Setting the Clock, Date, Weather by App
Setting the Alarm by App
Setting the Alarm manually
1. Initiate the TEAC iDock App in the iPhone/iPod Touch.
2. Using the TEAC iDock App, select Alarm Settings to make changes to the alarm 1 and alarm 2 time settings.
3.The TEAC iDock App allows you to select a personalized alarm tune/song from the iPhone/iPod Touch playlist.
If no tune/song is selected in the alarm settings, the App will randomly select a song from the playlist available.
4. Once set, dock the iPhone into the unit with the App on.
5. Alarm settings on the iPhone/iTouch is automatically transferred and synchronized into the unit.
WARNING: Alarm settings on the iPhone/iTouch TEAC iDock App will overwrite both alarm settings previously set on the clock radio
unit when the iPhone/iPod Touch is docked.
1. Press and Hold ALARM, Alarm 1 "hour" setting will start flashing.
2. Press SET +/- to adjust and "hour"
alarm settings.
3. Press ENTER to confirm the "hour" setting, "minute" settings will start to flash.
Press SET
to adjust the minute settings, then, ENTER to set the minute settings. The wake-to source
"BUZ/IP/FM" will start to flash.
Adjust the personal source of alarm tunes from the selections available (Buzzer/iPod/FM). The selections
can be made by pressing Set
. Press ENTER to confirm setting.
When Alarm 1 is set, press ALARM again to set Alarm 2. Or press ALARM twice to enterthe Alarm 2 settings.
7. Repeat the step 2-5 to set Alarm 2
Using the Audio-in jack
You can play any portable MP3 player or portable audio device through the CRX300ip via the AUDIO IN jack.
1. Connect the AUDIO-IN jack from the back panel of the unit to the output from your device.
2. Press INPUT to select "AUX" mode. Display will show "AUX".
3. Play the music from the external audio device.
4. Adjust the volume by pressing the VOLUME +/- buttons.
Using the Sleep mode
1. When the iPhone/iPod Touch is docked into the unit with the TEAC iDock App activated, the weather information
would appear in the lower Display.
2. Press DISPLAY/MEMORY to view the preset Date, Alarm 1, Alarm 2 respectively. Press again to revert back to
the weather display.
3. When the App is not in use, the preset DATE will appear in the lower display by default. Press DISPLAY/MEMORY
to view Alarm 1, amd Alarm 2 respectively. Press again to revert back to the DATE display.
1. Ensure that the alarm indicator is on and is in the right mode when setting the alarm. If not, the alarm may not sound.
2. When the iPhone/iTouch is docked with the App activated, the Alarm Settings in the App will be synchronized to the unit and overwrite the
settings in the unit.
3. When the unit is on, the default wake-to source is set to BUZZER. Other wake-to sources will be activated in standby mode. When the iDock
App is activated and the unit is on standby mode, the App's designated song will play as the alarm wake-to source.
Tuni ng by Ap p
1. Dock the iPhone/iPod Touch into the dock, and launch the TEAC iDock App on your iPhone/iPod Touch.
2. Choose the FM ticker in the App, and an FM input will appear on the unit display.
3. Press AUTO to scan the FM stations automatically, auto scanned stations will be stored as a preset station.
20 stations can be stored.
4. Or, alternatively, turn on the Station Scroll to select your desired station manually. Press SAVE to store the FM
station in your desired memory location.
5. Press preset stations by M1-M20 to select a relevant station.
Tips: Other than auto scanning in App, you may also fine tune the FM steps manually through the unit or App. Both the unit and App display
will show the tuning status at the same time.
The Sleep Mode function permits the user to set a selected time for the unit to shut off. This setting would gradually
lower the volume while the radio or iPhone/iPod Touch is in play.
1. Press and hold SLEEP to set the sleep timer. Press SET+/- to adjust the sleep time. Press ENTER to confirm the setting
2. When Sleep time is set, "ZZZ" appears in the display.
3. Press SLEEP to view the preset sleep time in the lower display.
4. To stop listening at any time, press the POWER to turn unit off.
Setting the clock and date manually
1. When alarm is on, press SNOOZE/DIMMER to turn the alarm off. The alarm will resound in 10 minutes.
2. When alarm is on, press STANDBY/ALARM RESET to reset the alarm for the next day.
3. Press ALARM to turn on/off the alarm setting. Alarm icon should indicate if the alarm is on alert mode or standby mode.
