Our goods come wit h guarantees t hat c annot be excluded under the Australian Consum er Law. You are
entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably
fo rese eable l oss or d am ag e. Yo u are al s o en tit led to h a v e t he goo ds repaired or replaced if the goods f ail
to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.
Warranty Terms & Conditions
1. TEAC war rant s t hat t his pr oduct is f r ee fr om def ects in mat eri al an d wor km ans hip u nder n ormal dom estic use with
reason able care and skill. Mainten ance and c leaning ( i.e. las er head) is not cover ed by this warrant y. The TEAC
warrant y on l y applies to TEAC products purchased, used and serviced in Australia.
2. The ben efits to t he c onsum er given b y this W arrant y ar e in addit ion to other r ights and r emedies of the c onsum er
under a law in rel at i on t o goods or s er vices to which the warranty relat es, b eing the Australi an C ons u m er Law.
3. Refund or replac emen t via y our r etail er is av ail able f or a peri od of 14 da ys after purch ase f or goods that h ave been
inspected and determin ed to ha ve a m aj or f ailure. Refund and exc h ange is not applic abl e for change of mind.
4. Subject to the terms herein, this warran ty effecti vely covers the equip ment as sp ecified i n the Warr anty Periods
Table below from the date of purchase.
Th is s ervice will only be provided as part of this war r anty if all the following conditions are met;
In Home Service/Pick up* Service
a) The produc t is in dicated in the Warranty Period Tabl e.
b) The product is within the warranty period.
c) The product is located within the normal service area of the local TEAC Authorised Service Centre.
If TEAC determines that the product is not repairable on site, TEAC can complete the repair by taking the product to
a TEAC Authorised Service Centre.
Where In-Home service/Pick up* is not available, the purchaser is required to send the product to the nearest TEAC
Author is ed Ser vic e C entr e f or r epair . In this e vent , pr o of of pur ch ase is r equir ed to s upp ort a warr ant y cl aim. Aft er
the rep air, t he pr od uct will be avail abl e for c oll ecti on by or retur n to the pur chas er at a fee upon req uest. TE AC inhome service can be made available at a fee upon request.
Carry-in Service
6. A 12-month replacement warranty is applicable to all Accessories such as Remote, Power Adaptors and Cables.
7. TEAC will ensure to the best of its abil iti es t h at all r eq uired parts are m ad e avai l ab le f or an y required service/repair.
8. TEAC Aus tralia Pt y Ltd and its Au thorised S er vice Centres will use th eir best end eavours to c omplete pr oduct
repairs within a reasonable period based on available resources and workload during the time wh en servic e is
request ed an d performed.
9. Refurbis hed p arts m ay be us ed to r epair t he prod uct. I n the c ase of a replac ement, the pr oduct may be r eplac ed,
with a ref urbished unit of the s ame type or , if one is unavailab le, a si milar refur bished m odel with equal or b etter
features & specifications.
10. Please b e advised that if t h e product presented for r ep air is capable of r etaining us er-generated d ata, the dat a m ay
be lost during servicing. Customers are strongly encouraged to back up all important information/data before
sending the product in for service/repair.
11. Servic e will be pr ovided on ly dur ing norm al busin ess hour s and under saf ety condi tions and circ umstanc es. TEA C
and its aut h or ised service agents can refuse any repair if safety, in relation to OH &S, becomes a c oncern to its staff
or author ised service agents ’ personnel.
12. The warranty is void and warranty claims may be refused, subject to the Australian Consumer Law, if:
a) The product was not transported, installed, op erated or maintai n ed a c c ord in g to m an ufacturer instruc tion, or
b) The produc t w as abused, damaged , tam p ered, altered or rep ai red by any unauthor ised persons, or
c) Product failure is due to accidents during use, installation or transit, power surges, use of defective or
incompat ib le exter nal devic es, exp os ure to abn orm al cond itions suc h as excess iv e temp erat ur es or humi dity, or
entry of liqu ids, objects or cr eat ures into the produc t.
13. No one is au thorised to assu m e any liability on b ehalf of TEAC or im pose any oblig ati on on it, in connect ion with the
sale of any eq ui p m ent other than as stat ed in th is w arr an ty and outlined abo ve.
14. TEAC reserves the right to inspect and verify whether the product is exhibiting a major failure as claimed by
15. LCD dead pixel policy, please contact TEAC Customer Support Hotline on 1300 553 315 for assistance.