Tandberg MXP F8 User Manual

Software version F8 AUGUST 2010
Administrator Guide
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
Chapter 0 Table of
What’s in
this guide?
The top menu bar and the entries in the Table of Contents are all hyperlinks, just click on them to go to the topic.
We recommend you visit the TANDBERG web site regularly for an updated version of this guide. Go to: http://www.tandberg.com/docs
Table of contents
What’s new in version F8? .............................................................. 8
New products added to the guide .................................................. 9
Intellectual Property Rights...........................................................10
Trademark .................................................................................... 10
Disclaimer ..................................................................................... 10
Patent Information ........................................................................ 10
Copyright Notice ..........................................................................10
Safety Instructions ........................................................................ 11
TANDBERG 8000 MXP ............................................................. 11
TANDBERG 6000 MXP Profile ................................................... 11
TANDBERG Profile 52” with Codec 6000 MXP ......................... 11
TANDBERG 3000 MXP Profile ................................................... 11
TANDBERG 1700 MXP ............................................................. 11
TANDBERG 1000 MXP ............................................................. 11
TANDBERG Edge 95/85/75 MXP ............................................. 11
TANDBERG 990/880 /770 MXP ................................................ 11
TANDBERG 550 MXP ............................................................... 11
TANDBERG Compass MXP ...................................................... 12
TANDBERG Utility MXP ............................................................ 12
TANDBERG Tactical MXP ......................................................... 13
Environmental Issues.................................................................... 14
Monitors - After Image Lagging .................................................... 15
After image lagging due to remaining electrical load ................. 15
After-image lagging due to sticking ........................................... 15
Solving after-image lagging problems ....................................... 15
China RoHS table ......................................................................... 16
Getting started
TANDBERG Remote control TRC3 ............................................... 18
TANDBERG Remote control TRC4 ............................................... 19
The Installation Wizard ................................................................. 20
Description of the settings .........................................................20
Choose a language for the system ............................................ 20
Enter a system name ................................................................. 20
Enter software options ............................................................... 21
IP settings .................................................................................. 21
If you need to set a static IP address ...................................... 21
SIP Settings ............................................................................... 21
External management ...............................................................21
External manager settings ...................................................... 21
Specify how to register your system .......................................... 22
Enter gatekeeper settings ....................................................... 22
- or enter Call manager settings .............................................. 22
- or select Direct call setup ..................................................... 22
Save and restart ........................................................................ 22
Verify your settings .......................................................................23
View the default system settings .................................................. 24
Restore to default system settings ............................................. 24
Installation Profiles ........................................................................ 25
Save Profile ................................................................................ 25
Activate Profile ........................................................................... 25
Delete Profile ..............................................................................25
The Control Panel menu structure
Select your video meeting system ................................................ 27
Menu structure for 8000 MXP, 6000 MXP Profile, Maestro MXP.. 28
About the Control Panel ............................................................ 29
Password Protection ...............................................................29
Remote control shor tcut keys ................................................. 29
The Control Panel overview ....................................................... 30
The General settings menus - Part 1 ......................................... 31
The General settings menus - Part 2 ......................................... 32
The Menu settings menus ......................................................... 33
The Presentation settings menus ..............................................34
The Call Quality settings menus ................................................35
The Audio settings menus - Part 1 ............................................ 36
The Audio settings menus - Part 2 ............................................ 37
The Video settings menus ......................................................... 38
The Security settings menu .......................................................39
The Network settings menus - Part 1 ........................................ 40
The Network settings menus - Part 2 ........................................ 41
The Network settings menus - Part 3 ........................................ 42
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
The Network settings menus - Part 4 ........................................ 43
The Network settings menus - Part 5 ........................................ 44
The Network settings menus - Part 6 ........................................ 45
The Network settings menus - Part 7 ........................................ 46
The Network settings menus - Part 8 ........................................ 47
The Network settings menus - Part 9 ........................................ 48
The other Control Panel menu buttons ...................................... 49
The Diagnostics menu - Par t 1 .................................................. 50
The Diagnostics menu - Par t 2 .................................................. 51
Menu structure for 3000 MXP Profile, Tactical MXP ..................... 52
About the Control Panel ............................................................ 53
Password Protection ...............................................................53
Remote control shor tcut keys ................................................. 53
The Control Panel overview ....................................................... 54
The General settings menus - Part 1 ......................................... 55
The General settings menus - Part 2 ......................................... 56
The Menu settings menus ......................................................... 57
The Presentation settings menus ..............................................58
The Call Quality settings menus ................................................ 59
The Audio settings menus - Part 1 ............................................ 60
The Audio settings menus - Part 2 ............................................ 61
The Video settings menus ......................................................... 62
The Security settings menus .....................................................63
The Network settings menus - Part 1 ........................................ 64
The Network settings menus - Part 2 ........................................ 65
The Network settings menus - Part 3 ........................................ 66
The Network settings menus - Part 4 ........................................ 67
The Network settings menus - Part 5 ........................................ 68
The Network settings menus - Part 6 ........................................ 69
The Network settings menus - Part 7 ........................................ 70
The other Control Panel menu buttons ...................................... 71
The Diagnostics menus - Part 1 ................................................ 72
The Diagnostics menus - Part 2 ................................................ 73
Menu structure for 1700 MXP ....................................................... 74
About the Control Panel ............................................................ 75
Password Protection ............................................................... 75
Remote control shor tcut keys ................................................. 75
The Control Panel overview ....................................................... 76
The General settings menus - Part 1 ......................................... 77
The General settings menus - Part 2 ......................................... 78
The Menu settings menus ......................................................... 79
The Presentation settings menus ..............................................80
The Call Quality settings menus ................................................ 81
The Audio settings menus .........................................................82
The Video settings menus ......................................................... 83
The Security settings menus .....................................................84
The Network settings menus - Part 1 ........................................ 85
The Network settings menus - Part 2 ........................................ 86
The Network settings menus - Part 3 ........................................ 87
The Network settings menus - Part 4 ........................................ 88
The Network settings menus - Part 5 ........................................ 89
The Network settings menus - Part 6 ........................................ 90
The other Control Panel menu buttons ...................................... 91
The Diagnostics menus - Part 1 ................................................ 92
The Diagnostics menus - Part 2 ................................................ 93
Menu structure for 1000 MXP, Compass MXP, Utility MXP .......... 94
About the Control Panel ............................................................95
Password Protection ...............................................................95
Remote control shor tcut keys ................................................. 95
The Control Panel overview ....................................................... 96
The General settings menus - Part 1 ......................................... 97
The General settings menus - Part 2 ......................................... 98
The Menu settings menus ......................................................... 99
The Presentation settings menus ............................................10 0
The Call Quality settings menus .............................................. 101
The Audio settings menus ....................................................... 102
The Video settings menus ....................................................... 103
The Security settings menus ................................................... 104
The Network settings menus - Part 1 ...................................... 105
The Network settings menus - Part 2 ...................................... 106
The Network settings menus - Part 3 ...................................... 107
The Network settings menus - Part 4 ...................................... 108
The Network settings menus - Part 5 ...................................... 109
The Network settings menus - Part 6 .......................................110
The Network settings menus - Part 7 .......................................111
The other Control Panel menu buttons .....................................112
The Diagnostics menus - Part 1 ...............................................113
The Diagnostics menus - Part 2 ...............................................114
Menu structure for Edge 95/85/75 MXP, 990/880/770 MXP ......115
About the Control Panel ...........................................................116
Password Protection ..............................................................116
Remote control shor tcut keys ................................................116
The Control Panel overview ......................................................117
The General settings menus - Part 1 ........................................118
The General settings menus - Part 2 ........................................119
The Menu settings menus ....................................................... 120
The Presentation settings menus ............................................ 121
The Call Quality settings menus .............................................. 122
