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Produced for/Producido parar/Produit pour/Produzido para:
Stryker Endoscopy
5900 Optical Court, San Jose
CA 95138 (USA)
(408) 754-2000 (800) 624-4422
Stryker European Rep-
RA/QA Manager
ZAC Satolas Green Pusignan
Av. De Satolas Green
69881 MEYZIEU Cedex France
CE marking according to directive 93/42/EEC
Identificación CE conforme a la directriz 93/42/CEE
Marquage CE conforme à la directive 93/42/CEE
EDistintivo CE conforme a Directiva 93/42/CEE
Model: F114/1200628/10000002254 04/0211/ama
See operating manual
Symbol for type BF
Symbol for potential
Degrees of protection
provided by enclosures
Alternating current
Order numberNúmero de pedidoRéférence produitRefêrencia
Single use onlyNo reutilizableUsage uniqueVedada a reutilização
Waste managementGestión de residuos Élimination des déchetsEliminação
Produced forProducido paraProduit pourProduzido para
StartStart (Inicio)StartStart
StopStop (Parada)StopStop
Proteger contra la
Protéger de l’humiditéProteger da humidade
Gas heaterCalentador del gasChauffage du gazAquecedor do gás
Gas heater error
Forward to menuRemitir al menúExpédier au menuEnviar ao menu
Back to menuVolver al menúRetour au menuVoltar ao menu
Stryker European Repre-
On/Off (Encendido/
Fallo en calentador del
Representante europeo
de Stryker
On/Off (Marche /Arrêt) On/Off (Ligar/Desligar)
Erreur du chauffage du
Représentant Stryker
Erro no aquecedor do
Representante Europeu
da Stryker
Menu - IncreaseMenú-AumentoMenu-CroissantMenu-Aumento
Menu - DecreaseMenú-DisminuciónMenu-DécroissantMenu-Descida
Real-Time Pressure Sensing in progress
Real-Time Pressure Sensing defective or deacti-
House gas supply
Tank gas supply
Low gas pressurePresión de gas bajaPression de gaz bassePressão de gás baixa
Gas pressure too low
Push to releasePresione para retirarAppuyer pour retirerPremir para eliminar
Do not use if package
Real-Time Pressure Sen-
sing activada
Real-Time Pressure Sen-
sing defectuosa o
Alimentación de gas
Alimentación por
botella de gas
Presión de gas dema-
siasdo baja
No utilizar si el envolto-
rio está dañado
Real-Time Pressure Sen-
sing activée
Real-Time Pressure Sen-
sing défectueuse ou
Alimentation en gaz
Alimentation en gaz par
Pression de gaz insuffi-
Ne pas utiliser si
l’emballage est endom-
Real-Time Pressure Sen-
sing activada
Real-Time Pressure Sensing danificada o desac-
Alimentação de gás
Alimentação de gás
com uma botija de gás
Pressão de gás dema-
siado baixa
Não usar se a embala-
gem é danificada
Keep away from heaProteger contra el calor
Authorized for Sale or
use by Physician only
Autorizado sólo para la
venta o el uso médico
Protéger contre la cha-
Autorisé seulement
pour la vente ou l’utili-
sation par un médecin
Proteger de encontro ao
Autorizado somente
para a venda ou o uso
Table of contents
1Important User Notes ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.1.4Contraindications for Laparoscopy Applications............................................................................................................. 8
4.1.1Connecting a Gas Bottle......................................................................................................................................................... 15
4.1.2Connecting to Central Gas Supply....................................................................................................................................... 15
5Operating the Device - General.......................................................................................................................................... 16
5.1Front of the Device................................................................................................................................................................... 16
5.2Rear of the Device .................................................................................................................................................................... 16
5.4Switch on Device ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18
5.6Using the Gas Heating............................................................................................................................................................ 20
5.6.1Using the direct pressure measurement function (Real-Time Pressure Sensing RTP).......................................... 21
5.6.3Setting the Nominal Pressure - General............................................................................................................................ 23
5.6.4Setting the Nominal Flow - General ................................................................................................................................... 23
5.6.7Using the SIDNE Port (Optional) .......................................................................................................................................... 25
5.6.8Turning Device Off ................................................................................................................................................................... 25
6Using and Controlling the PNEUMO SURE High Flow Insufflator in High Flow Mode ...................................................... 26
6.1Device-Specific Dangers when Using the PNEUMO SURE High Flow Insufflator in High Flow Operating
6.2Selecting High Flow Insufflation Mode.............................................................................................................................. 28
6.3Presetting Nominal Pressure in High Flow Operating Mode....................................................................................... 28
6.4Presetting Nominal Flow in High Flow Operating Mode.............................................................................................. 28
6.5Performing the Function Test in High Flow Operating Mode...................................................................................... 29
6.5.1Filling Tube System with CO2............................................................................................................................................... 31
6.6Using the Device during Surgery......................................................................................................................................... 31
6.6.1Insufflating with Veress Cannula......................................................................................................................................... 31
6.6.2Insufflating with the Trocar................................................................................................................................................... 32
6.6.4Stop the Insufflation................................................................................................................................................................ 32
7Using and Controlling the PNEUMO SURE High Flow Insufflator in Pediatric Operating Mode....................................... 34
7.1Device-Specific Dangers when Using the PNEUMO SURE High Flow Insufflator in Pediatric Operating
7.3Presetting Nominal Pressure in Pediatric Operating Mode......................................................................................... 36
7.4Presetting Nominal Flow in Pediatric Operating Mode ................................................................................................ 37
7.5Performing the Function Test in Pediatric Operating Mode before Using the Device during Surgery............ 38
7.5.1Filling Tube System with CO2............................................................................................................................................... 40
7.6Using the Device during Surgery......................................................................................................................................... 40
7.6.1Insufflating with Veress Cannula......................................................................................................................................... 40
7.6.2Insufflating with the Trocar................................................................................................................................................... 41
7.6.4Stop the Insufflation................................................................................................................................................................ 41
8Using and Controlling the PNEUMO SURE XL High Flow Insufflator in Bariatric Operating Mode................................... 43
8.1Device-Specific Dangers when Using the PNEUMO SURE High Flow Insufflator in Bariatric Operating
8.3Presetting Nominal Pressure in Bariatric Operating Mode.......................................................................................... 46
8.4Presetting Nominal Flow in Bariatric Operating Mode................................................................................................. 46
8.5Performing the Function Test in Bariatric Operating Mode before Using the Device during Surgery............ 47
8.5.1Filling Tube System with CO2............................................................................................................................................... 48
8.6Using the Device during Surgery......................................................................................................................................... 49
