Teac LCD2681FHD User Manual

Trademark of TEAC Corporation JAPAN
TEAC High Performance Audio/Video cables and connectors have been designed to enhance your home entertainment experience.
v1.5.2: DEC 2011
Please read th e ow n er ’s m anu al caref ul l y and ensure that you have followed the correct installation and operating procedures.
1. Please read this warranty card.
2. Keep your pur chase r ec eip t t o en abl e you t o pr oc eed qui ckly in th e even t of a Warranty Servic e.
3. If you require Warranty Service, please contact the TEAC Customer Support Hotline at 1300 553 315 for assistance. Pl eas e ens u re that you h ave th e m odel number, serial number an d purchas e r ec eipt ready when you call.
Please complete the section below and keep this information for your own records.
Owner’s Name
Owner’s Address
Model Name/No. Serial No.
Dealer’s Name
Dealer’s Address
Authorised Service Centr es in Major A ustralian Cities
151 Arthur Street Homebush West, NSW 2140
Unit 1, 320 Curtin Ave West Eagle Farm, QLD 4009
Western A ust r alia
Unit 2, 50 Pilbara Street Welshpool, WA 6106
South Australia
11 McInnes Street Ridleyt on, SA 5008
282 Normanby Road South Mel b our n e, V IC 32 05
Thank you for selecting a TEAC product
If you should r equire assist ance with your product regardi ng its setup
or operati on, or if any difficulties arise, please call us directly for advi ce
between Monday to Friday at 8.30AM – 6PM AEST at the
TEAC Customer Support Hotline
1300 553 315
v1.5.2: DEC 2011
Our g oods com e with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consum er Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably fo re se eable l os s or damag e. You ar e al s o e n t i t l e d t o h av e the goods repaired or replaced if the goods f ail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.
Warranty Terms & Conditions
1. TEAC war rant s t hat t his pr oduct is f r ee fr om def ects in mat eri al an d wor km ans hip u nder n ormal dom estic use with reason able care and skill. Mainten ance and c leaning ( i.e. las er head) is not cover ed by this warrant y. The TEAC warrant y on l y applies to TEAC products purchased, used and serviced in Australia.
2. The ben efits to t he c onsum er given b y this W arrant y ar e in addit ion to other r ights and r emedies of the c onsum er under a law in rel at i on t o goods or s er vices to whic h th e w arranty rel ates, b ein g the Austral ian Consu m er Law.
3. Refund or replac emen t via y our r etail er is av ail able f or a peri od of 14 da ys after purch ase f or goods that h ave been inspected and det ermined t o ha ve a m aj or failure. R efu nd and exch ange is not app licable f or ch an g e of mi nd.
4. Subject to the terms herein, this warran ty effecti vely covers the equip ment as sp ecified i n the Warr anty Periods Table below from the date of purchase.
LED/LCD TV 32” (80 cm) and above
1 Year (In-Home Service/ Pick up Available)*
All other TEAC products
1 Year (Carry-in Service)
Th is s ervice will onl y b e provided as part of this w arranty if all the following conditions ar e met;
In Home Service/Pick up* Service a) The produc t is in dicated in th e Warranty Period T able.
b) The product is within the warranty period. c) The product is located within the normal service area of the local TEAC Authorised Service Centre.
If TEAC determines that the product is not repairable on site, TEAC can complete the repair by taking the product to a TEAC Authorised Service Centre.
Where In-Home service/Pick up* is not available, the purchaser is required to send the product to the nearest TEAC Author is ed Ser vic e C entr e f or r epair . In this e vent , pr o of of pur ch ase is r equir ed to s upp ort a warr ant y cl aim. Aft er the rep air, t he pr od uct will be avail abl e for c oll ecti on by or retur n to the pur chas er at a fee upon req uest. TE AC in­home service can be made available at a fee upon request.
Carry-in Service
6. A 12-month replacement warranty is applicable to all Accessories such as Remote, Power Adaptors and Cables.
7. TEAC will ensure to t he best of its ab il it i es th at all req uired parts are mad e avai l ab le for any required s ervice/r ep air.
8. TEAC Aus tralia Pt y Ltd and its Auth orised Servic e Centres will use their best endea vours to c omplete produc t repairs within a reasonable period based on available resources and workload during the time when service is request ed an d perform ed.