The Audio settings menus - Part 1 .......................................... 123
The Audio settings menus - Part 2 .......................................... 124
The Video settings menus ....................................................... 125
The Security settings menus ................................................... 126
The Network settings menus - Part 1 ...................................... 127
The Network settings menus - Part 2 ...................................... 12 8
The Network settings menus - Part 3 ...................................... 12 9
The Network settings menus - Part 4 ...................................... 13 0
The Network settings menus - Part 5 ...................................... 131
The Network settings menus - Part 6 ...................................... 13 2
The Network settings menus - Part 7 ...................................... 13 3
The other Control Panel menu buttons .................................... 134
The Diagnostics menus - Part 1 .............................................. 135
The Diagnostics menus - Part 2 .............................................. 136
Menu structure for 550 MXP ...................................................... 137
About the Control Panel .......................................................... 138
Password Protection ............................................................. 13 8
Remote control shor tcut keys ............................................... 138
The Control Panel overview ..................................................... 139
The General settings menus - Part 1 ....................................... 14 0
The General settings menus - Part 2 ....................................... 141
The Menu settings menus ....................................................... 14 2
The Presentation settings menus ............................................143
The Call Quality settings menus .............................................. 144
The Audio settings menus ....................................................... 145
The Video settings menus ....................................................... 146
The Security settings menus ................................................... 147
The Network settings menus - Part 1 ...................................... 14 8
The Network settings menus - Part 2 ...................................... 14 9
The Network settings menus - Part 3 ...................................... 15 0
The Network settings menus - Part 4 ...................................... 151
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
The Network settings menus - Part 5 ...................................... 15 2
The Network settings menus - Part 6 ...................................... 15 3
The Network settings menus - Part 7 ...................................... 15 4
The other Control Panel menu buttons .................................... 155
The Diagnostics menus - Part 1 .............................................. 156
The Diagnostics menus - Part 2 .............................................. 157
The Control Panel settings library
Table of contents ........................................................................ 159
The Control Panel settings listed in the same order as they
appear in the menus ................................................................... 16 3
Using the system
Password Protection of the Control Panel Settings .................... 233
About administrator password.................................................233
Gain Access to a Password Protected Control Panel Menu .... 233
Setting the administrator password ......................................... 233
Clear the administrator password ............................................233
General room guidelines ............................................................234
The physical conditions ...........................................................234
The room equipment ...............................................................234
Environmental considerations ..................................................234
The audio quality .....................................................................235
Natural communication ............................................................235
Guidelines for meeting room setup.............................................236
Sharing a PC presentation ....................................................... 237
Other presentation sources ..................................................... 237
PC Presenter .............................................................................. 238
Using PC Presenter ................................................................. 238
Configuration ........................................................................238
PC SoftPresenter and VNC ........................................................ 239
Using PC SoftPresenter ........................................................... 239
VNC Ser ver Software ............................................................ 239
VNC Server Software Configuration .....................................239
Showing PC contents on the video system ........................... 239
Dual Video Stream (DuoVideoTF/H.239/BFCP) ........................... 240
Dual Video Stream and Bandwidth .......................................... 240
Presentation Settings and Dual Video Stream ......................... 24 0
Example with Presentation Start set to Auto ......................... 240
Example with Presentation Start set to Manual .................... 240
Call Rate with DuoVideoTF/H.239/BFCP ................................. 24 0
When net work is H.323 ......................................................... 240
When net work is SIP ............................................................. 240
When net work is ISDN .......................................................... 240
Wireless Network Adapters ........................................................ 241
Recommended cards .............................................................. 241
Recommended access points ................................................. 241
Recommended Wireless Network Adapters ............................ 241
Configuration ........................................................................ 241
Services for Multipoint Calls ....................................................... 242
Embedded or external MCU .................................................... 242
External services from TMS ..................................................... 242
About the External Services Menu .......................................... 242
How to Enable the External Services Menu .......................... 242
External services features ..................................................... 242
Call Control with Access Codes ................................................. 243
How to activate access codes ................................................. 243
How to create an access code file and upload the file ............. 243
TANDBERG Management Suite ............................................ 243
Kiosk Mode ................................................................................ 244
How to activate Kiosk Mode .................................................... 244
How to deactivate Kiosk Mode ................................................ 244
Waking up the system ............................................................. 244
Quick Key for IP Address ......................................................... 24 4
Quick Key to Deactivate Kiosk Mode ....................................... 24 4
Intelligent Video Management (IVM) ........................................... 245
Video input configured to Motion ............................................. 245
At low bit rate: ....................................................................... 245
At high bit rate: ...................................................................... 24 5
Video input configured to Sharpness ......................................24 5
Dialing in From Outside the Enterprise ....................................... 246
Dialing in without being registered to a TANDBERG Gatekeeper 246
Connecting the System to ISDN using NT1 Network Adapter .... 247
Placing the NT1 Adapter .......................................................... 247
Connecting Cables ............................................................... 247
Configure the Video System ................................................. 247
Setting up a call .................................................................... 247
Connecting the System to PRI/T1 .............................................. 248
Using a CSU (Channel Service Unit) adapter ........................... 248
Connecting to Adtran T1 ESF CSU ACE ............................... 248
Configure the Video system .................................................. 248
Configure the Adtran T1 ESF CSU ACE ................................ 248
Setting up a call .................................................................... 248
Connecting the System to Switched 56k Network ..................... 249
Using Telesync TS-256 SW56/ISDN adapter ........................... 249
Connecting Cables ............................................................... 249
Configure the Video system .................................................. 249
Setting up a call .................................................................... 249
Setting up Bonded ISDN Calls using H.221 or 2x64k (2x56k) .... 250
H.221 or 2x64 (2x56) Calling .................................................. 250
Setting up a call .................................................................... 250
About Sub-address .................................................................... 251
How to Specify a Sub-address ............................................. 251
About Extension Address ........................................................... 2 51
About MCU Password ................................................................ 2 51
Using the file system ................................................................... 252
Description of files ................................................................... 252
Snapshot files ....................................................................... 252
Configure the video system for snapshots ............................252
Using a DOS window to access a JPG-file ........................... 252
Using a Web browser to access a JPG-file ........................... 252
Apply your own logo ...................................................................253
Apply your own logo using a DOS window .............................. 253
Apply your own logo using a web browser .............................. 253
Dual Monitor, XGA Monitors and Projectors ............................... 254
Dual monitor ............................................................................254
Control Panel Settings .......................................................... 254
XGA Monitors and Projectors ..................................................254
Control Panel Settings .......................................................... 254
Physical interfaces
The Digital Visual Inter face ( DVI) ................................................. 256
DVI Specifications ....................................................................256
VGA formats supported on DVI-I in ....................................... 256
Supported DVI Cables ..........................................................256
DVI Cable Length .................................................................. 256
The DVI-I Connector ............................................................. 256
The DVI-I Pin-Out table ......................................................... 256
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
The VGA to DVI Cable ................................................................ 257
VGA - DVI Connector with audio .............................................257
PC cable, VGA - DVI with integrated audio .............................. 257
The VGA to DVI-A Cable ............................................................. 258
VGA to DVI-A Cable Pin Assignments ..................................... 258
VGA to DVI-A Cable Pinouts .................................................... 258
Codec 6000 MXP Interfaces and sockets .................................. 259
Audio Sockets .........................................................................259
Audio Signal Levels in Vpp and dBu ........................................ 260
Video sockets .......................................................................... 261
Camera sockets.......................................................................262
Data ports ................................................................................ 263
Power Socket & On/Off Switch ............................................... 264
Codec 3000 MXP and 3000 MXP Net Interfaces and sockets... 265
Rear panel sockets and inter face groups ................................ 265
Audio Sockets .........................................................................266
Audio Signal levels in Vpp and dBu ......................................... 267
Video Sockets..........................................................................268
Camera Sockets ......................................................................269
