What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls Using the phone book In-call features
Advanced settings
D1450 3.01 USER GUIDE TA NDBERG QUICK S ET C20 —July 20 09
User guide
Whats in this guide? Getting started Making calls Using the phone book In-call features
What’s in this guide?
Advanced settings
Getting started ........................................................................................................ 3
Waking up the system ...............................................................................................4
The TRC5 remote control ...........................................................................................5
Navigating in the menus ............................................................................................7
If there is no menu shown... ................................................................................... 7
Entering text in text fields .......................................................................................... 8
What happens when you press a number key? .....................................................8
Using the number keys in text fields ...................................................................... 8
Special characters ...................................................................................................8
Screen layout .............................................................................................................9
Adding wallpaper to your screen ............................................................................9
Camera presets ........................................................................................................10
Where to find it .....................................................................................................10
Using the presets .................................................................................................10
Adding a camera preset ........................................................................................... 11
Moving and zooming the camera ......................................................................... 11
Adding a camera preset ........................................................................................ 11
BestView—Face recognition ................................................................................... 12
Using Best view .................................................................................................... 12
Where to find it ..................................................................................................... 12
Camera settings ....................................................................................................... 13
Adjusting the exposure ......................................................................................... 13
Adjusting the whitebalance ..................................................................................13
Main source .............................................................................................................14
Call settings—an overview ...................................................................................... 14
Call settings—auto answer options .........................................................................15
Call settings—default bitrate ................................................................................... 15
Language settings ........................................................................................................16
About the setting of date and time .......................................................................... 16
Setting date and time manually ...............................................................................17
Setting date and time automatically ............................................................................17
Selecting ring tone ...................................................................................................18
Setting ring tone volume ..........................................................................................18
Setting key tone to on or off ....................................................................................19
Setting wallpaper on your screen ............................................................................19
Inserting your own wallpaper...................................................................................20
System information ..................................................................................................20
Making calls ...........................................................................................................21
Making calls by dialing the number..........................................................................22
When someone is calling .........................................................................................22
Terminating an ongoing call .....................................................................................22
Making calls using phone book ................................................................................ 23
Method 1 ..............................................................................................................23
Method 2 ..............................................................................................................23
Making calls using the recent calls list .....................................................................24
The icons used ..................................................................................................... 24
Using the phone book ...........................................................................................25
Basic phone book features ......................................................................................26
Navigating in the phone book ...............................................................................26
Calling an entry in the phone book .......................................................................26
Opening the phone book: .....................................................................................26
Searching in the phone book ...................................................................................27
Entering text in the search field ............................................................................27
Quick search by letters ......................................................................................... 27
Adding new contacts ...............................................................................................28
Adding an entry from recent calls or the phone book ..........................................28
Adding an entry manually to My contacts ............................................................28
Editing existing entries .............................................................................................29
Editing entries in the phone book ......................................................................... 29
In-call features ....................................................................................................... 30
Sharing a PC presentation ........................................................................................31
Dual video stream .................................................................................................31
Sharing a presentation .......................................................................................... 31
Troubleshooting if the presentation does not show ............................................. 31
Other presentation sources .................................................................................. 31
Advanced settings.................................................................................................32
About the advanced settings ...................................................................................33
Advanced configuration & password .......................................................................33
Defining softbutton functions ..................................................................................34
Softbutton—Main source selection .........................................................................35
Softbutton—Camera Preset ....................................................................................36
Softbutton—Speed dials .........................................................................................37
Softbutton—Clear softbuttons ................................................................................38
Restart .....................................................................................................................38
D1450 3.01 USER GUIDE TA NDBERG QUICK S ET C20 —July 20 09
What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls Using the phone book In-call features

Getting started

Advanced settings
D1450 3.01 USER GUIDE TA NDBERG QUICK S ET C20 —July 20 09
What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls Using the phone book In-call features
Getting started
Advanced settings

Waking up the system

To make a call you need to wake up the system from standby. However, if someone calls you, the system will wake up by itself.
• To wake up the system just pick up the remote control or press any key.
You may have to point the remote control towards the system to make it discover you.
• The system will now show the welcome screen, which contains the
main menu and it will display the main camera image in the background.
• The IP number and/or the system name will be displayed in the upper
left corner.
• The IP number is the dial-in number of your system.
• The screen will also indicate if there are any calls you have missed.
After wake-up, the screen will typically look like this:
The IP number or your URI is the dial-in number of your system and will appear here.
Should the system fail to respond to the remote control or to incoming calls, make sure that:
• The system is connected to line voltage
• The remote control has working batteries
• The internal cables, such as the monitor cable and/or the camera
cables are properly connected, cf. the installation sheet.
Date and time of day.
Softbuttons (described on the following pages).
D1450 3.01 USER GUIDE TA NDBERG QUICK S ET C20 —July 20 09
What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls Using the phone book In-call features
Getting started