9. Refurbis hed p arts m ay be us ed to r epair t he prod uct. I n the c ase of a replac ement, the pr oduct may be r eplac ed, with a ref urbished unit of the s ame type or , if one is unavailab le, a si milar refur bished m odel with equal or b etter features & specifications.
10. Please b e advised that if th e prod uc t presented f or repair is capab le of r etainin g user-g en erated d at a, the d at a m ay be lost during servicing. Customers are strongly encouraged to back up all important information/data before sending the product in for service/repair.
11. Servic e will be pr ovided on ly dur ing norm al busin ess hour s and under saf ety condi tions and circ umstanc es. TEA C and its aut h or ised ser vice agents can r efuse any r ep ai r if saf ety, i n relati on t o O H &S, bec om es a c oncern t o its s t af f or author ised service agents ’ p ersonnel.
12. The warranty is void and warranty claims may be refused, subject to the Australian Consumer Law, if: a) The product was not transported, ins talled, op erated or m aint ained a c c ordin g t o m an uf acturer ins tr uc t ion, or b) The produc t w as abused, dam ag ed, tamp ered, alt ered or rep aired by any un au thoris ed p ersons, or c) Product failure is due to accidents during use, installation or transit, power surges, use of defective or
incompat ib le exter nal devic es, exp os ure to abn orm al cond itions suc h as excess iv e temp erat ur es or humi dity, or entry of liqu ids, obj ects or creatur es in to the produc t.
13. No one is au thoris ed t o ass u m e any liability on b eh alf of TEAC or impose any ob ligati on on it, in connecti on with the sale of any eq ui p m ent other than as stated in th is w arr an t y and ou t l in ed ab ove.
14. TEAC reserves the right to inspect and verify whether the product is exhibiting a major failure as claimed by customers/retailers.
15. LCD dead pixel policy, please contact TEAC Customer Support Hotline on 1300 553 315 for assistance.
Safety Precautions
Power Supply..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Installation......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Use and Maintenance....................................................................................................................................... 3
Important Safety Instructions ............................................................................................................................ 4-5
User Guidance Information
Names of each part(Back View) ........................................................................................................................ 8
Accessories / Wall Mounting Information ............................................................................................
Names of each part(Front View) ...................................................................................................................... 7
............... 6
Remote control .................................................................................................................................................. 9-10
Basic Operation
Basic Operation ................................................................................................................................................. 11-12
OSD Menu
1. CHANNEL Menu ............................................................................................................................................13-15
2. PICTURE Menu ............................................................................................................................................ 16
4. TIMER Menu ................................................................................................................................................. 18
5. OPTION Menu ................................................................................................................................................19
6. LOCK Menu ................................................................................................................................................... 20
Recording Operation
Recording Operation ......................................................................................................................................... 26-32
Multimedia Operation
Multimedia Operation ........................................................................................................................................ 21-25
3. SOUND Menu ............................................................................................................................................... 17
Trouble shooting ............................................................................................................................................... 33
Specifications ................................................................................................................................................... 34-35
Maintenance and Service
Safety Precautions
Power Supply
It is the responsibility of the user to make sure all precautions and warnings are heeded and followed.
DO NOT touch the power plug with wet hands.
DO NOT bend the power cord excessively or place heavy objects on it.
DO NOT use a damaged power cord or plug or a loose outlet.
DO NOT plug several devices into the same outlet.
Insert the power plug fully into the outlet.
• Doing so may result in fire or electric shock.
• A congested outlet may cause the outlet to overheat and start a fire.
• A loose or improperly inserted power plug may result in fire.
• Doing so may result in electric shock.
• Doing so may result in fire or electric shock.
When disconnecting the power cord from an AC outlet, always grasp it by the plug.
• Pulling on the cord can damage the internal wire and may result in a fire.
Always unplug the unit before cleaning.
• Not doing so may result in fire or electric shock.
Safety Precautions
Disconnect device: plug/coupler or all-pole mains switch location
Warning : Ignoring this precaution may result in death or serious injury. Caution : Ignoring this precaution may result in injury or property damage.
DO NOT place a burning candle,
burning anti-mosquito incense, or lighted cigarette on top of the unit. DO NOT place the unit near any heat source such as a fire­place or space heater.
DO NOT place the unit where it is exposed to rain, excessive moisture or grease.
DO NOT use or store flammable or combustible materials near the unit.
• Doing so may result in fire, electric shock, malfunction, or deformation.
• Doing so may result in fire or explosion.