ISDN BRI Sockets .................................................................... 270
Net Socket ............................................................................... 271
Network interface sockets ....................................................... 272
Power Socket & On/Off Switch ............................................... 273
TANDBERG 1700 MXP interfaces and sockets .......................... 274
Rear Panel Sockets ................................................................. 274
Video, Audio and Network ....................................................... 275
Audio level settings table ......................................................... 276
TANDBERG 1000 MXP, Compass /Utility MXP interfaces and sockets 278
Rear Panel Sockets ................................................................. 278
Video, Audio and Network ....................................................... 279
TANDBERG Edge 95/85/75 MXP interfaces and sockets .......... 280
Rear Panel Sockets ................................................................. 280
Video input/output and Audio input ......................................... 281
Audio output, Network and ISDN BRI ...................................... 282
Data port and Camera port .....................................................283
TANDBERG 990/880 /770 MXP interfaces and sockets ............. 284
Rear Panel Sockets ................................................................. 284
Rear panel and sockets with V.35 interface ............................. 285
Video inputs/outputs and Audio inputs ...................................286
Audio outputs, Network and ISDN BRI interface ..................... 287
TANDBERG 550 MXP interfaces and sockets ............................ 289
Rear Panel Sockets ................................................................. 289
Video inputs/outputs and Audio inputs ...................................290
Audio output, Network and Data port ...................................... 291
Cable specification ..................................................................... 292
External Network Pinout ..........................................................292
External Network V.35/RS-366 Cable ..................................... 294
External Network RS-449 Cable..............................................295
External Network RS-449/RS-366 Cable ................................296
External Network RS-530 Cable..............................................297
External Network RS-530/RS-366 Cable ................................ 298
External Network RS-449 Cable to KIV-7 ................................299
Peripheral equipment
TANDBERG PrecisionHD camera...............................................3 01
TANDBERG WAVE II camera ...................................................... 302
Multiple cameras ........................................................................303
Document camera ......................................................................304
TANDBERG Remote Controls Key Map .....................................305
TANDBERG Camera Tracker ...................................................... 306
Remote Control for Camera ..................................................... 306
Using Camera Tracking ...........................................................306
Preparations ............................................................................ 306
Using Camera Tracking ...........................................................306
Moving the Camera - Using the remote control .................... 306
Moving the Camera - Using the menu ..................................306
DVD/VCR Recording and Playback ............................................307
DVD/VCR Recording ..............................................................307
Recording a video conference ..............................................3 07
Stereo recording ................................................................... 307
Configurations ......................................................................307
DVD/VCR Playback, Mono ...................................................... 307
Configurations ......................................................................307
Additional Microphones ..............................................................308
Voice Activated Camera Tracking ............................................ 308
Audio Science Microphone ......................................................308
DNAM for Profile 52” with Codec 6000 MXP .............................309
The DNAM Loudspeaker Cabinet ............................................309
The DNAM Amplifier ................................................................309
TANDBERG DNAM with Amplifier and Speakers ....................... 310
TANDBERG DNAM (Digital Natural Audio Module)* ................ 310
The DNAM Amplifier* ............................................................ 310
The DNAM Loudspeaker Cabinet (Center Speakers)* ............. 310
Integrated Stereo Speakers** ................................................ 310
Interface Required for Playback ............................................... 310
TANDBERG DNAM Configurations ............................................. 311
TANDBERG Mini-DNAM with Amplifier and Speaker ................. 312
TANDBERG Mini-DNAM* ......................................................... 312
Mini-DNAM Loudspeaker Cabinet* ....................................... 312
Mini-DNAM Amplifier* ........................................................... 312
Stereo Speaker Kit ..................................................................... 313
Stereo Speaker Kit................................................................... 313
Control Panel Settings .......................................................... 313
Installation ............................................................................. 313
Stereo Speaker Kit specification ........................................... 313
Telephone Add-On ..................................................................... 314
Security ...................................................................................... 316
Access Code ........................................................................... 316
Administrator Password ........................................................... 316
Streaming password ................................................................ 316
IP Password ............................................................................. 316
IP Services ............................................................................... 316
SNMP Security alert ................................................................ 316
Encryption ............................................................................... 316
IEEE 802.1x /EAP ( Extensible Authentication Protocol) .......... 316
The Web Interface ...................................................................... 317
System upgrade using the web interface ................................... 318
Software File ............................................................................ 318
Release Key ............................................................................. 318
Backup .................................................................................... 318
What happens If the upgrade is interrupted ............................. 318
The system upgrade procedure ............................................... 318
System upgrade using FTP ........................................................ 319
Software File ............................................................................ 319
Release Key ............................................................................. 319
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
Backup .................................................................................... 319
What happens If the upgrade is interrupted ............................. 319
The system upgrade procedure ............................................... 319
System upgrade using ISDN ...................................................... 320
Software File ............................................................................ 320
Release Key .............................................................................320
Backup .................................................................................... 320
What happens If the upgrade is interrupted ............................. 320
About far end ISDN system upgrade ....................................... 320
The system upgrade procedure ...............................................320
Diagnostics Tools for IP .............................................................. 321
Using Diagnostic Tools for IP (H.323 ) ...................................... 321
Q.931 .................................................................................... 321
Ping ....................................................................................... 321
Traceroute ............................................................................. 321
Layer 4 Por ts used in H.323 calls.......................................... 321
Monitor Power Management Systems .......................................322
VESA Display Power Management .......................................... 322
VESA DPMS Standard ............................................................. 322
Digital Monitor Power Management .........................................322
Monitor On Power state ........................................................ 322
Intermediate Power state ...................................................... 322
Active-off Power state ........................................................... 322
Non-Link Recoverable Off Power State ................................322
Monitor Power Switch Off Power state ................................. 322
Extended Display Identification Data ( EDID) ............................... 323
E1/T1 Networks - NSF Service Codes ....................................... 324
About FIPS Mode ....................................................................... 325
How to activate FIPS Mode ..................................................... 325
How to deactivate FIPS Mode ................................................. 325
Menus disabled in FIPS mode ................................................. 325
Certificate management ..........................................................326
Uploading HTTPS certificate for FIPS Mode ......................... 326
The software upload procedure ............................................326
After having uploaded the Certificate .................................... 326
Cisco CallManager Registration .................................................327
Configuring TANDBERG MXP on Cisco CallManager 4.1 ........ 327
Supported RFCs in SIP ..............................................................328
Bandwidth information for TANDBERG endpoints .....................329
Declaration of conformity ...........................................................330
Dimensions ................................................................................. 333
TANDBERG 8000 MXP dimensions.........................................333
TANDBERG Profile 52” with Codec 6000 MXP dimensions ....334
TANDBERG 6000 MXP Profile dimensions ..............................335
TANDBERG 3000 MXP Profile 42” dimensions ....................... 336
TANDBERG 3000 MXP Profile 32” dimensions ....................... 337
TANDBERG Maestro MXP dimensions ....................................338
TANDBERG 1700 MXP dimensions ......................................... 339
TANDBERG 1000 MXP dimensions ......................................... 340
TANDBERG Edge 95/85/75 MXP dimensions ......................... 3 41
TANDBERG 990/880 /770 MXP and 550 MXP dimensions ..... 342
TANDBERG Compass MXP dimensions..................................343
TANDBERG Utility MXP dimensions ........................................344
TANDBERG PrecisionHD camera dimensions .........................345
TANDBERG WAVE II camera dimensions ................................ 346
Technical specifications.............................................................. 3 47
TANDBERG 8000 MXP ............................................................ 347
TANDBERG 6000 MXP Profile ................................................. 349
TANDBERG 3000 MXP Profile ................................................. 351
TANDBERG Maestro MXP ....................................................... 353
TANDBERG 1700 MXP ............................................................ 355
TANDBERG 1000 MXP ............................................................ 357
TANDBERG Edge 95/85/75 MXP ............................................ 359
TANDBERG 990/880 /770 MXP ............................................... 361
TANDBERG 550 MXP .............................................................. 363
TANDBERG Tactical MXP ........................................................365
TANDBERG Compass MXP ..................................................... 367
TANDBERG Utility MXP ...........................................................369
Glossary ..................................................................................... 371
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
Chapter 1 Introduction - Hidden text anchor