The TRC5 remote control

The funct ion keys in the upper part of the remote control reflects the softbuttons on screen...
... and the middle part of the remote control is used to handle the video part of the call
... while the lower part of the remote control resembles very much the keypad of a cell phone.
Each key reflects a softbutton on screen and represents shortcuts and advanced functions.
Advanced settings
to toggle the microphones on/off.
VOLUME: Press the + or – on the
key to adjust
the volume.
D1450 3.01 USER GUIDE TA NDBERG QUICK S ET C20 —July 20 09
Press the
to show/hide a
ZOOM: Press
the + or – on the key to zoom the
camera in and out.
ARROW UP/DOWN: Use the and arrow keys to navigate in the menu and to move the camera (pan, tilt) when the menu on screen is not displayed.
ARROW LEFT: Press the key to go one step back in the menu or to move to the left in a text field.
OK/SELECT: Press the
key to confirm your choice or selection.
Press the arrow key to expand the
selected menu item
or to move to the
right in a text field.
What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls Using the phone book In-call features
Getting started
Advanced settings
PHONE BOOK: Press the
key to display
the phone book.
CALL: Press the
key to display the recent calls menu. Select one or more contacts and press the key to initiate the call.
HOME: Press
key to go
the back to the Home menu.
LAYOUT: Press the
key to display the
Layout menu, then
select a view in the
STANDBY: Press the
key to end a call or, when idle, to go into standby mode.
Alphanumeric keypad: Use the keypad in the same way as you would use a cell phone.
0-9, a-z, period (.), @, space, *: Press a key
repeatedly to toggle between the options displayed on each key.
abc/123 #: Press the # key to toggle between lower case characters and numbers.
CLEAR: Press the remove characters in a text field.
D1450 3.01 USER GUIDE TA NDBERG QUICK S ET C20 —July 20 09
key to
What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls Using the phone book In-call features
Getting started
Advanced settings

Navigating in the menus

Your TANDBERG Quick Set C20 is operated by means of the remote control. All you need to know to get started are a few basic navigation principles.
• Press the
• The
used to navigate in the menus.
• When the system shows the Home menu only, pressing
will hide the menu. To bring it back, press the
• In an input field pressing
left of the cursor position.
The element currently selected is indicated by an orange rectangle. Use the vertical
arrow keys to
navigate up and down in a menu.
home key ( ) to show the Home menu.
arrow keys in the center of the upper part of the remote control are
home key ( )
home key ( ) again.
cancel will delete characters/numbers to the
Press the key to produce the home
menu on the screen.
The little
triangle indicates that a submenu is
Example showing a submenu produced by pressing the right key.
The little triangle
indicates that
there are further
submenus available.
Use the right
key or to show this
Use the left arrow key to collapse the menu expansion, i.e. to go back one level.
Use the home key ( ) to exit all
menus and return to showing
the Home menu only.

If there is no menu shown...

Wake up the system by lifting the remote control and press the key to produce the Home menu.
D1450 3.01 USER GUIDE TA NDBERG QUICK S ET C20 —July 20 09
Softkeys not used in a
given context are shown
Context sensitive softkeys corresponding to the function keys of the remote control.
What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls Using the phone book In-call features
Getting started
Advanced settings
Entering text in text fields
Some menu fields expect text information to be entered. Apart from the need to enter the number or identity of the person you want to call, you will also—among other things—need this ability to search and maintain your list of contacts in the phone book.

What happens when you press a number key?

• Pressing a number key outside calls will cause the call menu to be
• When the cursor is positioned inside an entry field expecting text
entries, the system automatically switches to text mode (ABC). Entering letters is similar to as on a cell phone—see right.
• When the cursor is positioned inside an entry field requiring number
entries, the system automatically switches to number mode (123) allowing numbers to be dialed with the number keys as usual.
Using the number keys in text fields
Whenever text entries are expected by the system, a small abc or ABC appears in the right lower corner of the entry field. For entry fields expecting numbers, 123 will appear instead. In text mode, entries from the number keys are automatically interpreted as text entries in the same way as on a cell phone.
• Press the key that corresponds to the required letter as many times
as needed to produce that letter.
• Switch between lower case (abc) and upper case (ABC) letters with
the # a/A key.
• Switch between text mode (abc) and number mode (123) by keeping
the # abc/123 key depressed for more than a second.
• To insert space, press the 0 _ key.
• To insert the @ sign, press the 1-key twice, while the keypad is in
text mode.
• To insert the . sign, press the
number mode.
• To write digits and numbers in a text input field, repeatedly press the
corresponding key until the digit appears.
• To erase erroneous inputs, use the c key.
.-key once, while the keypad is in
If needed, press this key repeatedly until the input field is set as required (123/abc/ABC).
D1450 3.01 USER GUIDE TA NDBERG QUICK S ET C20 —July 20 09