8.6.1Insufflating with Veress Cannula......................................................................................................................................... 49
8.6.2Insufflating with the Trocar................................................................................................................................................... 49
8.7Stop the Insufflation................................................................................................................................................................ 50
9Using and Controlling the PNEUMO SURE XL High Flow Insufflator in Vessel Harvest Operating Mode......................... 51
9.1Device-Specific Dangers when Using the PNEUMO SURE XL High Flow Insufflator in Vessel Harvest Ope-
9.3Presetting Nominal Pressure in Vessel Harvest Operating Mode.............................................................................. 53
9.4Presetting Nominal Flow in Vessel Harvest Operating Mode ..................................................................................... 54
9.5Performing the Function Test in Vessel Harvest Operating Mode before Using the Device during Surgery. 54
9.5.1Filling Tube System with CO2 ............................................................................................................................................... 55
9.6Using the Device during Surgery......................................................................................................................................... 56
9.6.1Insufflation with Vessel Harvest Instrument................................................................................................................... 56
9.6.2Stop the Insufflation................................................................................................................................................................ 57
10Configuration Menu (Overview)......................................................................................................................................... 58
10.1Configuration menu I.............................................................................................................................................................. 60
10.1.1Setting First Nominal Pressure............................................................................................................................................. 60
10.1.2Setting the Venting Controls................................................................................................................................................. 61
10.1.3Setting the Gas Supply Type.................................................................................................................................................. 62
10.1.4Setting the Alarm Volume..................................................................................................................................................... 63
10.2Configuration menu II............................................................................................................................................................. 64
10.2.1Setting the Gas Flow Rates*.................................................................................................................................................. 64
10.2.2Setting First Nominal Gas Flow*.......................................................................................................................................... 64
10.2.3Setting the Maximum Nominal Pressure.......................................................................................................................... 65
10.2.4Setting the Flow Safety Limit*.............................................................................................................................................. 66
10.2.5Setting the Warning signal: Occlusion .............................................................................................................................. 66
10.3.2Setting the Language.............................................................................................................................................................. 67
12Care and Maintenance........................................................................................................................................................ 74
12.1Cleaning the Device................................................................................................................................................................. 74
12.3Maintenance by Authorized Service Technician.............................................................................................................. 74
12.4Replacing the Fuse ................................................................................................................................................................... 75
12.5Care and Maintenance of Reusable Tube Set................................................................................................................... 75
12.5.1Cleaning the Reusable Tube Set........................................................................................................................................... 76
12.5.2Disinfecting the Reusable Tube Set..................................................................................................................................... 76
12.5.3Sterilization of Reusable Tube Set ....................................................................................................................................... 76
13.2Basic Function Test (in High Flow Operating Mode)...................................................................................................... 78
13.3Testing the Pressure Sensors in High Flow Operating Mode....................................................................................... 79
13.4Pressure Monitoring Test in High Flow Operating Mode.............................................................................................. 80
High Flow Insufflator .............................................................................................................................................................. 85
14.7Recommended Safety Distances Between Portable and Mobile HF Telecommunications Devices and the
PNEUMO SURE High Flow Insufflator................................................................................................................................. 86
15Error and Warning Messages.............................................................................................................................................. 87
17Accessories for PNEUMO SURE High Flow Insufflator........................................................................................................ 90
17.1Accessories for Sale in USA.................................................................................................................................................... 90
17.2Accessories for Sale Outside of the USA............................................................................................................................ 91
18Warranty and Service ......................................................................................................................................................... 93
Index ................................................................................................................................................................................... 96
1Important User Notes
Read the manual carefully and become familiar with the operation and function
of the device and the accessories before use during surgical procedures. Non-observance of the instructions listed in this manual can lead
• to life-threatening injuries of the patient,
• to severe injuries of the surgical team, nursing staff or service personnel, or
• to damage or malfunction of device and/or accessories.
technical data of the supplied product through continued product development.
marked with these words must be read especially attentively.
The safety and/or health of the patient, user, or a third party are at risk. Comply
with this warning to avoid injury to the patient, user, or third parties.
These paragraphs include information provided to the operator concerning the
intended and proper use of the device or accessories.
Important User Notes
Subject to technical changesThe manufacturer reserves the right to modify the appearance, graphics, and
Please noteThe words DANGER, WARNING, and NOTE carry special meanings. Sections
Here you will read information about the maintenance of the device or the ac-
Safety Information
2Safety Information
Federal Law (only for U.S. market)U.S. federal law restricts use of this device to use by or on the o rder of a p hysici an.
Exclusion of liabilityThe manufacturer is not liable for direct or consequential damage and the war-
ranty is null and void if:
• the device and/or the accessories are improperly used, prepared, or maintained,
• the instructions and rules in the manual are not adhered to,
• non-authorized persons perform repairs, adjustments, or alterations on or to
the device or accessories,
• non-authorized persons open the device,
• the prescribed inspection and maintenance schedules are not adhered to.