Chapter 1
Thank you for choosing TANDBERG!
The Administrator Guide describes the TANDBERG MXP video systems (F-series) and is designed for system administrators..
How to read this document
You will find that some places information has been copied from other chapters (but adapted, when needed) to let you have all the relevant information there and then. This helps eliminating the need to read through long sections before you can even think of getting started.
Our main objective with this user guide is to address your goals and needs. Please let us know how well we succeeded !
Stay up-to-date
We recommend you visit the TANDBERG web site regularly for an updated version of this guide. Go to: http://www.tandberg.com/docs
In this chapter...
What’s new?
Intellectual property rights
Copyright notice
License information
Patent information
Safety instructions
Environmental issues
Monitor information
China RoHS table
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices

What’s new in version F8?

This feature will extend point to point calls to conferences on MCUs hosted in the network. The new participant will be consulted before he is added to the conference. The feature is supported on H.323 and SIP.
Standards based NAT traversal for the SIP protocol.
MNS support
The NAT traversal functionalit y is extended with MNS (“Media Network Services” ) mode. This mode prioritizes use of TURN, so that all media traffic is relayed, unless sent to an endpoint on the local network. This mode is intended for use with dedicated media transport networks (see e.g. http://www.medianetworkservices.com).
Security improvements.
• Removed known vulnerabilities with regards to cross-site scripting
• Security log
• Password restriction
Call features
• H.323 Call Transfer
• Direct DNS dialling. The ability to launch a call via DNS lookup for
calls that are dialed to a true A-record, not a full URI.
• Call last number with double press on Connect button.
Improved usability
• Move keypad icon in DTMF mode. In the Icons menu you can
configure the keypad icon to be displayed on the right or left side of the screen.
• Number key mode, added an “always use this” option
• Configurable Aspect ratio on local display
• Calls received when “Do not disturb” is active will be put in Missed
Calls list (earlier they were put in Received Calls)
• Russian search in Phonebook
• Mic on/off indication for SIP calls
• New layout for 3-party calls on dual monitor systems. The two called
parties on a Mulitisite host can be displayed on separate screens. This is default enabled for T7000/T8000 systems. For other dual screen systems it can be enabled from the menu.
• Wide CP layout
• Reverse Camera steering. Configuration to decide what direction the
camera will move when you press the arrow keys.
OCS Integration
TANDBERG MXP systems can be natively integrated into an OCS 2007 R2 environment. When a TANDBERG MXP system has been registered and authenticated with the OCS R2, the MXP endpoint will appear as a contact with presence information in the Microsoft Office Communicator contact list.
The TANDBERG MXP also supports the OCS’ MPOP mechanism, which means that a user can register his endpoint on his/her OCS R2 account. All incoming calls to this user will be forked to both the Communicator client as well as to the TANDBERG MXP system.
• Support WXGA as PC input
• Added ALD support (hearing impaired feature)
• Enhance Picture control menu. Added white balance to the picture
control menu.
Software release note
The software release note is found at the TANDBERG web site.
Go to: http://www.tandberg.com/support/documentation.
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices

New products added to the guide

The TANDBERG Profile 52” with Codec 6000 MXP is added to this version of the MXP Administrator Guide.
System overview
A high-performance HD team-meeting solution for both IP and ISDN networks. Easily share presentations and multimedia.
• Fully integrated system with 1080p 52” widescreen LCD,
PrecisionHD 720p camera and 6000 MXP Codec
• Optimal definition up to 720p
• Join up to 6 video and 5 audio sites with embedded MultiSite
• Choice of Network: up to 2 Mbps ISDN or ex ternal network
(H.320 )/4 Mbps IP (H.323 or SIP)/6 Mbps in MultiSite
52” Full HD LCD, 16:9, 1080 x 1920 resolution
• Optimized DNAM for TANDBERG Profile 52”, providing crystal
clear and natural audio.
• Wide band audio module supporting: 20 kHz AAC-LD, full echo
canceling, stereo
3 x Microphones
Remote control
TANDBERG Remote Control with batteries
Foot stand
Foot stand: Standalone, wheelbase or wall mounting
TANDBERG Profile 52” with Codec 6000 MXP
Ethernet cable
PC cable
Mic cable
Power cable
Foot stand (standalone, wheelbase or wall mounting foot module)
PrecisionHD camera
Monitor 52’’ Full HD LCD
In the bottom module:
• Audio amplifier (DNAM)
• TANDBERG Codec 6000 MXP
Remote control with 4 batteries
3 x Microphones with cables
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices

Intellectual Property Rights

This Administrator Guide and the Products to which it relates contain information that is proprietary to TANDBERG and its licensors. Information regarding the Products is found on the page entitled License Agreements and Patent Information.
This Administrator Guide may be reproduced in its entirety, including all copyright and intellectual property notices, in limited quantities in connection with the use of the Products. Except for the limited exception set forth in the previous sentence, no part of this Administrator Guide may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronically, mechanically, by photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of TANDBERG. Requests for such permission should be addressed to tandberg@tandberg.com.