• Doing so poses a serious risk of overheating and a possible fire outbreak.
DO NOT place the unit in a poorly poorly ventilated enclosure, such as a cabinet.
DO NOT run power cords near heat-producing appliances such as radiators, stoves, or irons.
• The excessive heat could melt the insulation and expose live wires, resulting in fire or electric shock.
• Doing so poses a serious risk of overheating and a possible fire outbreak.
DO NOT place the unit on an unstable surface, such as a sloped table, or any stand with a contact area smaller than the bottom surface of the unit stand.
• Placing the unit on a flat stable surface could prevent accidents from happening. Ignoring this precaution could result in the unit toppling over, causing injury to individuals or animals.
Install the antenna away from high-voltage power lines and communication cables. Make sure it is installed securely.
• If the antenna touches a power line, contact with the antenna could result in fire, electric shock, or serious injury.
Install the unit at an adequate distance from the wall to ensure sufficient ventilation. Insufficient ventilation may result in the unit overheating, which may cause a possible fire outbreak.
Do not cover the unit with a tablecloth, curtain, or other material.
• Insufficient ventilation may result in the unit overheating, which may cause a possible fire outbreak.
Be sure to place the unit on a level surface.
The following precautions are divided into "Warnings" and "Cautions".
DO NOT place containers with liquids such as flower vases, soft drink cans, or medicine bottles or small metallic objects on top of the unit.
• If liquid enters the unit or any metal object falls into the unit, it may result in ashort-circuit, fire, or electric shock.
Safety Precautions
Use and Maintenance
Although the LCD screen is made with high-precision technology and 99.99% or more of the pixels are effective, black dots may appear or bright points of light (red, blue, or green) may appear constantly on the LCD screen. This is a property of the LCD screen and is not a malfunction.
Disconnect the power cord from the power source during a thunderstorm.
• Not doing so may result in fire or electric shock.
When not using the unit for long periods of time, discon­nect the power cord from the wall outlet.
• If not cleaned , clogged dust particles at ventilation holes could cause the unit to heat up, and ignite when switched on, which may result in a fire outbreak.
Always have two or more people at hand to lift or move the unit.
• If the unit is dropped, it could be damaged or otherwise cause injury.
Wipe off any moisture, dirt, or dust on the power plug pins with a clean, dry cloth.
• Failure to do so may result in fire or electric shock.
Always turn off the unit and unplug the power cord when cleaning the unit. Use a soft dry cloth to clean the unit.
• Never clean with Industrial strength polish, wax, benzene, paint thinner, air freshener, lubricant, detergent, or other such chemicals. Also, do not clean with a damp cloth.
When moving the unit, be sure to turn off the unit and unplug the power cord from the wall outlet.
• Moving the unit with the power cord connected to the outlet may cause damage to the cord, resulting in fire or electric shock.
If you notice any unusual odors or smoke around the unit, immediately disconnect the unit from the outlet and contact the service center.
• Failure to do so may result in fire or electric shock.
When removing the batteries from the remote control, make sure children do not swallow them. Keep the batteries out of the reach of infants and children.
• If a child has swallowed a battery, seek medical attention immediately.
DO NOT insert any metal objects, such as a screwdriver, paper clip, or a bent wire into the ventilation openings or A/V terminals.
• Doing so poses a serious risk of fire or electric shock.
DO NOT allow children to climb onto the unit.
• The unit could topple over onto a child and result in serious injury.
DO NOT dismantle or modify the unit in any way. Do not attempt to service the unit yourself.
• Doing so may result in fire or electric shock. If the unit requires repair, contact the service center.
Do not display still images and partially still images on the LED panel for more than 2 hours as it can cause screen image retention. This image retention is also known as “screen burn”. To avoid such image retention, reduce the degree of brightness and contrast of the screen when displaying a still image. Watching the LED TV in 4:3 format for a long period of time may leave traces of borders displayed on the left, right and centre of the screen caused by the difference of light emission on the screen. Playing a DVD or a game console may cause a similar effect to the screen. Damages caused by the above effect are not covered by the Warranty. Displaying still images from Video games and PC for longer than a certain period of time may produce partial after-images. To prevent this effect, reduce the ‘brightness’ and ‘contrast’ when displaying still images.
Safety Precautions
Important Safety Instructions
power socket.
Do not bend the power cord excessively, prevent the cord from being walked on or pinched by weights placed on it.
