as shown in Figure 9. Confirm the hardware connection.
Retry the initialization or click the Demo Mode button to operate in demo mode.
Figure 9. Initial GUI Screen
•If the Demo Mode button was clicked, the GUI displays the Basic Settings as shown in
Figure 10. Click the Demo Mode checkbox to deselect the demo mode communication
and proceed to step 11.
•If the Retry button was selected, the GUI displays the screen as shown in Figure 11
directly after step 10.
Step 11. The status bar displays HARDWARE CONNECTED and the bar turns green, indicating that
the GUI is communicating with the device. Click the Enable Configure to change this button
from the red to green (see Figure 11).
In PWM input mode, the motor speed increase as increasing PWM duty cycle, and the motor speed
decrease as decreasing PWM duty cycle. In analog input mode, the motor speed increases as the pot
R2 is turned clockwise, and decreases as the pot R2 is turned counter clockwise. For DRV10987
Sleep mode device, check the Disable Motor Operation bit, connect the motor phases of the user
motor to connector P1, load, or change desired parameter information, then uncheck the Disable Motor
Operation bit.