Special characters

Special characters
Sometimes you will need to make use of special characters, e.g. when entering names in My contacts.
Whenever it is likely that special characters are needed, the softbutton
charact ers giving you access to the special
characters menu will be displayed.
What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls Using the phone book In-call features
Getting started
Advanced settings

Screen layout

The layout of the screen can be changed as shown to the right.
To produce display options screen, press the Alternatively, you may enter this function through Settings > Layout.
• Use the
select the alternative you want to use.
• Note that you may, or may not, include selfview (i.e. the outgoing video
signal from your own system).
• You set whether to include selfview or not by means of the left-most
arrow keys to move between the alternatives and use to

Adding wallpaper to your screen

In the Home menu, navigate down to Settings and press the
layout ( ) key.
In the
Settings submenu
navigate down
to Wallpaper.
Press again.
Layout control outside a call is limited to the choice between showing selfview and showing a wallpaper...
However, if you already have activated the selfview, the menu will give you these options when you enter the menu again.
Layout control used during a call gives you the possibility to include selfview...
Layout control when in a call provides the choice of showing selfview or full screen participant...
Select between the options available and press the the menu putting your choice into effect. See also page 19 for more on this.
D1450 3.01 USER GUIDE TA NDBERG QUICK S ET C20 —July 20 09
key to leave
However, if you already have activated the selfview, you may select where the selfview should appear in the image when you enter the menu again.
What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls Using the phone book In-call features
Getting started
Advanced settings

Camera presets

You may create predefined camera zoom and angle sets (se the next page for details). This is referred to as camera presets.
Do as follows:
1. Press the
Select Selfview to be shown as required. In this way you will see what other will see of you in a call.
2. Press the
select Camera control.
3. This will cause softbuttons to appear. Press the
corresponding to Camera presets (funct ion key number 2 from the left).
Where to find it
key on the remote control to display the Layout menu.
key on the remote control to display the Home menu and
functio n key

Using the presets

D1450 3.01 USER GUIDE TA NDBERG QUICK S ET C20 —July 20 09
Use the vertical arrow keys to navigate in the menu and use to select a preset causing the camera to move accordingly. Note that this feature may be utilized any time.
What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls Using the phone book In-call features
Getting started
Advanced settings

Adding a camera preset

For more on camera presets as such, see the previous page.
To add a camera preset, do as follows:
1. Press the
Select Selfview to be shown as required. In this way you will see what other will see of you in a call.
2. Adjust camera position and zoom using the four
zoom key.
3. Press the
select Camera control.
4. This will cause softbuttons to appear. Press the
corresponding to Camera presets (functi on key number 2 from the left).
5. Follow the procedure shown to the right.

Moving and zooming the camera

key on the remote control to display the Layout menu.
arrow keys and the
key on the remote control to display the Home menu and
functio n key

Adding a camera preset

In the Camera presets menu navigate to Add camera preset and press
Navigate to the preset to define (or redefine, if it already existed). Press produce the submenu.
Give it a descriptive name, use special characters, if needed.
Use the arrow keys and the zoom keys.
D1450 3.01 USER GUIDE TA NDBERG QUICK S ET C20 —July 20 09
Save the new preset.
What’s in this guide? Getting started Making calls Using the phone book In-call features
Getting started
Advanced settings

BestView—Face recognition

The TANDBERG Profile is capable of doing face recognition.
The face recognition system aims to search for faces in order to optimize the picture frame, and is therefore called BestView. Once a face or group of faces has been detected camera zoom and camera angle will be changed accordingly to obtain an optimal representation on the screen.
Kindly observe the following:
• The Best view feature is still a preview feature.
• The Best view optimization process may take up to 5 seconds.
• The detection of faces works better when people look towards the
• The area from the eyebrows down to just below the lips should be uncovered.
• Beard is normally not a problem.

Using Best view

1. Press the key on the remote control to display the Layout menu.
Select Selfview to be shown as required.
2. Press the
select Camera control
key on the remote control to display the Home menu and
Where to find it
The softbuttons shown are produced via the Camera control menu.
Use this softbutton to exit.
3. This will cause softbuttons to appear. Press the
corresponding to Camera presets and navigate to Best view.
4. Press
process. Look towards the camera for about five seconds
5. The system will now look for faces and adjust the zoom and camera
angle to obtain a best fit.
D1450 3.01 USER GUIDE TA NDBERG QUICK S ET C20 —July 20 09
on the remote control to start the Best view optimization
functio n key
+ 27 hidden pages