TANDBERG MSE 8510 User Manual

Codian MCU
MSE 8510
Getting started
Codian MCU
MSE 8510
Getting started
Copyright © Codian 2008. All rights reserved. This Getting Started Guide may not be copied, photocopied, translated, reproduced, or converted into any electronic or machine-readable form in whole or in part without prior written approval of Codian Limited.
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TANDBERG Philip Pedersens vei 20 1366 Lysaker Norway Telephone: +47 67 125 125 Telefax: +47 67 125 234 Video: +47 67 117 777 E-mail: tandberg@tandberg.com www.tandberg.com

Table of contents

General information ................................................................................................................ 1
About the MSE 8510 Media2 blade ...................................................................... 1
Port and LED location ................................................................................................ 1
LED behavior ................................................................................................................ 2
Installing the Media2 blade .................................................................................................. 3
Step one: Install the Media2 blade into the MSE 8000 chassis ................... 3
Step two: Connect to Ethernet Port A ................................................................. 5
Initial configuration ................................................................................................................. 6
Step one: Configure Ethernet Port A settings .................................................. 6
Step two: Assign an IP address to the Media2 blade ..................................... 6
Configuring the Media2 blade ............................................................................................. 7
Step one: Log in to the Media2 blade ................................................................. 7
Step two: Allocate port licences ............................................................................ 7
Step three: Using an H.323 gatekeeper or SIP registrar (optional) ........... 7
Step four: Add endpoints (optional) .................................................................... 8
Using the Media2 blade .........................................................................................................9
Creating conferences ................................................................................................ 9
Calling participants in to a conference .............................................................10
Calling in to a conference ......................................................................................10
Streaming conferences ...........................................................................................11
Instructing conference participants ................................................................................12
Checking for updates ............................................................................................................12
Troubleshooting and technical support information ...............................................13
Using the event log to help solve a problem ..................................................13
Getting more help ....................................................................................................13

General information

General information

About the MSE 8510 Media2 blade

The MSE 8510 Media2 blade is a technologically advanced media processor that fits into an MSE 8000 chassis. It can be used as a Multipoint Control Unit (MCU) combining continuous presence high definition video conferencing and the highest possible voice quality.

Port and LED location

Figure 1 shows the position of ports and LEDs on the Media2 blade.

Figure 1: Media2 blade front panel

USB Port & Activity LEDs
Admin Port
Console Port
& Activity LEDs
Alarm LED
Ethernet Ports & Status LEDs
LCD Display
Power LED
Status LED

LED behavior

Table 1 describes the behavior of the LEDs.

Table 1: Media2 blade LED behavior

LED Color Indicates
USB Port Activity Green Reserved for future expansion
Admin Port Activity Green Reserved for future expansion
Status Green The Media2 blade is operating normally
Alarm Red The Media2 blade is booting or has
developed a fault, for example:
temperature is outside normal limitsbattery failure of the internal clock
Refer to the web interface for more information about the problem (go to
Status > Health)
Ethernet Port Status, for each Ethernet port and Admin port:
FDX Green The link has been negotiated as a full-
duplex link
Act Green Packets are being transmitted on this port
Link Green The speed of the link from this port,
which is either 10, 100, or 1000 Mbps
Power Blue The Media2 blade is receiving power from
the MSE 8000 chassis
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