Receipt of technical documentation from the manufacturer does not authorize
individuals to perform repairs, adjustments, or alterations on or to the device or
Authorized service technicianOnly an authorized service technician may perform repairs, adjustments, or al-
terations on the device or accessories and use the service menu. Any violation will
void the manufacturer's warranty. Authorized service technicians are only
trained and certified by the manufacturer.
Care and maintenanceThe service and maintenance of the device and its accessories has to be carried
out as per instructions to ensure the safe operation of the device. For the protection of the patient and the operating team, check that the device is complete and
functional before each use.
ContaminationBefore shipping, decontaminate device and accessories in order to protect the
service personnel. Follow the instructions listed in this manual. If this is not possible,
• the product must be clearly marked with a contamination warning and
• is to be double-sealed in safety foil.
The manufacturer has the right to reject contaminated products for repair.
Waste management
This symbol indicates that the waste of electrical and electronic equipment must
not be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste and must be collected separately
instead. Please contact the manufacturer or an accordingly authorized disposal
or waste management company for further information.
Safety Information
Condensation / Water penetration
Protect device from moisture. Do not use if moisture has penetrated the device.
Original accessories
For your own safety and that of your patient, use only original accessories.
Check all factory settings.
Factory settings are not mandatory settings for the physician. The physician is re-
sponsible for all settings affecting the surgical procedure.
Technique and procedures
Only the physician can evaluate the clinical factors involved with each patient
and determine if the use of this device is indicated. The physician must deter-
mine the specific technique and procedure that will accomplish the desired clinical effect.
Check to make sure the available mains voltage matches the data listed on the
type label attached to the back of the device. Incorrect voltage can cause errors
and malfunctions and may destroy the device.
Not explosion-proof
The device is not explosion-proof. Do not use in an area where flammable anes-
thetic gases are present.
Risk of electrical shock
To prevent electrical shock, do not open this device. Never open this device your-
self. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
Replacing fuse
Replace the fuse only with a fuse of the same type and rating.
Professional qualification
This manual does not include descriptions or instructions for surgical proce-
dures/techniques. It is also not suitable for training physicians in the use of surgical techniques. Medical accessories and devices may be used only by physicians
and medical assistants under the direction of a physician with the appropriate
Safety Information
technical qualification.
Function test
The function test must be performed prior to each surgery.
Sterile mediums and accessories
Always work exclusively with sterile substances and mediums, sterile fluids, and
sterile accessories if so indicated.
Cleaning the device
Do not sterilize the device.
Replacement device and accessories
In case the device or any of the accessories fail during surgery, a replacement device and replacement accessories should be kept within easy reach to be able to
finish the operation with the replacement components.
Device-inherent dangers
Read the warnings specific to this device in chapter 3.3 General Device-Inherent
Device defect
If a device defect is suspected or confirmed, do not use it. Make sure the device
can no longer be used until a qualified service technician conducts the appropriate tests and repairs.
The device may only be connected with endoscopes designed for and featuring
the technical specification permitting such a combined use. Any utilized endoscopes must comply with the most recent versions of EC 60601-2-18 and
ISO 8600.
3Device Purpose
CO2 during diagnostics and/or therapeutical laparoscopy. High Flow operating
mode, Pediatric operating mode, and Bariatric operating mode of the device are
used in conjunction with a laparoscope to fill and distend a peritoneal cavity with
gas. Pediatric operating mode is designed specifically for use on newborns, infants, and children. Vessel Harvest operating mode is used to create a cavity
along the saphenous vein and/or the radial artery during an endoscopic vessel
harvesting procedure.
Two alternative configurations are provided:
1. PNEUMO SURE High Flow Insufflator contains the applications
High Flow operating mode -> Insufflation for adults and the
Pediatric operating mode -> Insufflation for infants and children.
2. PNEUMO SURE XL High Flow Insufflator contains the applications
High Flow operating mode -> Insufflation for adults and the
Pediatric operating mode -> Insufflation for infants and children,
Bariatric operating mode -> Insufflation for morbidly obese patients,
Vessel Harvest operating mode -> Insufflation for Vessel Harvesting proce-
Device Purpose
Intended useThe PNEUMO SURE High Flow Insufflator serves to create a cavity by insufflating
The PNEUMO SURE XL configuration is available directly or via software upgrade.
High Flow operating mode, Pediatric operating mode, and Bariatric operating
mode of the device are used in conjunction with a laparoscope to fill and distend
a peritoneal cavity with gas. Bariatric operating mode is used for laparoscopic
surgery on morbidly obese patients.
Vessel Harvesting operating mode is used to create a cavity along the saphenous
vein and/or the radial artery during an endoscopic vessel harvesting procedure.
3.1Laparoscopy Applications
3.1.1Using High Flow Operating Mode
High Flow operating mode is designed explicitly for laparoscopies performed on
normal weight and slightly obese (BMI < 30 kg/m2) patients over the age of 14.
While in High Flow operating mode, the insufflator limits the pressure to max. 30
mm Hg and the gas flow rate to max. 40 l/min. The device measures the pressure
within the abdomen and compares the nominal with the actual abdominal pressure. The function of the device is to maintain the nominal pressure. Any overpressure within the abdomen is lowered to the preset nominal pressure by the
automatic venting system.
3.1.2Using Pediatric Operating Mode
Pediatric operating mode is designed specifically for use on newborns, infants,
and children. While in Pediatric operating mode, the insufflator limits the pressure to max. 20 mmHg and the gas flow rate to max. 20 l/min. When used on
children, the device should be set depending on the selected nominal flow and
the age and weight of the treated child as outlined in the table below:
Age GroupWeightFlow Range
Children younger than 1
Children between 1 and
3 years
Children between 3 and
4 years
Children between 4 and
14 years
approx. 1-9 kg0.1 -0.5 l/min
approx. 10-15 kg0.5 -1.0 l/min
approx. 16-19 kg1.0 -2.0 l/min
> 20 kg> 2.0 l/min
Device Purpose
If the nominal flow is set too low, the nominal pressure cannot be reached. Check
for possible leaks. Due to the special operating method used during the Pediatric
application, the speed of equalizing the leak is slower than when using the High
Flow application (lower effective flow in the Pediatric application).