Tra de ma rk

TANDBERG® is a registered trademark belonging to Tandberg ASA. Other trademarks used in this document are the property of their respective holders.
All rights reser ved.
Philip Pedersens vei 20
1366 Lysaker, Norway
Tel: +47 67 125 125 Fax: +47 67 125 234
E-mail: tandberg@tandberg.com


The specifications for the Products and the information in this document are subject to change at any time, without notice, by TANDBERG.
Every effort has been made to supply complete and accurate information in this Administrator Guide, however, TANDBERG assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document.
The Products that are covered by this Administrator Guide are protected under copyright, patent, and other intellectual propert y rights of various jurisdictions. Any applicable software licenses and any limited warranty are located in the License Information section in this TANDBERG Codec C60 Administrator Guide.
This Product is
All rights reser ved.

Patent Information

The products described in this manual are covered by one or more of the following patents:
US6,584,077 US5,838,664 US5,600,646
US5,768,263 US5,991,277 US7,034,860
US7,010,119 US7.283.588 US5,886,734
US5,990,933 EP01953201 GB1338127
Other patents pending.
Please view http://www.tandberg.com/tandberg_pm.jsp for an updated list

Copyright Notice

The product that is covered by this Administrator Guide is protected under copyright, patent, and other intellectual propert y rights of various jurisdictions. This product is Copyright © 2008, Tandberg Telecom AS. All rights reserved. This product includes copyrighted software licensed from others.
A document describing the copyright notices and the terms and conditions of use can be found at: http://www.tandberg.com/docs
Navigate to User manuals > TANDBERG MXP Copyright and License
Information to download the pdf.
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices

Safety Instructions

The following safety instructions applies to:


TANDBERG 6000 MXP Profile

TANDBERG Profile 52” with Codec 6000 MXP

TANDBERG 3000 MXP Profile



TANDBERG Edge 95/85/75 MXP

TANDBERG 990/880 /770 MXP


For your protection please read these safety instructions completely before you connect the equipment to the power source. Carefully observe all warnings, precautions and instructions both on the apparatus and in these operating instructions.
Retain this manual for future reference.
Do not operate the apparatus under or near water – for example near a bathtub, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in a wet basement, near a swimming pool or in other areas with high humidity.
• Never install jacks for communication cables
in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed for wet locations.
• Do not touch the product with wet hands.
Unplug the apparatus from communication lines, mains power-outlet or any power source before cleaning or polishing. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a lint-free cloth lightly moistened with water for cleaning the exterior of the apparatus.
Do not block any of the ventilation openings of the
apparatus. Never cover the slots and openings with a cloth or other material. Never install the apparatus near heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.
Do not place the product in direct sunlight or close to a surface directly heated by the sun.
Never use this apparatus, or connect/disconnect communication cables or power cables during lightning storms.
Do not operate the apparatus in areas with high concentration of dust.
Do not operate the apparatus in areas with vibration or place it on an unstable surface.
The product may have hazardous voltage inside.
• Never attempt to open this product, or any
peripherals connected to the product, where this action requires a tool.
• This product should always be powered from an
grounded power outlet.
• Never connect attached power supply cord to
other products.
• In case any par ts of the product has visual
damage never attempt to connect main power, or any other power source, before consulting service personnel
• The plug connecting the power cord to the
product/power supply serves as the main disconnect device for this equipment. The power cord must always be easily accessible.
• Route the power cord so as to avoid it being
walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against it. Pay particular attention to the plugs, receptacles and the point where the cord exits from the apparatus.
• Do not tug the power cord.
• If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet,
consult an electrician.
• Never install cables, or any peripherals, without
first unplugging the device from its power source.
Applies to: TANDBERG 3000 MXP Profile, Codec 3000 MXP, 1700 MXP, 1000 MXP, 990/880/770
MXP, 550 MXP
• If the apparatus has been subjected to
excessive shock by being dropped.
• If the cabinet has been damaged.
• If the apparatus seems to be overheated.
• If the apparatus emits smoke or abnormal
• If the apparatus fails to operate in accordance
with the operating instructions.
• Always use the power supply (AC–DC adaptor)
provided with this product.
• Replace only with power supply (AC–DC adaptor)
specified by TANDBERG.
• Never connect attached power supply (AC–DC
adaptor) to other products.
• Do not attempt to service the apparatus yourself
as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltages or other hazards, and will void the warranty. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.
• Unplug the apparatus from its power source and
refer ser vicing to qualified personnel under the following conditions:
• If the power cord or plug is damaged or
Use only accessories specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus.
Do not use communication equipment to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.
Applies to: TANDBERG 8000MXP, 6000MXP Profile, TANDBERG Profile 52” with Codec 6000MXP, 3000MXP Profile, 1000MXP, 95/85/75MXP, 990/880/770MXP, 550MXP
• Never touch uninstalled communication wires
or terminals unless the telephone line has been disconnected at the network interface.
• To reduce the risk of fire, use only No. 26 AWG or
larger telecommunication line cord (ISDN cables).
• If liquid has been spilled into the apparatus.
• If objects have fallen into the apparatus.
• If the apparatus has been exposed to rain or
A Class Declaration for TANDBERG 8000 MXP
声 明
This is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
Safety Instructions
The following safety instructions applies to:



For your protection please read these safety instructions completely before you connect the equipment to the power source. Carefully observe all warnings, precautions and instructions both on the apparatus and in these operating instructions.
Retain this manual for future reference.
For your protection please read these safety instructions completely before you connect the equipment to the power source.
The information in this summary is intended for operators.
Carefully observe all warnings, precautions and instructions both on the apparatus and in these operating instructions.
Retain this manual for future reference.
• Do not operate the apparatus under or near water
– for example near a bathtub, kitchen sink, or laundr y tub, in a wet basement, near a swimming pool or in other areas with high humidity.
• Never install jacks for communication cables
in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed for wet locations.
• Do not touch the product with wet hands.
• Unplug the apparatus from communication lines,
mains power-outlet or any power source before cleaning or polishing.
• Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners.
• Use a lint-free cloth lightly moistened with water
for cleaning the exterior of the apparatus.
• Do not block any of the ventilation openings
of the apparatus. Never cover the slots and openings with a cloth or other material. Never install the apparatus near heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.
• Do not place the product in direct sunlight or
close to a surface directly heated by the sun.
Do not operate the apparatus in areas with high concentration of dust
Do not operate the apparatus in areas with vibration.
• The product may have hazardous voltage inside.
Never attempt to open this product, or any peripherals connected to the product, where this action requires a tool.
• Do not attempt to service the apparatus yourself
as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltages or other hazards, and will void the warranty. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.
• Refer servicing to qualified personnel under the
following conditions:
• If liquid has been spilled into the apparatus.
• If objects have fallen into the apparatus.
• If the apparatus has been exposed to rain or
• If the apparatus has been subjected to
excessive shock by being dropped.
• If the cabinet has been damaged.
• If the apparatus seems to be overheated.
• If the apparatus emits smoke or abnormal odor.
• If the apparatus fails to operate in accordance
with the operating instructions
Use only accessories specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus.
• Do not use communication equipment to report a
gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.
• To reduce the risk of fire, use only No. 26 AWG or
larger telecommunication line cord (ISDN cables).
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
Never use this apparatus, or connect/disconnect communication cables during lightning storms.
• Never touch uninstalled communication wires
or terminals unless the telephone line has been disconnected at the network interface.
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
Safety Instructions
The following safety instructions applies to:


For your protection please read these safety instructions completely before you connect the equipment to the power source. Carefully observe all warnings, precautions and instructions both on the apparatus and in these operating instructions.
Retain this manual for future reference.
• The product complies testing in the following
environmental parameters:
• Air temperature low: -5 deg C (16h)
• Air temperature high: 40 deg C (16h)
• Air temperature change: 25 deg C / 40 deg C,
0,5 cycle (T=3h), 0,5 deg C / min
• Humidity relative high: 93%rh, 30 deg C (4
• Humidity relative condensation: 30 deg C, 90-
100%rh, 1 cycle (12+12h)
• Vibration random: 5-10Hz (+12dB/oct.), 10-
50Hz (0,02m2/s3), 50-100Hz (-12dB/oct.). 3 axis x 30min
• Shocks: Half sine, 11ms, 30m/s2, 6 directions,
3 in each direction.
• Do not operate the apparatus under or near water
- for example near a bathtub, kitchen sink, or laundr y tub, in a wet basement, near a swimming pool or in other areas with high humidity (See Operational Environment Testing above).
• Never install jacks for communication cables
in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed for wet locations.
• Do not touch the product with wet hands.
• Unplug the apparatus from communication lines,
mains power-outlet or any power source before cleaning or polishing.
• Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners.
Use a lint-free cloth lightly moistened with water for cleaning the exterior of the apparatus.
• Do not block any of the ventilation openings
of the apparatus. Never cover the slots and openings with a cloth or other material. Never install the apparatus near heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.
• Do not place the product in direct sunlight or
close to a surface directly heated by the sun.
Never use this apparatus, or connect/disconnect communication cables during lightning storms.
Do not operate the apparatus in areas with high concentration of dust
• Do not operate the apparatus in areas with
extensive vibration or place it on an unstable surface. (See Operational Environment Testing above).
• The product may have hazardous voltage inside.
Never attempt to open this product, or any peripherals connected to the product, where this action requires a tool.
• This product should always be powered from an
grounded power outlet.
• Never connect attached power supply cord to
other products.
• In case any par ts of the product has visual
damage never attempt to connect mains power, or any other power source, before consulting service personnel.
• The plug connecting the power cord to the
product/power supply serves as the main disconnect device for this equipment. The power cord must always be easily accessible.
• Route the power cord so as to avoid it being
walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against it. Pay particular attention to the plugs, receptacles and the point where the cord exits from the apparatus.
• Do not tug the power cord.
• If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet,
consult an electrician.
• Never install cables, or any peripherals, without
first unplugging the device from it’s power source.
• Always use the power supply (AC-DC adapter)
provided with this product.
• Replace only with power supply (AC-DC adapter)
specified by TANDBERG.
• Never connect attached power supply (AC-DC
adapter) to other products.
• Do not attempt to service the apparatus yourself
as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltages or other hazards, and will void the warranty. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.
• Unplug the apparatus from it’s power source and
refer ser vicing to qualified personnel under the following conditions:
• If the power cord or plug is damaged or frayed.
• If liquid has been spilled into the apparatus.
• If objects have fallen into the apparatus.
• If the apparatus has been exposed to rain or
• If the apparatus has been subjected to
excessive shock by being dropped.
• If the cabinet has been damaged.
• If the apparatus seems to be overheated.
• If the apparatus emits smoke or abnormal odor.
• If the apparatus fails to operate in accordance
with the operating instructions
Use only accessories specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus.
• Never touch uninstalled communication wires
or terminals unless the telephone line has been disconnected at the network interface.
• Do not use communication equipment to report a
gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.
• To reduce the risk of fire, use only No. 26 AWG or
larger telecommunication line cord (ISDN cables).
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices

Environmental Issues

Thank you for buying a product which contributes to a reduction in pollution, and thereby helps save the environment. Our products reduce the need for travel and transport and thereby reduce pollution. Our products have either none or few consumable parts (chemicals, toner, gas, paper).
Environmental stewardship is important to TANDBERG’s culture. As a global company with strong corporate values, TANDBERG is committed to following international environmental legislation and designing technologies that help companies, individuals and communities creatively address environmental challenges.
TANDBERG’s environmental objectives are to:
• Develop products that reduce energy
consumption, CO2 emissions, and traffic congestion
• Provide products and services that improve
quality of life for our customers
• Produce products that can be recycled or
disposed of safely at the end of product life
• Comply with all relevant environmental legislation.
TANDBERG is pleased to announce that we have replaced the printed versions of our user guides with digital versions available on the TANDBERG web site: http://www.tandberg.com/docs. The environmental benefits of this are significant. The user guides can still be printed locally, whenever needed.
As a manufacturer of electrical and electronic equipment TANDBERG is responsible for compliance with the requirements in the European Directives 2002/96/EC (WEEE - Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) and 2002/95/EC (RoHS).
The primary aim of the WEEE Directive and RoHS Directive is to reduce the impact of disposal of electrical and electronic equipment at end-of-life. The WEEE Directive aims to reduce the amount of waste electrical and electronic equipment sent for disposal to landfill or incineration by requiring producers to arrange for collection and recycling. The RoHS Directive bans the use of certain heav y metals and brominated flame retardants to reduce the environmental impact of WEEE which is in landfill or incinerated.
TANDBERG has implemented necessary process changes to comply with the European WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC) and the European RoHS Directive (2002/95/EC).
In order to avoid the dissemination of hazardous substances in our environment and to diminish the pressure on natural resources, we encourage you to use the appropriate recycling systems in your area. Those systems will reuse or recycle most of the materials of your end of life equipment in a sound way.
As part of compliance with the European WEEE Directive, TANDBERG provides recycling information on request for all types of new equipment put on the market in Europe after 13 August 2005.
Please contact TANDBERG and provide the following details for the product for which you would like to receive recycling information:
• Model number of TANDBERG product
• Your company’s name
• Contact name
• Address
• Telephone number
• E-mail.
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
TANDBERG products put on the market after August 2005 are marked with a crossed-out wheelie bin symbol that invites you to use those take-back systems.
Please contact your local supplier, the regional waste administration or visit our web page http://www.
tandberg.com/recycling if you need more information
on the collection and recycling system in your area.
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices

Monitors - After Image Lagging

CAUTION! Avoid displaying the same images continuously over a long
period of time on the monitors.
Displaying the same images such as still images for a long time may cause af ter-image lagging. This may occur in the cases described here.