1. Before docking the iPhone/iPod, please choose the correct dock insert to match. Wrong dock inserts would
affect playback and charging.
2. PUSH OPEN the docking tray and pull it all the way out, dock the iPhone/iPod into the unit with the correct insert.
3. When the iPhone/iPod is docked, the iPhone/iPod input source will be set as priority source. The iPhone/iPod icon
appears in the display.
4. If iPhone/iPod is in standby mode, press POWER to turn on the iPhone/iPod
5. Choose the songs from the iPhone/iPod to play; or press PLAY/PAUSE to play the music.
6. Adjust the volume by pressing VOLUME +/- on top of the unit.
7. Press >> or << in the front panel to skip tracks.
Using the Alarm
Listening to iPhone/iPod
Listening to Radio
1. A prompt will appear during the first three times the TEAC iDock App is used with the following request, " 'TEAC'
Would like to Use your Current Location" .
2. Press OK to retrieve your current location time, date, and weather updates.
3. Press weather ticker in the App to download your current location weather conditions.
4. Once set, dock the iPhone/iPod Touch into the unit with the App on.
5. Current time, date and weather are synchronized and displayed into the unit automatically.
Tips: Go to the setting page in the App to select 12/24 hour mode, and turn on/off of the time flash colon.
Manu al Tun ing
1. Press INPUT to select the FM input mode, "FM" appears on the unit display.
2. Press and hold SET +/- to scan the available FM stations.
3. Once station is selected, press and hold DISPLAY/ MEMORY until P01 appears in the display.
4. Press SET +/- again to select the preset number, then press DISPLAY/MEMORY to store.
5. To listen to the pre-saved radio stations, press PRESET to select a preset station.
Note: To increase the sensitivity of the reception and to reduce static, fully extend the FM wire.
Note: The FM frequency display is raised or lowered by a step of 0.1MHz. For example, frequency between 88.00 to 88.05MHz will be
displayed as "88.0MHz".
Note: When the iPhone/iTouch is docked with the TEAC iDock App activated, the preset FM station in the App will NOT override the preset
stations in the unit.
1. Press 12/24hr at the rear of the unit to choose 12/24 hr setting.
2. When 12 hr setting is chosen, AM/PM appears in the display along with the time.
3. Press TIME , the "hour" starts to flash in the display.
4. Press SET +/- to adjust the "hour".
5. Press ENTER to confirm the "hour" setting, afterwhich, the "minute" setting starts to flash.
6. Press SET +/- repeatedly, then press ENTER to make changes to the minute settings.
7. Press and hold TIME, the "yyyy" starts to flash in the display. Press SET+/- to set the year and ENTER to exit.
8. Set the "mm", "dd" like Step7 to set the month and day respectively. Press ENTER to exit.
Note: When iPhone is docked with App activated, the time and date settings in App will override the original settings in the unit.
Using the DIMMER
During normal operation, press the SNOOZE/DIMMER to control the brightness of the LCD display.
Problem Solving
Chec k all cab les to en sure t hey are c onne cted co rrect ly
Chec k if the ba tteri es are f ully ch arge d and are i n place c orre ctly
Chec k if the iP hone / iP od tou ch is ins erted c orre ctly; u ndoc k the pla yer, ch eck fo a ny obst ructi on
on the c onnec tors an d dock a gain.
If a fault occurs, please check the points listed below:
Never open the digital unit casing under any circumstances, otherwise the warranty will be void.
The product should not be placed where it is exposed to rain, excessive moisture or grease.
Do not bend the power cord excessively or place heavy objects on it.
Do not use a damaged power cord or power outlet.
Do not place the unit near any naked flames such as a candle, or any heated source such as
a fire place or heater.
Dispose off batteries used for the unit in the proper manner.
Do not expose the unit to excessive heat, such as sunshine and fire.