3.1.3Using Bariatric Operating Mode
Bariatric operating mode is used for laparoscopies performed on severely overweight (BMI > 30 kg/m
pressure to max. 30 mm Hg and the gas flow to max. 45 l/min. This operating
mode delivers rapid insufflation of large volumes.
) adults. While in Bariatric mode, the insufflator limits the
3.1.4Contraindications for Laparoscopy Applications
ContraindicationsThe device may not be used to fill an abdomen with CO2 if a laparoscopy is con-
traindicated. Please consult the manual of your laparoscope for absolute and relative contraindications. The device is not suitable for hysteroscopic insufflations,
i.e., it may not be used to distend the uterus.
The gas flow may not exceed 14 l/min when performing a laparoscopy on infants
or patients weighing less than 25 kilos.
3.2Using Vessel Harvest Operating Mode
Before using the insufflator to harvest vessels, please check whether the used in-
strument is intended for surgical procedures using CO2.
Vessel Harvest operating mode is designed for the controlled insufflation of
medical-grade CO2 when harvesting vessels (veins and arteries) during a minimally invasive procedure within the scope of heart bypass surgery. While in Vessel Harvest operating mode, the insufflator limits the pressure to max.
20 mm Hg and the gas flow rate to max. 10 l/min. Surgery to harvest vessels requires the use of a special instrument.
ContraindicationsThe device may not be used for the endoscopic harvesting of vessels if this surgi-
cal application is contraindicated. Please consult the manual of the instrument
for absolute and relative contraindications.
3.3General Device-Inherent Dangers
Positioning the patient
Always position the patient lower than the device to prevent body fluids from
leaking into the insufflation tube. Actual pressure may increase and fluid may
penetrate the insufflation tube if the patient is repositioned during surgery. If
this occurs, immediately disconnect the insufflation tube. When the patient is
repositioned onto his or her side, internal tissue may block the insufflation channel. Always insufflate through the elevated side of the patient.
Removing the insufflation tube
Always disconnect the insufflation tube after ending surgery and before switch-
ing off the device to prevent backflow of bodily fluids. Fluid may penetrate the
insufflation tube whenever you change the gas bottle and/or when you stop the
gas flow during the operation. If this happens, you must immediately disconnect
the insufflation tube from the trocar or from the device.
Body secretions or contaminated gas may backflow into the device through the
insufflation tube if
• a filter is not used,
• the actual pressure is higher than the nominal pressure or
• the automatic venting valve is activated.
Gas flow
A high gas flow can occur due to large leaks within the surgical system or instru-
ment. This can result in a false actual pressure reading, which in turn may endanger the patient. In case of a disrupted gas flow, you should therefore inspect
device, tube, and instruments immediately. Surgical applications should be carried out with a gas flow of 4-10 l/min. An even lower gas flow is recommended
for diagnostic purposes. It is recommended to perform endoscopies with the
lowest gas flow possible.
Keep filled CO2 bottle on hand
Always keep a filled CO2 bottle on hand ready for replacement. This avoids hav-
ing to interrupt surgery due to a lack of insufflation gas (see chapter 4.1.1 Connecting a Gas Bottle).
Device Purpose
Do not use device and/or accessories if signs of contamination are detected.
Make sure the device or/and accessories can no longer be operated until a qual-
ified service technician conducts the appropriate tests and repairs.
Fatigue symptoms
When there is a high level of CO2 consumption, you should make sure to supply
the operating area with enough fresh air, since an increasing CO2 level in the air
can cause the medical personnel to suffer fatigue symptoms, an inability to concentrate, unconsciousness, or even death.
The venting rate of the automatic venting system is limited. Always monitor the
actual pressure when using additional insufflation sources.
Contaminated filter
Replace a contaminated filter immediately during surgery to ensure unhindered
gas flow.
Connecting the tube
Always use the proper tube set for the device. The tube outlet may only be con-
Device Purpose
nected to instruments which are intended for intra-abdominal CO2-insufflation.
Electronic device control
Do not close the valve at the trocar sleeve during surgery. The electronic control
unit of the device adjusts the actual pressure as desired.
Medically pure CO2
Make sure to use only medically pure CO2. Other gases (i.e., helium, N2O, argon),
mixtures of gases, high pressure compressed gases, gases with entrapped liquids, or polluted gases must not be used with this device.
Service connection
Connected devices have to comply with the EN 60950 standard. Do not connect
a device to the service connection during surgery.
Electrical Interference
(See chapter 14 Electromagnetic compatibility). Electrical interference with other devices or instruments was practically eliminated when developing this devic-
es and none was detected during testing. However, if you still detect or suspect
such interference, please follow these suggestions:
• Move this, the other or both devices to a different location
• Increase distance between used devices
• Consult an electro-medical expert
Peripheral devices
Additional peripheral equipment connected to interfaces of the medical monitor
has to meet the requirements of the following specifications: IEC 60601-2-18 /
EN 60601-2-18 for endoscopic devices and IEC 60601-1 / EN 60601-1 for electrical medical devices. All configurations have to comply with IEC 60601-1 / EN
60601-1 specifications. Whoever connects additional equipment to signal output or signal input is considered the system configurator and as such is responsible for complying with requirements of the standard IEC 60601-1 / EN 60601-1.
3.3.1Device-Inherent Dangers - Laparoscopy
Because pediatric patients are especially susceptible to hypercapnia, it is recom-
mended to establish an end-tidal CO2 monitoring routine.
Gas flow limit
The gas flow may not exceed 14 l/min when performing a laparoscopy on new-
borns or patients weighing less than 25 kg (approx. 55 US pounds).