After image lagging due to remaining electrical load

When image patterns with very high peak luminance are displayed for more than 1 minute, after-image lagging may occur due to the remaining electric load. The after-images remaining on the screen will disappear when moving images are displayed. The time for the af ter-images to disappear depends on the luminance of the still images and the time they had been displayed.

After-image lagging due to sticking

When images of the same pattern are displayed continuously for several hours or displayed for a short period of time every day, after­images may remain on the screen due to the sticking of the fluorescent materials. In this case, these images may decrease if moving images are displayed after them, but basically they will not disappear.

Solving after-image lagging problems

If you have got af ter-image lagging on your monitors, you can reduce the problem to an acceptable level by displaying a white image on the monitors for a few hours. This can be accomplished by focusing the camera towards a white paper and setting maximum brightness. See the ‘User Manual’ for details.
NOTE: Warranty may be invalidated if the precautions listed above are
not followed.
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices

China RoHS table

These products complies with the Chineese RoHS.
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
Chapter 2 Getting started - Hidden text anchor

Getting started

Chapter 2
Getting started
This chapter introduces you to your MXP product and gets you up and going.
Remote control
For your convenience you can print out the description of the remote control and plastic laminate the page.
Installation Wizard
The Installation Wizard takes you through the basic configurations of the video system and is described in this section.
Stay up-to-date
We recommend you visit the TANDBERG web site regularly for an updated version of this guide. Go to: http://www.tandberg.com/docs
In this chapter...
Using the remote control
Installation Wizard
Verify the settings
Installation Profiles
View default settings
Restore to defaults
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
Getting started

TANDBERG Remote control TRC3

PRESENTATI ON key switches to a predefined presentation source.
If the Presentation key is held down for one second then the
MIC OFF turns your microphone on and off.
Presentation video sources menu will appear.
Press OK/MENU to show the menu and
select menu items.
VOLUME + and adjusts the Codec volume only and
not the monitor volume.
LAYOUT key toggles between full screen and different
display layouts.
Press the CALL key to place a call.
CAMERA PRESETS Camera presets define specific camera
positions. To activate a preset whilst in a call, simply press and
release that number key. Move the camera to the desired position
and press and hold a number key for one second to save the
current camera position to that number key.
The ALPHANUMERICAL KEYPAD functions in the same manner as
a cellular phone.
SNAPSHOT takes a snapshot of your video during a call.
ARROW keys are used to navigate in the menus and for moving the
camera* when the menu is hidden.
Use ZOOM + and – to zoom the camera* in and out.
The SELF VIEW key displays your outgoing video. Press again to turn off.
The CANCEL key takes you back one step in the menu system, i.e. to leave a menu undoing any changes. Use CANCEL to delete characters in an input field. Press and hold the CANCEL key for one second to close the menu.
Use the END CALL key to end the current call. You can also use the
END CALL key to exit a menu, and if you press the END CALL key
once again the STANDBY menu will be displayed and you can put the system in to STANDBY mode.
Use the PHONE BOOK key to store and recall video contacts for easy placement of calls.
Press TOUCH TONES key when you are in a call and need to dial extension numbers. Toggle between ABC and abc mode by pressing the # key. To switch between letter and 123 mode press the # key for one second. Press the OK/MENU button to exit TOUCH TONES.
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
* Applies to systems with controllable cameras.
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
Getting started

TANDBERG Remote control TRC4

CHANGE VIDEO SOURCE. Select the desired video source
(Main Cam, PC, DocCam, DVD, AUX). Press the video source
button again to deselect the video source.
MIC OFF turns your microphone on and off.
PRESENTATI ON key switches to a predefined presentation source.
If the Presentation key is held down for one second then the Presentation video sources menu will appear.
Press OK/MENU to show the menu and
select menu items.
VOLUME + and adjusts the Codec volume only and
not the monitor volume.
LAYOUT key toggles between full screen and different
display layouts.
Press the CALL key to place a call.
CAMERA PRESETS Camera presets define specific camera
positions. To activate a preset whilst in a call, simply press and
release that number key. Move the camera to the desired position
and press and hold a number key for one second to save the
current camera position to that number key.
The ALPHANUMERICAL KEYPAD functions in the same manner as
a cellular phone.
SNAPSHOT takes a snapshot of your video during a call.
PRESET Press Preset + a number to activate a preset.
SERVICES Press the Services button to open the Services menu.
FAR END Pressing Far End turns Far End control on and off.
HELP Press the Help button to open the User Guide menu
ARROW keys are used to navigate in the menus and for moving the
camera* when the menu is hidden.
Use ZOOM + and – to zoom the camera* in and out.
The SELF VIEW key displays your outgoing video. Press again to turn off.
The CANCEL key takes you back one step in the menu system, i.e. to leave a menu undoing any changes. Use CANCEL to delete characters in an input field. Press and hold the CANCEL key for one second to close the menu.
Use the END CALL key to end the current call. You can also use the
END CALL key to exit a menu, and if you press the END CALL key
once again the STANDBY menu will be displayed and you can put the system in to STANDBY mode.
Use the PHONE BOOK key to store and recall video contacts for easy placement of calls.
Press TOUCH TONES key when you are in a call and need to dial extension numbers. Toggle between ABC and abc mode by pressing the # key. To switch between letter and 123 mode press the # key for one second. Press the OK/MENU button to exit TOUCH TONES.
* Applies to systems with controllable cameras.
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
Getting started

The Installation Wizard

The Installation Wizard starts automatically when the video system is installed at the first time and guides you through the basic configuration of the system in the following steps:
1. Welcome page
2. Select Language
3. Enter System Name
4. Enter Software Option Keys
5. Enter IP Settings
• Obtain IP Address Automatically
• Static IP Address (address, subnet, gateway)
6. Enter SIP Settings
7. Enter External Management settings
• On : Enter information for your TMS server (address, path)
• Of f: Select from the list:
• Gatekeeper and enter the gatekeeper settings
• Call Manager and enter the call manager settings
• Direct
8. Finish the wizard. The system will automatically restart the system.

Choose a language for the system

Enter a system name

The Installation Wizard can be run any time from the Control Panel menu.

