v1.5.2: DEC 2011
Our go ods com e w it h guar ant ees that c anno t be excl uded under t he Aus t ralian Consum er Law . Yo u are
ent it led to a replac ement or refund for a m ajor failur e and fo r com pensat ion for any other reasonab ly
foreseeabl e loss or damage. Yo u ar e also entit led t o hav e the goods r ep aired or r ep laced if t he go ods fail
to be of ac cept abl e q uality and t he fail ure does not am o unt t o a major failur e.
Warranty Terms & Conditions
1. TEAC warrants that this product is free from defects in material and workmans hip under normal domestic us e with
reasonable care and skill. Maintenanc e and cleaning (i.e. laser head) is not covered by this warranty. The TEAC
warranty only applies to TEAC products purchased, used and serviced in Australia.
2. The benefits to the consumer given by this Warranty are in addition to other rights and remedies of the consumer
under a law in relation to goods or services to which the warranty relates, being the Australian Consumer Law.
3. Refund or replacement via your retailer is available for a period of 14 days after purchase for goods that have been
inspected and determined to have a major failure. Refund and exchange is not applic able for change of mind.
4. Subject to the terms herein, this warranty effectively covers the equipment as specified in the Warranty Periods
Table below from the date of purchase.
LED/LCD TV 32” (80 cm) and above 1 Year (In-Home Service/ Pick up Available)*
All other TEAC products 1 Year (Carry-in Service)
This service will only be provided as part of this warranty if all the following conditions are met;
In Home Service/Pick up* Service
a) The product is indicated in the Warranty Period Table.
b) The product is within the warranty period.
c) The product is located within the normal s ervic e area of the local TEAC Authoris ed Ser vice Centre.
If TEAC determines that the product is not repairable on site, TEAC c an c omplete the repair by taking the product to
a TEAC Authorised Service Centre.
Where In-Home service/Pick up* is not available, the purchaser is r equired to send t he product to the nearest TEAC
Authorised Service Centre for repair. In this event, proof of purchase is required to support a warranty claim. After
the repair, the product will be available for collection by or return to the purchaser at a fee upon request. TEAC inhome service can be made available at a f ee upon request.
Carry-in Service
6. A 12-month replacement warranty is applicable to all Accessories such as Remote, Power Adaptors and Cables.
7. TEAC will ensure to the best of its abilities that all r equired parts are made available for any requir ed service/repair.
8. TEAC Austr alia Pty Ltd and its Authorised Service Centres will use their best endeavours to complete product
repairs within a reasonable period based on available resources and workload during the time when service is
req uest ed and perfor m ed .
9. Refurbis hed parts may be used to repair the product. In the case of a replacement, the product may be replaced,
with a refurbished unit of the same type or, if one is unavailable, a similar refurbished model with equal or better
features & specifications.
10. Please be advised that if the product pr esented for repair is c apable of retaining user-generated data, the data may
be lost during servicing. Customers are strong ly encouraged to back up all important information/data before
sending t he product in for servic e/repair .
11. Service will be provided only during normal business hours and under safety conditions and circumstances. TEAC
and its authorised service agents can refuse any repair if safety, in relation to OH&S, becomes a concern to its staff
or authoris ed service agents’ personnel.
12. The warranty is void and warranty claims may be refused, s ubject to the Austr alian Consumer Law, if:
a) The product was not tr ansported, installed, operated or maintained according to manufacturer instruction, or
b) The product was abus ed, damaged, tampered, altered or repair ed by any unauthorised pers ons, or
c) Product failure is due to accidents during use, installation or transit, power surges, use of def ective or
incompatible external devices, exposure to abnormal conditions such as excessive temperatur es or humidity, or
entry of liquids, objects or creatures into the pr oduct.
13. No one is authorised to assume any liability on behalf of TEAC or impose any obligation on it, in connection with the
sale of any equipment other than as stated in this warranty and outlined above.
14. TEAC reserves the right to inspect and verify whether the product is exhibiting a major failure as claimed by
15. LCD dead pixel polic y, please contact TEAC Customer Support Hotline on 1300 553 315 f or assistanc e.