Children are at risk of a pneumolabium or pneumoscrotum.
Increased airway pressure/compression of the vena cava
When using the pediatric application of the device on children, an increased risk
of high airway pressure and/or compression of the vena cava (low input syndrome) exists.
Idiosyncratic reactions
Patients with sickle cell anemia or pulmonary insufficiency may have a higher
risk of metabolic imbalance related to excessive CO2 absorption (idiosyncratic
CO2 absorption
CO2 is absorbed during insufflation (intravasation). This means the body absorbs
part of the CO2 gas used for insufflation. CO2 concentrations in the blood or respiratory system that are too high can lead to death of the patient in extreme
cases. To lower this risk, always carefully and closely monitor the patient's vital
signs during the entire insufflation process and make sure patient is breathing
well. Sufficient respiration can help avoid or limit problems with CO2. High pressure or a high gas flow promotes CO2 absorption. The abdomen is sufficiently
distended using a pressure between 10 to 15 mm Hg. Pressure values above
15 mm Hg are required for only a few cases but do increase the risk of intravasation. Never exceed the max. intra-abdominal pressure of 30 mm Hg.
Device Purpose
Metabolic and cardiac reactions
Insufflating CO2 may result in metabolic acidosis. This can lead to cardiac irregularities expressed with the following symptoms:
• Reduced respiration with restricted diaphram function
• Hypercapnia
• Reduction of venous reflux
• Reduced cardiac output
• Metabolic acidosis
Hypothermia/monitoring body temperature
The gas flow can lead to a lowering of the patient's body temperature during in-
sufflation. Hypothermia during insufflation can cause heart and cardiovascular
problems. The risk for hypothermia can be significantly reduced with the use of
gas that is pre-warmed to body temperature. Always monitor the patient's body
temperature during the entire insufflation. Make especially sure that the following, hypothermia promoting, surgical conditions are avoided as best as possible:
• High gas flow due to large leaks
• Long surgeries
• Use of cold (not preheated) irrigation and infusion solutions
Device Purpose
Insufflation can lead to dehydration of the tissue. This can result in organ tissue
damage and cardiovascular reactions of the patient. Long surgeries and large
leaks increase the risk of dehydration (especially at the insertion points of the
trocars or when changing instruments).
Improper placement of the insufflation instrument could cause insufflation of
gas into a vessel, resulting in air or CO2 embolisms. To reduce the risk of air or
CO2 embolism, perform initial insufflation at a low flow rate and ensure that the
insufflation instrument is correctly positioned. Check the position of the insufflation instrument immediately if the actual pressure rapidly reaches the nominal pressure value. CO2 embolisms can also be caused by a high intra-abdominal
pressure. Avoid high-pressure settings and close damaged blood vessels at once.
Additional insufflation sources
The use of additional insufflation sources increases the intra-abdominal pressure. Continuously monitor intra-abdominal pressure over the course of the en-
tire insufflation if additional sources are used.
Automatic venting system
Make sure the automatic venting system is activated (see chapter 10 Configura-
tion Menu (Overview), page 58) when using Pediatric application and an additional insufflation source. It is not possible to use an additional insufflation
source when the automatic venting system is deactivated.
Only specially trained and qualified personnel may use this device on children or
for the endoscopic vessel harvesting procedure.
3.3.2Device-Inherent Dangers - Vessel Harvesting
Before using the insufflator to endoscopic harvest vessels, please check whether
the used instrument is intended for CO2 insufflation.
When a vessel is harvested from the leg of a patient with a perforated groin, it is
possible for CO2 to reach the abdomen and cause a pneumoperitoneum. Make
sure the abdomen does not fill with CO2 during surgery.
Idiosyncratic reactions
Patients with sickle cell anemia or pulmonary insufficiency may have a higher
risk of metabolic imbalance related to excessive CO2 absorption (idiosyncratic
CO2 absorption
Due to the special surgical procedures - start of the heart bypass operation, and
the endoscopic removal of the vessel - special care has to be taken as CO2 is al-
ways absorbed through the tissue of the patient during insufflation (intravasation). This means the body absorbs part of the CO2 gas used for insufflation. CO2
concentrations in the blood or respiratory system that are too high can lead to
death of the patient in extreme cases. To lower this risk, always carefully and
closely monitor the patient's vital signs during the entire insufflation process
and make sure patient is breathing well. Sufficient respiration can help avoid or
limit problems with CO2. High pressure or a high gas flow promotes CO2 absorption.
Metabolic and cardiac reactions
Due to the special surgical conditions - start of the heart bypass surgery and vessel harvesting - it is especially important to remember the existing risk of meta-
bolic acidosis when insufflating with CO2. This can lead to cardiac irregularities
expressed with the following symptoms:
• Reduced respiration with restricted diaphram function
• Hypercapnia
• Reduction of venous reflux
• Reduced cardiac output
• Metabolic acidosis
Device Purpose
Insufflation can lead to dehydration of the tissue. This can result in organ tissue
damage and cardiovascular reactions of the patient. Long surgeries and large
leaks increase the risk of dehydration (especially at the insertion points of the
trocars or when changing instruments).
Improper placement of the insufflation instrument could cause insufflation of
gas into a vessel, resulting in air or CO2 embolisms. To reduce the risk of air or
CO2 embolism, perform initial insufflation at a low flow rate and ensure that the
insufflation instrument is correctly positioned. Check the position of the insufflation instrument immediately if the actual pressure rapidly reaches the nominal pressure value. CO2 embolisms can also be caused by a high pressure. Avoid
high-pressure settings and close damaged blood vessels at once.
Only specially trained and qualified personnel may use this device on children or
for the endoscopic vessel harvesting procedure.
Initial Device Startup
4Initial Device Startup
Delivery inspectionAlways check all parts and accessories of the device immediately after receiving
the shipment. The manufacturer considers only replacement claims that have
been immediately submitted or reported to a sales representative or an authorized service company.