Disposal of Old Electrical & Electronic Equipment (Applicable in the European Union and other European
countries with separate collection systems)
This S ymbol o n the bat tery o r on the pa ckagi ng ind icate s that t he batt ery pro vide d with th is prod uct sh all
not be t reate d as hous ehol d waste . On cer tain ba tteri es thi s symbo l might b e used i n combi nati on with a
chem ical sy mbol. T he che mical s ymbo ls for me rcury ( Hg) or l ead (Pb ) are add ed if th e batte ry con tains
more t han 0.0 005% me rcur y or 0.00 4% lea d. By ens uring t hese b atter ies are d ispo sed of co rrec tly, yo u
will h elp pre vent po tent ially n egat ive con seque nces f or the en viron ment a nd huma n heal th whic h could
othe rwise b e cause d by ina pprop riat e waste h andli ng of th e batte ry. The r ecyc ling of t he mat erial s will
help t o conse rve nat ural r esour ces.
Outp ut Powe r (THD1 0%): 1 .5 Watt s x 2
Spea ker Uni t: 1.5" x 2
Freq uency R espon se: 17 5Hz~1 5KHz
Rate d Load Im pedan ce: 4Ω
Powe r Ratin g: AC 100 -240 V~50/ 60Hz, 5 00mA
DC 5V, 20 00mA
Powe r Consu mptio n: 5W
Viewing the DATE/Alarm 1/Alarm 2 setting
Operating Instructions
This service will only be provid ed as p ar t of t his war r ant y if all the following conditions are met;
In Home Service/Pick up* S ervice
a) The product is indic ated in the Warranty Period Table.
b) The produc t is within the warranty peri od.
c) The produc t is located within the norm al service area of the local T EAC Authorised Service Centr e.
If TEAC determines that the product is not repair able on site, TEAC can c omplete the repair by taking the product to
a TEAC Authorised Servic e Centre.
Where In-Home service/P ick up* is not available, t he purchaser is required to send the product to th e nearest TEAC
Authorised Service Centr e f or r ep air. In t his even t, pro of of p urch ase is r equ ired t o su pport a war rant y cl aim. Af ter
the repair, the product will b e avai lab le f or col lec tion by or r eturn to th e purchas er at a fee upon req uest . TEAC inhome service can be mad e available at a fee upon requ est.
Carry-in Servic e
6. A 12-month replacement warranty is applicable to all Access ories such as Remote, Power A daptors and Cables.
7. TEAC will ensure to the best of its abil it i es th at all req ui r ed par ts ar e made available for any required servic e/r epair.
8. TEAC Australia Pty Ltd and i ts Authoris ed Service C entres will u se their bes t endeavour s to compl ete product
repairs within a reasonable period b ased on available res ources and workload du ring the time when s ervice is
requested and performed.
9. Refurbished parts may be used to r epair the pr oduct. I n th e case of a repl acemen t, the pr oduc t may b e replac ed,
with a refurbished unit of the sam e type or , if one is un availabl e, a simil ar refurbis hed mod el with equ al or bett er
features & specifications .
10. Please be advised that if the prod uc t pr es ented for repair is capabl e of r etaining user-generated d at a, t he data may
be lost during servicin g. Customers are strongly enc ouraged to back up all import ant information/d ata before
sending the product in f or service/repair.
11. Service will be provided only during normal busines s hours and under safety c onditi ons and ci rcumst ances . TEAC
and its authorised servic e ag ents c an refuse any repair if safety, i n r elation to OH&S, becomes a conc ern to its staff
or authorised service agents’ pers onnel.
12. The warranty is void and warranty cl aims may be refused, subjec t to the Australian Consumer L aw, if:
a) The produc t was not transported, install ed, op er ated or maintained according to manuf act ur er instruction, or
b) The product w as abus ed, damaged, tampered, altered or repai r ed by any unauthorised persons, or
c) Product f ailure is due to accidents durin g use, installation or transit, p ower surges, u se of defec tive or
incompatible external devices, exp os ur e to abnorm al cond iti ons suc h as excessi ve tem per atur es or hu midit y, or
entry of liquids, objects or creatur es in t o the product.
13. No one is authorised to assume any liabilit y on b eh alf of TEAC or impose any obligati on on it , in c on n ection with the
sale of any equipment other than as stat ed in th is warranty and outlined above.
14. TEAC reserves the right to inspect and verif y whether the produc t is exhibiting a major f ailure as claimed by
15. LCD dead pixel policy, please cont act TEAC Customer Support H otline on 1300 553 315 for ass istance.