Safety Precautions
Important Safety Instructions
Important Safety Instructions
Caution: Laser radiation when open. Do not stare into beam.
This symbol indicates that there are important operation and maintenance instructions in the literature accompanying hte appliance.
This symbol indicates that dangerous voltage instituting a risk of electric shock is present within this unit.
Caution: Use of any controls, adjustments, or procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
a) To prevent damage which may result in fire or hazards, the unit should not be
exposed to rain or liquids.
b) Do not place objects containing liquids, such as vases on the unit. If drinks or liquids
have been spilled on the unit, unplug the unit from the power source and refer to TEAC service personnel for assistance.
c) Servicing of this unit should be conducted by qualified and certified TEAC service
d) The manufacturer will not be held responsible for any damage caused by any
modifications done on the product without authorisation from the manufacturer’s authorised service agent.
User’s Guide
Remote Control
Mains cable
User Guidance Information
2 x AAA Battery
Wall Mounting Information
Stand and wall-mounted (optional)
Your LCD TV is able to accommodate wall mounting with the use of a wall mount bracket (not supplied with LCD TV, please contact your local hardware store) and the mounting hole screw size (M4X10) on the back of the unit. We recommend removing theTV stand prior to mounting the TV on the wall. Please refer to the figures and procedure below.
How to remove/re-install the stand
How to mount the LCD TV on the wall
Follow instructions below to remove the base of the TV:
1. Place the unit (face down) on a soft blanket.
2. Loosen and remove the 5 screws securing the stand to the
TV set, as per the diagram to the right.
3. Gently remove the stand.
4. To re-install the stand, place the unit (face down) on a soft
blanket and reverse instructions as above.
1. After detaching the stand, fasten 4 mounting screws (thread size M4X10 - NOT SUPPLIED. Please
2. Fasten wall mounting bracket (NOT SUPPLIED with LCD TV, please contact your local hardware store)
with screws on the wall.
contact your local hardware store) into the 4 screw holes on the rear cover, see the figure below.
3. Carefully check for the strength of the connection before releasing the LCD TV.
NOTE : For more detailed instructions please refer to your “after market” wall mounting instruction book.
Thread hole size – M4 x 10 depth (TV mounting screw size) on the TV.
100mm 100mm
Screw holes
User Guidance Information
Names of each part
Front View
Display the input source menu.
MENU: Display/exit the OSD menu. CH+/-: Scan through channels. VOL+/-: Adjust the volume.
POWER: Turn on/standby the TV set.
Names of each part
User Guidance Information
Back View
Name Function Description
VGA Connect to the PC VGA output to display PC graphics
Connect to the video output of external devices Video
AC POWER IN Connect to power supply
SWITCH Turn on/off the power supply
Connect to USB device for multimediaUSB
HDMI1/2/3 Connect to the HDMI socket of your DVD or Satellite Box
Audio signal input for AV(Shared with YPbPr)
YPbPr Connect to the YPbPr output on external devices
PC audio in
PC audio input
Connect Headphone
Connect to antenna or cable source
Digital output to AV receiver
User Guidance Information
Remote Control
(POWER) : Turn the TV on/standby.
: Return to the previous channel viewed.
NUMBER BUTTONS: Choose channel directly. Press number buttons to view the channel.
AUDIO MUTE: Press to mute the sound, press again or press VOL+ to unmute.
: Select different audio languages, subject to availability from broadcaster.
SLEEP ASPECT: Adjust picture size.
: Repeatedly press to scroll to preferred off time.
MENU: Press to display the OSD menu.
DTV/USB: Switch to DTV/USB.
: Display the input source menu.
DISPLAY: Press to display the current mode’s information.
: Press to exit the OSD menu.
PICTURE: Press repeatedly to cycle through the available video picture modes. SOUND: Press to cycle through the different sound settings.
Allows you to navigate through the on-screen menus and adjust the system settings to your preference.
CH.FAV: Displays Channel List, and the Favourite Program List.
EPG: To show the Electronic Program Guide.
Record List.
Delete REC program.
SUBTITLE / A-B / GOTO / D.SETUP / D.MENU / D.TITLE: No function.
: Turn on/off the screen. It can turn off the screen just under USB displaying
: Repeat playing the title or chapter.
: Channel/Program+/- .
Volume +/-.
VOL+/-: Volume +/-.
+ 30 hidden pages