Setting up the devicePlace the device on a level surface and install in a dry environment. The ambient
temperature and humidity must meet the requirements mentioned in chapter
16 Technical Data, page 89.
Not explosion-proof
The device is not explosion-proof. Do not use in an area where flammable anes-
thetic gases are present.
Mains connection
Check to make sure the available mains voltage matches the data listed on the
type label attached to the back of the device. Incorrect voltage can cause errors
and malfunctions and may destroy the device.
Make sure the connection data and technical specifications of the power supply
comply with DIN VDE or national requirements. The mains power supply cable
must be plugged into a properly installed safety wall plug (see DIN VDE 0107).
Read the device label located in rear of device (type plate) to determine the operating voltage of the device.
Grounding contactThe power connection must be equipped with a grounding contact. Use the orig-
inal power cable (if included in scope of delivery) to establish a connection between the mains wall socket and the non-heating device plug located in the rear
of the device.
Only for U.S. operatorsOnly use a certified (UL-listed), removable mains connection line, type SJT, mini-
mal 18 AWG, 3 leads. The plug connectors must comply with NEMA 5-15 or IEC
320/CEE22. Grounding will only be reliable if the equipment is connected to a
corresponding hospital grade socket.
Potential equalizationIntegrate the device into the potential equalization system as specified by local
safety rules and regulations.
4.1Gas connection
Medically pure CO2
Make sure to use only medically pure CO2. Other gases (i.e., helium, N2O, argon),
mixtures of gases, high pressure compressed gases, gases with entrapped liq-
uids, or polluted gases must not be used with this device.
Use a high-pressure tube to connect a CO2 gas cylinder to the rear gas inlet connection or connect to centralized CO2 gas supply.
4.1.1Connecting a Gas Bottle
Always use a high-pressure tube to connect gas bottle and device.
The gas bottle must be in a vertical position. The gas bottle pressure may not exceed 80 bar or be less than 15 bar.
Gas bottles with riser pipe can release dirt and oily fluids into the device. Do not
use a gas bottles with riser pipe.
Initial Device Startup
4.1.2Connecting to Central Gas Supply
Use the following device connectors available as additional equipment to connect to a central gas supply (house supply):
• 0620-040-003 for NIST house gas supply or
• 0620-040-002 for DISS house gas supply.
1. Attach the high-pressure tube to the gas connection.
2. Fix the high-pressure tube with the nut.
3. Tighten the nut.
The type of corresponding gas supply must be set in the configuration menu (see
chapter 10.1.3 Setting the Gas Supply Type, page 62).
Familiarize yourself with the control and function elements at the front of the device.
5.2Rear of the Device
(4)(5) (6)
(7) (8)
Familiarize yourself with the connection elements at the rear of the device.
Operating the Device - General
5.3Touch screen display
Set Pressure
mm Hg
Actual Pressure
mm Hg
Mode: High Flow
The above depiction of the touch screen also shows all display and function
fields. Field (9) serves as actual flow display (depicted without frame while insufflating) and also as menu function field (depicted with frame).
Field (12) serves as insufflation operating mode display (depicted without frame
while insufflating) and also as control field for selecting the insufflation operating mode (depicted with frame).
(5)Gas heating connected/ready
(6)Increasing nominal gas flow
(7)Nominal gas flow display
(8)Decreasing nominal gas flow
(9)Actual gas flow display/ menu
function field
(10)START/STOP function field
(11)Status display/error and warning
Press the function field (9) or (12) depicted with frame and hold for 2 seconds to
trigger functions or set values. Additional explanations for individual elements
are presented in the subsequent respective control element descriptions.
bols and acoustic signals (see chapter 11 Safety functions for gas pressure display
> 50 bar
40 - 50 bar
30 - 40 bar
15 - 30 bar; Three warning signals can be heard and the message
"Change gas tank" is displayed. User is advised to obtain a replacement tank.
< 15 bar; Three warning signals can be heard and the message
"Check gas supply" is displayed. Replace gas tank immediately.
Gas supply displaysThe status of the gas supply is monitored by the device and indicated with sym-
Gas supply with gas bottleThe following gas bottle pressures are displayed:
If gas supply pressure declines further, there are warnings to remind the user to
replace the gas tank immediately. Five warning signals can be heard and the
message "Check gas supply" is displayed at < 5 bar and again at 0 bar. Insufflation
stops at 0 bar.
Operating the Device - General
House gas supplyThe following house gas supply pressures are displayed:
House gas supply pressure OK
House gas supply pressure too low
5.4Switch on Device
1. Connect with mains power supply.
2. Connect the gas supply to the gas connection port and open the gas supply.
3. Press the ON/OFF switch. The device switches on.
4. After being switched on, the device performs a device check. The touch screen
depicts the company logo as well as the lines PNEUMO SURE respectively
PNEUMO SURE XL ->Device check ->Device OK is visible for 3 seconds after
the successful completion of the device check. In case the device check failed
and error message is displayed please see chapter 15 Error and Warning Messages for advises.
5. The display depicts an insufflation operating modes overview. Unavailable
operating modes are depicted in gray and cannot be selected. Press the respective function field to select the corresponding desired operating mode
(e.g. High Flow).
Operating the Device - General
5.5Connecting Insufflation Tube Set
Three different insufflation tube set types can be connected to the insufflation
tube connection at the front of the device (see Fig. 5-1 Device Front, page 16,
Heated tube set with
Real-Time Pressure
Sensing (RTP)
High Flow tube set
with Real-Time Pressure Sensing (RTP)
High Flow II tube setDisposable (single use) insufflation tube set with:
Disposable (single use) insufflation tube set with:
• Filter
• Gas heating
• Measuring tube for direct pressure measurement
Disposable (single use) insufflation tube set with:
• Filter
• Measuring tube for direct pressure measurement
• Filter
connection at the front of the device until it snaps firmly into place.