Description of the settings

Each setting is described in in The settings library.
Press The settings library menu button on top of the page to go the settings library or use the search functionality in the Adobe Acrobat PDF document to make a search for the setting.
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
Nex t p ag e...
PREVIOUS: Step back.
NEXT: Step forward.
FINISH: Save changes
and restart the system.
CANCEL: Exit without
saving any changes.
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
Getting started
The Installation Wizard, co nt...

Enter software options

Read more about Software options...

IP settings

Description of the settings
Each setting is described in in The settings library.
Press The settings library menu button on top of the page to go the settings library or use the search functionality in the Adobe Acrobat PDF document to make a search for the setting.
If you need to set a static IP address
Read more about Static IP address...
PREVIOUS: Step back.
NEXT: Step forward.
FINISH: Save changes
and restart the system.
CANCEL: Exit without
saving any changes.

SIP Settings External management

Read more about SIP settings...
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
Nex t p ag e...
External manager settings
Read more about External manager settings...
Nex t p ag e...
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
Getting started
The Installation Wizard, co nt...

Specify how to register your system

Enter gatekeeper settings
Read more about Gatekeeper settings...
- or enter Call manager settings
Read more about Call manager settings...
- or select Direct call setup
PREVIOUS: Step back.
NEXT: Step forward.
FINISH: Save changes
and restart the system.
CANCEL: Exit without
saving any changes.
Description of the settings
Each setting is described in in The settings library.
Press The settings library menu button on top of the page to go the settings library or use the search functionality in the Adobe Acrobat PDF document to make a search for the setting.
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010

Save and restart

MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
Getting started

Verify your settings

Press any button on the remote control to wake up the system. Navigate to the System Information page, as described below, to verify the settings.
In the Call menu, press the Control Panel button.
In the Control Panel menu, press the Diagnostics button.
Description of the settings
Each setting is described in in The settings library.
Press The settings library menu button on top of the page to go the settings library or use the search functionality in the Adobe Acrobat PDF document to make a search for the setting.
Verify your settings in the System Information page.
PREVIOUS: Step back.
NEXT: Step forward.
FINISH: Save changes
and restart the system.
CANCEL: Exit without
saving any changes.
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
In the Diagnostics menu, press the System Information button.
Click on arrow down/up to scroll.
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
Getting started

View the default system settings

Press any button on the remote control to wake up the system. Go to the Installation menu and View default settings menu to see a listing of the default system settings.
In the Call menu, press the Control Panel button.
In the Control Panel menu, press the Diagnostics button.
Description of the settings
Each setting is described in in The settings library.
Press The settings library menu button on top of the page to go the settings library or use the search functionality in the Adobe Acrobat PDF document to make a search for the setting.
PREVIOUS: Step back.
NEXT: Step forward.
FINISH: Save changes
and restart the system.
CANCEL: Exit without
saving any changes.
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010

Restore to default system settings

Click on Restore Defaults button to restore to default settings.
Click on arrow down/up to scroll.
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
Getting started

Installation Profiles

You can create installation profiles to easily switch between dif ferent sets of configurations for the system.
Configure the system and save the settings in an Installation profile.

Save Profile Activate Profile Delete Profile

Description of the settings
Each setting is described in in The settings library.
Press The settings library menu button on top of the page to go the settings library or use the search functionality in the Adobe Acrobat PDF document to make a search for the setting.
Read more about Installation Profiles...
PREVIOUS: Step back.
NEXT: Step forward.
FINISH: Save changes
and restart the system.
CANCEL: Exit without
saving any changes.
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
Chapter 3 The menu structure - Hidden text anchor
The menu structure
Chapter 3

The Control Panel menu structure

The Control Panel menu structure section gives an overview of all the Control Panel menus for all video systems in the MXP F–series.
Detailed information about each setting is found in the The settings library. The settings available will var y within the MXP system range, depending on the system and software options installed.
Overleaf you can select a video system and go directly to a description of the Control Panel menu structure for this system.
Stay up-to-date
We recommend you visit the TANDBERG web site regularly for an updated version of this guide.
Go to: http://www.tandberg.com/docs
MXP User Guide
You may find descriptions of a few of the menus outside the Control Panel in this guide, but in general these menus are described in the MXP User Guide.
Go to: http://www.tandberg.com/docs
In this chapter...
Select your video system
Overview of the menu structure for
8000 MXP
60 00 MXP Profile
60 00 MXP Profile 52”
Maestro MXP
3000 MXP Profile
Tactical MXP
170 0 MX P
1000 MXP
Compass MXP
Utility MXP
Edge 95/85/75 MXP
Set top 990/ 880/770
Set top 550 MXP
Each menu item is described in The settings library section.
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
Go the next page to select a video system
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
The menu structure

Select your video meeting system

Click on a picture, or the link below the picture, to go directly to a description of the menu structure for your video system.
Each menu item is described
in The settings library section.
TANDBERG Profile 52” with Codec 6000 MXP
TANDBERG 990/880 /770 MXP
See also Kiosk Mode
TANDBERG 3000 MXP Profile
See also Kiosk Mode
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
The menu structure
Chapter 3 - 8000, 6000, Maestro - Hidden text anchor
This guide describes the menu structure for the systems displayed on this page, with all options installed.
Descriptions of each menu item are found in The settings library section.

Menu structure for 8000 MXP, 6000 MXP Profile, Maestro MXP

Control Panel menu structure for:
TANDBERG PROFILE 52” with Codec 6000 MXP
Each menu item is described in The settings library section.
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices

About the Control Panel

The dif ferent parts of the Control Panel are explained on the following pages.
The menu structure
The menu structure section presents all the Control Panel menus
by product. This section applies to:
• TANDBERG 6000 MXP Profile
• TANDBERG Profile 52” with Codec 6000 MXP
Password Protection
Making changes to the Control Panel Settings will change the behavior of the system. We recommend password protecting the access to the Control Panel Settings to prevent occasional users from making crucial changes to the system. Set an Administrator Password to control the access to these settings.
Read more about password protection in the Using the system section.
Remote control shortcut keys
RE-DIAL: Double click on the green call button on the
remote control to start calling the last number.
STANDBY: Double click on the red end call button on
the remote control to set the system into standby.
and press the arrow up key once to show the System information page.
RESET MENU LANGUAGE: Click on the Phone Book
button 5 times and then press the number key 1 to reset the menu language to English.
Open the Control Panel
Press the OK key on the remote control to wake up the system, and to display the Call menu.
In the Call menu, use the arrow keys on the remote control to navigate to the Control Panel button and press the OK key to display the Control Panel.
RE STAR T (the system switches itself Off and On again)
AUDIO DEMO (demonstrates the audio of the system)
DIAGNOSTICS (see the system status and warnings))
ON-LINE USER GUIDE (open the online user guide).
Each menu item is described in
The settings library section.
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
MXP Administrator Guide
Contents Introduction Getting started The menu structure The settings library Using the system Physical inte rfaces Peripheral equipment Contact usAppendices
The menu structure

The Control Panel overview

Applies to: 8000 MXP, 6000 MXP Profile, Maestro MXP
D14033.06—AUGUST 2010
Each menu item is described in The settings library section.
+ 345 hidden pages