• A short acoustic warning signal is emitted,
• the message Tube set connected is displayed,
• a check mark is displayed.
If the tube is accidentally unlatched by pressing twice or if the tube is removed
during insufflation:
• 2 long acoustic warning signal are emitted,
• the message Tube set not connected is displayed,
Connecting the tube setInsert the plug of the insufflation tube set correctly into the insufflation tube set
Set Pressure
mm Hg
Actual Pressure
mm Hg
Tube set connected
Set Flow
Operating the Device - General
Removing the tube setPress the plug of the insufflation tube in the direction of the device. This releases
the snap-in latch and you are now able to remove the insufflation tube set.
• 2 long acoustic warning signal are emitted,
• the message Tube set not connected is displayed,
5.6Using the Gas Heating
Connecting the gas heatingUse the heating tube to insufflate lukewarm gas (37° C).
1. Switch device on.
2. Connect an insufflation tube with gas heating (Heated tube set with RealTime Pressure Sensing (RTP).
The heating module is located directly in the insufflation tube.
Fig. 5-4Connecting the gas heating
(1)Plug for insufflation tube with gas
(2)Internal heating
(3)Insufflation tube
(4)Measuring tube
Do not subject the heater tube to direct heat (e.g., operating room lamp, en-
doscop with light source) or high room temperatures.
Gas heating displayThe device automatically determines whether a tube set with or without gas
Set Pressure
mm Hg
Actual Pressure
mm Hg
Set Flow
heating is connected. The display depicts a symbol and the status line reads
Gas heater OK after the successful detection of the corresponding tube set.
High Flow
Gas heater OK
Press the START function field. The gas is automatically heated to 37 °C.
2. Stopping gas heating:
Press the STOP function field. Gas heating is switched off.
3. Pull the tube set plug from the device connection.
Operating the Device - General
Gas heating ON/OFF1. The gas heating is automatically started at the START of the insufflation:
Incorrect/defective heating tubeWhen a defective heating tube set is used,
• the display depicts a crossed out symbol
•the text line reads Gas heater defective <-> Call service,
• and an acoustic signal is emitted (3 short beeps).
Insufflation can be continued in this case, but the heating function is not available.
caused for exemple by external heat sources. If the temperature sensor measures a temperature >42°C, the status field of the display depicts Gas tempera-ture >42 °C; 3 accoustic signals are emitted in addition, the HEATING symbol is
crossed out. Insufflation and the heating function are halted. After 3 seconds,
the display depicts Disconnect luer lock alternating with Cool down tube until
the insufflation is manually restarted.
Unplug the cable of the heating tube from the device if the temperature sensor
measures a gas temperature exceeding >42 °C. Hot gas in the abdomen can lead
to serious injuries.
1. Disconnect the insufflation tube from the trocar or Veress needle.
2. Press the START function field. The device insufflates without heating the
3. Let hot gas escape until the tube is only warm to the touch and then reconnect the device again.
4. Continue surgery without gas heating.
Set Pressure
Actual Pressure
mm Hg
Gas heater defective
mm Hg
Set Flow
Gas temperature exceeds 42 °CThe device is equipped with a temperature sensor to protect against overheating,
Set Pressure
mm Hg
Actual Pressure
Cool down tube
mm Hg
Set Flow
and back on after approx. 10 seconds have expired. Gas heating is reactivated.
2. Should the error message be displayed again, you can continue using the device without gas heating by observing the risks for hypothermia.
3. Call an authorized service technician to check/fix the gas heating.
5.6.1Using the direct pressure measurement function (Real-Time
Pressure Sensing RTP)
The insufflation tube sets "Heated tube set with Real-Time Pressure Sensing
(RTP)" and "High Flow tube set with Real-Time Pressure Sensing (RTP)" are
equipped with a sensor line which enables continuous measuring of the abdominal pressure. The insufflation line must be connected to one trocar and the measuring line (sensor line) to a second trocar. This set-up enables the PNEUMO SURE
XL High Flow Insufflator to directly measure the actual abdominal pressure while
in High Flow-, Pediatric- and Bariatric operating mode. The "Real-Time Pressure
Sensing" is deactivated during the Vessel Harvest operating mode. The use of an
insufflation tube without a second measurement/sensor line only allows the intermittent measuring of the pressure.
Insufflation is initially always started intermittently. Availability of the "Real-
Check gas heating after surgery1. Check gas heating after surgery using a different tube. Turn the device off
Pull apart at seam as
much as needed
at second trocar
at insufflation trocar
Operating the Device - General
Time Pressure Sensing" functionality is checked automatically. If this is the case,
the device switches to a continuous mode. This is indicated by the corresponding
symbol on the display:
The symbol is removed if continuous pressure measurement is currently not
possible or if insufflation is stopped.
A closed, obstructed or disconnected pressure sensing line will disable the real-
time pressure sensing function. In this case the device will operate in the conventional intermittent insufflation mode.
Error detection and monitoring of the "RealTime Pressure Sensing (RTP)" function
The continuous pressure measurement function is verified during the initial device self check. Should a defect within the measuring system be detected, three
acoustic warning signals are emitted. The symbol is crossed out and the status line reads as follows: RTP defective / Call Service.
A detected defect within continuous pressure measurement does not generally
hinder use of the device, however without the RTP function. Disconnect the measuring channel and perform the surgery in the intermittent insufflation mode.
The acoustic warning on the defective RTP will be emitted with every activation/
deactivation of the insufflation as long as the pressure measurement function
remains defective.
Do not attach a trocar to the pressure measurement / sensor line if the message
"RTP defective / Call Service" is displayed. Perform surgery only in the conven-
tional intermittent insufflation mode without using the real-time pressure sensing function.
In case of a closed sensor line or with pressure on the sensor or the insufflation
line during the initial device self check the real-time pressure sensing function
will not be activated and the will be crossed out. Three acoustic warning signals are emitted, the status line readsas follows: RTP deactivated. The device can
be operated in the conventional intermittent insufflation mode. In order to activate the RTP function the sensor line must be cleared, possible pressure released
and the device rebooted by turning it off and back on.
Leakage detection with function "RealTime Pressure Sensing (RTP)"
When working with a tube set permitting the use of the RTP function, please
make sure that both lines are open upon activation of the device and there is
pressure neither on the sensor line nor on the insufflation line. Otherwise the
real-time pressure sensing function (RTP) will not be recognized and activated
during the initial device self check.
In case of an occlusion or a leakage in the sensor line during insufflation the device will automatically switch from the RTP operating mode into the conventional intermittent insufflation mode.
If the system detects a leak at the RTP connection regardless of the insufflation
• 2 long acoustic warning signal are emitted,
•the RTP symbol is no longer depicted,
• the message Check/change tube set is displayed,
• the usual intermittent pressure measuring is enabled again,
• the function of the occlusion detection is disabled.
The device can be equipped with up to 4 procedure modes. Procedure options can
be released or uploaded in different combinations depending on the order or
software upgrade.
1. Control or selection of the insufflation modes can be done only while insufflation is stopped. Press the function field for 2 s to change the insufflation
operating mode.
2. The display depicts an insufflation operating modes overview. Unavailable
operating modes are depicted in gray and cannot be selected. Press the respective function field to select the corresponding desired operating mode
(e.g. Pediatric).
3. After pressing the function field for the insufflation operating mode, the display depicts the selected procedure (e.g. Pediatric operating mode). The displayed parameters correspond with the factory settings or the values set in
the Configuration menu (see chapter 10.1 Configuration menu I, page 60).
5.6.3Setting the Nominal Pressure - General
Press the function fields or on the display below the text line Set Pressure to
set the nominal pressure.
Applies to all modes:
• The nominal pressure can be increased or decreased during insufflation or
while insufflation is stopped.
• With every touch of the pressure function field or the nominal pressure is
increased/reduced in steps of 1 mm Hg. When pressing the pressure function
field or longer than 1,5 seconds, scrolling is activated but only up to the respective, application-dependent safety threshold. Once this limit has been
reached, the status line depicts the message Safety limit and the actual value
flashes. To allow settings above the safety threshold release the pressure function field for 2 seconds. The display switches back to the status display. Now it
is possible to increase the pressure above the safety threshold but only to the
next safety threshold (as far as existent) or to the maximum setting.
• The latest working settings are stored with interruption of the insufflation, but
only if the last value was below the lowest safety threshold (15 mm Hg for High
Flow and Bariatric operating mode, 12 mm Hg with Pediatric operating mode
and Vessel Harvest operating mode). Otherwise the set pressure value is reset
to the lowest safety threshold upon deactivation of insufflation.
• The latest settings are reset to the values preselected in the Configuration
menu when deactivating the device or when changing into the Configuration
menu or the Mode Selection menu. Upon choice of the respective working
mode the nominal settings as stored in the Configuration menu are displayed
(see chapter 10.1 Configuration menu I, page 60).
Mode: High Flow
5.6.4Setting the Nominal Flow - General
Press the function fields or on the display below the text line Set Flow to set
the nominal flow.
Applies to all modes:
Operating the Device - General
• The nominal flow can be increased or decreased during insufflation or while insufflation is stopped.
• With every touch of the flow function field or the nominal flow is increased/reduced in steps of 1 l/min. When working within the range of 0.1 to
1 l/min in Pediatric mode, the value is increased/reduced 0.1 l/min. When
pressing the flow function field or longer than 1.5 seconds, scrolling is ac-
tivated but only up to the respective, application-dependent safety threshold.
Once this limit has been reached, the status line depicts the message Safetylimit and the actual value flashes. To allow settings above the safety threshold
release the function field for 2 seconds. The display switches back to the status
display. Now it is possible to increase the flow above the safety threshold but
only to the next safety threshold (as far as existent) or to the maximum setting.
• The latest working settings are stored with interruption of the insufflation, but
only if the last value was below the lowest safety threshold (5l/min for Pedi-atric operating mode and 6l/min for Vessel Harvest operating mode). Other-
wise the set flow value is reset to the lowest safety threshold upon
deactivation of insufflation.
• The latest settings are reset to the values preselected in the Configurationmenu when deactivating the device or when changing into the Configuration
menu or the Mode Selection menu. Upon choice of the respective working
mode the nominal settings as stored in the Configuration menu are displayed
(see chapter 10 Configuration Menu (Overview), page 58).
• The flow safety thresholds can be deactivated in the Configuration menu.
5.6.5Gas Consumption Display
The gas consumption display depicts the insufflated volume of the gas in liters
since the last "resetting" of the display. The display indicates values between 0.0
liter and 9.9 liter in increments of 0.1 and between 10 liter to 999 liter in increments of 1.
Resetting the displayThe gas consumption display can be reset to 0.0 while insufflation is started as
well as stopped. Press the gas consumption display/function field to reset the gas
consumption display.
5.6.6Starting/Stopping Insufflation
The START or STOP function field is displayed differently depending on operating
Set Pressure
mm Hg
Mode: High Flow
Actual Pressure
mm Hg
Set Flow
Start insufflation:
The START function field is displayed while insufflation is stopped. Press this field
to start insufflation.
The status display depicts the selected insufflation mode (e.g. Mode: High Flow).
The insufflation mode display depicts Change Mode.
Start insufflation by pressing the START function field.
Activated insufflation:
The status line depicts Insufflation and the name of the selected insufflation
mode (e.g. Insufflation: High Flow or Veress insufflation).
The frames around the insufflation mode display and the actual gas flow (menu
access) are hidden. This signals that these function fields are inactive during this
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